Harry Potter| Bench by the Lake

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Requested by: Sheepcow20

Prompt: Self-given

Warnings: None



There was a bench by the lake just outside Hogwarts.

There were plenty of benches around the lake - at a safe distance from the edge of the water, of course - but this one bench was the perfect one. During the day, it rode the line between being in the sun and the shade. You could pick a half to relax on depending on how you were feeling. At sunset, it had the most gorgeous views. And on the night you were willing to sneak out? The stars had never seemed so beautiful.

So I wasn't surprised when during the Yule Ball, all I could think of was that single bench. It felt like it was calling out to me, begging to be kept company while a party roared on inside.

Since I went to the ball with a group of friends rather than a specific date, no one would be looking for me in particular, and if someone did notice my absence then they could write it off as going to bed early.

Taking the chance, I slipped out of the castle and took a lesser-known path down to the lake. The Durmstrang boat obstructed the moon's reflection on the water, but added to the overall vibe of the night. I couldn't tell if I loved it or hated it.

What surprised me more than anything, was seeing that somebody was already occupying the bench I was so eager to inhabit. But more than that, it was Harry Potter sitting on the bench when he should have been back at the ball rubbing elbows with fans and haters alike.

"I see you weren't a big fan of the music too," I smiled, drawing his attention as I sat down next to him, "A bit too loud and crowded, right?"

"And full of people who hate me," Harry sighed.

"I'm (Y/n). This is my bench. Well, not my bench, but I come out here often enough to have a bit of a claim on it. No matter what time of day it is, the lake always looks prettiest from this spot. Sometimes I wonder if a charm was put on it at some point, something to make the world look more beautiful," looking over to Harry, you noticed he was staring at you in bewilderment, "What? Do I sound a bit crazy?"

Shaking his head, Harry was quick to explain himself, "No, no! I was just expecting more... questions, I guess. You've got a one-on-one with the forbidden tournament member."

"I'm not Rita Skeeter," you giggled, "Besides, I figured you've already gotten enough questions about the Tournament, even beyond that people only see you as Harry Potter. If I were you I'd get annoyed with that pretty quickly."


And Harry truly seemed thankful. Coming from a half-blood family, I understood the importance of The Boy Who Lived, but he was also my age and had no idea what he was getting into when he joined the magic world. So I never tried to see him as anything more than Harry.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, and despite the fact that it should have been awkward, it didn't feel that way. The lights from the castle were enough to cast a dim light over us, and the bright moon helped as well. Despite that, I eventually cast a spell that sent out several bright lights into the air around us.

"You never told me what your house was," Harry finally pointed out.

"Because I didn't think it mattered, just like my blood purity. I wanted to speak to you without the pressure of Hogwarts Politics getting in the way." Again, Harry stared at me in shocked silence. Had everyone in his life focused solely on who he was or the Politics of the Wizarding World? I felt a stab of pity strike my heart, "I promise, Harry, there are people out there who don't care about all of that. I'm sure some of your friends are that way."

"More or less."

Things fell silent once again. Drawing out my wand, I went along with your normal routine of casting random charms as a way to entertain myself. I was acutely aware of Harry's eyes on the charms, and occasionally his eyes on me. Didn't he have a date? Well, if he came out to the lake then he obviously wasn't too invested in that whole situation.

Turning to Harry, I held out a hand, "Want to dance?"

"There's no music."

With a wave of your wand, gentle notes floated through the air. The source of the music was everywhere and nowhere, and I didn't think about it too deeply because it would cause a headache.

Despite being so obviously awkward, Harry was a good dancer. It helped that I was leading a simple box-step, but he was quick to catch on and take the lead.

All the other students were inside, listening to loud music and having the time of their lives. But out by the bench by the lake, you were perfectly content with teaching Harry a normal things - as if the two of you were normal teens on a date.

"I know I said this was my bench earlier, but I think you've earned the chance to use it too. People never come over here. I think it must be part of the charm. People don't find it unless they'll appreciate it. It's an escape."

"Thanks. I've always needed an escape."


After that, I saw Harry at my - our - bench much more often. Especially when the tournament became more intense. Often, we would simply study or chat whilst staring out at the lake. I hadn't told my friends that I regularly talked to Harry Potter, and I assumed he hadn't told his friends either.

We were each other's secret, and neither of us took offense to it. 

Because our escape wasn't just the bench, no matter what we claimed. Because on the days where one of us appeared without the other, it wasn't the same. I spent the entirety of my Hogwarts attendance enjoying the lake, but eventually going there along made the water seem less blue. The stars weren't as bright and the sunset wasn't as pretty.

Slowly, escape turned into something more than just the bench.

After the final trial of the Triwizard Tournament, I wasn't sure if I was going to see Harry back at the bench again. It seemed like he'd want to escape more than ever, but at the same time he'd likely be spending time with his friends to get support after Cedric's murder.

Still, when the time came for the foreign students to leave I found myself at the bench near the lake. My theory of a charm being put on it by past Hogwarts alumni was only further solidified when I noticed that the crowd of students didn't extend past ten feet of where the bench was, only one lone form seated on the structure.

"Fancy seeing you here, Harry," I greeted the teen warmly. I never called him Potter, not when the name took away who he was and replaced it with what the world thought he should be, "Come to say goodbye to our sister schools?"

Harry smiled slightly at that, "I didn't really have time to form relationships with any of them. Hermione on the other hand, is probably crying to Ron."

Giggling, I settled next to him and reached out for his hand. He took it without hesitation and gave it a squeeze. The gesture was small, and yet so large for the meaning of our relationship. Turning to face him, I was ready to ask him about exchanging letters over the summer when his lips abruptly met mine. Not expecting it, I nearly jerked back in surprise. But I held back the urge, and kissed him back.

"Nothing is going to be the same," I whispered when we pulled apart, "There's something coming."

"Then we'll face it together."

Sharing smiles, mischievous as if we've exchanged a secret, we turned to look back at the sunset. It looked beautiful, like always.

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