Raven| Pulled In

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Requested by: insanitysprey

Prompt: #23

"You're a witch!"

"That's really rude you know that?"

"You have a spellbook right there!"


"So you're a human? An actual human? I've heard of you guys." (Slightly modified)


"I'm not human. Why do you expect me to act like one?"

Warnings: one swear word

Extra: Raven was one of my first girl crushes before I reloaded I wasn't straight so woohoo. Also, when I describe the demon, if you need help visualizing, look up "Count Lucio Goat" and it'll pop up. Enjoy!


"People are approaching the tree line," my familiar settled on my shoulder.

"Friend or foe?" I boredly looked through my herbs, seeing what ones I would have to get more of today.


"Human? Actuals humans?" I looked at the Buzzard, interest piqued, "I've heard of them before. I never thought they would actually enter the forest. Not when the city is so far away."

Humans hardly ever entered the forest. Especially with what was going on at the moment. I held up a small treat for Thistle, stroking her smooth feathers.

"Go find them, watch them," I ordered her.

Her wings spread, and with a flap of them she was gone through the open window. I settled down on one of my rugs, closing my eyes so I could see through my familiar's.

"Dudes this is creepy," one of them- a green one- whined.

"A bunch of people have reported weird sightings and sounds. This could be a villain, or it could be related to what happened to me from the dust on Slade's helmet," the only one who looked human spoke up.

"Friends, what is this?" A flying girl motioned to one of the pouches I had hung up on the trees.

Each one had a protective spell in it to keep whatever darkness was rising in the forest at bay.

"It looks like a hex bag," a girl wrapped in a dark cape spoke up, "That means someone lives here."

The girl's eyes landed on Thistle. I jerked back in shock, nearly losing my sight. After I recovered from my shock, I opened my mouth to speak to Thistle.


The Buzzard spread out her wings and turned away. When she was no longer facing the group, I let go of her sight.

"If those people get in the way of the ritual, everything is going to go wrong," I pulled my oldest spell book off of the shelf, flipping it open.

"They followed," Thistle flew through my open window, "That one girl prompted the others."

"Shit," I turned towards my front door as a knock rang through my small cabin.

"Star, I don't think knocking was the best idea," a new voice reached my ears.

"It was the polite thing to do. Friend Raven even said she doesn't believe this person is evil."

"I'm not entirely sure Starfire, we need to be careful."

"Can I help you?" I finally opened the door, facing the unwelcome intruders, "Oh."

Seeing through Thistle's eyes hadn't allowed me to understand the full extent of how strange the group was.

Along with the caped girl and green boy, there was a cyborg- or rather, half cyborg. The flying girl looked human, but the way she spoke and held herself said differently. The last person was the only one who seemed to be an actual human. However, he was wearing a strange uniform.

"Hello," the alien girl took the lead, "We are the Teen Titans. Here to talk to you about what has been happening in the woods."

"The Teen Titans?" Slowly, I repeated the words. Almost not believing that they were coming out of my mouth.

"You haven't heard of us?" The cyborg asked in shock.

"I don't exactly get tons of news out here. Oh, um, why don't you come in?"

The group of five stepped into my home. One by one, they introduced themselves. Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven.

The darkly dressed girl was giving off a strange aura. There was this darkness that threatened to pull me in if I wasn't careful.

"Woah, dude. You're a witch!" Beast Boy pointed an accusatory finger at me.

"That's really rude. You know that?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You have a spellbook right there!"

"Oh, that," I looked at the spellbook sitting out in the open, "Yeah I'm a witch. You guys aren't normal humans either though."

"Are you the one causing the disturbances?" Robin questioned.

"No. There's a city near here, right? I moved out here from my coven a year or two ago, but I've never left the forest."

"Doesn't that get kind of lonely?"

"I have Thistle. She's all I need honestly." I motioned to the bird on the windowsill, "So you're here about what's been going on?"

"Yeah, do you know the source?"

"I think I do. Some kids came out here a while ago. I never saw them but Thistle did. They tried a ritual they knew nothing about. It set something dark loose."

