Chapter 10: saving friends

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"Where are they?" Glaceon asked "I'm sorry... Leafeon was mind controlled and Flareon and Vaporeon were taken" Sylveon replied "we have to find them!" Different yelled running off "DIFFERENT WAIT!" Jolteon yelled running after her, everyone else behind them. They reached a large black castle, blood red towers, Different ran into there without thinking and was stopped by a shiny eevee, his eyes with no soul, wearing a collar. "Silver!" Different called, no reply from Silver "Silver, it me! It's me Different!" Different called, still no reply "it's no use" Glaceon said coming into view "I suggest you become an espeon a and teleport him back, we will deal with him later" Umbreon said, Different evolved into an deepening and teleported Silver back, they continued on. They reached a room full of pokemon, they looked sick and tired, they looked hungry like they hadn't eaten for days, no... weeks, but there were two pokemon that stood out "Vaporeon! Flareon!" Different called running over to them.

They left the room, they followed Vaporeon and Flareon to where they said that the mind controlled pokemon would be, they found leafeon, glaceon ran over to him and hugged him, Leafeon pushed her back and hit her with a leaf tornado "leaf-leafeon? Why?" Glaceon called, she closed her eyes and Leafeon knocked out of his mind control "Glaceon! What have I done?" Leafeon asked starting to cry, glaceon opened her eyes "it's ok, now we just need to get out of here!" Glaceon said, they followed her to be stopped by an umbreon with red rings with an espeon next to him.

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