Chapter 45 - "I would actually say dictionaries."

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"Just kill me now," Elliot moaned into her folded arms.

"Alright," Cece said, "but I think it might be bad for the grass.

They both sat in white folding chairs. Around them neat rows had been setup on the lawn and white ribbons hung between the chairs lining the center aisle. At the end stood a white archway that was decorated with ivy and petite flowers. The ocean lay stretched out beyond the lawn, the waves forming and crashing against the sand. The bridal party moved about aimlessly while the wedding coordinator, in very high heels, talked to Michelle.

"How long have we been waiting out here?" Elliot asked, turning her head towards Cece.

"Four days."

"You sure it hasn't been an eternity? Because I've lived through a couple of those and this one feels like that." She straightened, her eyes going wide. "Oh dear me, we've found hell."

Cece shook her head, looking thoughtful.

"I don't think so," she said. "They don't serve champagne in hell."

"Of course you're right." She nodded. "It would never be chilled."

She sank back into the chair and crossed her arms. The evening breeze off the water was cool and trailed with it the scent of salt. The sun was close to the edge of the world, ready to fall off. Seagulls flew overheard, looking down on the wedding rehearsal and mocking human ways.

"I'm really regretting my decision of never becoming a drunk," Elliot said.

"Why? Because you would be drunk right now and life would seem so much better?"

"No, they would have been so ashamed of me they never would have invited me."

"Is it too late try this plan out?" Cece asked.

"Yes. I thought because we became writers that would have been sufficient enough."

"If we had failed maybe. Too bad we succeeded."

"Why did we do that again?"

"I think it's called ambition."

"If that's so maybe I should take up begging as a career choice," Elliot said.

"You're too pretty, people wouldn't believe you were a beggar."

Elliot looked at her.

"What would they think when they saw me walking the street then?"

"Door to door saleswoman?"

"Right. Cosmetics, most likely."

"I would actually say dictionaries."

"Do people still sell those?"

"You do apparently."

The wedding coordinator stepped into the aisle and waved her hands. This gained no one's attention, but managed to amuse Elliot and Cece.

"Bridesmaids and groomsmen, can I please get your attention?" The wedding coordinator called.

"Finally," Elliot breathed.

The chattering groups turned towards the woman while Cece and Elliot remained in their seats, staring at the tight skirted woman.

"Thank you," the woman said. "I'm Stacy, and I'm the wedding coordinator. We're going to do a run through of the wedding now. Please step forward and I will pair you up."

Elliot and Cece stood, joining the pack that moved towards Stacy. Slowly, they were paired together. When that was complete they were given directions on how to walk and where to stand. At the end of her rehearsed speech, Stacy clapped her hands.

"Alright, everyone to the back, we will run through it from the top."

Everyone made their way to the back, towards the hotel. Cece broke away from her partner and slipped up beside Elliot.

"Five bucks says your partner mentions what type of car he has in the first five minutes," she whispered, glancing at the dark haired guy in front of them.

Elliot turned to Cece's partner, a wide shouldered guy with hair bleached by the sun.

"Five says yours tells you how much he benches within the first three minutes."

Cece held out her hand and they shook.

"How do you want to play our responses?" Elliot asked.

"Normal way."

"Straight faced then mocking?"

"Of course."

At the entrance to the lawn they moved to their perspective partners and waited for further instructions.

"Bridesmaids take the men's left arm," Stacy said.

Elliot's partner acknowledged her for the first time then. He held out his arm and she slipped hers though, leaving as much space between them as she could without breaking completely free. Stacy moved around, putting couples in the order they needed to be in. Cece and her surfer were put right behind Elliot.

"Hi, I'm Chad," Elliot's companion said.

"Elliot," she said.   

He gave her a slightly condescending look.

"Isn't that a guy's name?"

"Yup," she said, staring straight ahead, her expression flat.

"Interesting that you were given a guy's name."

"It's so interesting I just might die," she said, her tone flatter than sheet of paper.

"You know, I knew a guy named Elliot, once."

"Fascinating. Do go on," she said, in the same tone.

Whether he was tone deaf or too in love with his own voice to be able to stop, he kept talking.

"Yeah, he owned a silver BMW series 3, which is an alright car but it's nothing to a Cadillac CTS. Which I happen to own."

Elliot looked at him, her eyes wide with wonderment. An expression Chad saw as completely realistic, since he wasn't familiar with the host.

"You own a Cadillac CTS?" she said, in an awed tone.

A smug smile took over Chad's face and Elliot wondered how it hadn't already been sitting there for the past 26 years of his life.

"I do in fact," he said.

"Wow, all of a sudden I find you vastly more attractive because you own a car that I care absolutely nothing about and know its title like anyone gives a hoot about it!"

The smug expression slipped from Chad's face and he looked around for Stacy, as if he hoped to urge the process on with his gaze. Stacy rushed to the front of the line and clapped her hands for attention.

"Alright, the music will start." As if by magic, music filled the air. "And the first couple will start down the aisle, walking in time."

