Toru Hagakure (Male!Reader)| Love is Blind

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Requested by: blitzer546

Prompt: Self Given

Warnings: None

Extra: None


Admittedly, I should have been watching where I was going, instead of having my head in the clouds. Though, to be fair, normally I would at least be able to see the top of someone's head. I didn't see any of that from her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The girl cried out when we crashed into each other, even though it was most likely my fault, "I wasn't- Um, where are you?"

I winced. That happened often, people asking that question. 12 years with my Quirk and I still wasn't used to it. I smiled sheepishly, knowing the girl I bumped into wouldn't be able to see it.

"It was my fault. Bumping into you and disappearing. Sorry about that," I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment, finally looking at the person I had bumped into, "Oh."

I finally processed why exactly I hadn't noticed the girl in the first place. She was invisible, completely invisible, well, except for her clothes. She had several bags of groceries in her arms.

"It really fine, I was just hurrying. These bags are sort of cutting off the circulation in my arms. I'm Hagakure Toru, nice to meet you."

"(L/n) (Y/n)," I introduced myself, "How about I help you with your groceries? Since your arms are probably losing feelings at this point."

"That'd be really nice, thank you," Toru passed me the bags from one of her arms, switching half of the remaining so it was even on both sides, "I've been really busy with schoolwork lately, so I thought the least I could do for my parents is to buy groceries."

"What school do you go to?" I followed after her, trusting she would lead the way.

"UA High," Toru stated proudly, literally jumping with joy, "I'm a part of the hero course there."

"Really?" I looked over to the invisible girl in astonishment, "That's awesome! What's it like training to be a hero?"

"Really hard," Toru admitted, "Don't get me wrong, it can be a lot of fun and my classmates are amazing. But, you're training to become a hero, there's a lot of pressure."

"I'm sure you handle it well, you seem very determined," I stopped as Toru stepped up to her front door, "Alright, here you go."

"Thank you so much," I imagined Toru was beaming as she said that, "You really didn't have to do that."

"Well you may be the hero, but this is the least I could do," I chuckled, tucking my hands into my pockets, "Would you um, would you be interested in meeting up again? When you're free?"

"Yeah that'd be great," Toru pulled her phone out, handing it to me so I could put my phone number in, "I'll text you later and we can talk about time and place."

"Awesome! It was nice bumping into you Toru, quite literally," after one last laugh, I went on my way back to my own home.

Both of my parents had the night shift that night, which meant I was left to make my own dinner. Which was completely fine, it only happened once a week and was a bit of a routine. Throughout dinner I kept my phone next to me, constantly glancing over to see if I got a new text.

Nothing. Not during dinner, not when I was finishing my schoolwork, and not while I was in the shower. It wasn't until I was getting ready to go to sleep when I got a text.

Hey! This is Toru

Sorry it's so late, it was family game night so there were no phone allowed

Grinning, I hovered my fingers over the keys for a few seconds before I began typing. I wanted to be sure that even if this was a casual conversation, I was saying the right things.

That's totally fine! Family time is important

I was full of anxiety as the Typing icon appeared. It was weird, being able to turn invisible allowed me escape from things like awkward situations. Whenever I felt anxious I could just disappear and it wouldn't matter.

It is! So, about meeting up. Exams are coming up so I have a lot of review work this week, but I'm free this weekend if that works for you

I quickly thought over if there were any plans for this weekend. Nothing that I could think of, my original plans were to just hang around.

How about Saturday? There's a cafe called Suzu Cafe, we could go for coffee or something

I love Suzu Cafe!

Saturday works for me, let's say, ten?

Ten it is. I'll see you then!

Sighing happily, I set Toru's contact with a little heart next to it. I set my phone down next to me, full of euphoria while thinking about our date on Saturday. Date...We hadn't really classified it as a date, but something in my gut told me it was a date.


Saturday morning I got up early, taking extra care to look nice. My parents were obviously intrigued by my sudden concern in my appearance, but they left me to my own devices, trusting I would tell them on my own time.

"Alright I'm off," I stuffed my wallet into my pants, kissing my mom on the cheek and saluting my dad, "I'll be back later, two at the latest."

Stepping out of the house and onto the street, I started my walk to the Suzu Cafe. The weather was perfectly reflecting my current mood, making me distantly wonder if I had a secret weather quirk. A strange and unlikely notion, but I was allowing my thoughts to wander. Ever since I had bumped into Toru though, I was more aware of where I was walking.

"Welcome to the Suzu Cafe, go ahead and seat yourself, a waitress will be with you in a few moments to take your order."

"Thanks," I took a seat at a small table with two chairs, tapping my fingers against the surface.

