42 - The Taboo

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We found them. It took a while, but Ron and I kept following the Deluminator's light and eventually we found Harry, who was almost drowning in a little pool. Ron had pulled him out just in time - Harry had being wearing the locket which was choking him.

But, he had managed to get the sword of Gryffindor and so we were able to destroy a Horcrux.

And now, we were sat upstairs in Luna Lovegood's cottage, chatting to her father who was telling us all about the Deathly Hallows.

But something wasn't quite right. Xenophilius Lovegood kept insisting that Luna had just popped out to go fishing and would be back any moment, however, there seemed to be no sign of her at all. And Xenophilius was extremely twitchy.

But when Harry had discovered Luna's un-slept bed, Xenophilius caved.

"They took my Luna," He whispered. "Because of what I've been writing. They took my Luna and I don't know where she is, what they've done to her. But they might give her back to me if I - if I -"

"Hand over Harry?" I finished for him, holding up the latest issue of The Quibbler - Harry's face plastered on the front page, emblazoned with the words Undesirable Number One.

"No deal," Ron said flatly. "Get out of the way, we're leaving."

But Xenophilius stepped in front of the staircase, blocking it with his outstretched arms.

"They will be here at any moment. I must save Luna. I cannot lose Luna. You must not leave."

"Don't make us hurt you," Harry said. "Get out of the way, Mr Lovegood."

"HARRY!" Hermione screamed, pointing out of the window.

I looked out in horror as black cloaked figures were flying past on broomsticks. And the next thing I knew, Harry had jumped on top of me, knocking me painfully to the floor and then came a great colossal explosion. It felt as though the room had blown apart. I was only aware of a thick white cloud of dust as I was went flying through the air before crashing back down to the floor. I flung my arms up over my head as debris rained down upon me. I could barely breathe or see for dust as I tried to look around me to see what had cause the explosion.

The door downstairs crashed open.

"Didn't I tell you there was no need to hurry, Travers?" a rough voice came from down below. "Didn't I tell you this nutter was just raving as usual?"

I heard a bang and a scream that sounded as though it belonged to Xenophilius.

"No... no... upstairs... Potter!"

This is the end. I thought. But then someone grabbed my shoulder and the next thing I knew I was being dragged once more into darkness, before landing roughly on to cold, wet grass.

I scrambled quickly to my feet, looking as Harry, Ron and Hermione picked themselves up from the corner of the field we had Apparated to.

"Is everyone ok?" Hermione gasped.

"I think so," I panted, wincing as I wiped blood from a cut on my forehead. "What was that explosion?"

"An Erumpent horn." Hermione sighed. "I told him it was dangerous and now his house has been blown apart!"


The weeks that followed were rather uneventful. We tried to not think about how cold and hungry we always felt as we discussed The Deathly Hallows and Horcruxes. Harry was adamant that Voldemort was searching for the Elder Wand and seemed completely obsessed by this idea. Hermione was insisting that Horcruxes were what we needed to focus on. Ron and I just sat on the fence, trying to keep the peace.

The winter weather slowly drifted into spring and the days were finally starting to get slightly warmer and longer.

One evening in March, whilst fiddling with the radio, I discovered a programme called Potterwatch.

"Guys! Come here! I think it might be Lee Jordan!"

It indeed was - we all gathered round the little radio listening as Lee Jordan brought us the real news of the wizarding world.

We gazed at one another in horror as the murder of Tonk's father was announced, along with others, including a muggle family of five.

"See," said Ron drily, looking at me. "This is what Death Eaters do,"

I ignored him. I refused to even consider that Draco could ever be capable of such evil. My heart clenched at the thought of him - it had been almost a year now since I last saw him. He couldn't kill that night, and I had to believe that he still couldn't kill today. I had to.

We all had a chuckle as Fred came on, giving the listeners his hilarious take on the stories surrounding the 'Chief Death Eater' and his various sightings abroad.

"Good, eh?" Ron said after the programme had ended.

"It was like a tonic, hearing familiar friendly voices again." I sighed happily.

"Did you hear what Fred said?" Harry asked excitedly. "He's abroad! He's still looking for the wand, I knew it!"

"Harry-" Hermione sighed in exasperation.

"Come on, Hermione, why are you so determined not to admit it? Vol-"


"-demort's after the Elder Wand!"

"The name's Taboo!" Ron bellowed, leaping to his feet as a loud crack sounded outside the tent.

I felt a sick swooping in my stomach. Rough, excited voices were coming nearer and nearer.

"Come out of there with your hands up!" came a rasping voice through the darkness. "We know you're in there! You've got half a dozen wands pointing at you and we don't care who we curse!"

Hermione pointed her wand at Harry's face. A loud bang and a burst of white light sent Harry buckling back, clutching his face. I looked in horror as his whole face rapidly swelled up in front of my eyes, and then I suddenly understood. He was unrecognisable.

They stormed the tent, grabbing us immediately. My stomach turned over as I recognised the one who grabbed me as Fenrir Greyback. The revolting werewolf from the night of the Astronomy Tower.

They dragged us outside the tents whilst others searched our belongings, taking things for themselves.

"What's your name, ugly?" Greyback spat, leering over at Harry.

"Vernon Dudley."

"Check the list, Scabior," Greyback said before turning to Ron. "And what about you, Ginger?"

"Bardy Weadly" it sounded like his mouth was full of blood.

"Weasley. Blood traitor family!" Greyback sneered, spitting in Ron's face.

"You?" He now turned to Hermione.

"Penelope Clearwater." Shit. She used the name I was going to say. Panic prickled all over me.

Greyback, who was still clutching me, breathed heavily into my ear making my flesh crawl. "And you, pretty girl, what's your name?"

He licked his lips and a speck of drool rolled down his chin.

"Uh- ummm.." I trailed off, my mind had gone blank in horror.

"Reckon you're a Mudblood, girly. I can smell it." Pushing my hair aside, he sniffed his nose down my neck. I shuddered in disgust.

"Look 'ere!" The one named Scabior yelled. He was clutching Harry's head, examining his forehead closely.

Greyback strode over, taking me with him. "What?" He spat.

"It's the scar. This 'ere is 'Arry Potter!" Scabior said excitedly.

Greyback, squinted down at Harry's head. "Well, well, well. So it is."

"Let's get 'em to the Ministry! Quick!" Scabior said, hopping on his feet.

"To hell with the Ministry," Greyback growled. "I say we take him straight to the Dark Lord himself."

"But where can we find him? Are you going to summon 'im 'ere?"

"No. We're going to take our little friends to Malfoy Manor."



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