Jason Todd| Boardgames

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Requested by: insanitysprey

Prompt: #3, #6, #10, #12

"I don't know if I want to kill you or kiss you right now."

"Can I pick?"


"Sometimes I wonder why I haven't killed you yet, then I remember you're immortal."


"Wait a minute! You died?"

"Yeah, but that's not the point. Anyways..." 


"I kissed you? Why did I kiss you?" 

Warnings: Bit of swearing

Extra: You requested this when I first published this book and I felt so bad for unpublishing because I never wrote this for you so here it is now. Enjoy!


"Ah, so many years have passed, it's good to see you again Miss (Y/n)."

(Y/n) smiled at the kind man standing at the front of the shop, "It's good to see you too Mr Hada."

"What brings you all the way up here to my shop?"

"I've looked all over Japan and then I remembered how many books you have," (Y/n) explained.

"Yes, I do have many books that match your area of expertise," Mr Hada moved towards a large glass case of books, "What exactly are you looking for?"

"I want the Subete Owara Seru ."

Mr Hada paused, turning to look at (Y/n) in shock, "Are you sure Miss (Y/n)? You do understand what spell is hidden inside."

"I do," (Y/n) nodded, "I think...I think I'm ready."

Mr Hada opened the case, pulling out a leatherbound book that looked as though it could fall apart at any moment.

"Once you cast the spell, you can't go back," Mr Hada warned, "You will die one day."

"I've seen regimes rise and fall for thousands of years," (Y/n) said quietly, "I'm ready to fall as well."

Mr Hada nodded, "I wish you the best of luck in your life. Please visit again before you pass."

"Thank you Mr Hada."

As (Y/n) was leaving the shop she opened the ancient book, flipping through the different spells and rituals until she came upon one in the back. This was the spell the book was named after. End All.

(Y/n) let out a slow breath, running her finger over the page. As soon as she got back to America she would have the time to put this into action, but until then, she had a plane to catch.


"Welcome back (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) grinned, looking at the welcome back sign the Bat Family had made for her. It seemed meaningless, considering the fact that it was only Alfred picking her up at the airport, but the gesture was still appreciated. She set down her bags, moving forward and giving everyone a hug.

"I missed you guys," she said, "It's good to be back. Japan definitely isn't what it used to be."

"Was your trip successful?" Damian asked.

"It was, Japan may be different, but their antique shops have barely changed, I finally found the spellbook I was looking for."

"Are you staying for good this time?" Barbara asked, hope shining in her voice.

"Well, not in the manor forever, but I'm staying here in Gotham. Now, I love talking to you all but I need to unpack," (Y/n) motioned to her two large suitcases.

"Yes of course Miss (Y/n), I'll assist you in bringing you bags to your room."

"Thanks Al, but I just spent sixteen hours on a plane so stretching my legs would be nice," (Y/n) lifted her bag handles and began to walk through the manner, the only noises coming from her shoes and her wheels on the tiles.

After (Y/n) had set up her temporary room she fell onto the bed, tempted to fall asleep for the next day and a half to get rid of her jet lag, but her growling stomach kept her awake, annoying her to the point of making her leave her comfortable place on the bed.

"Stupid cheap airport food," (Y/n) grumbled, leaving her room in search of the kitchen.

"Are we sure this is a good idea? The last time we played this Damian cut the board in half."

"Someone was cheating and I lost because of it!"

"Eh, let the kid get competitive, it builds character."

(Y/n) grinned at the familiar voice, running into the living room and tackling the tall figure into a hug. The two fell to the floor, the other Bat-Family members watching in amusement. They couldn't say random tacklings hadn't happened before.

"(Y/n)?" Jason asked in shock, "What the hell are you doing back in America?"

"I found my book so I came back," (Y/n) explained, "What are you doing in Wayne Manor? I thought you hated the rest of the family. No offense guys."

"He takes every chance to remind us," Dick stated, "We're numb to it now."

"It's family game night. No one misses it," Jason explained, "If you do Alfred stops cooking for you for a month."

"Game night is serious then," (Y/n) sat down in front of the group, her need for food disappearing when she noticed the bowl of popcorn Cas had in her lap, "Count me in."

"Oh this is gonna be exciting," Jason grinned, "We're all gonna screw each other over. And my relationship with you assholes will be even worse."

"There are young ears here," Dick dramatically covered Damian's ears, who swatted them away, glaring in the process.

