Margo| Wait For You

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Requested by: McNoodleDoodle

Prompt: #1

"I never stood a chance, did I?"

"That's the sad part. You did, once."

Warnings: None



I never got upset when Margo said she couldn't hang out. I understood how unconventional her life was. How she sometimes missed school because her ex-villain turned kind of hero dad was in trouble and their entire family went on some strange adventure to save the world.

When we first started going to school together, she was an orphan, with two little sisters that she felt so responsible for in an orphanage that treated them horribly. Then she got semi-adopted, and while things were weird at first,things got so much better and she though she could have a father. Then she was sent back, and re-adopted for real. Then she had to save the world with her dad who became a sort-of hero several times before things finally settled down. She was strange, her sisters were strange, her dad was strange, and overall; her life was strange. But I could never bring myself to care.

So, yeah, she had good excuses. However, when she started blowing me off because she was hanging out with Antonio instead, that's when I started to have a problem with things. He was 'the cool kid' with the leather jacket and the bad attitude that you heard about in books and movies. A classic bad boy, and since Margo had dealt with so much bad in her life already, I was shocked that she liked him so much.

It hurt even more because I'd had a crush on her for years. Ever since she started going to my school and we became friends, I was enamored with her. Smart, pretty, and loyal to a fault. Her dad liked me, her siblings, even the Minions. So why didn't she like me back?

"I'll uh, I'll be back to pick you up in a few hours," my mom muttered, as nervous as always to drop me off at Margo's house. Compared to the bright, happy houses surrounding it, I wasn't surprised. It was dark, and gothic, and strangely large compared to the other houses. But I'd been there enough times to call it a second home.

"Thanks mom."

Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I made my way up the steps and knocked on the door. Seconds later, Kevin answered, and motioned me inside. Thanking him, I greeted Kyle with a scratch under the chin, receiving a non-threatening growl in return.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Edith greeted, passing by me with an armful of coloring supplies, teetering on the edge of spilling out and onto the floor at any moment.

"Hey Edith. Where's Agnes?"

"She's getting the glitter."

I didn't dare ask what they needed so many supplies for, and instead went through the living room and to the bedroom where Margo was already waiting for me. After exchanging greetings, we settled down to work on our homework. The first hour of so of us hanging out was meant to be homework, and the other half would be time where we could do whatever we wanted.

And it looked like we'd follow that schedule, until we had to keep pausing so Margo could talk to Antonio over the phone, answering his texts as soon as she received them and stopping mid-math equation to do so.

I was okay with her doing that the first hour, assuming the conversation would die off eventually. But when we passed our halfway mark and we weren't even close to being done with our homework, I was beyond annoyed. She finally didn't blow me off to hang out with him and yet she talks to him the entire time?

"Can you put your phone down so we can finish our homework?" I finally snapped when she picked up her phone for the umpteenth time, tired of the entire situation.

Eyebrows raising in shock, Margo sent off her last text and turned to me, "I'm sorry I was just texting-"

"Antonio, I know. That's all you've been doing. Talking to him and texting him and hanging out with him instead of me because I'm not important anymore. I  get it."

Reeling back as if I had hit her, Margo responded "I'm sorry that you feel like I'm not spending as much time with you but-"

"No, that's just it. It's the excuses and the blowing me off, and the irnoring and the- the- Margo I can't take it anymore! Do you like him, is that it?" I took Margo's silence as an answer, "Of course. Him. When I've been here for years and been crushing on you forever. Him. Did you ever... I never stood a chance, did I?"

"That's the sad part. You did, once."

Before I could burst into tears and embarrass myself further, my phone dinged. It was my mom,there to pick me up. I didn't realize that much time had passed since I first arrived, but that made me feel even worse. She truly spent the entire time talking to Antonio rather than study with me.

Shoving my things into my bag, I rushed out of her room without a goodbye. I passed Gru in the hallway, but didn't bother to return his greeting. It would slow me down, and all I wanted to to get out of that house and go home.

Bounding down the front steps and practically jumping into my mom's car, the time it took for her to shift out of Park and into Drive was deadly, giving me just enough time to rapidly think over everything that had gone wrong between me and Margo.

"You okay, you seem upset?" My mom sent me a concerned look. Although, she usually asked a question along those lines when I left because of how interesting the family's lifestyle was.

"I'm fine," I muttered, turning to look out the window so she wouldn't see my tears. Sending me one last look, she let my quiet tone go. Part of me wished she hadn't, but I didn't push it.

It was hard to keep quiet during the car ride when all I wanted to do was scream until I couldn't breathe. When the painful car ride was over, I rushed into the house and up the stairs to my bedroom, ignoring my mother's warnings about dinner being soon.

Throwing down my bag, I collapsed onto my bed and finally released what I'd been holding in for what felt like centuries. I was devastated, and felt both numb and overwhelmed with too many emotions to process at the same time.

Margo and I had been inseparable. What had happened to us? I wanted to blame everything on Antonio, and perhaps some of the blame was on him, but most of it I put on myself. Margo was right. I was too slow, too nervous and too scared of what could happen. And in return, the worst had come to pass. I lost her.

Dinner that night was quiet and awkward, consisting of me dodging my parents questions and attempts at conversations. I could have been more inconspicuous with my feelings, but it was an effort I didn't want to go through.

The next day, I feigned an illness to get out of going to school. I wasn't sick, but I didn't want to face Margo and the possibility we'd have to talk about our argument we had the day before. The day I skipped was a Friday, which meant I had a long weekend to mourn and hopefully move on from my pain.

Saturday was better. Despite the texts I got from Margo - which I ignored because I didn't want to face  her - I cried less and didn't feel the need to wallow in self-pity. So, when I heard a knocking on my window over the sound of the raging thunderstorm, my heart dropped.

I knew who it was before I slid open the window and felt mist on my face, before she greeted me while crawling inside, and before she dropped what looked like a jetpack on my bedroom floor, and before she sat at the edge of my bed; a safe distance. Because I'd always be connected to her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked quietly.

"You haven't answered my texts, so I came over. You can't ignore me now that I'm here, can you?" Margo joked, ending with an awkward chuckle, "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I was just angry, and surprised. I didn't think you liked me like that."

"Yeah, well, I do... but you were right. I lost my chance. You like Antonio now, and I don't want to get in the way of that. If I had just confessed sooner, plucked up the courage then maybe-"

"I like you too," Margo blurted, blushing when my eyebrows raised in shock, "It's uh, complicated? I like you, I have for a while, but I thought you didn't like me. So when I met Antonio I saw it as a chance to move on. Now I'm just... conflicted."

"Are you going to choose?" I didn't mean for it to sound pushy, but it was going to sound pushy no matter what, so I just blurted it out.

Sighing, Margo shrugged, "I've thought about it a lot, but I need more time. It's been a lot to handle."

"Yeah, it has," it wasn't the answer I wanted, but it wasn't the worst possible route, so I was okay with it.

"Either way, (Y/n), I don't want to lose you. You're my best friend, and I need you," Margo informed me, "So please, please, tell me that you'll stay with me."

Without hesitation I answered "Okay. I'll wait for you Margo, I promise."

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