Chapter 3 - "We are officially partners in crime."

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"Cece, for crying out loud, sit down!" Elliot said. *

Cece didn't listen and continued to pace around the office.

"I can't, I'm too excited to meet Beck," she said.

"You shouldn't even be here, Cece. It's a contract signing," Elliot said.

"I agree," Nina said, not bothering to look up from her phone.

Cece waved away their comments.

"I had to come. I've been dying to know what he looks like since he said yes a week ago," Cece said.

"I don't see why you should be so excited to meet my arch nemesis," Elliot said, smiling. 

"I think you mean co-writer " 

Elliot waved her hand. "Nuance."

Cece stopped pacing and stared at Elliot with her hands on her hips.

"You speaking of him as your arch nemesis, doesn't bode well for your future relationship," Cece said.

Nina put her phone aside.

"I have to agree with Cece on this one, Elliot."

Elliot cracked a smile and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"It's a joke. I believe Beck's and my future endeavors shall run smoothly." She shrugged. "We just got off on the wrong foot. Don't worry, I plan on retracing our steps and starting on the right one. After the contract I'm going to show him the office and see if he's open to lunch."

"Oh, like a date then!" Cece said.

Elliot's smile fell flat and Cece smirked.

"It's not a date. Just a chance to get comfortable with each other."

"So you're sitting down at a table?"


"And talking about yourself in order to make the future meetings run smoothly?"


"Yup, it's a date."

Elliot glared at Cece.

"Don't you have a chapter you should be writing?" Elliot quipped.

Cece pulled out a chair and flopped into it.

"Of course. Why do you think I'm here?" Cece said. "Gosh, like I would waste an hour just to see someone that I could look up on social media."

"How's the chapter coming?" Elliot asked, leaning on the table.

Cece rested her head back, making a face at the ceiling.

"Well, so far I have dejunked and cleaned the entire house. Replanted the garden and rearranged all the furniture." Cece looked at Elliot. "So you know, splendidly."

Elliot nodded.

"Sounds like it. If you are looking for more inspiration to write, I would love my room cleaned. Books organized alphabetically by title, not author."

"Got it. I appreciate your support," Cece said.

"Anytime. When is the chapter due?"

"Last Wednesday."

"So you're pretty much sticking to the same routine, as usual."

"Pretty much."

The intercom buzzed.

"Beck Daniels is here." a static voice said.

"Thank you. Let him in and tell Matt as well," Nina said.

Cece looked to Elliot with a giddy smile as the door opened. They all stood as Beck stepped inside, followed by Elliot's lawyer. Elliot held back her annoyed scowl as Cece leaned forward, taking in Beck's button down and cardigan with the sleeve pushed up.

"Beck, thank you so much for coming," Elliot said, shaking his hand. "This is my sister Cece."

Cece gave Beck a charming smile.

"It's nice meeting you," Cece said.

"Same," Beck said.

Cece looked to Elliot and winked.

"Well, thanks for letting me stop by," Cece said, grabbing her bag. "I will let you get to it. Toodles!"

The door clicked shut behind Cece and Elliot looked to Matt.

"Shall we get this signed and over with?" Elliot asked.


Matt unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down, everyone else following his lead.

Half an hour later, the sound of a pen scribbling across paper filled the office. Elliot let out a quiet sigh of relief as Beck finished adding his signature to the contract. Matt capped his pen and stowed the contract away. Elliot smiled at Beck.

"That's it, we are officially partners in crime," Elliot said.

"It would appear so," Beck said, evenly.

Elliot hesitated, then pushed forward.

"Well, seeing how this is the case," Elliot said. "I thought I could take you to see the office."

A hint of a frown creased Beck's forehead.

"This office was only temporary for the interviews," Elliot said, reading his confusion. "My real office is across from the Common."

Beck nodded.

"Also, I figured after that it might be a good idea to have lunch," Elliot said. "You know, get to know each other before we start working together."

Something flickered though Beck's expression.

"Okay," Beck said.


Elliot held the door open for Beck.

