Beast Boy (Male!Reader)| Vacation

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Requested by: @user62221306

Prompt: Self given

Warnings: None

Extra: None


The tower was always bustling. Missions or otherwise. So when I walked into a room full of energy and screaming, I couldn't say I was surprised by it. On the contrary, I would have been more worried if it was silent while Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing video games.

"You can't push me and not call it cheating Cy! You distracted me from the game! That means that I win!"

"Nu-uh. I pushed you cause I was going to win anyways," Cyborg shot back, pointing at the screen as if to show off his 1st Place screen.

"How's your Sansevieria doing, Raven?" I asked, pulling out a cup so I could water the plants around the living room.

It was hard to grow trees in the tower for obvious reasons, so I substitute them with as many plants as I could find places for. The others didn't seem to mind. They brightened up the place and filled it with a nice energy.

"Fine, since you helped it out. None of my spells match your abilities when it comes to growing things."

Tipping the cup into the nearest pot, I smirked, "You can't beat a Dryad when it comes to nature. You'd crash and burn no matter how good you think you are. It's the way the world works."

"Duly noted." Raven floated off, likely to read or meditate with the new plant I had given her. It was a classic in terms of peace bringing for things like meditation.

When I passed behind the couch to water the plants around the front windows, both Beast Boy and Cyborg held a controller out to me.

"Wanna play winner next round? It's probably gonna be me-" Beast Boy punched Cyborg at the statement.

"Ah, no thank you," I smiled, passing by behind the couch, "After this I have a few other things to do."

Other things meant standing in my room and staring out the window because I was homesick. When I finished watering the plants I returned to my room, and stood at the large glass windows. They faced the mainland, but not the city. The forest just outside. My forest. My former home.

A month beforehand, I ran into the Titans when they were on a mission in the woods. I assisted them, and because of that they offered my a place on their team. Without hesitation I accepted. I always felt... off in the forest. Male Dryads were rarer than anything thing, so I was out of place among the other Dryads residing there. Bute just because I had found a new family within the Titans didn't mean I couldn't miss my Tree.

"Hey (Y/n), you okay?" Beast Boy stepped into my room after a small knock on the metal door, "You seem kind of off today."

"I'm alright Garfield. I simply miss my home a bit. Homesick," I said quietly, "It's strange being so close, yet not being able to travel there. It almost makes it worse."

Beast Boy shrugged, "I don't see why you can't. Things are pretty chill right now. We could go camping there! It'd be awesome. Like a vacation!"

I perked up at the idea. Vacations were rare for the Titans, their only one in the past being a trip to Tokyo that ended in a giant battle. But the idea of being back home and being able to get closer to Beast Boy...

"Okay, let's do it."


That led to gathering whatever camping supplies we could find and heading over to the woods.The rest of the Titans claimed they had 'plans' for the night and following day, leaving me alone with Beast Boy. Something deep down told me that they were just excusing themselves so we'd have time alone.

As soon as we entered I felt a familiar pull to the center of the forest, and I obliged in following it, sure that Beast Boy would follow me wherever I went. Tree after tree, to the untrained eye they would all seem the same, but I knew could which ones belonged to who. It was a small group of Dryads in the area, well spread out.

"Where are we going?" Beast Boy questioned curiously, "Do you have a cabin out here or something?"

"Or something," I responded, stopping in a grove of trees, "This is my home."

"Um... it's a bunch of trees?"

Laughing slightly, I dropped my bags to the ground and explained, "It's a grove, and it's mine. It's rare for a Dryad to watch over an entire grove, but it's even rarer for a male Dryad to exist so you can understand why this is mine."

"It's really cool! Is the tree you always talk about here?"

"It's right here," I placed a hand on the rough bark of the small oak. Smaller than many other trees in the forest, but it represented my young age, since I aged with the tree, "Nice isn't it? Actually, don't answer that. It probably looks like any other tree."

"Kind of. But it's special to you so it's special to me," Beast Boy assured. I flushed a dark green and looked away, smiling nervously.

"Do you um, do you want to set up the tent? After that we can head down to the lake. It's a nice place to watch the sunset. I did it a lot when it was just me here."

"Sure dude!"

Together, we managed to set up the tent while following the all too confusing directions. It was more a formality than anything, considering I slept within the trees and Beast Boy could shift into any animal he wished and sleep comfortably either in a tree or on the ground.

While setting up the tent, Beast Boy continued to crack jokes to keep the mood high when the tent became frustrating. I appreciated it. I always did when he attempted to keep me happy. If it weren't for him and my... attachment to him, I probably wouldn't have agreed to join the Titans.

Perhaps that was why I was so excited about the prospect of going on a small vacation with Beast Boy, because it meant spending time alone with him, showing him who I was and learning about who he used to be before the Titans. I knew his name, Garfield, I wanted more.

After the tent was successfully put up- and by that, it was able to stand on its own- Beast went inside and changed into a swimsuit first, and I followed after. It was strange, being in a human's swimsuit. Formerly living in the forest meant that nature based items were my clothing, I wasn't familiar with fabrics.

I led Beast Boy down the short path to the beautiful lake of the forest. Highly protected by the entire group of Dryads since it was so essential to the forest and the ecosystem it supported. Because of that, it was unpolluted, perfect.

"Come on!" I motioned for Beast Boy to follow me as I jumped into the lake, laughing happily after. As soon as my body touched the water, everything within me felt stronger. Physically and mentally, I felt strong in a way I didn't realize I missed.

Beast Boy shifted into a dolphin, flipped in the air, and landed gracefully right next to me. I laughed, covering my face as water splashed over me. Beast Boy shifted back and laughed with me.

I didn't know how long we spent splashing around and swimming in the lake, but by the time we were left lying on the shore, panting, the sun was setting. It was the perfect chance to show Beast Boy what I meant about how beautiful the lake and the forest went with the sunset.

"Hang on," I held my hand over the ground beneath us, and plants sprouted to creates a soft seat we could lie on more comfortably than the bare ground, "There we go."

"You were right, the sunset is really nice," Beast Boy rested his chin on his knees, "I play videogames so much I don't really notice how nice nature can be."

"Maybe you should put that controller down every once in a while and go on the roof to breath fresh air," I chuckled, nudging him.

"Only if you go up there with me," Beast Boy scotted a bit closer to me, subtly. But it was hard not to notice when I was hyper-aware of everything he did, "I like spending time with you."

Out of it, and high off of my own happiness, I muttered, "I like you too." Realizing what I just admitted, I rushed to cover my mistake, "I meant- yeah, I like spending time with you too! Yeah... that's what I mean."

"I like you too (Y/n). Like, I like you."

I could have jumped with joy at the moment. Instead of him rejecting me after my accidental confession, he said he liked me too. Acting on the spur of the moment impulse yet again, I grabbed Beast Boy's cheeks and pulled his lips to mine.

When I pulled away Beast Boy grinned boyishly, "We should go on vacation here more often."

I couldn't agree more.

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