Chapter 17: Bon Mot In Mt. Ebbot

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????: is it on? Oh hi! I didn't see ya here cause it's dark in this room.

Cubbonyan: that's the best way to get imaginative! We are a fanfic/crossover with less pictures!

????: it's so interesting, but I can't see it...

Bearin: that's why I want to have you in Smash, but partially like Geno or Cuphead as miis

Beargamot: let's never speak of "Three Houses"...

????: you mean fire emblem?


Brother: it will be awesome if either Banjo-Kazooie or Terry Bogard would be last of the challenger pack, but that'll ruin the E3 experience with this despite having Animal Crossing and three Legend of Zelda games.

Akunogan: it is something that bothered Bearly greatly...



Gludra: I understand the Chrom joke long ago, but in reality... we don't really need him!

Gluesome: I didn't know you guys hated it in Smash...

Cubbonyan: I wish they would add more Mario characters, it would be a blessing...

Shin: uhhh.... are you talking about a board game or a card game?

Harelequin: it's something from our time...

????: alright.... for those who are reading this, these guys do not own Yokai Watch plus others such as Undertale. It would be nice to check out their EXP and LOVE before facing me. FictionalMagicTamer'S Soul is next to check along with their comrades...

Cubbonyan: you're scaring us right now...


Chapter 17: Bon Mot in Mt. Ebbot


The other end of the cell is a monster fishing his similar counterpart out of the toilet that can lead to the Yokai world according to toilet yokai specialists, "come on me... let me show you how to reel it in!" 4 pulled out the possessed Nate that is drenched in toilet water.

"Pleh! Well I'm not ordering the usual from Manjimutt again... that's for sure..." Nate, or Bearly Nate, has trying to focus his eyes towards the reeler, "who are you?"

"Well Nate, I am you! You are me! Let's be together again!" 4 persuaded him to fuse

"No way!" He tried to defend himself by throwing his jacket on him, yet the ghoul dodged it

He threw every bit of his wet clothes to keep away from the blue furred yokai, but none prevailed, ended up in the nude.

"Well I prefer to possess those with clothes on, but I might give it a shot!" 4 smirked as he pounced into Nate with Bai watching the inspiriting happen. The evolution of the human has absorbed with the being of pure evil, gaining a body of the human with a yokai body to spare.

"There... now I'm the Ghoul-inspired Nate! I should come up with a new name! What would you think Bai? You seem to agree that this world would be better off a kingdom ruled by monsters such as us?" 4 asked

"Well I think so, well since you're 4 and the yokai form is Fuu2, so how about Jijo?" Bai answered

"Jijo, Like "Squared" since 2x2 is 4?" 4 repeated that to the dragon

"Yes" he said

"It's cool! I'm glad it's that name that makes me an individual! For a proper thank you gift, I decided to set you free from this cage! This new body allow me to finally escape this world and return to Soramaru! He's probably worrying about his favorite henchmen right now... so... are you in?" Jijo asked

"Are you kidding me? A while ago, you tried to hurt me, but you put yourself in place as a henchman of the real villain. But I will join you, just to prove that you're right with the Bearly thing!" said Bai

"Well played, let's go!" Jijo cried out a portal to show them out of prison, he appeared in his small, flying form to guide Bai into a new realm...


Our group finally arrived of what Yuuki predicted that Soramaru would definitely be.... The Underground of Mt. Ebbot...

"This has brought back memories... I feel like Frisk at this moment!" Bearin quoted

"Me too, Karma and I played it together and it is fun!" Hideyoshiko smiled at my sister's words

"Undertale is such a beautiful game... I'm glad that it's considered to be the greatest indie game in 2015" I said to them

"What's an indie game?" Shin asked

"It's like a video game, an entertaining playing technology on a TV for all ages, but you get to pick your own options by moving characters around, choosing what name you'll give to them, or making them drive vehicles such as cars." I tried to explain what a video game is to Shin

"That's cool! It's like a cell phone!" Shin replied

"You're right, it is!" I corrected him

"So what are we gonna do from here? The new monster towns are in lockdown like the other worlds did." Brother spoke to Lucky

"We might as well go to the beginning of the game entrance!" The transmitter answered

They went to the deep hole where Frisk fell down in the beginning of the game, down there is some bunches of flowers waiting to be trampled on.

"This is too deep... someone might die from this height..." Trokaeyo was trembling with fear as others would be happy for one of them to jump down and build a large cushion for all of them

Well since I'm the only one who knows about our parents kidnapped, I'll go first!" I announced

Shin and the OCs are panicking about that their friend has fallen into the hole, but hearing a large splatter, "Cubbonyan!!!"

"Guys! I'm okay... it's the flowers that break my fall!" My head rolls around towards my separate body and begins reattaching it. I draw a large firefighter pole that can reach to the rest of the gang. The OCs went down first and get to witness themselves, especially Trokaeyo, "Look at my shirt! It's all stripes! It showed blue stripes on my tank top!"

"It's a good quirk here, only for the kids!" I said, "Bearin should probably have it too!"

Shin fall down with brown stripes on, "that's crazy! I didn't ordered this shirt..." he looked confused with his shirt on

"It's a unique world effect, It'll go away if we leave." I said to him, trying not to laugh

The two other splats are the red slime balls that are resistible to gravity. For the viruses, it's a slow way down. The other veterans slid down normally and the rest of the Yokaisonas have followed suit.

