Lucky Rabbit's Foot (Chapter 8)

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Vilgox: one day you learn that our writer is born in the year of the Tiger and the next think you know that she'll turn 24 at May!

Lyn: exactly!

Vilgox: well welcome back after that long winter break. For our creator, she might likely take the first week of classes online due to the spread of Omicron but enough of that!

Lyn: we're back for more! Even if some of the family members we have have caught it!

Vilgox: we just have to be less worried about everything, that's our creator's New Years resolution

Lyn: so... last time my brother reunited my parents at Gravity Falls. I guess since Cuddly has got the items to awake Seishun before, they took them out for ice cream

Vilgox: that's sweet. Unlike my cousin Dennis, he's a trickster and a mad man like my uncle in my father's side.

Lyn: that's why you're needed here! Our rabbit brother in the family!

Vilgox: okay, we don't own Yokai watch and other shows! We do this for fun and for the entertainment of Yokai Watch fans and others alike who never even heard of that anime in the western world

Lyn: so read on!


Lucky Rabbit's Foot (Chapter 8)


Oynyan was lying there on the hospital bed feeling chills from the illness

"Oynyan, I fixed the time where your old papa was born... you should be okay then" Logonyan placed a thick blanket over his child and lowered his head, "it's like he has Covid"

"But our creator has proven negative, she might have common cold symptoms." Lyn informed

"Still, I am worried about Oynyan. He's not recovering" Logonyan panicked

"I see... Thyler must've intervened further than usual. Let me examine the timeline, oh no. Vilgox is going to fade away soon and it is from his past with his parents" Lyn gasped

"Mom and Dad?" said Vilgox

"Yeah, they were supposed to meet at a bar called "Boozy Carrot" and he might've found her and make out" Lyn grossed out over the plot

"Then I must go to save my parents from the dreaded tiger wolf!" Vilgox puts on a brave face

"Are you sure? You're on a limit here! You're going to fade away from your arms, to legs, and to the head! You would most likely disappear and possibly made Beargamot forget about you" Lyn explained

"So be it, if it was for my future I have to face, then I have to prove if my father said is real" Vilgox sighed


"So listen well Vilgabbit, you are a good listening child." Usatrix was in the prisoner visiting room with his son beside him

"Not anymore, there is Dolores Madrigal with her super hearing" Vilgox explained

"I never even heard of every character but the main... it's one thing I hate about jail time and it's the streaming services they don't have" Usatrix frowned

"Sorry dad, I didn't think of how it sucks for you to live here." Vilgox looked sad that he upset his father somehow

"No worries, I get to make friends here... but then there's some who I arrested and beat me up in retaliation for me being a bad father. Words spread fast Vilgabbit, thanks to that creep's mother" he sighed

"That "Creep" is my boyfriend dad. He had a hard time fitting in and Heathenyan triggered his rage. You still don't give your blessing to him after all of that... but it's nothing I care about anymore, especially what you did with me and my mom" said Vilgox

"Your mom and I aren't always like this you know... before the nightmare that is you biting me and your mom, we used to have this fling back at a bar from this world... it is newly built due to the planet being new and all. I was undercover to find a criminal hiding out in the Boozy Carrot, the place where your mother used to work... she was dancing in thin and revealing clothing that can make any rabbit in heat from miles away. For stereotypical reasons the corner booth is where the criminal usually hangs out and do cartel or mafia stuff with drugs and all of that. I was close on them, but that criminal has a strong sense of smell and figured me out right away" Usatrix explained

"Whoa! What did he do?" Vilgox asked

"He draw his gun and everyone fell to the floor as we fought for the reward, our lives. Your mother is standing there and he shot her as I had him cornered. She was fine of course but he got away as I went to her aid to seal the shot wound" Usatrix sighed, "she told me that I came to aid her when no one else have done so to a whorish rabbit. It warmed my heart when she said that, and that's how you are made"

"So... what happened to the bad guy?" Vilgox asked

"Unclear... he is free but nobody has ever seen him again, we caught the mafia he's working for but they hold no information to where he was heading. It is that day for two reasons, one, I met your mom, and two, I failed to catch him because I came to aid another with care still in my heart after the breakup from Bearly" Usatrix explained

