Troubling revelations. A scarring past revealed!

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Later that night....

It was around 11 o'clock. The moon outside brightly shined through the night, giving light to the people outside. It was awfully late, but Maverick just couldn't sleep. Alex had been knocked out a long time ago after talking about their journey.

Maverick sighed, turning off the television set in his room. He watched Gengar and Nidoran battle too many times and it eventually got boring. Boring to the point where he can recite everything that goes on.

"Now what? I know I have to sleep for tomorrow to get my starter and all, but I'm not sure why I'm still awake. Hm, maybe some cookies and milk would help?" He said.

He reluctantly got out of his comfortable bed and went down the stairs to the kitchen, turning on the light. Maverick skimmed through the fridge until he saw milk. He grabbed the bottle and closed the fridge, then proceeded to open cupboards and a pantry until he had everything he needed. Cookies, sugar and milk, a yummy, yet tiresome snack.

'Rika would love this.' He remembered her strange addiction to milk and cookies.

As he began to put the sugar in the milk, he heard a voice.

"Maverick? Is that you down there?" His mom, Kimberly asked. Maverick casted a tired look at his mother who was currently standing on the stairs leading up to the hallway. Maverick yawned and then nodded.

"Yeah.. what's up?"

"I should be asking you that question. I'm fine, but what are you doing down here, late at night? I thought Rika was down here making cookies and milk..." Said girl proceeded to come out of the staircase and went to the where her brother was. She grabbed his fixed cookies and milk and went to her room, shutting the door.

The boy sighed at his sister's routine of stealing his food, apparently that has been a long running gag that lasted far too long. He reluctantly begin to remake his bedtime snack again.

"Mom, I couldn't get to sleep. So I thought a snack might help. But your right. I do need to go to bed. Get ready for tomorrow and all!" Maverick said with a tired smile. Kimberly smiled at her son.

"...Your really getting a Pokémon tomorrow, huh? Your really growing up. I remember when I first got mine. That was a long time ago, before you were born. I chose a Piplup and your Dad chose a Chimchar." The woman stated. This peaked Maverick's attention. The teen looked at his mother in wonder as she reflects back on her early days. Her smile grew in size.

"I was a Pokémon Coordinator. And I won the 25th grand festival, in the Advanced Coordination league. That was around 2005. You were born back then, around 3 years old. I was 23 at that time. My Empoleon and I won against my rival, Beverly. We battled all the time, and she won most of our matches. We're friends now."

"Really? That sounds a lot like Ash and Paul, I read online that they battled a lot but Paul won most of them. Ash won 1 battle and the first battle was a tie."

"Yeah, when traveling you'll experience different types of people who have different motives. Some good and some bad. You'll meet that one person in your journey who'll make it hard for you but you have to remember not to give up. Maverick, please, when you go on your Journey with Rika and Alex, please be safe, OK? Do your best and remember to make memories with the people you love. Train hard, make me proud!" Said Kimberly, taking her only son in a deep hug. Maverick felt his mother's embrace and remembered it.

He was going to miss this...

Later that night, in his room, he sat up still thinking about what his Mom said. He felt saddened that he'll leave his Mom in a short 48 hours, but all boys have to leave home someday, it that on television once. At least that what someone said on a Gameboy game. He looked towards Alex and smiled lazily, said boy was sleeping like a log with his covers and pillow sprawled out around him. Apon seeing this Maverick grew tired once again. The teen snuggled himself in his covers and yawned, closing his tired eyes.

With that he went to sleep.


Maverick yawned and opened his eyes, expecting to see his brightened room and an excited Alex, but he woke up to nothingness. The boy grew confused at his surroundings. It seemed like it was all black around him, black for miles upon miles. He didn't know where it began or where it ended but it was just there.

"Where am I?" The boy said, looking around. He looked at himself. He was wearing the new clothes he got for his birthday but the backpack wasn't present. He sighed and began walking around. But it was pointless since he couldn't see where he was going. He heard a muffled noise and looked behind him and saw something move. He stumbled backwards as he saw a white and red flash blow past him. He quickly regained his ground and looked behind him once more, he screamed.

There it was, all up in his face, snarling and growling all the while. It bared its fangs and roared. Maverick stepped backwards in fear, until he heard a voice.

"Where do you think YOUR going!?" A voice said, by the sounds of it, it sounded like a man's voice. The boy looked around frantically, trying to find the source of the voice. He then saw something move. He backed away slowly, frightened. The moving object seemingly gotten closer. Maverick tried moving backwards until he felt something hard pressed against his back. He turned around quickly.

'A tree!?'

He tried going around it, but he got nowhere. He was stuck.

