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He stood up and his hair got in his face as he slapped his friend Cash on the back. He went up and stood in line. He had on a grey sweatshirt on the hugged his tall body. He ran up the steps taking two at a time and got in line with the rest.

As Mrs. Racey started calling out more names I realized that she had started into the C's as the line got longer I watched as more people took their place. Then I heard it, Claus, Kayley Claus. I got up and proceeded to take my place as Mrs. Williams, my advisor, lead us down the hall way to her room.

I sat down in her room three seats in front of Bub. I could feel his eyes in the back of my neck as the teacher started talking.

"Quiet! Now, I am Mrs. Williams, most of you know me as teaching your music class last year or the drama performance of The Little Mermaid Jr." she breath in as if she was just now realizing most of us were half asleep.

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