**Old Chapters**

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Compilation of Chapters 1-5 previously written back in 2015. Originally, I thought my rewrite would include this chapters. However, I have completely changed the storyline, characters & names. None of this will be accurate to the current story.

Chapter 1

I had just finished cleaning up the kitchen from the noon meal dishes and had about an hour or so before I had to do anything. I walked up what seemed the endless stairs to my room which had been moved into the most secluded room in the miniature palace, which required me weaving up and down all these stairs unfortunately. But it had made me strong, and I sorta like having my room farther away from everyone. Especially after the events that have occurred in the past eighteen months.

I reached my room and opened the thick carved oak door to my room. I closed the door and locked it and went to open the small windows I had in front of the little sun bed I had on the one side of my room facing south. I laid down with my stomach facing the bed and rested my chin on top of my hands.

I sighed and thought about everything that had happened. So much had changed. I was so happy when we were brought back to Narnia, but now I wasn't too sure. Every since May when my mother died my world seemed to have turned upside down. She had gotten sick by this rare epidemic that had come to the east reign of Narnia's territory. I remember the doctors tried as hard as they could saying that should would get better but I had known that it was a lie. And it turned out that I was right. Never in my life had I wished I had been wrong.

I remember in her last hour, her telling me and Arath that she loved us and wished she could've seen when we had become stars. She told Arath how proud she as of him and how much of a man he had become. She told my father that she loved him and that although she was dieing that she was grateful for all the time they had had together. If that hadn't made me tear up I certainly did when she turned to me. I can still remember her voice...

"My little star sweeper, you're going to grow up into a beautiful young woman, and you already have started." My eyes let the tears I had been unconsciously holding back fall.

"Shh.."my mother cooed as she hugged my head to her chest and I wrapped my arms around her,"Don't cry my little star. I'm going to a better place. I'm going to see Aslan's country and I'll always be watching over you, waiting for you to someday join me. But let us hope that that day will not come anytime soon." I cried every harder.

"Shh. Andrea listen to me." I looked up at her with my glossy eyes from my crying.

"You're one day going to become something great, I know it. I want you to find someone special for yourself, someone that will stick by your side no matter what and who will make you happy," she moved her hand from my face to her right hand and slid her ring off her finger."I want you to have this so you will always remember me. It is to be passed on to generation to generation. I want you to also know something else," she said and took both of my hands into hers,"I don't regret coming back to Narnia. I am happy that I was privileged to see it again. Don think if we hadn't come back I wouldn't have left. I'm sure I u had stayed in our world my time would've come just as well, except in a different way."

I cried a little more. "No Mum, don't say that."

"Andrea it's the truth. For nothing can alter his plans. Promise me you'll be strong and have courage when I'm gone."

"I promise." I sad with my voice cracking a bit.

"Put the ring on your left hand." She said a little breathlessly.

I put it on my left ring finger. It was a ruby stone set on a gold band with white diamonds surrounding it. It had been her gift from Aslan to protect Narnia since she was made a star.

She too my hand into hers. "It's beautiful," she breathed,"this is to be on your finger until replaced with your wedding ring. When it is you can put it in your right hand." My heart swelled at how happy and proud she sounded at the mention of me getting married.

"Can you do one more thing?"

"Of course mother, anything."

"When to you have your wedding, have lilies in your hair. I like lilies and they always look beautiful in your hair."

"I will mum, I promise." We embraced again and then she starts to look more pale.

"My time is nearing. I love you all and I will always have a spot in my heart for all of you." With that she sighed and a wind whipped into the room from the window. I turned to look at it and the wind was gone and when I looked back to my mother her eyes were shut and she had a slight smile on her face.

"No...no." I cried,"Mother!" Arath came and hugged me and I sobbed into his shoulder in disbelief as to what just happened. My father turned away and looked at the window, probably trying to hide his own tears. That night was the worst day of my life and I tossed and turned in my bed the entire night. I hadn't been able to sleep at all, all I could think about was my mother.

I also remember waking up to the sound of horses hooves. I ran out onto the balcony to see Arath in his horse riding away. "Arath! Come back! Don't leave me!" I cried but he kept riding until his blond hard as out of sight.

That day was awful and equally matched my night. My father had locked himself up in his study and drank. He wouldn't talk to anyone. I felt so alone, as if I had been abandoned.

Abandoned. That one word summed up my life of the late and most likely future. Why? Because of the dreaded, hateful, bitter Lady Lucia. She had unfortunately come to one of the many parties my father all the sudden had in hopes of lighting his mood. Once they had met she had taken an instant liking to him for one singular reason. Wealth and him. Okay so two reasons. She wanted to use him to become wealthy and to control him so he would do whatever she wanted.

Once married she used him for everything and to keep him interested gave him what he desired, and quite often. It was sick. I couldn't believe how she had wrapped him around her finger and had somehow gotten him to agree to marry her within four days of there meeting. Now that is a woman on a mission.

