Chapter 21: The Battle For Bearly Impact Part 3

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Chapter 21: The Battle For Bearly Impact Part 3

Bearlywrote: I can't believe this is happening!!!!

Bakunyan: you mean that The Steven Universe Movie has finally been released!?

Bearlywrote: Yes that! Plus Labor Day So no school for me, but this chapter I'm about to write!

Cuddly: The final part of the battle!

Cubbonyan: (in shadowside) My shadowside battle debut is perfect! I never felt so tall and powerful! Wahahahaha!!!

Nate: this is insane, you just defeated my daughter's friends by putting her in a desperate situation

Dan: that betrayal though... is well played

Bearlywrote: that's the power of acting! We all are great manipulators when it comes to making stories before doing it in action! Whoever made Isekai Quartet is a great example of making a crossover story, setting in a high school.

Baiporagon: Brilliant example! I love the show!

Bearlywrote: thanks! But enough talking, more story time! I don't own Yokai Watch plus everything else! Everyone or everything is either contained of spoilers or not!

Bakunyan: So prepare yourself!


All of the Agency are stunned to learn the truth of what Demandi Riot have said

"Why?" Said Natsume, "Why do we want to beat you? You said you can help us!"

"Did we said that? Yes we do, but our boss really wanted us to do is to act like we can be allies with you, but secretly we're here to fight you away from Bearlywrote, our boss from the beginning!" Said Karbonkoma

"No way! You're making this up!" Akinori sounded in disbelief over the realization of the yokai double-crossing them

"It's sounds kind of like the thing about the real truth about the Youseiken's purpose, but much more deceiving!" Twinklnyan added

"This has nothing to do with the Youseiken!" Touma shouted

"Well you're right, it isn't about them! All we wanted is to help our friend out! Bearlynyan was trapped in our workplace for thirty years and we are willing to save our friends' lives, even if it means half of her favorite worlds would be grieving with this change!" said Paranyan

"...You don't mean" Ayame gasped

"That's something you should meme about!" said Sparkyu, "I wouldn't help Bearlywrote complete her mission without experimenting a few things!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? ARE YOU WILLING TO MAKE ALL OF THE FICTIONAL LIVES SUFFER!?" Haruya enraged with anger as the dark yoki aura grew around him

"Don't get all of this mixed up! We're here to save lives, not stolen their lives even more!" Gintarjo admittedly said it to the yokai


"He's right! That Fan Artist Yokai recruiting is a bad idea! We wouldn't take care of it ourselves if we plan this ahead, but why should we trust those who used to work with her!?" Akinori yelled

"Guys! If we don't fight them now, we'll lose our chance to get our Keisuke back!" Natsume commanded them

"You're right! Why are we laying around for? We got to shut them down!" Ikarigan screamed in anger

"Hai!" Everyone agreed

"PATHETIC!" said Sparkyu

"You're right! You can't stand a chance against us! Remember, us and our creations are stronger than you!" said Twinklnyan, swinging her staff at them

Everyone dodged quick as they were equipped by some sort of weapon

"Grrr! Paranyan! Make a barrage!" Gintarjo commanded the dragon

"Right!" He breathes fire in between them and the yokai


Jack and Hebiji are seeing the battle of the Yokaisonas and the Agency from beyond the barrier

"Cool!" Hebiji awed

"That's got to be the coolest battle!" said Jack

"Not as cool as the battle across from here!" Gluesome pointed it out with the other battle it takes place

"No kidding!" Keisuke glued his eyes towards the battle between the InaBrawlers and the Regular Show characters


"Get out of the way Mordecai and Rigby!" Shun demanded them to step aside for their friends back

"No way dude! We owe Dan and Keisuke our thanks!" said Mordecai

"Yeah! You can't tell us what to do other than our friends!" Rigby jabbed at Shun, reminding him that leader place isn't the best suit for him, only for Dan.

"What shall we do? Your bakugan are eternally sleeping! Like Mal did in the first Descendants!" Hailey recalled that event in one scene of a Disney Channel Movie.