"You put up the hex bags to form a barrier," Raven spoke to me for the first time, "You're containing it."

"Tonight's the full moon, I'm going to send whatever this is back to where it came from. All of you should be gone before then."

"We can't just let you handle this alone," Robin insisted, "We'll help you."

I made a displeased face, but didn't argue. Having some help would be nice. Especially because I didn't know what exactly I would be trying to send back...

"Fine," I sighed loudly, giving in, "But we only have a few hours until it gets dark, and all of you have a lot to learn about what's going to happen and how to handle it. Let's get started."

Over the course of the next two hours I taught the Titans about what they needed to know. The ritual would be happening at 3 AM, where the veil between the darker worlds, and out world was the thinnest. I would be laying out everything I needed and carry out the spell, while they stood guard. Whatever was wandering in the woods was powerful, and wouldn't go without a fight.

"(Y/n)," Raven called me over while the other Titans were busy chatting about how they would handle whatever came at them, "I think that what we're dealing with is a demon."

"That's what I was thinking," I nodded in agreement, "I think it's a big one. I don't know how big exactly, but this isn't going to be easy."

"The Titans aren't experience with all of this stuff. They barely understand how my magic works," Raven informed me, "They'll fight until they can't move anymore, but it might not be enough."

"Then I'm counting on you," I put a hand on Raven's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, "You aren't exactly a witch, but you understand all of this, you know magic. What are you?"

"I'm half-demon," Raven pulled her hood down, revealing the tell-tale marking on her forehead, "My father is Trigon."

"Trigon?" I hissed, eyes wide with shock, "The Trigon that all witches are warned to never in any way attempt to contact or challenge?"

"Yeah, that one," Raven sighed, pale cheeks flushing in embarrassment, "Trust me, he's worse than anyone can imagine. And he's not a part of my real family. They are."

I looked over to the cheerful Titans, smiling. Raven truly did hold a lot of love and admiration for her team. Even if she seemed kind of distant. I glanced around her form again. Her aura wasn't that bad now that I was looking at it again.

"You're getting pulled in," Thistle settled down on my shoulder, nibbling my ear affectionately.

"Your familiar?" Raven reached out for the bird.

"Yeah, her name is Thistle," I smiled brightly. The other Titans called Raven's name, and she moved over to them. I looked at my Buzzard, ignoring the smug look she had in her eyes, "Be quiet. She's interesting, and powerful. There's nothing more to it."

"Keep telling yourself that," Thistle let out a squawk, her feathers ruffling in disdain, "The hour is approaching."

"Right," I turned to the others, "It's almost three. We have to head out and prepare."

I picked up all of the herbs and oils I would need for the circle, putting them in a large woven basket. I looked over my large spellbook, groaning in defeat before tearing the page I needed out of the book. Carrying the entire book would take more effort than I needed to exert, and it would take up too much room in the basket.

"That hurt," I mumbled, looking at the torn page. I shook my head to get back on track, motioning for the Titans to follow me.

Through the woods we went. While I would have preferred it to be silent, the Titans were too full of excitement. Both over their new mission, and meeting a real life witch. They claimed I was different than Raven because she was half demon and because I was 'less frightening'.

"Alright, stop right here," I set down my basket, looking around the nearly clear area we were standing in, "This will work."

"Isn't this where Robin saw Slade?" Cyborg looked around the area, "That makes things even more creepy."

"I don't know who Slade is," I pulled the oils out of the basket, creating a large circle around the area, "Alright, I need to light the candles and we can begin."

"Azarath metrion zinthos," darkness flowed from Raven's hands, creating candles around the site.

"Thanks," I gave the girl a grin, flushing when she smiled back, "I'll get started then."

Using one of the candles I lit a bundle of grass, setting it on the ground while taking care that the flame stayed. This was a ritual, completely separate from a normal spell, meaning there was a process I had to go through.

"Ego te provoco. Faciam quodlibet quod necesse est." Branches snapped in the woods. I knew it was closing close, sensing my challenge, "Nec metu."

The candles around the group blew out. The Titans bristled, preparing their attacks.