This 'woman' who I would actually define her as a devil or witch or basically anything that was not apart of the human race had made my life difficult. With her sourcary she had made my own father forget who I was and had practically turned me into a servant! All of this happened within a month of being married. And then on top of it she convince or rather sent my father off on a stupid journey into the north. The north mind you! Not the south, not the east or west but the north. Now everyone knows that lake who enter the north never return. You had to be insane to step foot on its God-forsaken lands. Which apparently she had turned my father into exactly that hug was truly sad.

I hated her. I really did. But this wasn't a normal hate, no. This is hatred that goes beyond hate. She had taken over my father, the last of the family that I had and had not only done that, but had tried to take the place of my mother. Now that was going to far. I would never forgive her as long as I live for what she did to my family.

At the thought of my mother, what she had said popped into my mind. Be strong and have courage. As her words echoed in my head I couldn't help but play with the run my left han which I had not taken off since the day she had given it to me. Oh mum, why did you have to leave? If only you hadn't left...

But my thoughts were interrupted by a bird call. Rose. I thought as I brushed away the tears from my face and stood up and walked out onto the small balcony and looked to see Rose my little bird friend perched on the lamppost in the garden below.

"Rose!" I called to her as I lead my arms into the balcony clutching my elbows in my hands.

"Hi Andrea." She said as she's flew over to me and landed on the balcony railing beside me. Yes she did talk. Her and some other animals talked, there wasn't a lot however, do to the fact that most of the talking beasts were down in the south part of Narnia. I called her 'Rose' because of her beautiful scarlet feathers, even though she was small she looked was sturdy and the color quite suited her personality.

"So what are you so chipper about?"

"I saw a human today!"

"You did?!" I asked surprisingly since nobody from the west where there was that kingdom ever traveled outside its borders and into the east. "Who was it?"

"I don't know. But it was a male, and young. It had blind hair too."

I gasped,"You don't think it was Arath, do you?"

She shook her head,"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I would've recognized him. But I could be wrong."

Right then Herald flew over and loaded next to Rose. Herald is another small bird like Rose an is her mate. Your probably wondering why I called him Herald and to tell the truth I don't entirely know myself. Maybe because of his loud call. Who knows.

"Hey Herald."

"Hey An." He Said and him and Rose did a lit welcome to each other by rubbing their beaks together. "So what are you talking about?"

"Rose saw a blond human today in the forest. " I replied.

"Was it Arath?"

"We don't know." I said,"It could be."

Just the a knock came at the door. I pressed a single finger to my lips telling them not to make a sound while yet went and hid themselves. Lucia had already taken away my family and I wasn't abou to let her strip me of my friends as well. I reluctantly upon end the door. There stood one of the servants of Lady Lucia.

"Yes?" I said curious as go why she was sent.

"Her ladyship has ordered your presence in her throne room at once." Notice the wording, 'ordered'. Not requested or would be delighted, ordered. This shows her view of me.

I nodded and said,"Tell her I shall come as soon as I can."

The servant nodded and I closed the door before she could say anything else. I put my ear to the door and listen intently as I heard footsteps get fainter down the narrow hallway. She wanted my presence did she? Well she'll get my presence alright. She'll be seeing Lady Andrea in her presence, not some overworked fatigued "servant". I called go Rose and Herald that it was safe.

"Who was it?" Asked Rose.

"It was a servant telling me that Lucia ordered my presence."

"What does that witch want?" asked Herald.

"Herald!" Rose scolded him as she nudged him in the chest with her wing.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Rose glared at him and said nothing. "What? She is. And you can't deny it because you think the same thing."

She rolled her eyes at him and changed the subject. "So are you going to meet her?"

"Yep. But first I have to clean up a little." I said and I slightly grinned.

Herald and Rose looked to each other, and then to me, and then each other, and then back to me with grins, if that's possible for birds if not I could see it in their eyes, and understood what I was going to do. I grinned back at them and turned go go back inside and get ready for my "meeting" with the dreaded, nefarious Lady Lucia.


Chapter 2

I had just finished refreshing myself and hummed to myself as I set a golden headpiece on top of my light brown hair. It had wavy leaves and reminded me of autumn. After I adjusted it right I looked at my self in my full length mirror. I had a Narnia red colored dress on that reached down to my feet. It was trimmed in gold and had a golden sash trimmed in red. My gold flats matched my golden head piece of leaves. And from my neck hung my locket that completed to look. It was given to me by my mother that was gold and held a picture of her and father inside.

Now that I was properly attired in my social status which I hadn't been in quite some time I said goodbye to Rose and Herald who wished me good luck and said they'd be watching for my return. I thanked them and started weaving my way through what seemed endless passages and stairs to the throne room where my parents had once sat upon.

