Chapter 2: Bearin Bloodlust

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Cubbonyan: Hi guys! It's me again! We're going to announce that Multi Surge Shorts is back for another season of short stories!

Shin: That's right! Not only will he and I are included, but Brother Bearly as well!

Cubbonyan: Don't forget about someone who is in here!

Shin: right, your sibling... anyway the disclaimer?

Cubbonyan: We do not own Yokai Watch and Ansatsu Kyoushitsu/Assassination Classroom! Despite the fact that characters die in some series finales doesn't mean they actually die in the multiverse! We all know that they'll forever live in our hearts, this story is a heart, so the deceased characters are going to be in it!

Chapter 2: Bearin Bloodlust


In a certain point of time, The Bearly Virus spreads like floods...

One minor character and another got turned into a monster...

Some of them fled from them while others embraced it as power enhancements. Offering bodies to yokai as it's suicidal and sacrificial to themselves for the sake of survival.

Leaving some nyans unaware of the situation coming behind them from millions of miles...


A small, violet female kitten was continued to doodle despite the dangers happening around here.

She now started to notice the two junior high school students coming from a other road intersecting from the road she's taking, she knew the tall boy with red hair, but she noticed a different boy with blue hair who's walking right beside him. Deciding to hide instead of talking to them, she hid behind the vending machine to hear the discussion.

"Man I can't believe that it's the sixth year that Korosensei comes out of retirement to resume teaching us to our college years... even if the creators faked his death..." the red haired boy named Akabane Karma told to his boyfriend, Shiota Nagisa, about how their teacher was doing...

Man, the girl cat thought, I haven't got to watch all of the episodes of it in the first season and those two are boyfriends?

"Yeah I still can't believe it... because of the new freedom we're given, Korosensei told us his origin story... about how he once fought for Comicalla before his creator catched him like a normal octopus, and turned him into our Class 3-E teacher he is today..." Nagisa laughed, "Yeah, and he awkwardly told some that the girls there are pretty hot"

Karma pulled out something and placed it in his boyfriend's hand

"What is it?" The blue deadly assassin noticed a box of chocolate candies in his palm

"You know why I asked you to ditch school with me..." Karma told him

"Yeah, I want to know more about you without our teacher snooping around for gossip" Nagisa recalled as he remembered the school trip to Kyoto with the boys in the hotel, with them talking about which girls they like, with the big octopus taking eavesdropping notes of them

"Well... this might be a chance to introduce herself to my boyfriend." Karma smirked as I shook with excitement.

Be cool... be cool! The cat thought as she calmed herself

The cat comes out naturally, "Nya!~"

"Here there girl... you want some chocolate?" Nagisa sounded comforting as he smiled softly towards the cat, offering her a box of chocolates.

Oh god, I know why he brought Nagisa here! I saw his tactics since episode one! That P.E. teacher guy I've forgot his name was has noticed his natural talents when he's toward the mean tough guy with an actual knife. He hid his bloodlust naturally, like killing people is an ease for him... oh this is not a common coincidence... she shooked as she remembered his move set

"Nya~" she got closer to the target to get her nearby-irresistible treats she always loved.

With a swift of his arm, he caught the purple cat with a green-rubbery blade in his hand.

"I would avoid it, but DAMN you're good!" The cat talked as Nagisa stood up with the blade still near her

"Thanks, you're pretty convincing, but you do need to change your fur color, it's so obvious that even the dumbest assassins knew that you're a Yokaisona Artist" he explained

"Oh... well can you put me down-" she touched the blade as it burns her, "NYAAA!!!! IT BURNS!!!!"

"Oh, you haven't told her? These blades are brand new, it's called Anti-Artist Blades!" The cat now noticed the imprint has changed into a character holding a pen.

"Oh yeah! The reward was twice than killing Korosensei, 20 billion yen! I want to ditch with you because I want to help you assist me by helping to catch... what's your name?" Karma asked the cat for her name

"It's Bearly Bearinmine, Bearin for short" Bearin answered

"Wow, are you from the Berenstein or Berenstain world?" Nagisa asked

"I'm the only one that lives in the Berenstain dimension!" She growled as she's struggling from the grip of the blue haired boy

"Let's go to the barbecue place, and we'll invite the feline for dinner" said Karma

"Sounds good!" The three went to the barbecue place

Bearin mumbled, "I wish something would turn this around..."


