Chapter 5: Neutralize the Link

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Chapter 5: Neutralize the link

Jibanyan: Hey! What am I doing here?

Bearlywrote: You're here to say the intro like every other animated person who's doing this!

Jibanyan: I don't know? I'm sleepy

Dan: See! I told you he is sleepy!

Nate: Calm down Dan!

Bearlywrote: Have you even heard the news guys? Adventure Time was ended, apparently last night was the last episode!

All: oh no!

Nate: let's watch it all together!

(Runs to the living room)

Drago: That's my line! Wait, am I here, alone? Okay here it goes! Bearly-

Jibanyan (running back)- Wrote does not own either Bakugan and Yokai Watch, along with other shows we're going as well but The land of Ooo! Beat ya to it!

Drago: Aw! I don't know why we're alike?!

*transition break*

Jibanyan left the building and take off the leaf on his head, he's back to his normal self. He started yawning and followed his trail to Dan's house. He was caught blankly at the reaction Maggy gave to him.

He's supposed to be very serious and scary, but for some reason he's being an immature person like Nate might do if he makes mistakes, his script shows that he was angrily use the watch for his own purpose, like it reads 'he'll summon you to fight an innocent Yokai, but you punch both of them: the Yokai and the boy'. Man, I guess Maggy isn't the evil type after all... Jibanyan thought.

You know I can read your thoughts! I way I'm acting isn't the same way it's supposed to be, now that the Key and Gate were nowhere to be found!

What Gate and Key?

The protagonist I wanted, it's either gone or highly sealed by a source I cannot breaks!

The Protagonist? You mean Dan!

Yes, but I wanted him to me, because I'm desperate for his power and himself...

Himself? Are you gay?

NO! YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG! I like women too, you can say I'm Bisexual...

Well if I'm find out what happened if I open that door can you hang up?

Sure whatever...

*transition break*

Meanwhile back at Springdale in the Yokai world,

"Dammit! I lost sign of him. I know that cat will betray us because of what I did to his memories" Hino yelled. "On top of that, his normality aura is gone, some other protagonist must've befriended him!"

"What shall we do our creator?!?" Komasan asked, "are we going to cancel our show?"

"No my creation, I don't want all of your segments to be unaired, it's time for action!"

He picked up the phone, dialed a cellphone number, "Hello Hailey Anne, I'm here for a really special case! It's about our missing protagonist and-, oh you want more time for the action figure and your friend to be here for how long? Okay fine! I'll wait for the next 77 weeks! I'll pay you your grants if you are good as they say you are!" He hangs up.

"What's that's on the phone my creator?" Komasan asked

"One of our chances to find Nathan Adams once and for all..." he answered as he dived down into his floating cloud.

*Transition break*

The ghostly creature is taking one last trip, to the building his friend went to, feeling worried that his friend was sick with impatience. "Jibanyan where have you been?! You gave me a great scare, I thought you'd be battling some strange ninja or something!?"

"No, I'm just napping!" He lied

"Well I wouldn't say it twice what I told you!" Dan said "Are you ready for an adventure to end all adventures!?!"

"Yeah!!!" Everyone agreed

"Wait!" Rick said as he checks for his aura stimulus. "I knew what's going on Dan, I wanted danger to follow you, but you don't want any of that! See this guys, that's Dan's aura and that yours, Nate! Once they interlocking each other, his pain, his *burp* night terrors, and his brawling skills to call a Mechtagan! While your normality aura cancelled it's effects. Morty and I are protagonists, but it's a new level of camouflage, link wise!"

"So that's why I slept peacefully last night!" Dan stated

"And I suggest that you leave your cat friend behind Nate, because that little fur ball has trouble on his own! He has a watch that can communicate with the evil in this world!" Rick explained. "I don't want the evil to know of our plans! This cat will stay with me until you guys already found a home!"

"Sorry kitty, The last thing I wanted is to give us the info on the watch you said earlier!" Dan thoughtfully asked

"The Watch is for Nate to wear, it can see the invisible beings that make daily annoyances and let's him summon them! Let him wear it, please! It marks him as a protagonist, without it he'll be a supporting character!" Jibanyan told him one last time before the doors are banging.

"Open up! This is the BBB! I know what you're doing Cat! Stop this right now!" An anonymous man banging down hard

"Oh no, they found me!" Jibanyan said. "You guys go with your dragon, I'll handle this, Soultimate activate! Paws of fury!!!!" Jibanyan punched through the building with all his might while his protagonist and his new friends went into the blue-green portal and disappeared into the light! Rick and his grandson went away from their scammed building to avoid interdimentional evidence.

"Huh, you're not the ninja?" Jibanyan shocked as the man with white hair with a dark blue jacket said, "You met our master without introducing yourself to me, I work with him! I can't believe this feline on Sellon's Instagan page got more likes because of it...! I'm going to ask you to join my boys club!" Silver the white haired man spoke.

I'm pretty sure they got away, but I know he works for Maggy! Thought Jibanyan, "Lead me to your master!"

*end of chapter*

Okay I added some strange stuff onto my favorite heroes! How the fact is that they need each other to neutralize the powers they obtain, and now they left to another world! Jibanyan may be gone for now but the brawlers are not heavily dealt with the changes until the episode Dan came back, Randomly picking the world while having afternoon coffee! Please review!

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