I reached the doors and opened them to reveal guards on each side of the inner doorway. They came and crossed their spears in front of me until Lady Lucia granted my passage to approach her throne. I gritted my teeth seeing her on the chai my mother one sat in. She sat in a deep forest green dress and was showers with jewels that were probably squeezed out of my father. She sat there with a headpiece on her firey red hair. She sat there like a queen and it made me sick seeing her. She looked sick herself. Her almost black eyes gazed over my attire and she raised her one eyebrow slightly.

I walked up to her and her lips tightened as I got closer. I stopped in front of the single stair that lead to the chair upon which she was sitting. She looked at me and her gaze hardened, as if trying to kill me with it. It didn't work, her looks didn't scare me. I bowed my head in laughter acknowledgement and broke the silence.

"You requested my presence Lucia." She didn't seem to like my manner at all.

"No, I ordered you. There is something of great importance that I wish to speak you about. "

I scoffed,"And what could be so important that we would need to talk about?"

Her lips tightened,"This is not a joking matter Mara. I'm only giving you two options so you don't have much of a choice."

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously,"What are you talking you talking about?" I demanded.

She grinned evilly and I started to feel a pit in my stomach. She is up to soemthing.

"I'm glad you asked. I'll explain it to you once so listen carefully: you are going to become a star within a few months. But if you want to do that you have to pass a test."

"What test?" I didn't like how she was looking at me.

"Guards, leave us. I shall call if I shall need your assistance." With that the guards walked out of the room and into a hallway.

"What test?"

"No need to be hasty. I shall answer your question we have time, or at least I do."

"Will you get to the point already!" I was becoming very impatient wit her.

She stood up and stepped down the single step to where I was and I could see a twisted smile play on her lips. She walked right up to me.

"If you insist. You must past the test if you wish to become a star."

"What if I don't want to?" I questioned.

"It does not matter whether you want to or not, this is not only if you want to become a star but if you want to live."

What? What in heavens name is she talking about?! Is she threatening to kill me. She seems to have read my thoughts for the next statement proved it.

"I am not threatening to kill you. You have a choice. In order to live and be a star you must be in a hole that is not this palace, you must acquirer a lover that will agree to marry you by the time of your 21st birthday."

Well that couldn't be too hard, I have a couple months considering my birthday isn't till the first of June and it was just the beginning of March. But somethings missing, it was too easy.

"Well that can't be too hard."

"But there's a catch."

Ah ha! I knew there was soemthin missing! "What sort of catch?" This could be anything and knowing Lucia it would have to be really bad for her to be so happy. For me to become a star would mean for her to have to step down from her position because I would be higher ranked than her.

"Here comes in the two options I spoke of earlier."

"And those are?"

"You must survive an injury as an affliction to overcome as well as everything else."

"What sort of 'injury'?" This was about the stupidest thing I had ever heard of.

Her lips twist into a scornful scary looking smile. This could not be good.

"You must be stabbed with a Kreme kruse knife."

Hold up. Did she really just say a Kreme kruse knife? That's the most dangerous dagger in all of Narnia and is a deadly fate! This must have been why she was so happy.

"What on earth? Why in the world would I want to do that? There is no way that is happening."

"Oh but there is my dear. You see you have no choice. Either you get stabbed with it and are not allowed out of this palace or you get stabbed and try to run. "

"I have a feeling that if I tried to run you would lock me up. Is that correct?"


"How can you not call that a life threat? Either I die or I die. What sorta choice is that?"

"It's your choice. You have two hours to decide and then deliver your answer to me."

This was crazy. I can't believe what's going on right now. Either I'm stabbed with a Kreme kruse knife willingly, which who in there right mind would, or I get stabbed forcefully. Now this isn't a little puny dagger. This is a sharp dagger that is impossible to get out once pierced with it and if it's not taken out it'll poison you.

"Guards! Please escort her out of my chambers and let me know exactly when two hours of time have passed." With that she turned to sit smugly on her throne. I turned and walked through the doors held open by the guards. Once I was out them where closed shut with a bang.

Well that was a nice meeting with the devil. Either I die or I die. And I have two hours to make this decision. I started to walk to my room. Two hours isn't very long to decide your fate, let alone try to get out of it. What am I going to do?


Chapter 3
I sighed opened my door and locked it behind me after I entered the room. With my back to its thick oak door I slid down against it with my arms wrapped around my legs that were brought to my chest. I had no I idea what to do. This was basically what I had to decide: To die or to die. That is the question. So what if it's Shakespeare it's true. I groaned and nestled my head into my knees trying to figure out how to go about this.

That's when I heard a little flap and then click on the stone floor. I looked up to see Rose and Herald at my feet, their eyes full of concern.

"Are we okay?" Asked Rose worriedly.

"Not really."

"What happened?" Said Herald. So I summarized my meeting with Lucia to them and I could tell they were not happy about it in the slightest bit.