"I know... I never thought that they're able to put Skyress to sleep, she's restless when it comes to protecting her home here" Shun admitted

"Yeah and they put Preyus and Elfin down, they're a good throwback to the Bruce Lee impersonators and Sailor Moon fans." Marucho stated that I was extremely troublesome to put their friends into a lazy state

"So what are we going to do?" Usapyon asked

"We have to fight them head on! It's the only way!" Shun insinuated

"Right!" All of them agreed

"Well too bad bro! You're outnumbered!" Rigby corrected them

"What are you talking about? There's only four of us and only two of you!" said Usapyon

A small quartet of baby ducks came behind the two slackers showing their fists at them

"This is bad!" Marucho panicked as he recognized the ducks

"Why are you guys scared over a bunch of ducks?!" Hailey wondered

"They're not just ordinary ducks..." Usapyon shooked as the duck quartet transformed after a synchronized fist pump. They've become a muscular man with a duck head

"Oh snap! This is just like the chapter in Yokai Watch 3 with Dr. Maddiman!" Hailey grew with excitement as they're engaged with the enemy

"STEP OFF!!!" The duck fusion battle cried as he did a chop towards the ground

Luckily, they all dodged from it

"God... it is so tough stopping them..." Usapyon grinned as he was injured

"Did some sweet bunny got injured?" the humanized Jibanyan came in with the future Usapyon

"Jibanyan! Older me!" Y Usapyon winced in tears that the other end of the red string of fate came to him.

"Are you okay?" Jibanyan asked him

"Yeah I'm fine... but we're in a pickle here..." the Y Usapyon asked for his aid

"It's okay, since you helped me back when I was younger, I'll help you this time!" Jibanyan tossed him a few active bakugan ready to brawl.

"Thanks! Guys! Jibanyan is fighting on our side!" The Young Usapyon called the gang for aid

"Alright! We gotta stop this operation! The Tooniverse is already bad enough as it is for the fictional life!" Hailey cheered

"What are you talking about? She's gonna make our multiverse great again! We're once street performers but pulled in to the park by our creator! She's gonna give everyone their old lives back, or some others stick to their changed lives forever." Mordecai explained

"No way! She ruined Arc 2 of Mechtanium Surge! We got to put them to justice for destroying our plot, even if the plot was terrible!" Shun informed them

"Yeah, if you want to live in the cruel world like your Season 4 world, you won't think of others totally feel! Dan and the arc 1's masked villain are gone to Bearlywrote because of the negative influences that show has put them through!" Rigby informed them as well

Both of them are shocked at what the raccoon told them. Both flashback to the points in life or what it should've done with their lost friend, some of them are meant to be forgotten and some of them are meant to be forgiven...

"Your broken friendship with Dan Kuso with a S is what you're flawed in! It's your fault he's rock bottom!" Mordecai and Rigby sync up with the duck fusion and wearing 80s items to become "Power Rangers" inspired warriors.

"It's time we trash them!" Jibanyan commanded them



"They're both busy with the battle... it's finally time!" I told all of them, "Bai! Aku! Split!"

Both humanoid dragons split into two individuals and Akunogan walked forward to me. I prepare a syringe filled with EXP extract, supposed to be inserted into Cubbonyan, but his character growth has grown tremendously without it. I added the liquid that can revert back the memories of Aku's past.

"Akunogan, you have grown so well over many trials and tribulations. You might have a situation you're facing about you finding yourself and learning about how you become that way in the first place. If you're fine the way you are, then we should continue our mission until your shadowside has awaken on your own." I told him with a choice

Dan stared at him with unsure eyes, fearing that he'll turn back evil again and kill him on sight. Aku noticed this and make a right choice, "I won't do it, I fear... that if this turn out badly, I might harm any of you..."

I stared at Dan as he told me, I guess Dan must've saw him behind the baggy mask "It's okay, I understand"

As I was about to put the syringe away, an earthquake shook the ground by all the action-packed battles in the same place. The shot was flying along with the liquid bottles, containing either of Dan's memories...

As the fate tropes predicted... the shot landed on Akunogan's arm despite his refusal and the bottles landed in both mouths of the correct Dans, regaining their memories as both of them fell asleep due to the mental pain inflicted on them.

"Nate! I'm glad we're back..." The human Dan felt unconscious after a glance at a familiar friend's face.

