To Orugita (Epilogue)

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As the day after Dugan left, his parents knew what caused him to run away.

Logonyan looked back at the journal which saved their timeline, and realized what past life his son went through. His happiness, his family was like, and the criminal acts they have done together. Logonyan wasn't that character after meeting Cubbonyan, he hung out with him and have Oynyan come over and play with Dugan, who is clueless about his life. He became an engineer by making weapons for the future Yokaisonas instead of using it for evil purposes. Cubbonyan noticed that he was married in the future, so he only give him dating advice on how to comfort wives, which made Mana more loving than she was a bit fearless.

Since Cubbonyan returned from the dead, there's no need for Oynyan to be reformed, which makes him look like his old self. He learned how to be more open with his heart and became a good Bear kid.

As many months go by... a new Bear Kid was born into the world, she appeared to be a lilac colored bear cub. Doctors are stunned to see that she's born with a weak torso, her bones are frail that it would break in a normal fall. Mana learned that she has a trait from her mother, her mom isn't allowed to swim deeper because it will harm her with the growing water pressure. As she was desperate for a right suit to fit her newborn daughter, her husband came with a koopa shell. He colored it to be the exact same pigment as her fur, stuff the inside with the softest cushions, and armored it with the strongest metals in the fictional world he can find. It fit her nicely but she doesn't seem to like it.

The baby cried and both parents tried to soothe her, but she didn't respond to them. She kept trying to take it off, but he wanted her to keep it on for her safety.

All she can do for now is to hide in the shell, feeling ashamed of being in it due to disabilities she gained, weak torso and color blindness

Later at night, Dugan came to the room as the parents were sleeping. It was dark and he was able to see darkness. When he saw the shell he knew who it was, his little sister.

"Hey Orugita" Dugan smiled, her head peaked out and saw a boy wearing a beaded necklace with amber colored teeth with shiny gems. It grabbed her attention as she tried to touch the necklace

"Haha, you are interested into my necklace, but it was you who made it" Dugan played with his sister a bit, she tilted her head

"You wouldn't understand until you get older, but as your big brother, I promise to look after you when your mother and father aren't around to help you" she grabbed his nose

He hums a song to her, she hugged to him as he cradled to sleep, "To Orugita, cocooned and waiting, you in your own world, anticipating. What happens after the rearranging, we're so afraid of change, in the world that never stops changing. So let the walls come down, the world will never stop changing." Mana slowly awakened to see her son singing softly to his new sister

"Hay mariposas, don't you hold on too tight, both of us know it's our time to go, to fly apart to reunite, wonders surround you, just let the walls come down. Don't look behind you, fly til you find your way to tomorrow" Dugan smiled as his sister was happy and sleeping in his arms, he put her down on her crib and took off on his own path again.

Sooner or later he will meet her again, but he will hold back his promise to look after her, after all, she did save him in the past.

"Logo, wake up." Mana shook him awake as he got up and saw a sea cow tail exiting the door

"Dugan, he came to see our daughter." Logonyan yawned

"That song in the climax of the Encanto movie, it sounds similar but it's in English" Mana explained softly

"Look at Oruga, she's smiling" Logonyan looked at his daughter hugging to what appeared to be a small plushie of Deadly Dugan

"What are you thinking about?" Mana asked

Logonyan smiled, "he might put her in the right direction, think about it, if he doesn't like us anymore, why did he like Oruga?"

"She might've inspired Dugan or something since his guardian is an older sibling of two brothers." Mana whispered

"I guess, his friends did mention a character with the same shell as her who made a new charm for Dugan. Could it be this Oruga in the future?" Logonyan theorized

"It does make sense, but why did she time traveled? It's not like she learned that her brother has an uncontrollable dark form" said Mana

"Our best chance is for us about how did she learn to make that charm out of the old charm and the other counterparts souls" Logonyan said, "it's best we wait until we have the strength to see Dugan to babysit her while we're gone"

"Tomorrow is cat day. I might look over her while you have your fun" Mana smiled

"I'm looking forward to this!" Logonyan smiled as he went back to bed, "goodnight Mana"

"Goodnight Logo" she yawned as they went to sleep

Dugan swam to the sea and head back home a small robot comes by and stopped Dugan

"Where do you think you're going?" Pocky said to the sea creature

"I'm going home" Dugan frowned

"Excuse me, everyone has been looking for you for almost a year. If you don't want to head back to your parents, then we have some big problems!" Pocky crossed her arms

"I'm fine with problems, face my sister wearing a door! I don't want to be surrounded by imposters in this world, they don't love me! You fear me! All of your friends always went after me whenever I'm Deadly, scaring off humans who are bad! Nowadays you see me as nothing but a Yokai Bear kid! I don't like to be treated this way by my family, I wish it would be just the way it is with all humans hating on me and my dad..." Dugan told her

"I wish I could believe, but time has been altered and you are the survivor along with your friends. I thought you would adjust to that like Marty McFly did, but I guess since you're autistic, it makes it harder for you to adjust" Pocky frowned

"Please don't tell me where I am, because I don't want my fake parents to come begging my human parents to see me... it is painful." Dugan swam away as Pocky stared blankly, "sooner or later, you will be brought home, that is the promise Logos told us" she flies back home and rested


The End


Dugan: First and foremost, Happy 2/22/22 22:22:22 cat day! With so many 2's on a "Twosday"! Perfect way to announce our break until we unleash a project: Bear Kid Adventures Series 2! Of course this includes me and Oruga, but fear not, there is going to be more characters included in this new story! As I grow to be more protective over my sister, in favor of saving me back at the last adventure.

Oruga: I can be the Baby Yoda everyone's talking about!

Dugan: well, sort of! Friends are going to be there as well, after your guardian ceremony, you can be a Disney person, like me!

Oruga: i like that!

Dugan: Oh, for the return. I like to thank everyone for reading this story, it means a lot to us. I like to thank Zayachu15 for expanding the world of Yokaisonas as well as her characters I used in my story. I also like to thank FictionalMagicTamer for letting my story connected with theirs. And UnicornYokai for liking my story so far. All of you are my friends who love writing stories for the fun of it.

Oruga: thank you so much for giving me some love. This story won't be here without you guys

Dugan: I hope we see you soon!

Oruga: bye!

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