"Why that witch! I outta peck her e.."

"Herald!" Rose said angerly.

"What? I don't care if it's bad she's threatening o kill our dear Andrea in less than two hours! Now there is no way I'm going to stand bac and let that daughter of the devil do that."

"I suppose your right. But can we first figure out how to help save Andrea's life before we try to destroy the witch?" Rose asked surprisingly calm.

"I'm glad you guys are so eager to help but I don't want you to get hurt and I really don't see a way out of this."

"Now hold on just a minute. Since when did Andrea Elizabeth Willingsworth ever give up on something?" Said Herald with defiance filled his voice. He puffed his chest a bit out at the statement and Riae straighten up. These were truly the best friends I could ever ask for.


""Well alight then! Stop sitting and start thinking about how to get out of this trap!"

And with that we all put our thinking caps on. We thought for about ten minutes and then feuded to try and get a new perspective. I ended up laying on my bed with my head over the side and I had no idea what Rose and Herald were doing. Then after a couple more minutes Rose suggested we take our minds off it and then come back to it with a refreshed brain. We agreed and started to take about Narnia. Rose and Herald were talking about all the dancing and talking beast and that they weren't many up her in this region of Narnia when a question came to mind.

"Herald, I thought Lucia killed any talking animals that were over here, so how can thes animals hat you speak of possible hide?"

"Well it's quite simple really. You see your mother had foreseen a dangerous time for talking beasts in this area so she had a secret tunnel in the forest made. There are dozens of them lead in underground to different homes where the animals live and hide."

"Do you know here to find them?"

"Well of course, me and Herald are fiends with a great deal of..." And Roses voice trailed off as she understood what I was getting at.

"You don't think.."said Herald catching on as well.

"It is possible." I said a small smile coming to my lips.

"Oh Herald! This is exactly what we've been looking for! We know almost all the animals in the underground network an I'm sure they would be more than willing to help hide Andrea and get her safely away so she can overthrow Lucia!"

"Indeed Rose it is a splendid idea!"

"The tunnels travel more towards a kingdom west of here. There is civilization there so wants you get far enough the last animal can show oh or mostly show you where it is and then you can fufill the requirements!" Rose was talking so fast because she was excited but I heard every single word.

"Do you think we cou arrange it on such short notice?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course! Thrash no problem at all. I'll go fly and telling them and get you a map to the beginning of the tunnels. While Roses stays here and helps you get what you need." With that Herald flew off to fufill his task.

"So then, what are we going to be needing?" Asked Rose eager to help as well.

"Well for one thing I need to get the few things my mother wanted us to have that u can Bing so it won't be in the hands of Lucia."

Rose nodded and went to find in my room a satchel while I collected s few things. I took the white dress that my mother gave me special and the shoes that went with it. It all packed up nicely not taking up much space at all. I put a work dress in and the a bother travel dress if I wanted to change. I also put some brown boots in at the bottom. I put a pair of hours in and then the few things if my mothers. I took the crown that was hers and the headpiece she had wanted me to where someday. I also was where if her locket and I placed her handkerchief in there as well. And a small bottle of perfume that smell like wild flowers in the summertime. This was all the valuables I could carry with me so I focused on the other things I would need.

I took a compass and a map of Narnia. I got a canteen and filled it with water. I also took some trips of cloth in case I got injured. I placed a small knife into the satchel as well and it my mothers bow and the quiver of arrows she had given me. I also got some rope to help my escape from the palace. It was about an hour till I would have to "give" my decision to Lucia. I went and changed put of my fancy clothes and I changed into a green dress that was easy to move and travel in. It was trimmed in silver and the sleeves covered all of my arms and came to a point in my hands. I slipped on some silver shoes and I braided some of my hair back out of my face. I then got my cloak and put it with my satchel and weapons.

Right then Herald came back with the map I needed to get me to the tunnels. Explained where I would stop and etc. I placed the map in my leather satchel of belongings. We had an half an hour to wrap up our plans. I spent fifteen minutes with Rose and Herald hiding my mother's belongs that I couldn't take with me. I then walked over to my desk and took out a piece of paper. With the quill and ink I jotted down a message for our Beloved Lucia telling her my decision. I put the my in a pocket in my dress and then got some rope from my chest underneath the bed. I tied it to my balcony railing and went over wit Rose and Herald the plan one more time.

We were so wrapped up in ourselves that we didn't know that someone was watching from the other side of the wall. I took my bedroom key and put that into my bad and slun my quiver onto my back. I put my cloak on and put my bow into the quiver on my back. I walked out onto the the balcony I nodded to Rose and Herald and went over the railing holding on t other rope firmly between my hands. I lowered myself down and once I was to the ground Rose and Herald untied the knot that held the rope and carried it to the wall a few yards away. I ran to the wall and Rose and Herald gave me the rope and I made a loop so that they could hook it a branch fro one of trees on the other side. It was now only two minutes till they would be coming.

