Les Misérables| ABC Support

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Requested by: Shannon1300

Prompt: Self Given

Warnings: Bit Short

Extra: ^^


"Eponine? What are you doing here?"

Said woman was sitting on my doorstep, knees pulled up to her chest. When I said her name, she looked up at me, smiling slightly. That smile completely condraticted from the rest of her demeanor. I motioned for her to stand so I could open up my door.

"I just thought that we could talk. We do that, don't we?" Eponine twiddled her fingers nervously. She followed after me like a lost puppy.

"Well yes, but you seem to have something specific you want to talk about. I'd also like to point out that I have an ABC Cafe meeting soon, so I may not have enough time to talk to you about everything," I kept my coat and shoes on, preparing a small snack that would act as my dinner until I got back from the meeting.

"I'll be fast I promise! I just need someone to talk to," Eponine sat down at my table. Her fingers tapped a fast tune against the surface with short nails, "Marius met with the girl he saw at the market, Cosette. I think he's in love with her, and I don't know what to do."

"Eponine, I've been telling you this as long as you've known Marius, you need to talk to him. It won't do either of you any good if your feelings are never acknowledged," I shook my head in exasperation.

"But he looked so happy," Eponine whispered, rubbing her eyes to keep away the tears, "When I found out where Cosette lived..."

"What about your happiness?" I stressed, "You deserve to be happy, and you deserve a chance with Marius. You need to talk to him."

Eponine didn't answer. Instead, her fingers tapped an even faster song. I huffed, putting a few things into a small handbag, "I need to go to the cafe. You can stay here tonight if you want, lord knows it's better than your home. I'm going to hold off making dinner until I get back, so go ahead and take what you want from the cellar."

With that I left my small home. The streets of France were bustling, even though the sun was setting. France's night life was nothing to miss. Sadly, I had priorities, and one of them was the ABC Cafe. Planning a revolution took away a lot of free time, believe it or not.

"Hello boys," I greeted, peeking my head above the steps. Nearly every member was already there, seated and waiting, "How are all of you doing?"

"Doing fine, how are you darling?" Enjolras gave me a cheesy grin. He was leaning back in his chair, filling me with the temptation to hit it out from under him.

"Doing fine," I quoted, rolling my eyes, "Although Eponine is in a big fuss over Marius. Where is he?"

"Out with some girl, Cosette her name is. Is that what Eponine is fussing over?" Gavroche spoke up.

"Yes actually. She's really upset that Marius is with Cosette," I nodded in agreement.

"Well she wouldn't be upset if she just confessed. He's obviously in denial that he's in love with her, and she's too scared to admit that she's in love with him. It's a real situation."

"Yes! Thank you!" I threw my hands up, "We need to do something. The revolution is never going to happen if those two don't get together. Perhaps we should adjust our schedule a bit, and make getting Eponine and Marius together a priority. That way Marius can focus on helping us."

"Yes," Enjolras nodded, "Wonderful idea. Anyone agreeing to this plan say aye."

"Aye," every person in the room said unanimously.

"Didn't expect that. So, what would the best approach be?"

"Something direct," Gavroche stated, "Marius is dense and Eponine is a scaredy cat. Maybe one of us should be the one to break the news to them."

"But that wouldn't be right," I paused, "Would it?"

"Honestly it would be better than anything else. There'd be no room for confusion. Who wants to volunteer?"

Everyone in the room was silent. No one was coming forward, but everyone turned their heads to stare at me.

"Are you serious?" I questioned in frustration, "Why am I the one who always has to do the stuff like this? I swear to God no one will let me hold a gun but I can confess someones elses love to someone. What a messed up system."

"We love you (Y/n)," Enjolras smiled cheekily, standing up to kiss my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Nothing I haven't heard before," I sighed, but smiled all the same, "I'll talk to Marius tomorrow. Depending on how that goes, we'll probably be able to move on with the plan."

"Good luck (Y/n)," everyone bid me goodbye.