"It sure brought us back to the start..." said Gludra

"We have to press onward! I feel is as my living 8 mains are starting to grow adjusted to the commands of Soramaru!" Lucky informed them

"Not only that, I can feel is that there's someone else here on an exhibition..." Gludra added

"That's not good! We better go there and see if what they are isn't Yuuki..." Gluesome slithered down to the door as well as the rest of them

A flower popped up to see the heroes going to the ruins.

He slipped downward back into the ground with a growling look on his face


The Hotlands lair was the revamp of what a certain celebrity would be if he was a villain of the story. Soramaru and Kuma Karan have been standing in front of the camera screens to see how the others are handling, "how did the skeletons get pass my army?"

"I don't know sir, have you ever read the entire article?" She asked him

"Well no, I only have part two. Cubbonyan unfortunately could have part one! I just cannot understand why that my viruses can't possess the bears, the other viruses, and the skeletons! It's like they're a backup squad for the kidnapping!" He cried

"You sure you got Oni-Chan restrained?" She asked him

"Yes we did, I don't want to take anymore redemption blows..." he growled

"Hey Soramaru! We're back!" Jijo flew off towards his boss with Baiporagon

"4, You brought a developed outsider with you?" Soramaru asked him

"Yes! As you can see, he is likely to join us because of your beliefs! And I possessed both Nates like you asked!" Jijo added

"4, I didn't ask you to grab him..." Soramaru corrected him

"But I did hear your voice from the room!" Jijo explained

"Is it 8? He always makes a great mimic voice of mine, he must've tricked you into doing something unusual..." said Soramaru, "on top of that, you came in naked!"

"Well he tried to flee by throwing his clothes at me!" Jijo explained

"I do seem to accept that decision when someone is after me..." Bai added

"Well... okay! You will join our squad, but note this! We have a zero-tolerant policy, if you did something fishy to one of my little friends, you'll get what's coming!" Soramaru informes Bai, "got that?"

"Yes sir!" Bai swallowed

"Great! Welcome to our home!" Soramaru smiled at the dragon as he greeted him with the other viruses

"1000, there's other people who have a chance to know you, I want you to get rid of them this instant!" Soramaru commanded her

"Yes my master!" She went off to New Home, an opposite entrance to the Underground


The snowy change from the ruins has happened in a long way to Snowdin, there were old sentry stands around with dusty condiments laying on top of them.

"Did they serve American food here?" said Shin

"Well they only have monster food, it's not gross, but it has a magic healing effect instead of passing through you." I explained to my friend

"That's good to know, It sure is quiet..." Shin sighed but noticed a eerie feeling that seemed like they're following us

A blast came from the sentry stand pulls the Yokaisonas straight to the wall and my friends and left standing, facing a shadow of a short trash man, who started to breathe at the human's neck...

*Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand.

Shin did as the man told him to do, the end result was that of a prankster *whoopee cushion deflated*

"Uhhh, why are you laughing right now?" Shin felt creeped out by the skeleton

"Uhhh yeah... who are you?" said Shin

"Yeah... well you know that I'm Shin Shimomachi, that dragon is Hideyoshiko, the rabbit girl is Harelequin, the kid there is Trokaeyo. The human bear here is Brother Bearly, the purple dragon is Akunogan, the two bugbears are Lucky and Ugly, the four monsters there are Eugene, Sphere, Tikk, and Ray. The slimes there are Gludra and Gluesome, the two oddballs over there are Hebiji and Jack, and the four of them stuck on the wall are Cubbonyan, Bearin, Beargamot, and Vilgox"

"I know they are, but we're here to stop the evil that is within your former home!" Hideyoshiko persuaded the skeleton

"There is a monster that has something of mine! We're here to put an end to this catastrophe!" said Lucky

"We are neutral and pacifists Sans! They are willing to do whatever it takes to stop the real villain, even if it means killing him." Harelequin explained

"These Yokaisonas are innocent! They will do the same as your Frisk" Trokaeyo added

"Thanks Sans, now can you let them go now?" Shin begged him

He let them go with his powers and fall flat on our faces

"Are you okay Cubbonyan?" Shin asked me

"I'm okay, the way he grasp my cultivation of my being into the rocky wall is starting to fix the back pain I have for a while now..." I said to him

"Let's go find our parents, Next up, Hotlands!" Bearin chanted

"WHAT!!!!!" All shouted!

(Chapter End)


Bearin: Hey Uncle Baro?

Akunogan: yeah...

Bearin: have you ever played Undertale on the genocide run?

Akunogan: no! I played pacifist first and now I'm totally afraid of killing my friends!

Bearin: that's what I thought... anyway do you know what happened to my brother after school?

Akunogan: it is way too much for a little kitten! It's like how babies come from...

Bearin: i know where babies come from, mom and dad said it as an excuse to keep me from knowing, but I do know it's true

Akunogan: I see...

Bearin and Akunogan: Next time on Multidimensional Surge 3: Draw it Blue...

Chapter 18: Waterfall Breakdown

Akunogan: remember to vote and comment!

Bearin: see you soon!

Akunogan: also The text boxes used is brought to you by this site!

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