48 - The Slytherin

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Draco sighed. He had been summoned, again. Those bloody Carrows wanting him to do their dirty work for them as usual, he expected. They had been extra keen to punish him, ever since it had become common knowledge that the Malfoy's had let Harry Potter slip through their fingers.

As he strode down the corridor, leading to the Carrows office, he passed two first years who cowered in fright away from him. He knew it was mostly due to the regulation Death Eater hooded cloak he had to wear. The Carrows absolutely insisted on it - ensuring that terror is instilled on students at all times.

He gave the door a short sharp rap, when he had reached the office, and stepped inside without waiting for an answer. He was not prepared for the sight before him and he was grateful that his hooded cloak covered the majority of his face, hiding the shock in his eyes.

Alecto Carrow was standing grinning manically at her brother, Amycus, who had Rosie in a fierce grip, clamping her arms behind her back, her mouth gagged with an old rag. Her eyes bulged with fear as she watched him enter the room, and she struggled against Amycus's hold who gave her a swift kick in the back of her legs making her buckle beneath him.

Draco tried with everything in him not to react. He had to think. Fast.

"We got Potter's little girlfriend!" Amycus wheezed with delight.

"She just walked right up to the castle - just like that!" Squealed Alecto. "Stupid Mudblood!"

"And exactly what do you want us to do with her?" A low, drawling voice came from the far corner. Draco recognised the Death Eater's voice as belonging to Theodore Nott, another newly appointed recruit.

"We need you to lock her in the torture room and do what you have to do to get her talking." Alecto hissed excitedly. "We can't call the Dark Lord until we get a definite lead on Potter. He won't settle for anything less."

"And if she refuses to talk?" Nott asked.

"Then kill her, of course." Amycus replied, as if this was the most obvious answer in the world.

Nott stepped forward to go and grab her from Amycus but Draco quickly swooped in first.

"I'll deal with this one." His voice a dangerous snarl, as he roughly grabbed Rosie, immediately clamping her hands firmly behind her back. He wouldn't let Nott touch her.

He didn't wait for Nott's reply and forced Rosie aggressively out of the office, making her stumble and trip over her own feet.

He continued dragging her up the corridor, as she strained and struggled from under his grip. She tried to scream, but the rag muffled the sound. Draco kept forcing her along, trying desperately not to lose his hold on her as she twisted frantically becoming increasingly determined to free herself.

As soon as they had rounded the corner, Draco looked around quickly, checking there was no one around, then slammed Rosie up against the wall, pinning her with his body.

"It's me, Rosie," he whispered frantically as she tried to kick him away.

She stilled. He raised his hood and he saw the fear immediately leave her eyes, replaced by a flood of relief.

"Look, you're going to have to play along, just until I get you somewhere safe." He whispered hurriedly in her ear. "Do you trust me?"

She nodded, and relief flooded him. This wasn't going to be easy, he needed to get her down another five floors and they could bump into anyone asking questions.

He pulled her back into his grip and resumed dragging her down the corridor, her struggling now ceased. His heart thudded whenever they approached anyone. Rosie would make an attempt to look like she was straining to keep up the pretence. But luckily no one questioned why a Death Eater was dragging a girl through the hallways - not even the Professors.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief when they finally reached the dungeons. He stopped at a wall, and, muttering a password, he hauled her through it into the green glow of the Slytherin common room.

Thankfully, the room was empty. Draco couldn't believe his luck. He didn't risk freeing Rosie yet though, and kept hold of her whilst he led them to a room round the back of the boys dormitory. His room.

He pushed Rosie over the threshold and, stepping in with her, firmly locked the door behind him. He threw the cloak off over his head and then immediately took the gag out of Rosie's mouth, making her cry in relief as he frantically kissed her, his lips pressing repeatedly against her dry cracked ones, and then moving up the side of her face to kiss her tears away.

"Draco," she breathed, making his stomach twist with desire.

"God, Rosie, I can't believe you're here." He sighed breathlessly, resting his forehead against hers. "You're really here."

"I came to find you," she took a step back looking frantically into his eyes, a fearful expression on her face. "Draco, Travers thinks you are currently in Gringotts with Bellatrix."

Confusion filled Draco's mind. "But why would he think that? He knows I'm here, I'm even supposed to be meeting with him with the Carrows this afternoon."

"Because he saw you there with her." Rosie bit her lower lip. "The thing is, it was actually Ron and Hermione he saw. They used Polyjuice potion. They, along with Harry should be in Gringotts as we speak."

Draco couldn't get his head around what she was saying. "Look, Rosie, just tell me - is what they are doing important?"

Slowly, she nodded.

"Then say no more. Just tell me what you need me to do."

"Just don't let Travers see you."

He took a step towards her, closing the gap between them. "Then I guess I'll just have to stay in here with you for the rest of the day."

Overcome with desire, he seized her around the waist and threw her onto the huge four poster bed behind her. He crawled on top of her, trailing kisses down her neck.

"Draco!" She gasped, half laughing, half moaning as his hands ran fervently up and down her body.

"God, I've missed you, Rosie." He groaned as his kisses got more urgent, finding her lips hungrily.

Rosie's hands gripped the back of his head,  wringing her hands through his hair, pulling him in harder, their tongues longingly exploring each other's mouths.

He felt her hips rise up beneath him, pressing herself against him invitingly. He moaned, adrenaline and desire coursing through his body.

He broke the kiss, hurriedly ripping his shirt off over his head, before connecting their lips again. Her fingers ran across his bare torso and he shuddered, feeling for sure that he wasn't going to last very long.

She pulled herself up from underneath him, coming to a sitting position so she could pull her top off. He helped lift it over her head, and sighed as he watched her dark wavy hair fall back down around her bra. He kissed the space between her breasts as his hand expertly undid the clasp of her bra. He pulled her straps down, allowing her bra to fall away, and moved his attention to her nipples making her gasp out loud as he gently grazed each one between his teeth.

"I want you," she pleaded, her voice full of yearning.

Draco did not hesitate to rip his trousers off, as Rosie hurriedly removed hers. When there were no clothes left between them, Rosie straddled his lap and, as she lowered herself onto him, Draco's eyes rolled to the back of his head in ecstasy. Her lips came crashing down onto his as they moved as one, moaning frantically into each other's mouths.

It didn't take long, as he knew it wouldn't. But that didn't matter - he had all afternoon to make it up to her.

They came to a still; sweaty and panting in each other's arms.

"I love you, Rosie," he murmured, burying his face into her hair.

"I love you too, Draco."


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