"This is the office," Elliot said, sweeping her hand wide.

A wall of windows looked out on the Boston Common. In the center of the room were two couches and an arm chair encircling a wooden coffee table. In one corner was a kitchenette.

"The cupboards have mugs, glasses, plates and such," Elliot said, walking over to the kitchenette. "There is also an endless supply of tea, coffee and snacks of all kinds."

Elliot looked back to Beck, who still stood in the doorway, his hands in the pockets of his slacks.

"Let me know if there is something specific you want and I'll have it added," Elliot said.

Beck nodded as he looked over the room, his gaze scrutinizing.

"I tend to write in the arm chair and couch. Sometimes the desk, if I feel like it," Elliot said.

Beck walked to the windows.

"It's a good view," he said.

Elliot joined him.

"It's the reason I chose the place. I like a lot of light and watching the way it changes through out the day," Elliot said.

Beck looked at her, his gaze studying. Elliot fidgeted.

"What do you write on?" she asked. "Computer? Tablet? My sister Cece sometimes writes on her phone. It's how we both started writing and she says it helps at times."

"A YA author?"

Elliot nodded.

"Yes, she is working on her second novel. She will write in here sometimes, but she prefers cafes. Something about the noise and slow wifi helps."

Beck nodded and looked back at the room.

"Typewriter," he said.

Elliot frowned.


"It's what I usually write on."

"Into the whole hipster movement then?"

Beck gave her a blank look.


Elliot gave a slow nod.

"Alright, then why a typewriter?"

Beck shrugged.

"I like the feel of the keys and the way it sounds. I can write on a computer though, the sound bothers most people," Beck said.

"Computer would probably be best." Elliot looked around the office. "Any questions? Complaints? Compliments?"

Beck gave the room one last look, then shook his head.

"Lunch?" Elliot asked.

Beck looked at her.

"After you." 

The hostess looked up and smiled as Elliot and Beck stepped into the restaurant. Soft classical music drifted over the heads of the diners. Cool Spring light filled the restaurant.

"Ms. McKenzie, it's good to see you again," the hostess said, stepping forward.

"Hi Anita. Do you have a table by the windows, preferably towards the back, that's open?" Elliot asked.

The hostess gave her a bright smile.

"Let me just check."

Elliot turned to Beck as Anita disappeared amid the rows of tables, covered in white tablecloths.

"Why here?" Beck asked.

"I usually come here when I have business related matters to talk over with Nina or Matt. It's quiet enough that we can have a conversation without being disturbed too much. I figure it would fit our needs. The foods good too." Elliot leaned in a little closer to him, her voice dropping in volume. "Though I usually go to a sandwich shop down the street when I really want something good to eat." She straightened and shrugged. "I would have taken you there, but it's really noisy and very crowded most of the time."

Beck nodded.

Anita's heels clanked against the tile and Elliot turned back.

"I have just the spot for you, follow me," Anita said, grabbing two menus.

She led them to a table in the back and handed them the menus after they sat.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Water," Elliot said.

The hostess looked to Beck.


She smiled and left. Elliot flipped open the menu and started looking over it, her eyes taking in nothing. After a minute of silence she shut it and placed it beside her plate. Beck stared intently at his menu, his face calm, his posture relaxed, as if he was the one who owned the restaurant. When a waiter returned with their waters, they ordered.

"So," Elliot said, as the waiter left.

Beck met her gaze.

"What are you studying?" Elliot asked.

Beck's mouth tightened for half a second.

"Literature, with a minor in psychology."

Elliot raised her eyebrows.

"Not the pairing one normally hears."

Beck nodded.

"What made you want to studying psychology?"

"People interest me."

"I can understand that. As a writer it's important to know how people think and understand why they do what they do."

Beck nodded again. Elliot started fiddling with the edge of her napkin.

"You have parents?" Elliot asked.

The corner of Beck's mouth twitched.

"Yes, a mother and a father."

"Well that's good," Elliot said.


"One tends to have those if one has parents."

Elliot blushed.

"I meant do you have any siblings?"






Elliot nodded.