"It would have been smart to stay upstairs (Y/n)," Tim sighed, "We all know how long Monopoly takes."

Bruce handed out the little play pieces, starting off the game. It was a comical sight, the Wayne family sitting around a table that was too small for all of them, what with all the broad shouldered men and women who were too scary to ask to move. But, they made it work, even if it took reaching over each other to move their pieces.

After nearly two hours of playing the tiresome game many members of the family went bankrupt or simply forfeit, favoring a shower and warm bed over winning family game night. Bruce was the third to last one to leave, knowing if he didn't, he wouldn't sleep for the next week. You had to sleep when you could in the Bat-Family.

With nearly everyone gone it left Jason and (Y/n) going head to head. The intensity of their moves was too serious for the game they were playing, but superhero intensity was drilled into them.

"I haven't been this anxious to win something since before I died," Jason mumbled.

(Y/n) looked up from her properties, eyes wide, "Wait a minute you died?"

"Yeah but that's not the point," Jason waved his hand dismissively, as though dying was a normal thing- which it kind of was, "Anyways, I want you to know that if I kill you, it was nothing personal. Just family game night."

"You can't kill me Jay," (Y/n) deadpanned, "We've gone over this, many times. The last time was when you dared me to stick a fork in the toaster."

"Oh right," Jason rolled the dice, "See, sometimes I wonder why I haven't killed you yet and then I remember you're immortal."

"It's not like it's a big part of who I am or anything," (Y/n) stated sarcastically, eating the last of the third bowl of popcorn.

Even just saying she was immortal made a pit form in her stomach. She knew that the biggest part of who she was as a person was going to be gone within the next week. She was relieved, but at the same time, she was giving up something other people dreamed of.

"Shut up," Jason said defensively, "I haven't seen you in years."

"Obviously not if you went and died and came back to life- you son of a bitch."

(Y/n) looked at the board. Jason had just bought the last property, putting three houses on it. And based on where she was - just behind him- no matter how far she could go she would be stuck paying fees until she went bankrupt.

"Checkmate," Jason smirked.

(Y/n) let out a shocked laugh, "I don't know if I want to kill you or kiss you right now."

"Can I pick?" Jason questioned.

"No," (Y/n) grumbled, standing up to walk away from the table.

"Hey, (Y/n), I was joking," Jason assured, "And if you're really upset about it I can tell the others that you kicked my ass in Monopoly, I don't care. There's always the next family game night-"

(Y/n) turned around and cut Jason off with her lips on his, the force catching the man off guard and making him stumble back into the table. Jason held his hands out awkwardly, not knowing what to do with them in his shocked state.

(Y/n) pulled away almost as suddenly as she had kissed him, shaking her head frantically.

"I kissed you? Why did I kiss you?"

(Y/n) put a hand on her lips, imagining the feel of Jason's over and over again. They were softer than she imagined they would be, it caught her by surprise.

"I think I'm a good kisser," Jason said defensively.

"No, it's just," (Y/n) sighed loudly, running a hand through her hair, "I don't know. I've gotten so used to not forming feelings for people, the whole immortal thing kind of gets in the way of long term relationships."

"Yeah I can see how outliving your partner is a bit of a problem," Jason nodded.

"But, um, while I was in Japan I found this book, the one I've been looking for since I met you all, and inside is a spell to strip someone of their immortality."

Jason raised a brow, "You're saying you want to become mortal?"

"Yeah, I want to age with you guys, I want to grow old and I don't know," (Y/n) trailed off, "I'm just...scared."

"About what? Falling in love with me? I know, I'm just too amazing," Jason smirked.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, "I'm scared about dying you idiot."

"Oh," Jason seemed to become more serious, "I mean, it depends on the way you die, how I died wasn't exactly the most pleasant, but you know, there was this weird peace afterwards, and then I woke up in a coffin and that wasn't very peaceful but there was peace in between. Besides, you have years before that."

"Yeah, you're right Jay, thank you."

"So, being honest, I'm the reason the want to be mortal right? Because you wanted to get with this?"

"You ruined the moment," (Y/n) rolled her eyes, "I'm going to bed."

"You can be honest!" Jason yelled after her, "I know you love me!"

"It varies," (Y/n) smirked.

(Y/n) watched (Y/n)'s retreating form with an everlasting smirk on his face.

"She so wants to get with this."

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