She waved the first couple forward and the next. Chad found his source of impressive attributes suddenly weak and decided silence was his best quality for the moment. Elliot completely agreed. Eventually the couple before them started walking, then Stacy was waving them forward. They walked down the grassy aisle. At the arch they broke apart. Elliot moved to the left and took a spot beside another girl. A second later Cece took her other side.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"Oh splendidly, we are planning a June wedding," Elliot said.

"This year's June or next?"

"This year's, apparently we missed our window. It's a shame too, he owns a Cadillac CTS and I always wanted a man with one those. It makes up for a lack of brain."

"Well, who needs a brain when you can bench 320? I would invite you to our wedding, but I'm not sure there is room for you and his muscles."

"Pity, I was hoping to hear him string two words together."

"Oh no, grunts would have been fine. For the vows it would have been a nod."

"You have a keeper there."

"Don't I know it!"

The last couple arrived and split, then Michelle walked down the aisle on the arm of her father, looking completely relaxed. Cece and Elliot watched her, their own lips curving at their sister's touch of happiness.

"She'll be happy, right?" Elliot whispered.

"She looks happy now. I'm hoping that's a good sign."

Elliot nodded. "Me too."

"Next, Walter will hand Michelle off to Jordan," she said, gesturing to the two men. The switch was made and Stacy motioned them forward. "The minster will welcome everyone. Give an opening comment. Then request if anyone objects. No one does, so we move into the vows..."

Cece tilted her head back to Elliot.

"A witty quip from Elliot," she said.

"A joke from Cece," Elliot replied.

"A snappy retort."

"A look from the bride."

They glanced over and found Michelle arching an eyebrow at them.

"Right on cue," Elliot said.

"We should put this show on the road."

"This world is too small for us."

"To the stars. Start small with Pluto."

"Didn't you hear," Elliot said. "It's been demoted. It's just a floating rock."

"Oh, tough crowd."

Stacy coughed, her hands on her hips. They both looked over.

"Did you either of you have something to say?" she asked.

Elliot shrugged. "I object."

Cece spun on her. "On what grounds?"

"On the grounds of Brooklyn."

Both girls looked at each other, fighting back smiles.

"If you have nothing else to say, then we will proceed forward," Stacy said.

Cece waved her hand. "As you were."

Shaking her head, Michelle sighed. "Ignore them."

Elliot shrugged. "Story of my life right there."


The antique elevator descended and Elliot watched the elderly man, in the tan uniform and small cap, that stood by the entrance. Cece shifted her dress and swiped at a piece of lint.

"You look fine," Elliot said. "I don't even know why you changed."

"Because it meant we got a respite from going straight from the rehearsal to the rehearsal dinner."

"Have I ever mentioned how genius you are?"

"Not enough."

"Then let me make up for that." Elliot put her hands on Cece's shoulders and stared directly into her eyes. "My dearest Cece: you are truly a genius."

Cece shrugged off Elliot's hands. "I already know this."

The two sisters shifted back to looking at the blinking numbers.

"How much are you dreading this dinner?" Elliot asked.

"Only a little less than when Ms. Newett finds out who stole her tomatoes."

"Sounds about right." She looked at Cece. "Mom is going to be there, right?"

"Yeah, but she will probably show up at the last possible moment."

"Smart woman."

"We get all of it from her."

They fell quiet. The rattle of the elevator filled their ears, the old gears like fading actresses, still working but showing their age. Elliot dropped her gaze to the elevator operator again.

"Tell me, Floyd, how is life as elevator operator?" she asked. "And please answer with 'it has it's ups and downs' because that is comedy gold right there."

The wrinkled faced man looked at Elliot and grinned.

"Actually, I was going to say that it seems I've hit bottom."

Cece and Elliot both gave him appreciative laughs as the elevator dinged on the lobby floor. He pulled the gold gate open and nodded as they stepped off. The sound of voices could already be heard coming from the dining room. The girls made it half way across the lobby before Cece stopped.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she said, redirecting her steps.

"Cece, you can't leave me," Elliot said.

"Well, I am. Even if you wanted to come, you can't: it's a one stall bathroom. I'll be back in a second."

Elliot clenched her fists and stared up at the ceiling.

"Seriously?! One stall bathrooms are the worst decision this world has ever made!" Elliot said.

Cece turned back and gave her a flat look.

"Really? That's the worst decision? That trumps our current President?''

Elliot scowled and waved her hand.

"Fine, second worst decision."

"That's what I thought."

Cece moved on and Elliot was left standing in the lobby. She pivoted towards the dinning room, but couldn't bring herself to take a step forward. She was glaring at the entrance when two voices made her tense. Austin and Seth walked through the lobby, their laughs reaching her before they did.

"Hey little sis," Austin called out.

"I regret my decision of ever being born," Elliot mumbled. She turned and nodded towards them.

"What are you doing in the middle of the lobby?" Seth asked.

Elliot pointed back towards the bathrooms. "Waiting for Cece."

"Don't worry, I think she'll be able to find her way. Come on."

