As Ships From Wherever(Part 2)

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Aries:Hal x Selina(Green Lantern x Catwoman)

Tarus:Zee x Kara(Zatanna x Supergirl)

Gemini:Zane x Katelyn

Cancer:Silly x Tucker(My sisters ferrets name is Silly and my ferrets name is Tucker)

Leo:Stitch x Angel

Virgo:Jayfeather x Briarlight

Libra:Melissa x Lucinda

Scorpio:Barry x Barbara(Flash x Batgirl)(>:3)

Sagittarius:Buffy x Angel

Capricorn:Rapunzel x Eugene


Pisces:Fluttershy x Discord

I felt the need to update this and couldn't think of anything else so I just did ships again.

Anyways,bai frands~


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