Dick Grayson| Casual Healing

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Prompt: #10

"Wait a minute! You've died?"

"Yeah but that's now the point. Anyways..."

Warnings: Slight swearing

Extra: Sorry for the wait, I've been busy with finishing up Mutant and Proud. Enjoy!


"Hey, babe, have you seen my-" Dick stopped talking when he entered the bedroom and saw (Y/n) holding up his suits belt, "You read my mind."

"If only that were my power, then I would know when you're going to jump into a mission headfirst," (Y/n) giggled, "Now that I gave you your belt, I believe you have something of mine."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Dick smiled coyly.

"Oh, sure," (Y/n) laughed, rolling her eyes, "Now, I have patrol, so I really need my mask."

Dick sighed, holding out (Y/n)'s mask. (Y/n) smiled, reach out to grab it from his hands before he pulled it away.

"I will give it back, on one condition." (Y/n) raised her brow in interest as Dick was talking, "I get to put it on you."

"Fine, but no funny business," (Y/n) pointed an accusatory finger, "We have work to get to."

"I swear on my badge," Dick pointed to the nightstand where his police badge was placed.

"Good. Go ahead."

Dick took a step forward, slowly placing (Y/n)'s mask over her eyes. When it was on entirely, Dick kissed the tip of (Y/n)'s nose, making her giggle. She leaned up and quickly kissed Dick's lips, pulling back before he could pull her in.

"We can't get distracted on a patrol night," (Y/n) prompted, "I've got northside tonight, alright?"

"I'll handle south side then, how long are we out?"

"What time is it now?" (Y/n) glanced at the clock, "Nine? Alright let's get back here by one then."

"You got it, stay safe, and-"

"Call you over the com if I get in trouble, yes I know," (Y/n) laughed, opening the window that led to the fire escape, "I'll see you later, love you."

"Love you too."

The two climbed to the rooftops and went their separate ways. Depending on how the crime was in the area, they would either go together or separately.

When (Y/n) reached the north side she watched different alleyways and over civilians she thought were of high risk until she knew they would be safe. The north side was considered the better side of Blüdhaven, holding the higher class- hence them being in the north.

"Nightwing I'm not really seeing anything here, do you want me to-" (Y/n) cut herself off when she noticed movement in the alley below her, "Hang on, I'll get back to you."

(Y/n) dropped down gracefully, squinting when she didn't see anything. Even with the lenses in her mask, which were supposed to brighten dark areas, she saw no signs of movement.

"I need to get more sleep," (Y/n) muttered, turning to climb back up, "Oh, shit!"

(Y/n) gasped when she noticed someone standing at the end of the alley. She was so distracted looking for someone inside, she didn't notice them approaching.

"I'm sorry, um, is there something you need?" (Y/n) asked, taking a step towards them, "Do you need help?"

The figure was a male, average height, larger build. He didn't speak, just continued to stare at her. She felt suspicion bubble in her gut. She took a step back to grab the ladder. Something wrapped around her neck and pulled, cutting off her airway.

(Y/n) reached back and grabbed the hair of the person behind her, pulling so hard she knew it was coming out of its roots. But the person didn't stop. (Y/n) stomped on the person's foot, elbowing them in the stomach. When they loosened their grip she grabbed their wrist and flipped them over her shoulder.

The man at the front of the alley had never moved. He just watched as a man just tried to kill one of the cities heroes.

"What the hell?" (Y/n)'s voice was coarse and she felt the need to cough so she could get more air to her lungs.

The man lifted his hand, and another five men entered the alley, their weapons ranging in guns and tasers.

"You idiots do realize I can heal myself right?"

The men didn't respond, they just ran forwards. (Y/n) sighed, rolling her eyes. The night was so easy until this weird moment.

(Y/n) ran towards the men, catching them off guard. What did they expect? That she would try to run after one of their men tried to kill her?

(Y/n) gripped one of the men's wrists, holding him in front of her and one of the other men shot off, in the end killing their teammate. She pushed the body forwards, ignoring it as it fell to the ground.

(Y/n) grabbed the taser from the dead man. She jumped up and tackled one of the other men down, slamming the taser into his neck and leaving it there as he convulsed. The other three men seemed hesitant to continue, but considering how their boss was watching, they didn't have a choice.