I took hold of the rope and lead back a little climbing up the wall and then swinging over and slidin down the rope. I as just finished and Herald and Rose untied the rope so I could have it in case I needed it. We were so focused on getting over the wall we didn't notice there was someone begun us watching our every move. When Rose an Herald saw him they said goodbye an good luck and went to hide themselves from the guards that would be searching for me. I wound up the ropes and shoved it into the satchel I had when I heard a voice behind me.

"Why not just use the gate?" A deep voice said. I spun around and saw a boy my age standing there next to a white horse. He was blond and had broad shoulders. The belt an sword that hung in his side showed signs of royality. Who in the world is this?

"Who are you?" I asks unsure of what to say.

"I asked a question first you answer mine and I'll answer yours."

Yeah, that's not happening."Look, I don't have time for games. It's complicated and a long story. Just then I heard guards shouting from the other side of my bedroom door trying to break it down.

"Look, I'll explain later get in our horse now and ride away from here as fast as you can."


"Will you please just trust me, I don't want you getting hurt."

He started to mount his horse and asked me a question,"Will I see you again?"

I was looking nervously at the door and turned to reply when my bedroom door busted open and guards poured into my room.

"I..i.. I don't know. Go now!" I hit the horse and it bolted off and I think he tried to and what my name was but I wasn't sure because of the guards. I took out the note I had written earlier and put it in an arrow and set it to my bow and let it fly over the wall and into my room right past Lucia's head and it stuck into the wall.

With that I turned and ran off into the first not looking back, traveling as fast and as fa as my legs could take me.


Lady Lucia's P.O.V.

"My lady, it has been two hours since your meeting with Andrea shall I go call for her?"

"I told you not to call her that. " Lucia snapped at the guard.

"Of course, began your pardon your ladyship."

Lucia brushed the guard off with her hand."No I think I shall go to her myself. Have some of the guards accompany should anything happen."

"Yes your majesty." The guard squad and did as she requested.

Now the time has come, Lucia thought in her head, all this waiting has finally paid off and I will finish that girl who has been a pain in my side and finally take over. And that will be the end to Mara.

She stood up when the guards came in and they escorted her to her victims room. Her caption o the guard had the Kreme krust knife and was holding it for her till he could have the pleasure of using it to put an end to the family line.

They reached her door and immediately Lucia knew something was wrong. And then the door was locked. She knocked and demanded she open the door right then but there came no answer. She order the guards to knock the door down and then they flooded in trying to find her.

"Where is she," Lucia hissed and right then an arrow whizzed right past her head and pierced into the wall.

Furious, she orders the guards to see where it had come from and torn the note off of the arrow.

This is what it said:

My dear Lady,

Please excuse my breech of etiquette in not personally delivering you my answer. However, under the circumstances I have no desire to stick around and die a certain death. Between option one and option two I have chosen option three and have left your petty little kingdom. I know this must come as a great shock to you and I'm sure you will miss "controlling" me very much but I'm sure you will get over it in no time. It's not that hard, just find another puppet. Sorry for the disappointment.


Andrea the Free

Lucia crushed the note in her hand with her anger rising rapidly. I knew she was gutsy, but this?!

"Getspar take your guards and looked through the forest and find Mara at once!"

"How long my lady?"

"However long it takes! Even if you have to look through all of the forests of Narnia to find the girl! Take the Kreme krust knife with you and when you find her pierce her with it and bring her back to me!" Lucia shouted.

"Yes my lady."

"Go! Now!"

And all the guards scurried out of the room to carry out her orders.


Chapter 4

Andrea's P.O.V.

My hair flew behind me as I ran deep into the forest as fast as my legs would carry me. Even though I was smarter than the quarts and morneksiled then them I wasn't going to take any chances, especially since they'd be on horses. I ran and ran going different places make loops so they wouldn't track me. I found a sorta rock/cave like place in the ground and hid under it. It's be difficult for them to see me let only find me.

I was there for a half hour, making sure that they had lost me and were going the wrong way. I slowly crept up out of my hiding place and peered around to make sure I wasn't being watched. When I was certain that was safe I came out of my spot.

Then I heard a twig crack behind me and I spun around with my now and arrow already loaded and aimed. It bush moved more. I was getting nervous at what it was until suddenly......

A rabbit popped out. Relief swept over me and I lowered my weapons and put them back. It was a rabbit, a harmless adorable rabbit. I smiled at it as it ran off in a zig zag pattern.

Now then, to the present matter at hand. Which was making my way as fast as possible to the underground tunnels for refuge.


Mysterious Blond P.O.V.

I rode off and looked behind me to see the maiden pull out a piece of paper and put in on her arrow. She then fired it over the wall and into the room I had seen her come from.

