Chapter 18 - "Jump off a cliff!"

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"Look at it this way," Cece said. "You could be traveling on a ship that gets attacked by pirates and you are left to freeze to death in the ocean while everyone you love is sent into slavery before your eyes."

Elliot raised her head off her crossed arms and stared at Cece.

"That's the best alternative I have to going to work with Beck today? Being attacked by pirates?"

Cece shrugged and leaned back in her chair.

"I'm trying to look at the bright side of things here," she said.

Elliot raised her eyebrows.

"Pirates are the bright side?"

"Fine," Cece said, "you could be in Florida laying on a beach, doing nothing."

"You're right," Elliot said. "Pirates are the brighter side."

Cece stood and took a bow.

"Thank you."

She settled back into her seat and picked up her coffee cup.

"What do you plan to do?" she asked.

"Besides cling to my sanity and avoid picking up sharp objects? Not sure."

"There's always the obvious option."

"Yes, but hiring a look a like takes too long and I'm not sure Beck would be fooled."


They sat in silence for a long moment, sipping their coffee with glazed looks as they thought.

"You could-" Cece started.

"Nope, it takes three months and monkeys are hard to come by."

Cece nodded, looking off.

"Right, forgot about the time problem."

They lapsed into silence once more. Beyond the windows the summer sun flooded the sidewalks and peered into houses. Elliot rested her head on her fist, contemplating the far side of the kitchen.

"There's always-"

"We would need a construction crew and Randy isn't talking to me after what happened last March."

Cece looked over at Elliot with a puzzled expression.

"You still haven't resolved that?"

Elliot shrugged.

"He found my insult to his truck highly offensive," she said. "There's no coming back from that."

Elliot took a sip of her coffee. They could hear faint footsteps come from upstairs followed by a muffled curse.

"Oh what about-"

"We would have to pass a Bill to make it happen and Justin still blames you for his surgery."

Cece made a face.

"Okay, well I do take full credit for that," she said.

Elliot set down her cup and rubbed her face, letting out a loud sigh. She kept her face hidden in her hands, glaring at the thoughts in her head.

"It's possible that-"

"He was sent to jail and hates the smell of cats."

Cece rested her chin in her hands, looking disappointed.

"I forgot that."

Elliot dropped her hands away and gave Cece a small smile.

"I appreciate you trying to help me out but there is just one option I can take."

"It won't be that bad."

"You think?"


"Yeah, okay."

Elliot nodded, looking resigned.

"So you want me to call Pacho?"

"Can he have it done by this morning?"

Cece hesitated, her eyes drifting away as she thought.

"It might be too late of a notice."

Elliot stood and waved the subject away.

"Don't bother then. I guess it's time to face the music."

"You're a writer."

"Right. Time to face the editor."

Elliot grabbed her cup and bowl and dumped them into the sink. When she turned back, Cece was standing.

"Where are you going?" Elliot asked.

"I'm coming with you."

"Really? For moral support?"

"No, I want to accidentally punch Beck."

Elliot cocked her head.

"Can you accidentally punch someone?"

"Sure," Cece said. "If you try hard enough."

Elliot shrugged.

"I'll take your word for it. I've only ever intentionally punched someone."

"Accidentally hurts your fist less," Cece said.

"I'll have to try it some time."

The girls walked to the entryway and gathered their purses. Outside the world buzzed with life. Though it was still early heat already drifted up from the pavement. Shrieks of delight could be heard from children who had found the wonder of a hose on a hot day. Humidity clung to the air like a robber clutching a bag of money. Elliot and Cece paused on the top step. Elliot took in a deep breath and let it out.

"Isn't that just lovely?" she said.

Cece nodded.

"Yes, indeed."

"It's like a sweaty sumo wrestler smothering you in a hug," Elliot said.

"Or like someone has shoved you into a wet sock."



Elliot started to move but Cece stuck out her arm, halting her.

"Wait," she said, panic in her voice. "Do you know what this means?"

Elliot's eyes went wide and she glanced back at the house, then at Cece.

"Does he have to leave the house today?" she asked.

Cece wore a look that was a mixture of resigned despair and fear.

"For the entire world's sake," she said, in a solemn tone, "I hope not."

"Should we go check on him and see how he's doing?" Elliot asked.

Cece gave her a shocked look.

"With this much humidity," she said. "I'd rather face a lion, tiger and bear."

"Oh my."

