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Next update hope you will enjoy especially Sukorian  😘

Kalyani is on the way to malhas house.

A girl, is screaming as she gets fallow from a stranger man
Kalyani spots someone taking photos.
She catches the guy and says girls don't like guys like him who hide and take pictures. Girls like guys who are straight forward. The guy toke pictures from her too without asking .

Kalyani is angry
She scolds him and tells him not to dare again to secretly take any girls photos.

Kalyani goes to a store but she sees the guy Still following the girl. She follows them and come to parking lot. The girl screamed to help her. Kalyani comes and asks the guy how can you 😡😡
Kalyani comes and asks the girl why he is following her?

I do not know he has been haunting me for days and today he also takes pictures of me
please mam help me

Kalyani asks the guy to say sorry to the girl for follow her or she will call the police .

The man smiles diabolically 😈and says sorry
but he is increasingly approaching too the girls

She becomes anxious and thinks it might be a rapist
. He tells her that she is her boyfriend .
He loves her and that's why he talks pictures . They planned to run away today as their families wouldn't accept them. Kalyani doesn't listen and screams please help RAPISTS RAPIST.
Everyone comes and beats the guy. The guy tells Kalyani because of her, he lost his love today. He curses her she'll also lose soon .

Kalyani and the girl leave the parking lot

kalyani scolds the girl and asks her to call the police next time

The girl agrees to kalyani and thanks her
Kalyani accompanies her home.

Kalyani sees a shadow , nervously she walks and then shout who is it. Blanket wearing man runs. Kalyani throws stick on him and he falls down. She pins him down and shouts he is the one who toke pictures of the girl , she knows karate

and will expose him in front of all villagers.

But at the same time she is beaten unconscious by two other men from behind and taken in a van😱😱

After a while kalyani is awakened by a strong headache, she tries to catch her head and realizes that something is wrong, her hands are tied up and her mouth is tied up
She tries to scream but it is not possible

She looks around the room is cold and dark

O God, what happened and where am I? 😰
She is getting colder and she is getting more and more scared.

After a long time kalyani hears voices a door opens and she is blinded by a bright light.

To be sure about the situation, Kalyani pretends to be unconscious

She is carried away by the men's

I have to be careful and watch everything properly to get a way out of here

The two strange men talk to each other:

That was not planned the boss will be angry she is not the one he chose
I know but you have seen how she has interfered and caught me while taking pictures
and not to endanger the plan we had to abduct her  otherwise the boss would kill us

She is not so beautiful but not ugly 😉
The boss will think of something for her,
yes but you forgot to say that's she's crazy and wild 🤣🤣🤣 and she kicked you in your ass 😝 the man's laughs 🤣🤣🤣

Kalyani is listen to everything :
well wait until I've freed myself then I'll show you who is not pretty and how wild I really am😤😤

Bosss we are back
They lay Kalyani on the floor

in front of the feet of two men

What is this who is this girl 😡
One of the mans asked

(Atharv one of the dangerous underground gangster)

Boss We are sorry but she got in the way and we had no choice we had to take her with us😓
We do not want anyone to ruin your plan ,
she has discovered us and seen some things so we decided to bring her here , so that you decide what to do

(Malhar Rani the second hand of the underground boss)

Malhar he leans over to kalyani to see who the girl is
He is shocked 😨 what ???how can that be ??

Idiots what have you done 😡😡😡

(Picture is from instagram )

Do you know who the girl is 😡😡😡

The mans are afraid
they stutter n....oo...,nnn..ooo

Malhar scream.... She ist Kalyniiiiiiii

And what is the problem of this Kalyni??? Atharv asked
We will sell her just like the other girls

NOoooo.... she is not like other girls she is not only Kalyni she is Kalyni Malhar Raniiiiiii.......
She is my wife 😡😡😡😡😡

Everyone is shocked 😨

Sorry for the late update hope you like it
please push the star button and comment
and sorry for the mistake of my English 🙈🙈🙈

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