I called over my shoulder and asked what her name was bu she couldn't hear me. When I looked back I saw her figure disappear running into the forest. Strange. I was surprised to learn there was anyone that lived in this forest let alone this giantic house.

From the yelling I heard as I rode away I could tell I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although I wished I could've talked more to the girl. All the sudden I hear cries behind me and I glance over my shoulder to see men dressed as guards on horses chasing after me. Oh dear, what have you gotten yourself into now? I sped up and I heard a whiz. I saw an arrow fly past me. Yeah, I was definitely at the wrong place at the wrong time and these men were trying to kill me for who knows why. All I knew is I didn't want to stick around for it.

I was riding for almost twenty five minutes and they still were chasing me. What on earth did they want? I looked back and when I did I saw that was an immediate mistake. I rammed into an overly low branch and fell off my horse tumbling down the little hillside on the trail. I stopped at the bottom and when I was starting to get up I found the three men who had been chasing me standing all around me, preventing me from escape.

I reached for the hilt of my sword, but stopped short when one of the three pointed their loaded bow at me. I slowly moved my hand away from it.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Said the one appearing to be the leader of the small group. "Seems like the little poor boy wandered to far away form home and is lost."

I gritted my teeth and used as much self control as I had to not touch the hilt of my sword. "What do you want?" I hissed.

"Oh come now, don't be like that."

"I will if I so please. What do you want?"

"Nothing specific., just a few questions. It shall only take but a moment."

"And after that?"

"It matters little. Now, tell me what you saw."

"I don't know what you mean."

"I guess he didn't hear me right." The man said to his colleagues,"What did you see?"

"Look I don't know who you are or what's going on. I've been riding all day had have seen a great deal of many things so you will have to be specific."

"Impertinent are we? Well alright, we'll play your little game. What did you see at the place which you have just come from?"

My anger was boiling, I could have him throw in dugeons for the rest of his life for being so disrespectful to someone in my position! I attempted, to calm down answering him coolly.

"What makes you think I saw anything at all?"

"I'm growing weary of this waiting. I know you have seen something so there is no use in denying it. In fact the more you deny the harder it will become for you."

"Well for your information, I saw nothing at all except a grand house and a squirrel or too. Does that satisfy you?"

"He is witty isn't he? He doesn't realize hat this will cost him."

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Are you afraid of this?"and he then he whipped out his sword impressively trying to strike fear into me but it didn't work. The other man with the bow out his arrow away back in his quiver after he received a glance from the man interrogating me. He pointed the sword close to my head which seemed to have a better effect.

"You afraid now?"

"No." Liar. Well not exactly. I wasn't scarred of him or dieing, I was scarred of dieing and my faintly back in my real home not knowing what to happened to me and me not seeing them.

"You should be."

And then I heard a voice from above us. "I wouldn't do anything if I were you Getspar."

Surprised at this sounded announcement everyone turned around and looked up to see a cloaked figure with a bow and arrow pointed at anyone who so much as twitched.

"I wouldn't move if I were you," I wouldn't if I was him either. Even though I wasn't him I still wouldn't imagine moving. "We wouldn't want this to accidentally go off, now would we?" Well he might but I personally wouldn't mind too much.

Andrea's P.O.V.

As I was walking back in the other direction I needed to go. I had purposely gone the wrong way so they wouldn't think I was heading for that civilization of men. I was about to cross a little trail I had come across when I heard a 'neigh'. What? I looked to the left and down the trail there were horses that I knew all to well. They were here! But I also saw another horse further in the distance, a white one. Wasn't that the one that blond boy who I saw earlier outside the wall?

I wonder where he is. And then I heard voices, I slowly crept to where the horses we're and saw down below the little hillside of leaves Getspar and his men surrounding the person I had seen earlier. So it was his horse. Getspar seemed angry and then all the sudden pulled out his sword and pointed it at him and threatened him for his life. Not so fast.

I steeped out from behind the tree and put my arrow to my bow while coming up with a plan.

"I wouldn't do anything if I were you Getspar." They seemed surprised and then looked up at me. I saw a glint of fear in Getspar's eyes when he saw the arrow's target was him.

"If I were you I wouldn't move," I paused and my brown eyes locked with his,"We wouldn't this to accidentally go off now would we?"

He gritted his teeth,"No, I suppose not."

I had him,"Put the sword away."

He made no move, instead one of his men did. Those blockheads aren't taking me seriously. I fired an arrow past his hand warning him. I quickly set another one as Getspar made the slightest move.

"Put it away or this time I won't be so merciful."

"Alright, alright." He put it away with his eyes on me.

"Now step back."

"Not until you tell me who you are."

I scoffed,"Like you don't know."

"Amuse me."

