Rilaya Montage

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There will be mature language and not too mature scenes but they will be talked about. Let's start shall we?
Narrative POV (that's me)
Riley was in the hallways, with another girl. She had the red head pinned against the lockers, exploring the girl's mouth. The red head had her left leg wrapped around her waist. She remembered when she first saw Cat Valentine, she was holding hands with Samantha Puckett. It was obvious that the two were dating, that an they would always make out at lunch. It took 2 weeks, (so far the longest time) for the red head to'll take two seconds for her to break.

Riley released the kiss with Cat out of breath, "Woah." she whispered. Riley gave a small smile, she liked to kiss...and other things that shouldn't be named. She didn't know why, (well she did but she chose against it) but it just seemed to happen.

Cat looked her in the eyes-Riley knew that look all too well,"Riley I l-" she was shortly cut off by the brunette.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but this isn't working out." Riley said, the red head's eyes watered.

"B-but...what we have, what we did." She whispered the last part. The brunette shrugged. She's heard it all before, nothing new.

"Sorry." She said, Cat cried and ran off to who knows where. Riley shrugged and walked to her locker, throwing away all the pictures of her and Cat. She did this every time. After that she grabbed her things and walked to Lucas, who's locker was beside Maya Hart's. Riley stood impatiently waiting for her friend, Maya eventually walked to her locker making Riley perk up.

'Maybe I can have some fun before they come.' She thought to herself (the italics wouldn't work). She turned to Maya and slowly looked at her outfit; a white tank top, high waisted jeans, a cardigan, and white shoes. She bit her lip as her black bra shows, accidentally of course. She decided not to tell her about the bra because she was quite entertained.

Maya grabbed her U.S. History textbook before speaking, "You know, it's rude to stare." she said. She then grabbed her Spanish book before closing her locker leaning against it.

Riley chuckled before speaking, "How can I not when your so damn sexy?" She asked biting her lip. The blonde rolled her eyes, she knew all of Riley's tricks.

"I'm taken." Maya spoke rolling her eyes. Riley smirked hearing that line so many times, she predicted it to happen.

"Yeah, they all start that way." She said, Maya rolled her eyes again making Riley speak "You know if someone hits your head while you do that, your eyes will get stuck?" she asked.

"No and I really don't care." She said. Maya turned around to leave before she felt a hand squeeze her ass,she turned around on her heel.

"You did not jus-" But she got cut off, a pet peeve of her's.

"Oh but I did." She smiled, Maya glared. Maya could help but see what the 'slut' was wearing today: it was a black halter top, blue jean shorts, a black and red checkered flannel tied around her waist, and white converse. Her hair was twisted on one side that ended with a bow, the other half was curled and fell her left shoulder.

"I see I'm not the only one who stares." The brunette smirked, the blonde faked a laugh then rolled her eyes.

"I swear your little slut." She said, the brunette laughed throwing her head back.

"It's whatever Maya, I still get girls." She smirked, Maya sighed and saw someone coming out the corner of her eye. She smiled as she saw her girlfriend and turned around, the other blonde ran up to Maya.

"Hey babe." Olivia spoke, Riley scoffed. She didn't know why, but she did.

"Hey, what took you so long?" She asked her girlfriend. Riley looked at Maya's curves, oh how she would love to run her fingers on her body.

"Nothing important." She spoke, then it was Riley's turn to roll her chocolate brown eyes.

"I'd like to think I was important hotty blondy." She said fake shocked.

"Whatever little slut." She said, the brunette scoffed before a dirty blonde headed boy came...holding hands with another boy.

"Lucas!" Riley exclaimed, Maya sighed of relief. He came up to the three with a confused look.

"What's all this?" He asked, he was used to the 'Rilaya montage' as he liked to call it.

"Came to pick up my girl." She said pecking Maya on the lips, Riley crossed her arms.

"Hey Lucas." Maya smiled hugging the boy, then his boyfriend.

"How come I didn't get a hug?" Riley fake pouted. Maya rolled her eyes and Olivia pushed her girlfriend toward the brunette. Olivia was unaware of Riley's... ways she didn't get around much. Maya sighed while Riley left her arms open, waiting for Maya to walk in. Maya slowly walked into her arms making Riley's arms wrap around Maya's waist. The blonde didn't know why but she felt at home in the brunette's arms.

"I would so grab your ass right now, but your girlfriends is watching." Riley whispered, Maya was shocked and immediately stopped hugging her.

"Let's go." She said grabbing Olivia's hand walking to her class. Riley watches her walk, biting her lip.

"What did you come here for? Is it done?" Farkle asked, Riley looked at Farkle and nodded.

"Yeah, when has it not?" She asked, Farkle sighed.

"I really thought you wouldn't steal this one." He sighed handing Lucas $75. They liked what she did for the money, Riley liked it for...well who knows ( I do)?

"I swear, this next one is going to be hard." Lucas said, his boyfriend agreeing.

"Bring it." She said clapping her hands.

"I have to think on that one." Lucas said, Farkle nodded waking off.

There you have it, chapter one. Hope you guys like it!

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