I hurried back home. Eager to eat some food and go to bed. But I couldn't do that just yet. While I was walking I fished a pencil and paper out of my bag, feeling incredibly lucky that I had them in there.
My handwriting was messy and large, but it had all the information I needed to put on it. I left it where Marius was staying, expecting him to find it as soon as he woke up in the morning.

When I finally arrived home, I lit a candle so I would be able to see what I was doing. I ate a small dinner at my table then walked upstairs. I peeked inside the spare bedroom, and, sure enough, Eponine was sleeping soundly inside. Perfect. I told Marius to come over at a time earlier than when Eponine usually woke up.

"God help me," I whispered up at my ceiling.


The next morning I awoke as the sun was rising. I left my curtains open to be sure I would be up early. Marius would be over soon enough, he always woke up with the sun. I hurried through my normal routine, being sure not to make enough noise to wake Eponine up. She slept like the dead, waking up in her own time.

After setting out breakfast, a small knock reached my ears from the door. I hurried to open it, smiling brightly as Marius' freckled face came into view.

"Lovely to see you," I greeted, "Come, I have breakfast ready."

"You really are an angel," Marius praised, sitting down at the table, "What is it exactly that you wanted to speak to me about?"

"It's about Eponine," Marius immediately brightened at the mention of her, "She's in love with you Marius, she's been in love with you for years but she's been too scared to tell you. Now that you're going for Cosette, she's devastated."


"Marius?" Eponine stepped down the stairs, into the bright light of the morning, "What are you doing here this early in the morning?"

"(Y/n) invited me over for breakfast," Marius choked out, raising his knife, "And um, well she brought something to my attention. I must be an oblivious idiot to have not noticed it before."

"Yes you really are, the entire ABC Cafe knew it," I cut in, stepping back when they both sent me with a warning glare.

"But, um, Ponine, I love you too."

Eponine stumbled into one of the chairs. Looking faint. Marius rushed to her side.
A frantic knock struck against the door. Deciding to give the few a moment alone, I rushed to answer whoever was calling.

"(Y/n)," Cosette sighed, "I can't find Marius anywhere. I know you two are really close, so I was wondering if you knew where he was."

"Well..." I glanced in my house. Sighing. What the hell, mine as well get everything over with at the same time, "Yeah, he's in here."

"Thank you," Cosette stepped inside, following my lead to the kitchen.

Inside of that room, Eponine and Marius seemed to be having an incredibly deep conversation, I almost felt bad for stepping in. But the smiles on both of their faces told me that I would get the ending I wanted.

"Oh, Cosette," Marius grimaced, sending me an annoyed look. I shrugged, mouthing sorry, "We need to talk."

"What's going on?" She asked innocently, "Is something wrong?"

"Cosette," Marius grabbed both of Cosette's hands, "When I saw you in the market, something I had never felt before bloomed, or, that's what I thought at least. The truth is. I've loved Eponine for a long time."

"You love...Eponine," Cosette whispered, big eyes filling with tears, "Her? Out of everyone. Her?"

"Cosette-" Eponine stepped forward, eyes apologetic.

"No!" Cosette yelled, "Ever since we were children you've taken the things that I've wanted! Just this once, couldn't you allow me this?"

"This isn't her fault," Marius' tone was reprimanding, and defensive, "Nothing will change the fact that I love her. Cosette, take this with grace. Please."

Cosette huffed, crossing her arms. I put my hand on the small of her back, guiding her out of my house. I wasn't entirely sure what I should have been doing. Comforting her? Telling her to leave?

"I'm sorry Cosette," I whispered, leaning against the open doorway, "But you will find love. Just as I have, and just as they have."

"Thank you," Cosette gave me a tight hug, "I um, suppose I should take my leave now."

I closed the door behind Cosette, turning back to the newly formed couple. A grin spread across my face. The ABC Cafe had accomplished their mission, a lot easier than I expected.

"Never underestimate what we'd do for a revolution."

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