"I know Dan... I came back for you" Nate replied

"why are you a yokai in heaven Baro... dius..." Baiporagon fell asleep as he said the name of his frenemy

"Bearlywrote...." whispered Akunogan

"I know what it was bad, it somehow targeted correctly! They didn't mean to cause an earthquake to happen!" I was trying to explain

"Thank you for letting me make a right choice" Akunogan smiled back at me, like it was my persuasion to inject him with a shot

"Thanks..." I said

"So shall we do the ritual now?" Bakunyan reminded everyone

"Oh yeah! Guys, there's the circle that symbolizes your character from before and the character you are now. The big ones on the outside represented the shadowsides of Gluesome, Hebiji, and Akunogan. The small ones on the outside are for the shadowsides of Ejaculope and Fuu2. The small glowing circle along with the small ones are specifically for Keyuuki. The four parts in the middle of the circle is for me and the rest of the Bearly Family and the last three in the center are for Dan, Nate, and Baiporagon." I explained the basis of the ritual to initiate Bearly Impact

"While I say a chant and perform a song, you dance in freestyle. It doesn't matter if it's hated or loved, it is how it represents you." I said in a wise way to be themselves, "don't mind the sleeping boys! Their development is all the ritual needs!"

"So we're doing the dancing for fun?" Keisuke asked me

"Yes!" I answered

"Okay, sounds like fun!" He replied

The entire gang went into positions and the song is played

Keisuke starts as he is transformed into Keiyuuki

Gluesome shapeshifted into the grown kaiju slime dragon, Gluganoid

Jack changed by shifting into the cruel ladies man, Jacklord

Hebiji altered by shedding his micro plastic scales into the kaiju yokai, Bazakari

Fuu2 stretched and transformed into his darker self, 2Oldernate

Finally, Akunogan unleashed his shadowside as darkness fully grown him... leaving him a mystery to the rest of them.

We sacrificed our weapons to bring forth a being that it worth being called a deity.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The song played through the battlefield and the fighting foes are smirking at the area where we are)

"It is done!" said Sparkyu

"What are you talking about!?" Natshuka spat

"There's no stopping Bearlywrote now!" Paranyan looked at the clouds above as they're being dragged into the pillar of light, absorbed with Development.

"No..." Akinori felt defeated as all the hard work doesn't pay off...

"You guys are the first to witness Bearlywrote's greatness achievement! BEARLY IMPACT!" Twinklnyan echoed

"No! K-Keisuke!" Ayame felt extremely worried over the character they're about to lose

Ikarigan felt sadness pressuring him and tries to break the impenetrable barrier, "STOP THIS!!! YOU FIENDS!!! RELEASE OUR FRIENDS RIGHT NOW!!!"


Meanwhile, the mecha duck giant listened to the Evangelion theme as they're referencing Power Rangers, Evangelion, and Gurren Laggan

Hailey was dancing to this catchy song and the boys and Jibanyan's bakugan aren't strong enough to take them down.

"Ugh... don't you guys give in so we can punch you!?" Jibanyan was grinning as her old nyan self toward the giant robot.

"Don't you chicks love giant robots?" Mordecai said in a old CN cartoon reference

"No! You guys gotta reconsider about being with Bearlywrote! Does she ever done anything bad?" Jibanyan asked

"No way! She gave the Ultimeatums to us! Just who the hell do you think they are!!!" They cursed at the feline and smashed her along with the helmet she worn.

The darkness from the helmet absorbed towards the shield. Making them remind that it was too late.... yet again...


The worlds who are bonded with the Bearly Family are noticing the clouds are being pulled away towards a planet at the Bakugan Branch.

The Steven Universe Branch noticed the clouds have been missing, along came with the Inuyasha Branch, Spirited Away, The Graveyard, The TTIGRAAS Branch, The Pokémon world, the resting areas, the SNK Branch, The One Punch Man world, The FC Branch, The Monsters world, The Pixar Branch, the town of South Park, The Deadly Sins Branch, Gravity Falls, Hyrule, Area 51, the Code Lyoko Branch, and the Shrek Branch.

The charge and the song is almost complete, leading to create a monster that is unknown to the human eye.

A being made entirely out of fluffy clouds has existed above all fictional life, mainly the fictional universe is once had a religion that is polytheistic.

This being is one of them.

"Greetings my children, I am Bearlygod!"

(Chapter End)

Bearlywrote: WHOHOOOOOO!!!!! Finally I'm done with Battle For Bearly Impact! Now onto for the next chapter soon!

Bakunyan: That's right! Sooner or later we can do the trailer

Cuddly: yes and further evolutions from some of us!

Cubbonyan: Yeah so.... vote and comment! See ya next time!

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