Sara Lance| Pranks

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Requested by: eccyuk

Prompt: # 6

"Sometimes I wonder why I haven't killed you yet. Then I remember you're immortal."

Warnings: Short.

Extra: I'm really sorry it's so short. Inspiration just wasn't coming to me for this one!


Calm days on the Wave Rider were always my favorite. We weren't fighting against Vandal Savage's men, or against time, or any other thing that was trying to stop us from saving the world. We were taking some well deserved time to ourselves.

And what better way to relax than to prank Sara Lance with Leonard Snart.

The other passengers weren't as fun to prank as Sara. They didn't understand, or saw what we were doing from a mile away. Sara however, was the perfect amount of paranoid and trusting to prank time and time again without fail. Only twice had been caught in the act, and although we almost died, that didn't stop us.

Whilst spreading clear plastic wrap in front of Sara's bedroom door, Leonard and I were chuckling to ourselves like nine year old kids. When our prank was complete, we rushed and hid around the corner. I'd texted Sara and asked her to meet me in her room only minutes ago, so she was likely on her way.

Sure enough, we heard the clicks of her boots as she passed us on the corner and the swish of her door as it slid open. All was silent for a few seconds until her frustrated scream rang out. I smacked Leonard in the arm and we took off running, hiding in the nearest room.

Her formerly steady and calm steps were now loud and frantic. Even through the door we could hear her growling under her breath and muttering threats that sent a shudder down my spine. Seconds later, I got a text.

Rot in hell

Showing Leonard the text we shared another round of laughs. Waiting another minute for safety, we then slowly stepped out and moved on with our second prank.  The superglue prank. Sara wouldn't look for us at the scene of the crime, which was her mistake.

We slunk into her room and I picked up the boots of her uniform off the floor. Leonard produced a bottle of high strength superglue and made a random pattern on the floor. When he was finished, I put the boots down and made sure they were stuck to the floor. It wasn't an immediate prank, but it was definitely one she would notice later.

"We've arrived in the 60s team, time for a small break to enjoy the time period," Hunter announced over the intercom.

"Temporary break?" Leonard and I exchanged nods and went our separate ways. Being friends onboard didn't mean we were obligated to hang out all the time. Both of us had other things to do.

I was ready to step off of the Wave Rider and enjoy some fresh air that hadn't been recycled repeatedly, but then I spotted Sara's blonde hair out of the corner of my eye and my entire body went into panic mode. Her stance was that of a predator, and I was the prey.

Yelping, I sprinted off the ship, nearly running Rory over in the process. She was hot on my heels, and I had no idea where I was going in my haste to get away from her. All I knew was that I was dead if she caught up to me.

Taking a sharp left and entering a park nearby, I whizzed by the odd couple or alone person enjoying the nice day, searching for any possible place to hide and bide my time until we likely left a few hours later.

"(Y/n)!" Sara yelled, closer than I'd hoped she would be. Cardio was never my best subject, no matter how long I'd trained in martial arts.

Swearing under my breath, I knew there was no hope for me. Her breath was on my neck, clothes brushing against my back, and then I was on the ground. Yelping, my core instincts kicked in and I flipped onto my back before Sara could settle and wrapped my legs around her waist, throwing my weight to flip us over.

As soon as I pushed Sara against the ground, my back was against the grass again. Sighing, I surrendered, and showed that I did by laying my head against the grass and closing my eyes. A chuckle bubbled in my chest, and before I knew it was I laughing until my sides hurt, but I couldn't curl up and fix the problem because Sara was confused above me.

"I'm going to murder you," Sara finally hissed, but she giggled right after and rolled off of my, joining me on the grass, "You suck, you know that right?"

"But you love me anyway," I teased, rolling over to press a kiss to her cheek, "Besides, Leonard helped me out, so blame him too."

Rolling her eyes in mock annoyance, Sara laced her hand through mine, "Sometimes I wonder why I haven't killed you yet. Then I remember you're immortal."

I smiled cheekily in response, "Only to physical wounds. I still get to grow old with you."

It was a weird genetic mutation, likely caused from radiation that went around the town I was born in. Other kids got cancer, I became invulnerable. Guns, swords, knives, fists. Nothing could kill me externally, but that didn't mean my biological clock wasn't ticking. That's why I survived the deadly training that went on in the League of Shadows. And that's why I was comfortable enough to start a relationship with Sara when we met. We'd been together ever since, and Hunter was smart enough to acknowledge that we were a pair, and didn't dare try to break us up.

I've got a mission, get back and gear up

Groaning in annoyance at the text from Hunter, Sara and I jumped up and raced each other back to the ship. A tie. I suspected she slowed down a bit since she was always faster, but I wasn't going to complain. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning is winning.

After I changed into my suit, I waited outside of Sara's so we could go to the bridge and see what was going on. But she was taking much longer than usual. I was curious as to why until-

"(Y/n) I'm going to kill you!"

My jaw fell open when I remembered the second prank Leonard and I had pulled on Sara that day. We superglued her suit shoes to the floor. I could have gotten out of the plastic wrap, but I wasn't going to get out of that situation as easily.

"I love you, Sara!" I yelled as I ran away to the safety of the others.

There was nothing like a calm day on the Wave Rider, because it never stayed that way for long.

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