"I'm sorry to hear about your failed assignment" said Vilgox

"It's fine, If I learned at that time when the criminal likes Bakugan, I would've arrested him for sure and he will never get away from me. But I don't seem to see if I can save your mom from getting shot" Usatrix laughed

"Classic dad, always put your anger on others over a thing I like" Vilgox laughed

"You might be into the reboot" Usatrix giggled

"I'm not interested into that anymore, My new family and I prefer the original show" Vilgox whispered

"We'll I'm glad you agree, prison time has made me different than ever" Usatrix burst into tears

(Ends Flashback)

"He told me that he was supposed to face against an unknown criminal, but he shot my mom before he made a getaway. It might be from that cause dad mentioned that he would avoid her if he was told that guy loves Bakugan" Vilgox explained

"Definitely" Lyn agreed

"Definitely that, I do read that your dad pretty much hates that anime and game due to his past" Logonyan replied

"That book came in handy huh?" Vilgox looked at the journal and see the newest pages being filled out, "Let me read it!"

Logonyan freaked out, "Wusagi! Don't!"

"'It is strange to me why Oynyan is interested in mechanics. One time he came home with an animatronic and made him programmed to jumpscare Blue and his friends. Is he into making deadly robots? I'm not sure but the jumpscares make my heart jump, not a good idea for me to take him to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria on his birthday'" Vilgox read the journal aloud and Logonyan covered his face in embarrassment

"That's why Oynyan was so into making dancing attack robot demons. He loves to crossdress and do a lot of tinkering" Lyn smiled

"I thought he was into poetry" Logonyan explained

"But his new form brought more out of him than the Oynyan we know in the past" Vilgox added

"Maybe you're the Mirabel to your Isabella, you brought the greatness in him unlike my brother hasn't done. He's totally like Alma to me, always strict about our reputation and all of that" Lyn explained

"That's true..." he looked at Oynyan as he laughed weakly 

"Come on Vilgox, your dad is waiting for you" Mana came to comfort him

"What about you?" The rabbit asked

"I'll be fine, I got others who would protect me." She hugged him as he head to the portal himself 


The strange armored animal came to the street and called someone on his phone, "Excalibur here" 

"I've got a thing for you, do you like an anime called Bakugan?" the anonymous voice called to the stranger

"Like? I only prefer "Love", what are you planning?" Excalibur smiled

"I wanted to get to know you a little better..." He hung up and went to the bar as he saw Usatrix in his prime of his cop life

"Excuse me, random youths are required to have an ID in hand when entering a bar like this." Usatrix explained

"I have it with me sir, though I have a tip about a certain foe in question" He showed his ID and it has "Thyler" on it

Usatrix hands him $10, "Speak anything you know about that guy kid"

"Okay, he loved something that you hate. It is an anime that starts with a "B"." Thyler smiled 

"It's Bakugan, isn't it?" Usatrix cringed as he knew the answer

"Totally, Excalibur here does love it as much as your rival does" Thyler laughed

"Thanks for telling me this, I owe you a great thanks" Usatrix bowed at him

"You paid me quite enough-" Thyler choked by the hand of a rabbit

"Not so fast!" Vilgox snarled while wearing a hoodie

"Let go of him right now, brat!" Usatrix went toward his arm but felt nothing there, "huh? cheap arm trick! You are some sick animal!" He kicked the rabbit but felt a strong bite from his feet

"Just as I remembered, your blood is as sweet as chocolate croissants." Vilgox spat the blood of his father

"Good simile. Too bad it would be your last" Usatrix tried to chokehold him but Vilgox laid a punch straight at his face, "OOOFFF!" 

Vilgox gasped at his actions and Thyler laughed, "Nice save, time for me to go bye bye! Ciao!"

"Oh no! I did hit him, but I wasn't supposed to... huh?" Vilgox hides from everyone but heard a female sound, "If you're out there, I must ask... are you a vampire rabbit yokai?"