"You think," a tall creature made of shadow stepped out of the treeline, "A pitiful spell can banish me back to hell?"

"If it was pitiful you wouldn't have come to face us yourself," I taunted the demon, trying to draw it out of hiding.

"Myself? Oh don't worry, I'm not alone."

Lifting a slender hand, the demon sent out his forces, ro rather his true power. Growling demon hounds shrouded in darkness lunged at us. The Titans let out a battle cry and charged.

I threw some of my herbs into the growing fire, pushing forward with the ritual. Whether it was due to the fighting, or a simple shift in the weather, a strong breeze swept across the area. The wind was strong enough to pull the page with the spell on it out from under the basket.

"No!" I reached out for the page, missing it.

Pale fingers grabbed the page from the air. Full of amazement, I mutely took the page back from Raven.

"I've got your back," Raven assured. Though her face was covered, I made eye contact with her, and understood the depth of her words.

"You better." Stupid. There were loads of other things I could have said. Much more romantic things. Yet I chose "You better."

Raven chuckled, then flew off to help her friends. With the spell back in my hands, I continued the incantation, constantly adding things to the flame.

"How pitiful," the demon watched as the dogs were defeated, "Guess if you want something done you have to do it yourself."

From the darkness the demon's body formed. It was incredibly similar to that of a goat. But it was larger, patches of fur were gone, and one arm was missing completely. It's eyes glowed blood red, filling me with a new sense of dread.

"Bono malum superate concilio et labore."

"Enough!" The demon roared. The Titans dropped to the ground, stuck in place.

"Dude, that is so not cool!" Beast Boy cried out.

"A weak witch trying to defeat me," the demon stomped towards me, "You made a valiant effort, truly commendable."

I threw my hand up, a freezing spell hitting the creature in the chest. He slowed his pace, but kept pushing on all the same.

"I order you to stop!" Raven dropped down in front of the goatman, "As the daughter of Trigon I command you."

Gaping in horror, the demon fell to one knee, remaining hand over his chest. His hesitance have me the chance to finish.

"Abyssus abyssum invocat bono malum superate!"

With those final words the demon let out a deafening screech. The goat outside turned to dust, and for a few moments, there was a normal man. Until he turned to dust too. Everything became silent, peaceful. Raven turned to me, and I saw four glowing eyes, until they faded away.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I fell back on my knees, my hands supporting my body. So much work alone, and it turned out that I would be dead if I didn't have the Titans with me to fight off the dogs, and for Raven to stop the demon.

"Booyah!" Cyborg yelled out in victory, pulling Starfire and Beast Boy into a hug.

"Good job Titans," Robin congratulated. The leader then turned to me, "You'd make a great Titan. We'd all love to have you on the team."

"Oh I don't know," I laughed nervously, jumping when Thistle landed on my shoulder.

"It's been just me and you for a long time. Maybe the time has come for you to let others in," she advised. While her main point was joining the Titans, I knew she was implying I ask Raven out.

"One step at a time alright," I told her, relieved the Titans couldn't understand what she was saying.

"Oh, Thistle could come as well!" Starfire flew around the Buzzard, "Silkie would love a new friend."

"You know what. What the hell," I chuckled, "I'd love to join you guys."

The Titans cheered, pulling me in for a hug. While Raven didn't join in, she smiled at me. I smiled back, enjoying the company of the rowdy group.

"We should go out for pizza," Beast Boy suggested.

"What's pizza?"

"Uwah?" Everyone seemed appalled at the fact that I didn't know what pizza was.

"Show some humanity," Cyborg cried.

"I'm not human, why do you expect me to act like one?" I questioned with a shrug.

"Friend (Y/n), you must eat some pizza," Starfire encouraged, pushing me towards back towards the path that lead towards my cabin, "Pack a bag and we will go immediately!"

"Okay, okay," I laughed happily, walking faster than the girl could push, "I'll need some help carrying stuff, but I'll go fast."

"You got pulled in," Thistle flew around my head, "You need to ask her out."

I looked over at the floating girl next to me. She was hitting Beast Boy over the head for something he said.

"Yeah," I smiled, "I really do."

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