"You have the nerve to try to leave, only to get nowhere. You really must be a coward... Now if you would please, hand over those Pokémon or else." The voice taunted. This however, heavily confused Maverick. 'What Pokémon? I don't have any...'

"Grr.... LEAVE THESE POKÉMON ALONE!" A voice adjacent to Maverick yelled. That's when the dark empty space around him exploded into a lush, green forest. This really freaked the 13 year old out, making him jump in his place. He quickly looked to his right and saw a young girl holding two Pocket monsters. By the looks of things, it seemed like she, too, was trapped by the green foliage. He looked up again, and in front he saw a man, and he did not look happy.

"So! You dare to defy me, eh? Well, in that case, Zangoose, get that brat!" The man angrily commands. The red and white Pokémon, which Maverick assumed was Zangoose, launched forward from his resting position and lunged at the girl. The young girl grabbed ahold of the two Pokémon and fled without thinking. She seemed to be seven or eight by the looks of things. Zangoose angrily gave chase, quickly covering ground and tackling the girl. She screamed in pain as she tumbled down to the ground. The two Pokémon jumping out of her arms to safety, Maverick mentality screamed out, still frightened to say anything. 'I hope she's alright.'

The man then threw out another Pokéball, releasing a white and black, panda bear like Pokémon. "Pangoro! Make sure the brat doesn't leave at all, sick her."

The massive Pokémon once again covered ground and grabbed the little girl from Zangoose, she screamed and cried as she was taken away. "No! Riolu, Eevee!" The girl yelled, tears running down her face. The older man smirked, and said, "I will be taking these Pokémon no - problem. There is nothing you can do about that." The man who Maverick now assumed was a poacher, pulled out a square like device and threw it at the two scared Pocket Monsters. The blue one ran in front of the brown one, trying to protect it. The square device exploded into a Flying- type net, successfully grabbing the blue Pokémon. The blue one screamed in pain as the net squeezed around him, like a vice grip. The poacher threw another cube, exploding into a Fighting- type net, wrapping around the brown, fox like Pokémon successfully. Eevee also let out a screech of pain as the net dug into its body.

Maverick was pissed. There was no way he could sit around and allow this to happen. He got up from his position and ran to the Pokémon, trying to set them free. Surprisingly, Maverick's fingers ended up going threw the two Pokémon.

'WHAT THE HECK!? What just happened!?'

The poacher grabbed to two Pokémon off the ground and walked through Maverick to his van, opening the door and throwing them inside the van. The little girl tried to get out of Pangoro's arms but to no avail. She fought and screamed for help, but her cries fell on deaf ears through the thick foliage that was forest.

"Face it! There is no way in hell that you can get out no matter how hard you try. And to ensure that you don't do anything reckless, here's a parting gift. Zangoose, use slash!" The poacher commanded. Zangoose smirked and ran up to the little girl, delivering a swift slash to its face. Fresh blood dripped from the girls face. The pain was so real that the girl held no scream. She was frozen. Maverick quickly ran to the girl of hopes to helping her, but his hands once again went through her face.

"...NO! T- THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. Why are my hands going through her!?" Maverick yelled.

"Return, you two! I have a feeling the boss will be happy with today's results!" Poacher said, smirking. He recalled the two Pokémon into their Pokéballs and recliped them onto his belt. The girl dropped onto the ground, bloody and unconscious. Maverick gaped at the poacher as he went into his van, driving off. He turned and looked at the girl in pain. Everything once again faded away into a black abyss, the only thing visable being the girl.

"....What the heck?..." Maverick cursed, confused beyond belief.


"WHAT THE HECK!?" Maverick yelled with a waking start. He stopped momentarily to catch his breath. He noticed he was in his now brightened room. Alex got up as well from his outburst.

"What the hell, Maverick!? I was sleeping. Calm down." Alex said angrily. The boy ignored Alex and looked to his ceiling.

'What was that? Who was that girl, and those Pokémon? Why did that happen? ....Who was that bastard!?' Maverick thought angrily. He looked up towards the ceiling in wonder. He then turn to look at Alex with a distressed stare. Alex cocked his head to the right and sighed. He left to the bathroom.

Maverick then looked down to his covers. He made a fist and looked at it.

"If... If I ever come across someone like that, I won't know what to do... I hope that girl is OK. I'll try my hardest to protect my Pokémon and the ones I love... That's a promise."


Original author's note for this chapter:

Thank you guys for reading. I made a few edits to the chapter. Chapter 4 is finished. Read it! Have suggestions? Questions? Comments? Positive writers criticism? Let me know what you think! As always, Live long and Shine on!


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