I rolled my eyes and moved my finger to hold the arrow in place with one hand. I used my other to lift back the hood of my cloak. His eyes slightly, although I'm not sure why. He knew it was me, maybe he was just in denial.

"Mara?" He whispered. "Andrea, is that you?"

I hate that name. My name was Andrea not Mara. Mara meant bitter and although I was that way towards Lucia and those with her I wasn't with others.

"My enemies call me that. My friends call me Andrea, you can call me Mara." I made that very clear so that he wouldn't miss a syllable. My bow was still drawn and pointed at him? Ready to fire.

"Alright then. "

"Now step back."

"Only if you put your weapon down."

When I did, with it still loaded in my hand of course, he gave the move to his men and they all stood back. The blond on the ground was shocked I'm sure but I ignored him. There were more important matters.

"Alright, now what? Do you want us to leave?"

"As a matter of a fact, yes."

"Well that isn't happening."

"Is that so?"


"You sure?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be."

"Because if thought you'd have more sense to not let your horses go back to an angry mistress with no riders."

"I'm not. What do you mean with no riders?" What Getpsar hadn't noticed is that I had been doing something with my hand behind my back. More specifically, I had the reins of all three horses.

I raised my hand that's had been hiding in plain view up and his facial expression was priceless.

"Bye." I said and I sent the horses running off the trail. Getspar stood there for a moment, looked at his victim, then his horses and then to me and then to his men and he yeld at them to catch them with him right behind them.

"Thanks." Said the blond boy from the ground. I glanced back and I saw Gatapar stop. He told his men to keep going. He decided to catch something else...me.

"Uh..yeah you're welcome. Bye." With that I ran off with Getspar running back to catch me. I heard him scream 'Wait!' but I had more pressing matters at the moment then formalities.

I ran and ran an ran, but Getspar would not give up. I finally had to stop and rest and I did as we came to a clearing. I ran to the other side and stopped pulled out my bow and arrow to fit him. He stopped looking a bit winded himself.

"Don't you come near me or I'll shoot you between the eyes."

"Don't worry, I won't." I lowered my bow slightly.

"Then why chase me?"

"Because I have unfinished business."

"Is that so?"


"Well you can take it elsewhere. "

"You'll have to make me," I raised my bow higher ready to fire if needed,"but you have to be fair. I'll fight you fencing. It's an unfair match with a bow and arrow."

"Since when dd you care about being fair?"

"Since my life was put on the line."

"What do you think mine has been the past day?"

"Look, if you win I'll let you go if you promise not to go back."

"Only if you promise to keep your word." I thought he was crazy, he knew I was the best at fencing, even better than Arath.

"Very well."

I lowered my bow and arrow and then arms from behind me grabbed my arms and pulled my back to against a tree. My wrist was twisted so I would drop my bow and then slightly twisted them form behind me so I would stop struggling.

It was Getspar's two men who had apprentice gotten the horses and come up with a plain to help him. He must've seen them the whole time.

"You said you'd be fair!"

"If I played fencing with you. But I changed my mind. I prefer you having a handicap."

"How am I suppose to fence with these two lugs holding me back."

"You're not."

"What?!" How could he be so calm about killing some one in cold blood?

He starts to walk closer to the tree."Like I said, I have some unfinished business and my life depends o seeing it through."

"But what about my life?"

"It matters little to me. I'll even let you go after I finish it."

"Oh yeah thanks."

He was a couple feet away from me. I began to struggle but they twisted my arms in a way that I couldn't escape. He pulled out the Kreme krust knife. I flinched at the sight of it.

He was a foot away from me and was ready to stab me with it.

"Noooooo!!" I screamed. But he should no pity. My arms were held even tighter and I felt like the blood flow in my arms had stopped because of it.

"Now where to finish this business," he said and acted as though he was in deep thought,"I have it how about...here!" And the. He stabbed and twisted three times. My eyes slid shut from the pain. My teeth were gritted and my hands whee into the tightest fists leaving nail marks on my palms a tear or two fell for my eyes but that was it. I was a high tolerater of pain but I never imagined this.

"There, I'm finished."

I opened my eyes and the seems to turn wild at my furry and pain. "Leave now Getspar. You have accomplished what you came to do, now leave."

He looked surprised at how I looked and after nodding to the men who were holding me they let me go. They got on there horses and befor they left I had a few final words.

"Oh and Getspar?"


"Tell Lucia that he will never be related to me, ever."

He nodded his head to me,"Nice doing business with you." With that they turned and rode off. After they left I grunted and groaned because my pain was very real. I knew it would be getting dark so I needed to get somewhere safe. Maybe I could still make it too the tunnels.

Walking armed like torture for he had stabbed me in the right hip. I walked feeling dizzy knowing I was losing blood. After an hour I started to stumble and lean against every tree while walking. I finally had to stop. It looked like rain, just my luck.