"That's nice."

Beck's gaze dropped to the napkin in Elliot's hands, which had been reduced to a wrinkled mess. Hastily, Elliot dropped it to her lap.

"Have you always lived in Boston?" Elliot asked.

"The Boston area, yes."

An awkward silence was settling around them when the waiter appeared with their food. Elliot breathed a sigh of relief.

By the time they finished eating and the check was paid Elliot had run out of conversational questions to ask Beck. They left the restaurant stepping into the late afternoon sunlight. Elliot turned to Beck.

"Well, I guess I'll see you Monday," she said.

Beck nodded.

"See you Monday." 

He turned and walked away.


Elliot pushed open the cafe door and slipped into the coffee scented space. The low murmur of voices filled the air. Elliot trudged to the counter and flopped onto its surface, burying her head in her arms. Without looking up from his book, Milo patted her head.

"There, there," he said, his tone distracted.

"Oh, by the gods, what have I done?" Elliot said, her voice dramatic and muffled.

Milo turned the page. *

"Don't worry, I'm sure Zeus is just as baffled about your decisions as you are."

Elliot raised her head and leaned it on her fist, staring up at Milo.

"You're really consoling, you know that?"

"So people tell me. They say I have a heart of a teddy bear."

"Funny, Cece's always saying how you have the head of one. Full of stuff, but none of it useful."

Milo put down the book, staring at Elliot.

"A man could cut himself on your sister."

"Don't I know it. I'm not sure there's anything sharper than her tongue." Elliot shrugged. "Maybe a samurai sword, but I would say they are pretty darn close."

"Agreed. Pity I'm not made of steel."

Elliot straightened and looked around.

"She here?"

Milo nodded towards the far corner.

"She's the one scowling adorably at her computer screen," Milo said.

Elliot cocked her head at him. 

"You do realize you will eventually get together, right?" Elliot asked.

"Of course, because I'm irresistible."

Elliot grimaced. "I walked right into that one, didn't I?"

Milo smiled. "Like it was a glass door." *

Elliot nodded.

"Are you going to offer to take my order at all?" Elliot asked.

Milo slid the book into his back pocket.

"Alright, what do you want to cry your tears of regret into?" he said.

He gave her a wide, closed lip smile.

"Something that is supposedly coffee, but tastes more like a milk shake. And a muffin. I heard they are very absorbent."

"Got it. Go relieve your sister and I'll bring it over in about an hour."

"Oooh! Someone is feeling overconfident today."

"What can I say, I live by a high set of standards."

Elliot smiled and walked over to Cece, sliding into a chair. Cece stared at the screen, her mouth curved downward. Elliot coughed. Cece looked up and let out a dramatic sigh of relief, closing her computer lid.

"Oh thank goodness. I was about to chuck my computer across the room," Cece said. She leaned her arms on the table, giving Elliot a playful smile. "So how did the date go?"

"I didn't murder him."

"Always a plus."

"I might have maimed him a little bit with my fork." *

"So there's room for improvement, what else is new."

Cece took a sip of her coffee and grimaced. She glared at it.

"I can't remember if it was cold when it got here or I've just been sitting here too long."

"With the way Milo flirts your guess is as good as mine."

Cece shrugged and took another drink.

"Now, tell me how it went," Cece said.

Elliot recounted the day's outing to Cece, receiving bursts of laughter and amused smiles.

"Well," Cece said. "At least he responded to you. That's more than I feel like doing some days." 

"You're right, I must have not been looking on the bright side. He could have splashed water in my face and stormed out of the restaurant. This was much better."

Cece smiled.

"Don't worry, if he's half as good as he thinks he is, then you should be done with this book in a couple of months."

"I don't believe in fairy tales, but I'm wishing on a star hoping that dream comes true," Elliot said.


Hi hi!!

I'm dancing with glee, I've posted chapter three! Sorry, I was in a rhyming mood. It shan't happen again. I don't have much to say only that I love gray days. There is something wonderfully beautiful about them and a little melancholy.

Vote, comment, follow. What is something that you love?

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