"Hey (Y/n)," Toru took the seat across from me, "I was a bit scared I wouldn't be able to find you, what with you being invisible and all."

"Well you're an invisible hero, you know how to hide," I chuckled at her worry, "I'd be more worried about not seeing you."

"But you can see my clothes," Toru tugged at her sweater sleeve to prove her point, "I have to um, I have to take my clothes off to become entirely invisible."

"That probably makes things a bit awkward," I sympathized, smiling at the waitress that stepped up to our table.

"What can I get you two?" She gave us a bright smile, pen and pad of paper held up in front of her.

"I'll take a hot chocolate," Toru chirped.

"I'll take one too. And a plate of taiyaki please, thank you."

"Taiyaki, good choice," Toru presumably nodded in agreement, "Anyways, I'm glad you can sympathize with no one being able to see you."

"People don't need to see what you look like to know you're and an amazing person. You're training to be a hero after all. I truly believe your going to make a difference after you graduate." I turned invisible, "Being invisible all the time helps you focus more than having to worry about accidentally turning visible when you shouldn't."

"You're making me blush," Toru's sleeves moved up to her face, covering her cheeks, "You're too sweet."

I blushed as well, glad for once that I was invisible. The waitress came back and set out our drinks and the taiyaki. The small cakes were steaming slightly, freshly baked. The smell wafted up to my nose, making my stomach growl.

Over the next hour we took our time eating the taiyaki and drinking our drinks. The topic of conversation travelled from school to our personal lives and interests. I really liked Toru, she was one of the most interesting people I had ever met and her personality was to die for.

After some fineggaling we split the bill- Toru insisted I didn't pay for everything and I insisted the same thing- and left the cafe. It was nearing noon so we had to get home at some point soon, but neither of us wanted to leave each other quickly.

Taking the longest route both of us could think of to Toru's house, we continued the conversation we had left at the cafe. After another twenty minutes of stalling and slow walking, we made it to Toru's house.

"This was really nice," Toru jumped onto her front step, facing me, "We should do this again sometime, probably after exams, but still."

"That'd be really nice," I nodded in agreement, stepping up to the same step as Toru, "I really like you Toru, I want to take you on a date. Well, a date where both of us are entirely aware that it's a date."

"I thought this was a date," Toru giggled, "But we never specifically said it was so I can understand how you were confused."

"This was a date? That makes it a bit easier to do this then," cupping my hands on Toru's cheeks, I leaned down and kissed her.

I was slightly worried that I would end up missing her lips, but being invisible myself gave me good insight into how I would be able to reach her lips instead of another area of her face.

"Wow," Toru muttered when I pulled away, "That was...How can you like me?"

"What do you mean?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"I mean that you can't see me at all. How do you know I'm pretty? How could you stand being with someone that you can't see?"

"Have you ever heard the saying love is blind? It's totally true. I don't need to be able to see you to know you're an amazing person, and you're gonna be a great hero. I like you, not for your looks, but for who you are."

Toru 'awed', jumping up and nearly knocking me over in a hug. I laughed, hugging her back. After a few seconds of silence, Toru bid me goodnight and went inside. I stood on her doorstep for a few seconds, deciding it was a bit creepy and stepping away to walk back home myself.

~*~ 15 Years Later ~*~

"So you really met mom because you ran into her on the street?" My oldest daughter looked up at me with humor shining in her eyes.

"Yes, and look where it led us. I have you, and this little troublemaker," I picked up my two daughters, laughing gently as they giggled joyously.

"Hey you guys," Toru cheered as she entered the house, "How was your day?"

"Daddy told us how you two met, it was really cute!"

"Really Eri? What did you think of it Tani?"

"Dad was as clumsy back then as he is now," Tani laughed, Toru nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, but it worked somehow," Toru leaned up and kissed my cheek, "Now how about you two wash up while Dad and I get some dinner ready?"

"Yeah!" The two girls ran off to wash their hands.

"How was your day?" I asked casually, watching as Toru pulled off her hero costume and pulled on a sweatshirt.

"Good, busy. UA Internships are coming up soon so the agency is bustling, and my old class wants to get together at some point. Even Bakugou seemed kind of excited, once we looked past all of the swearing for disrupting his workday."

"I'm still kind of scared of him," I admitted, chuckling.

"Everyone is," Toru shrugged, "Oh, someone almost sat on me again too. That kind of sucked."

"Yeah well, not everyone sees you the way I do," Toru's scoff let me know exactly what she was thinking, "You know what I mean."

"Mommy, Daddy, our hands are washed. Can we help with dinner?"

"Yeah, do get out some ingredients, kay?" Toru stepped back as the kids barrelled through, "I do know what you mean (Y/n), you're the one who told me love is blind afterall."

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