I sat down as carefully as I could with my back to a tree but it still caused great pain. I groaned at it. After the a drink I looked up and the under part of the forest canopy seeing light streaming throug here and there. And then things began to get blurry until I feel into darkness.


Chapter 5
I groaned coming back into consciousness. I shifted slightly but my joints and muscles hurt at any slight movement. I could hear absolutely nothing. I was alone. I felt the bark of tree behind my neck and could smell the scent of pine. I remembered I was in a forest. I slowly opened my eyes and then shut them being blinded by the brightness. I worked at it but eventually I was able to open my eyes and keep them open.

My vision was blurred and slowly focused to reveal that I had been right in thinking I was in a forest and alone. I jerked up a bit and then settled back down groaning by a sudden piercing pain in my right hip. I looked down and saw a black handle with golden writing on it sticking out from my hip.

"Oh I remember," I said out loud. Everything came back to me about Getspar, the horses, the knife. Man did that hurt. It took me a while to figure out how to get up with causing the least amount of pain as possible and without damaging anything too badly. I don't think that was possible but I tried.

When I got up I was really dizzy. I looked down to see a big red stain on my dress around the knife in my hip. I had apparently lost a lot of blood while I had passed out from the pain and slight loss of blood back a while ago. How long had I been out? I didn't know but there were more clouds coming in and they looked like storm clouds. I couldn't have been out for more than an hour so it must be around late afternoon/ early evening.

I stumbled through the forest, my hip throbbing to match my throbbing head. It seemed forever I was walking. I didn't care about finding the tunnels, I needed to find civilization or helper before this storm comes and darkness falls.

I held onto each tree on my way, feeling as though I was getting more and more dizzy. Several times I saw black spots in front of my eyes and I thought I was going to pass out again, but somehow I made it through.

After what seemed like a lifetime but in reality was probably an hour, hour and a half I finally stumbled upon in the distance what looks like to be a road. The road hopefully lead to civilization where I could get help the medical attention. As I walk towards it seem to be getting farther away I hurried because I started to hear thunder in knew it would start raining soon, and in my condition I wouldn't be able to trud through the forest in the pouring rain. When I finally reached almost reached it, there was a little hill that I would have to walk down in order to reach it. I was starting to walk down it when all the sudden , I started to feel very severe pain in my head that was different than before and then all of a everything got blurry and then black.


After blacking out Andrea fell and rolled down the hill making the knife irritate her insides. She stopped at the bottom of the hill, just off the road. Her cloaked figure was facing away from it as she laid passed out.

Then a rider came down the road and when he saw the figure limp by the road he stopped and dismounted his horse and rushed to it. He recongnized the cloak, it was the same one the girl who had saved him was wearing earlier.

He gently turned her over, her right side still cloaked concealing her injury. He lifted the hood to see that it was indeed the girl he had encountered twice that day. She was paler though, and something didn't seem right.

He was lifting her back so she would be in more a sitting position and that's when the cloak fell away. His eyes grew large as he saw the knife handle in her hip and the red stain around it. He set her back down so the blade would not irritate or do more damage to her hip then was already done.

He was about to inspect the injury when all the sudden her eyes slowly opened and shut.

"Arath? Is that you?" She whispered and mumbled.

"No but you-" Her eyelids flew open coming into full consciousness and looked around. When she saw me she immediately scooted back away and saw that I was staring at her injury. She pulled the cloak back over it and then started to speak.

"W-who are you? And what do you want?"

"That doesn't matter at the moment. We need get you help."

"What makes you think I need any help?"

"Well you have an injury and I th-"

"Look, I don't know who you are but I'm fine and I don't need your help."

"But you saved me earlier."

"So what?"

"So I want to help you in return."

"I don't need help! I'm just fine on my own."

"Is that why you were just laying here in the side of the road?"

"I was unconscious, but I'm not now so there's no need for concern."

"I won't leave you, you're hurt."

"No I'm not! I'm perfectly fine." She tried to make a move to stand but fell back down clutching her side.

"See, you do need help. I don't care what you say I'm taking you back with me. If you wan leave after that then go ahead but I'm not going anywhere without you."

"But I don't know who you are and I don't want to cause any trouble."

"You're not causing any trouble, I'm just a friend trying to help another friend." We heard a loud clash of thunder. "It's going to pour soon. I need to get you back now." She groaned and he put a arm under her back and around her shoulders and one under her knees.

He lifted her up as if she was as light as a feather. She groaned,"That makes me dizzy."

"Then close your eyes." She did and wrapped an arm around his neck and lead her head against his shoulder as he walked to his horse.

His horse knelt down so he could get in it and then it slowly got back up. He shifted her in he arms a bit, and grabbed the reins with his hand.

"Go." He kicked his horse who ran as fast as he could without hurting her. He looked down to see that she was either asleep or unconscious again, neither could be good in her state. He pulled the hood over her head and hurried back to the palace.


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