The front door opened and both girls spun around. Tristan stepped out wearing a baseball hat. They edged closer to each other, sharing a nervous glance before looking back at him.

"How are you doing?" Cece asked.

Tristan seemed to only just notice them, his state distracted and his face holding a perpetual scowl.

"How do you think I'm doing," he said, his voice taking on a growl like quality. "I'm wearing a hat."

Cece gave him an encouraging smile, amusement hiding beneath its surface.

"I'm sure the humidity didn't effect your hair that much," she said.

"And really," Elliot added, "you shouldn't base your feelings on the state of your hair."

Tristan glared and they shrank back.

"Do we still have that crossbow?" Cece whispered. "Cause I think we should make a break for the woods and hope it's less humid there by the time he finds us."

Tristan turned away and headed down the stairs.

"Good luck with the rest of your day!" Elliot called out.

"Don't take off the hat and avoid looking into mirrors," Cece yelled.

"Jump off a cliff!" Tristan said.

Both girls watched him as he walked away.

"Do you think we should warn the police about him?" Elliot asked.

"No," Cece said. "They laughed the last time."

Elliot turned to Cece, her expression turning serious.

"We should decide now," she said, "if he murders someone, do we hide him or turn him in?"

"Depends on who he murders."

"Excellent point. If it's Mr. Brown then we blame it on Ms. Newett and make a break for the boarder."


The girls headed down the stairs and moved towards the Common. Everything seemed to sag under the weight of the humid air. Even the tree branches drooped as if they were exhausted old men. Across the Common grass people laid out, some of them looking as if they were melting in the heat.

Elliot opened the door to the office and found that it was empty. She sighed with relief and dropped her purse onto the couch.

"Alright," Cece said. "Since he is not here, then I am going to go. Got things to do."

Elliot frowned.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on my publicist." Cece made an annoyed face and waved her hand in a careless gesture. "He called at three this morning. He was crying and pleading for a new chapter. I figured I should go check up on him to make sure he's not dead."

"You're so thoughtful."

Cece smiled, a devilish glint in her eyes.

"I know, right? Toodles!"

She turned and slipped out of the door. Elliot set the temperature to Arctic freeze and settled on the couch. The coffee table still held all the index cards, mapping out the plot of the story. A frown edged it's way onto her features as she read over each piece of information.

The door opened. Elliot looked up as Beck stepped inside. He hesitated, guilt flashing across his face before it reverted to its usual impassive state. Elliot forced her features into calm, indifference.

"Good, you're here," she said, her voice level. "Let's get started."

Beck took the couch opposite her, setting down his satchel.

"Elliot," Beck said, his voice cautious.

She gave him a look so emotionless and in control it would have stopped a biker gang in its tracks. Beck seemed to falter under her stare.

"Was there something you wanted to say, Beck?" Elliot asked, her tone devoid of her normal carefree inflection.

Beck blinked and his words seemed to suddenly be drowned in inadequacy.

"No," he said.

Elliot held his gaze for a long moment, any trace of camaraderie gone from her look.

"Alright, let's get going then. I want to get this book over with."

Beck run a hand through his hair, dropping Elliot's gaze.

"Sounds good."


Elliot glared at the notecards and fought the urge to throw a chair out the window, closely followed by Beck. His words from the previous day ricocheted in her head and clouded her opinion of the whole story.

The sun was melting into the horizon. Corporate businesses had closed up for the day, flooding with the sidewalks with employees eager to be in the comfort of their air conditioned homes.

"Alright," Elliot said. "That's it for the day. You can go."

Beck stood and hesitated, but Elliot didn't look up. Biting back his words, he grabbed his satchel and left. As he closed the door, Elliot looked over. With a frustrated sigh, she flopped back onto the couch. She stared up at the ceiling. After a long moment, where she argued with the side of her brain that said to tear up the whole story, she stood and snatched her purse.

Outside the remaining heat and humidity of the day hit her, feeling like a massive dog had licked her. She crossed over to the Common. The grass was crowded with half dressed people, all trying to seem unconcerned with the overbearing weather.

Elliot pushed open the door to the cafe and breathed in, as a blast of cold air hugged her. Laughter rang through out the space as the occupants took pleasure in the cool air and their companions. Elliot paused just inside as she watched Milo chatting with a black haired girl.

With an infectious giggle, the girl turned away. Once she saw the girl's face, Elliot recognized her as Milo's friend, Soso. As she walked towards Elliot, Soso smiled.