Austin threw an arm around Elliot and guided her into the noise of their family. Seth joked at something Elliot didn't understand and both brothers laughed, but stopped when they noticed Elliot wasn't joining in.

The dining room rang with the sound of conversations battling for space and the laughter of those who had started drinking. The sun had come to its fate and falling off the edge of the world. The moon rose to morn its passing and the sea lay still and dark in remembrance. Most of the floor space was taken up by tables and people who didn't feel like being stasis just yet.

The party waited as the rest of the family members showed up.

Austin lead the trio to the bar and accepted glasses of champagne. He handed her a glass and she took it. Seth held his up, looking between his older brother and younger sister.

"I want to propose a toast," he said, warmly.

Austin raised his glass, looking at Seth for more.

"A toast to the fact that, though it has been awhile, our little sister came back to us."

Elliot squirmed, uncomfortable.

"To family being together again," Austin added.

Both brothers drank but Elliot didn't. When Austin lowered his glass he stared at her.

"You didn't drink," he said. "You didn't like the toast?"

"Not really," she said.

"Why not?" Seth asked, confused.

"Because it's not true."

Both brothers exchanged a look, slightly puzzled.

"What isn't true?" Austin said.

"All of it," Elliot said, placing her glass on the counter.

"Elliot, you're not making sense. You're still our little sister, right?" Seth said.


"And you came back, right?"

"Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about."

"What are you talking about then?"

Elliot leveled them both with an annoyed frowned, all the words she had wanted to say the first night, all the words she wanted to say for a long time rising to the surface. For a moment she didn't speak, fighting back the urge of voicing all her thoughts.

"Elliot?" Seth asked.

Unable to hold it in, the words tumbled free.

"How do you not get it?" she said.

"Get what?" Austin asked, lost.

"Get the fact that I'm not your little sister anymore."

"But of course you are. You always will be," Seth said.

"I am," she said. "But I'm not some little kid anymore. I've made a career for myself. And I'm successful. I did it without some fancy degree. So stop belittling me by calling me your little sis. I am not a joke. I wish for one second you could extricate your cranium from your posterior and see that."

Neither brother said anything or even moved as Elliot spun away. A few feet away, Cece watched her, giving her a slow clap.

"Do you feel better now?" she asked, softly.

"Yes," Elliot said, but they both knew it was a lie.

Instead of feeling the relief she expected at releasing the hurt from so many years, Elliot felt tangled up inside. Her brothers' looks of hurt and confusion at her words hovering in her mind.

Not wanting to be near her brothers, she walked to find a quiet corner, Cece moving with her, saying nothing. Cece suddenly stopped moving, a smile breaking across her face. Elliot followed her line of sight and saw Milo coming into the dining room, his smile directed at her sister.

"You two are the worst," Elliot said.

"But we're your best friends so you love us," Cece said.

Elliot shook her head and pursed her lips.

"Nope, I don't. I'm getting new best friends."

Cece released Elliot's arm and moved towards Milo. "Good luck with that. You're still stuck with your personalty."

Milo met Cece halfway and pulled her into a tight hug. Elliot groaned and walked forward. When Milo let go of Cece, his gaze jumped between the two sisters.

"How are you both doing?" he asked. "I don't see signs of blood, so I'm hoping this is a good thing."

"That's what bed sheets are for," Elliot said.

"Sarcasm and dark humor, you're still you. Good."

He dropped his hands until they met up with Cece's, sharing their own hug. He looked back at Cece and smiled a crooked smile, a gesture reserved completely for her.

"What about you?" he asked.

"Because of you, it's been better than I imagined."

The smile widened and he kissed her. Elliot stuck out her tongue and grimaced.

"That's it, I am getting new best friends. Preferably one's that hate each other. And insult each other all the time."

Cece looked at her. "You mean like Milo and I were?"

"Gosh! Is there no hope in this world?"

"Yes," Milo said. "But she didn't come with Tristan."

"Where is he?" Cece asked.

"In the car fixing his hair. He should be here soon."

Both Cece and Elliot scoffed.

"Not even a little bit true," Elliot said.

"I give him twenty minutes minimum."

Elliot nodded, but looked to the entrance anyways.

Against all odds and predictions, Tristan appeared.

Right beside him was Beck.



BECK IS HERE!!! Are you freaking out as much as I'm freaking out because I'm freaking out a lot! I mean I think I'm hyperventilating!! Oh goodness gracious I need a paper bag or a really hot guy, either one would work at this moment!!

Okay, I'm a little calmer, where are you all at?

Happy to the point of tears?

Elated about to fall off the bed from squealing too much?

Freaking out, on the verge of passing out because you're so happy?

Let me know! I for one am a combination all three and so I'm might have died. I'm not sure yet because my heart is dancing around the room. When it reenters my body we'll see where we stand!!

Tell me what you thought?

Did you see that coming?

Are you happy it did?

Was it worth the let down of him saying no, so we could have this moment?

Tell me everything!!

Cheer! Gush with delight! Start a conga line of excitement!

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