"Yeah I am..." He said as he saw his unconscious father lying on the ground 

"I am from the same tribe, but I was born mortal. Did you have vengeance against the tiger wolf?" She called 

"Yeah" Vilgox answered

"I understand why you took care of someone innocent like this man, are you supposed to save him?" She spoke

"Umm..." Vilgox swallowed 

"I get it, well my shift is over and he might need some assistance." She pulled out the bandages and wrapped around his foot

"Did you say that his blood is sweet?" She asked

"Yeah, it's not my kind of taste, I prefer the cursed blood better" Vilgox explained

"But I heard that is super sour to your kind, why did you like that?" She asked again

"Sour is how I love, and if you have a kid, he or she probably doesn't like the same things as their parents" Vilgox went away

"I didn't even catch his name..." She sighed

"Ohhh... my foot. What happened?" Usatrix woke up as the caretaker ties the bandage

"The rabbit vampire got away..." She said 

"But the tiger kid, how is he?" Usatrix winced in pain

"He ran away to a safer place, The Boozy Carrot isn't a safehaven for young kittens anyway" She sighed

"You helped me quicker than the ambulance was... how about you come to my place sometime? I may likely get paying sick and injured days so I got plenty of time before my foot heals" Usatrix grabbed a walking stick and stood up wobbling 

"Oh thank you, I'm Gwendolyn" She greeted 

"I'm Usatrix, baddest of the bad cops" He blushed as she helped him going to his apartment

"You Mother-Trucker of God, I got paid giving him info about the criminal but he never went after you!?" Thyler growled at Excalibur

"WHAT!? IS HE THE BAKUGAN HATER I HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT?!" Excalibur shouted as Beaston caught him

"I hate those who are part of a ruined plan! I must fire you. Beaston, he's yours" Thyler snapped his fingers and Beaston bit off his head, oozing out blood as the beast drinks it

"Now that tears it! I hate how they get the upper hand! Next up is the viruses! Then, the lesser viruses! then the variants! up to the werewolves! Crank this evil energy up! Across many dimensions! I now want to rule the multiverse so they won't stop me! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Thyler and Beaston left the world again with the new sight on multiversal domination!


"I'm Back!" Vilgox called them

"Uncle Vilgabbit, what took you so long?" Dugan asked

"I was about to stop Thyler ruining the meeting between mom and dad, but my father stopped me. I bit his foot when he kicked me, and I punched his lights out with my own paws! I maybe a one eared, one eyed, and one legged rabbit, but I felt triumph over it, but somehow it is green, I finally restored the timeline!" Vilgox smiled

"Umm what do you mean "One eyed, one eared, and one legged"? You have two ears, two eyes, and both of your legs?" Beargamot noted

"Huh? WHat are you talking about Bergie?" Vilgox asked

"Umm, you have a kind dad after he was recovered from his foot injury. He and your mom loved each other since then and have you. You and I are friends because you find kindness in me, and we are a couple because of that." Beargamot explained

"But he's in jail, mom divorced him, he abused me, he doesn't love bakugan!" Vilgox panicked as he was telling a fake story but he looked in a mirror, he saw himself as a regular rabbit with small fangs, with all his missing parts back as he has phantom limb syndrome, "This isn't possible..."

"Your father was still a cop, but was put on a different position because of his foot injury. Your mom is an excellent housewife. He never harmed you guys because of his hatred of the things we love, he learned from my dad to let it go and he did. He now cares for his family and the happiness of my mom. He gave us his blessing from the marriage we have, and he loves me like he loves you." Beargamot hugged him as Vilgox cried, "Vilgabbit... I care about how you grow... but as far as I know, you'll be okay..."

"One moment like that changed the past?" Logonyan looked at his journal and Vilgox's past is said as it was told, "He said the bad story, but it changed the timeline to become a good story... This journal... doesn't change unlike other written history" He began writing down all the new info down in his journal as Vilgox... now Vilgabbit, continued crying out his heart.

(Chapter End)


Dugan: Yay! My first mission to stop Thyler's plans!

Candace: let's keep this short! I have to wait for a call

Dugan: Is it Jeremy again?

Candace: It's mom, not every call I can expect is from Jeremy

Dugan: If he brought Susie along, can I come over? -wink-

Candace: Of course, she and I don't get along when Jeremy is involved

Dugan and Candace: Next Time on MS Returns!...

Bugging Viruses (Chapter 9) 

Dugan: Vote and Comment

Candace: See you soon!

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