"Hey!" she said. "It's Elliot, right?"

Elliot nodded, feeling as if the girl's perkiness was as oppressive as the humidity in her current mind set.

"I'll see you around," Soso said, she turned back and waved at Milo.

He returned the wave with a single nod, a smile touching the corner of his mouth. Elliot watched the exchange with only half hearted interest. As Soso left, Elliot trudged to the counter and collapsed on top of it.

"Are you sweating or just melting?" Milo asked.

Elliot shrugged, the gesture awkward in her slumped state.

"Someone did dump water on me and I've often been called a witch, so your guess is as good as mine."

She propped her head up looking at Milo. He rested against the back wall, his arms crossed.

"If I say melting will you bring me my drink faster?" Elliot asked.

Milo shook his head.

"Not likely."

"In that case these are tears of pain and suffering," Elliot said, falling to the counter again.

Milo made a face and shrugged.

"I knew the wizard forgot to give you a heart," Elliot said. "You're wicked."

"Calm down Elphaba, don't go flying monkeys on me, okay?"

Elliot placed her chin on both her fists.

"Does that mean you will get me something to drink?"

"Yes, just stop getting your tears of pain and suffering on the counter. I just wiped it down."

Milo left to make her drink. Elliot moved off to an empty table and settled into a seat. The cafe seemed to be filled with happy faced people, content with their positions in life. Milo brought over her drink and took a seat.

"Since we were on the topic of witches and my lack of a heart, how is Cece doing?" he asked.

"She might have driven her publicist to either a drink or the window ledge. It's really a toss up at this point."

"At least I'm not the only one she's driven to the end of despair."

"It seems to be her favorite pass time."

"I wish she would take up a new hobby. Like taxidermy. At least then her victims would already be put out of their misery."

"Do I detect a trace of bitterness?"

"No, that's just the coffee. You looked like you needed something strong."

"I usually prefer overly fit men, but this will do for now."

"So why do you look like you've just fought a herd of rhinos?" Milo asked.

Elliot rubbered her forehead, trying to drive away her troubled thoughts.

"New work out routine."

"Sounds dangerous. So...?"

Elliot let out a sigh and scowled at nothing in particular.

"I've just had the longest day of my life," she said.

"I thought that was last Tuesday."

Elliot shrugged and made a flippant gesture.

"That's the miracle of longest days, they travel to wherever you need them the least."

Milo leaned back in his chair and nodded as if this was common knowledge.

"Rough day with Beck?" he asked.

"All in all, Beck was fine," Elliot said, "more quiet than normal." She buried her head in her hands letting out a frustrated sigh. "I just hate my story now. All I can think about is what Beck said about it."

She looked up at Milo, his expression was even. Elliot shook her head and ran a hand through her hair.

"The characters seem flat now," she said. "The story meaningless. And I hate that he could be right!"

Elliot dropped her head into her arms, growling at the table.

"El, it seems to me the solution is simple," Milo said.

"Yes, it is but I was hoping to avoid it."

She raised her head and rested her elbows on the table.

"Take Beck's advice. Change the story," Milo said.

Elliot cringed and closed her eyes.

"Don't say it. It hurts to hear it spoken."

"It's your decision, El. What's your alternative?"

"Keep the story the same and slowly loose my sanity."

"That could work. I'm not sure how much sanity you have left so really it was already going to happen."


They sat in silence for a moment, the sounds of conversations and faint strains of music filling the gap between them. Milo looked at Elliot.

"What will you do?"

"I've never liked reality. Might as well give insanity a try."

"I support you in your decision."

Elliot straightened and looked at Milo in surprise.

"You do?" she asked.

"Sure," he said, smiling at her. "To me your family is already crazy, it would change nothing in our relationship."



Today is a special day! Why you ask?

(Nope, we didn't.)

Because today is to today and there will never be anything like it again...
Okay, so yeah I might have started this out with no clue where I was going, let's move on to more interesting things beside my obvious failure.

I want you to tell me what your dream job would be! Hold up, I know you're thinking this is a lame question, but I'm talking ultimate DREAM job! Like I would be Dylan O'Brien's personal chief! Or I would be Niall Horan's arm candy! It can literally be anything! Make up a job and tell me what you would be happy doing for a really long time!

Encourage, Thoughts, Support! Mine would obviously be Grant Gustin's dog walker, because he would see me all the time and how much I love his dogs and fall in love! Duh! 😉

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