Chapter 20 - "That's what it says on my fake ID."

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The door clicked shut behind Beck and Elliot dropped her face into her hands, letting out a long moan.

"I asked for this," she said, "I can't fathom for what reason why I did but I did asked for this. Or maybe I didn't and this is all a cruel trick. The fates have turned against me. Maybe I asked for it when I was mentally unstable. The reason I'm still going along with it is because I'm mentally unstable. That explains why I'm talking to myself. I should stop."

She lifted her head and surveyed the office. The remnants of the crossed out notes cards and balled of pieces of paper had been thrown away. The coffee table was once again neat, though it held fewer cards than it had a couple of days ago.

Elliot flopped back onto the couch, staring out the window. Late afternoon sunlight flitted in and out from behind wispy clouds. The tops of the trees barely reached her windows, the green leaves twisted and twirling. With another long sigh, Elliot pushed herself up and left the office.

A blast of heat charged at her as she stepped out the building and crossed to the Common. She was half across the stretch of grass, when the sudden appearance of a girl, in her late teens, jolted her from her thoughts. The girl gave her a nervous smile and shifted awkwardly.

"Hi," she said. "I know this is kind of weird."

"That is not the first time someone has said that to me," Elliot said.

The girl relaxed and let out a small laugh.

"Are you Elliot MacKenzie?" she asked.

"That's what it says on my fake ID," Elliot said.

The girl gave Elliot a puzzled look.

"Yes, I am," Elliot said.

The girl's face brightened and a look of uncontrollable happiness danced in her blue eyes.

"I was just reading your book," the girl said.

"Really?" Elliot asked. "I mean that's awesome."

The girl's excitement sent her bouncing slightly.

"I was and I looked up and saw you walking, what are the odds?!" she said.

"Very slim, but it seems the odds were in your favor."

The girl held out her book.

"Would you mind signing?" she asked.

Elliot took the book and pulled out a pen.

"Do you want my name or someone else's?" she asked. "I've been working on my Christopher Walken's signature, the key is getting the pause in the middle of his last name."

Elliot looked up and smiled at the girl's baffled expression.

"Joking," she said. "I still haven't mastered it, so I'll just do my name. What's your name?"

"Abby," the girl said.

"Alrighty, then." Elliot said, scrawling out a message and signing her name.

She handed the book back to the girl.

"Here you go. Thanks for reading," she said.

"I love your books! They are the best part of my day!"

Elliot bit back her response of 'Your days have been that bad, huh?' and smiled instead.

"Thanks," she said. "I'm glad you like them."

Abby blushed and pulled out her phone.

"Do you mind?" she asked.

Elliot shook her head.

"Not at all."

Abby held up the phone and book, while Elliot smiled. Once the picture was taken, she took a step back an waved.

"Well, have fun reading the rest of the book," she said.

Abby smiled and hugged the book. Elliot turned and headed towards the cafe, glancing back once to see Abby sitting back on the grass and opening up the book.

Groups of friends sat around tables outside the cafe, relaxed in their conversations. Elliot gave them studying glances before pulling open the door. The chatter doubled in the enclosed space and slipped out the open door as she slipped inside. Milo leaned on the counter, a book in his hand, the other running through his hair.

"Are you actually reading or are you practicing for your magazine cover shoot?" Elliot said.

"I multitask really well," Milo said.

Elliot smirked and rested on the counter, her chin propped on her fists.

"I ran in to a fan today," she said.

Milo turned a page, not bothering to look up.

"You should try to avoid that, some fans get dangerous," he said. "Especially if the blades are too big. They could cut you."

"I signed her book for her."

Milo lowered his book and raised an eyebrow.

"This should be interesting," he said. "What did you put?"

"'Abby, in the case you are being chased by a pack of hippos, run towards the sun, they hate direct sunlight'."

Milo stared at her for a long moment.

"How hard did you run into that fan?" he asked. "Did it knock all the inspiring quotes out of you?"

"What would you have had me put?"

"Literally anything else. Wish upon a star, would be better than that."

Elliot waved her hand and scoffed.

"Please, wishing upon a star only makes you turn into a real boy and she was a girl so it wouldn't work in this instant. I gave her practical knowledge."

Milo shrugged and picked up his book.

"You realize that she would be the only one blinded," he said. "Hippos eyes on are on the side of their heads. It wouldn't affect them."

"Seriously? I hope she doesn't run into a pack of hippos anytime soon."

Milo lifted his hand with his fingers crossed.

"How did working with Beck go today?" he asked.

Elliot sank down onto her fists again.

"I can say with all certainty at this point I don't want to kill him, though I'm not opposed to maiming him."

Milo flipped to a new page.

"At least there is progress."

Elliot nodded and they fell silent. Elliot dropped one hand to the counter and traced the outline of an indentation. Milo glanced at her, over the top of his book.