"Avengers don't fail me now," (Y/n) pushed herself off of one of the men and wrapped her legs around one of the others. She swung her body weight and flipped the man into the other two.

When she noticed they were still moving she took the taser from the second thug's neck and tazed the last three until they were out completely.

"I need a weapon," (Y/n) panted, "Dick makes it look so easy."

As she stood up from her kneeling position she felt a sharp pain run through her chest. She cried out, looking down to see what the source was. Blood was rapidly forming and falling from a small hole in her chest.

"I'd like to see you heal from that," the leader growled in her ear.

She felt a push on her back and she fell forwards. It was as though her heart was bursting from her chest, it was trying and failing to pump blood through her body.

"Hey, asshole," (Y/n) gasped out.

The man turned to her, brow raised. (Y/n) pulled a small disc from her belt, chucking it at him. His body jerked once before he fell to the ground.

"Paralyzing agent," she whispered, leaning her head against the ground.

She knew her healing ability was able to handle minor injuries, but she was never caught in a situation like this, being shot in the heart. She had never pushed it that far, she never had the chance.

The pain in her chest gave her the urge to pass out. She knew if she did there would be too small a chance of her waking up. With a groan and much effort, she pressed the com in her ear.

"Dick I'm on Fourth and Gear, in the alley, I need you here."

"What's going on?"

(Y/n)'s hand fell from her ear and she closed her eyes. Her heart was no longer pounding against her chest, she couldn't feel it moving at all. She knew she had to do something, keep talking to Dick, slap herself, but she was so tired.

A little nap wouldn't be so bad.

When she opened her eyes again she was laying in her bed. Her suit was off, her comfortable pajamas on instead. She blinked a few times, looking over at the clock. It was nine in the morning.

"Oh thank God you're awake," Dick nearly dropped the glass of water he was carrying into the bedroom, rushing to her side, "I got to the alley and you were bleeding out surrounded by thugs, I knew you were going to be okay but the bullet pierced your heart."

"Did you get the guys?"

"Yeah, all of them were brought in to the station for questioning. As far as we can tell they wanted to take out one of the cities heroes to send it in to panic."

"Domestic terrorism," (Y/n) mumbled, "Did you bring advil in here?"

"Yeah, right here," Dick gave (Y/n) two small pills and the glass of water, "I called in sick and told your boss that you were throwing up this morning so we have the day off."

"Good," (Y/n) groaned as she sat up, "After I got shot, and that guy pushed me to the ground, I was laying there right? And after my heart stopped and I was blacking out-"

"Heart stopped?" Dick's eyes widened, "Are you telling me that you died?"

"Yeah but that's not the point," (Y/n) waved her hand, "My healing saved me, so now I know I can survive anything. But, anyways, I was thinking that I needed a weapon."

"You were dying and you were thinking about needing a weapon?" Dick repeated.

"Yeah, it would have made that fight a lot easier, and, you know, maybe my heart wouldn't have stopped," (Y/n) chuckled.

"Don't even joke about that," Dick pulled (Y/n) in for a right hug, "I get scared, the hero life is dangerous."

"I knew what I was signing up for," (Y/n) assured, "It's okay, I'm fine. No scratches or scares or anything, alright? Hey, look at me."

(Y/n) grabbed Dick's cheeks, kissing him gently. The tender moment extended as the two continued to hug and kiss.

"So, now that we have the whole day off," Dick started, smirking with a raised brow.

"Let's go out for breakfast," (Y/n) put her hand on Dick's chest, pushing him away from her, "And we'll go from there."

"Oh come on," Dick whined, "You barely let me kiss you before patrol yesterday!"

"Yeah, that's because we never would have left if I did let you kiss me," (Y/n) laughed, "C'mon, breakfast and then we'll talk."

"It's not talking I was implying," Dick muttered.

(Y/n) laughed, "I know very well what you were implying Dick Grayson, and trust me, breakfast comes beforehand."

"You're lucky I love you," Dick kissed (Y/n)'s temple.

"You can't get rid of me," (Y/n) grinned, "I'm basically immortal now."

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