"Are you going to say it now or do I have to put up with your annoying thoughts for a bit longer?" he asked.

"Why is it my gut reaction to joke when someone compliments me or my books?" she asked.

Elliot lifted her head and looked at Milo. He studied her.

"Because you have low self esteem and have little faith in the quality of your books," he said.

Elliot cocked her head and looked off with a ponderous expression. She then shook her head.

"Nah," she said. "That's not it. I'm awesome."

She looked at Milo with a doubtful look.

"I expected better of you. I thought you would cut straight to the heart of the problem. You failed."

Milo shrugged and went back to reading.

"It's an off day. Come back Friday and I might have something better."

The bell over the door dinged and Elliot and Milo looked over. SoSo walked in and smiled when her gaze met Milo's. Elliot stood.

"I'll let you deal with your customer. Bring me coffee and a scone shaped liked a muffin when you get the chance," she said.

Milo nodded and slid the book into his back pocket as SoSo approached the counter. Elliot responded to SoSo's smile with a wave and headed off to find a table. She was seated and entrenched in the conversations of her fellow cafe companions when Beck stepped up to her table.

"Hey," he said.

Elliot started at the sight of him. He shifted, sliding his hands into the pockets of his shorts.

"Hear any good conversations?" he asked.

Elliot shrugged and looked away, resting her chin oh her fists.

"The couple two tables down seems promising," she said.

"Mind if I sit?"

Elliot looked up at him then nodded. Beck pulled out the chair opposite her and sat down. He tossed his baseball hat on the table and ran a hand through his blonde hair. Elliot glanced at him before resuming her studying of the couple.

"I actually heard an interesting conversation," Beck said.

"Oh?" Elliot said, not looking at him.

"Yeah, it actually was pretty heated."

Elliot looked at him, one raised eyebrow prompting him for more.

"It was interesting," Beck said. "This guy was talking to this girl and he was a total jerk. They were working together and the guy decides to criticize the girl without any thought towards her feelings or her work."

"Sounds like a real idiot," Elliot said.

"The biggest idiot I have ever seen. Really no one else could come close to topping this guy's idiocy."

Elliot turned to him and rested her elbows on the table.

"So what happened?"

Beck leaned back in his chair.

"The girl storms off, rightly so, and when they meet up again, she is professional. As we have already mentioned the guy is an idiot and swallows his apology, dragging out the pain of the situation."

"Idiots tend to do that. What do you think will happen with them?"

"If the guy has any ounce of a brain in his head, he will take the next opportunity to apologize. Now that the girl has decided not to kill him."

"Sounds like a smart plan."

Elliot stared at Beck. He shifted, his face falling into a serious expression.

"Elliot," he said. "What I said was completely out of line and uncalled for. You were right when you called me out for not writing. I had no right to say what I did. I'm truly sorry."

Elliot looked at him for a long moment.

"I tried to have you fired," she finally said.

Beck nodded his head.

"I would have done the same thing," he said.

"I still strongly dislike you."

"That's improved in the last two days. Should I still avoid you when you are holding sharp objects?"

"Only if you know what's good for you."

Beck smiled and Elliot's face softened slightly. The door opened and Cece strolled in, her cheeks pink from the sun and her brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. She smiled at Milo but he didn't look towards her, seemingly too caught up in his conversation with SoSo. Scowling slightly, she cut across the room and stopped before Elliot and Beck. She looked at Beck with an accusatory stare.

"I don't like you and your face is funny looking," she said.

Beck raised an eyebrow and looked at Elliot.

"Cece," she said. "It's cool. He apologized."

Cece's stance relaxed and she smiled.

"Oh in that case, hi Beck," she said.

Beck nodded then stood. He looked at Elliot.

"Thanks for hearing me out and not maiming me," he said.

Elliot shrugged.

"I would be breaking the contract if I did," she said

"Not to mention a couple laws," Cece added.

"Those too," Elliot said.

"Either way I appreciate it," Beck said.

He picked up his hat and gave them a nod before leaving. Cece sank into a chair and looked at Elliot eagerly.

"So writer boy is back in our good books, huh?"

"For now, yes."


Turtle Shells! (Yes, I'm lost for ideas here)

I have a topic I want to talk to you about that you might not think is important but it really is.

A good haircut.

Waaaat? You say? *Crinkets* Okay fine no one said that, but I'm talking about it anyways. So my sister and I were watching this tv show (Hart of Dixie, love it! Full of hot guys) There was a character who was on for awhile then left. He was pretty cute. Well, he comes back a season later with a simple haircut and it turned him from just cute to really hot! My sister and I were stunned! Stunned I tell you! It was crazy. Who knew something so small could make a big difference?!? That's all I have to say. You can add your two cents if you want to!

Vote, comment, follow! Tell me what your best haircut was?

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