The students are in their seats as class is about to start for their sixth period.

Kayano Kaede looked around still to see if her best friend Nagisa has returned, it was worrying since Karma attracts troubling things.

"Is something a matter, Kaede?" Sugino Tomohito asked her

"I'm worried about Nagisa, he's never late..." she said

"Well according to his cellular history, he went to a barbecue place with Karma" Ritsu answered

"Well I'm glad he's safe... I'm just so scared" Kaede calmed herself down as class begins

"Hello class!~" A big bear-eared, blue-furred, Bear-nosed tentacled creature came into the classroom as everyone's reactions are blank as they stared at him, "Today we're talking about the story about Bearly Impact!" The blue octopus bear with his nose above his eyes said as he starts class

"Uhhh Korosensei? Did you just shed your skin?" Isogai Yuuma asked his teacher

"No I haven't kids, but anyway, as I said, we're talking about the event that started a new era of peace and tranquillity between the fictioners and the nonfictioners!" Korosensei continued his lecture about something my mom did in her last story. The students are talking softly as they're still baffled by the bear suit

"Is it me, or did Korosensei looks like a cute bear other than a smiling emoticon octopus we know in love?"

"I don't know! Nagisa should've written down about this!?!"

"This is so bizarre..."


As the adventure predicted, we arrived at the area near the high school. I was exhausted for carrying the bags of food

"Man my arms are tired..." I panted as we landed at our destination

"I don't know if we can carry all of these..." Shin whined as the two students exit the restaurant with full bellies and a cat in their disposable.

"Wait... Bearin?" I called to her

"Wait Onii-san?" Bearin replied

"You know him?" Nagisa said as he tilted his head

"He's my big brother! Onii-san, can you tell these two to let me go?" She asked

"Well yes, only if you can agree after I tell you something important" I said

"What is the important part?" She said

"Our parents are kidnapped!" I answered

"WHATTTTTTTTT!!!!!" She immediately broke through the restraints of the human boy and tackled her brother, "ONII-SAN!!!! TELL ME THAT ISNT TRUE!!!!!"

"It's true.... an evil yokai named Soramaru got mom and dads as they're using a new virus our mom made to unleash it to the masses of the Tooniverse. I have some of mom's info about the virus, but all the info has been stolen from mom's lab! Nyan dad told me to get you and your brothers to gang up against him and finding aid to find "Brother Bearly". Have you two know him?" He explained as he asked the uniformed humans

"Nope..." Karma shook his head

"Never heard of him" Nagisa added

"Well, be on a lookout for blue bear monsters. They're going to grab those who aren't possessed by the Bearly Virus." I warned them about it, "Come on sis, let's get our other brothers"

"No wait, can I say goodbye to them quickly?" She asked

"Fine, but if they harmed ya with the new Anti-Artist blade, I'm not gonna save you the next time!" I said

"Okay! Hey Nagisa! Karma! Thanks for being with me today, it was wonderful to eat with you!" Bearin thanked them

"Oh, no need to thank us Bearin, you are a great girl and you entertained us today!" Karma gushed at her with a hug, before a phone call interrupted their touching goodbye

Nagisa grabbed his phone and answered, "hello?"

"Oh hi... just as you are wondering... we are fine... me and Korosensei are once brothers and now we're all together..." ????? murmured on the phone

"Wait... ITONA!???" Nagisa stunned to notice the voice difference as he was transformed into an animal

"Our new, little friends have made us better killers than we ever were before... it is our turn to find you guys" Itona recalled as the background starts to growl

"Well I'll be waiting for you guys!" Nagisa lied as he told the rest the truth, "I don't think we're going back to school late... they'll be right after us ... as very animalistic predators..."

"WHAT!!! The Virus has entered here!?!" I screamed

"This is bad Cubbonyan!" Shin screamed

"I don't wanna get eaten by human bears!" Bearin cried

"It's okay Bearin, you and I are not gonna die or getting possessed, it says here that the virus is impossessable to The Bearly Family and all of those who created and developed by them. For an odd reason, actual fictional bears don't get possessed by these." I read the info from my phone

"Yeah, but what about Shin and my friends!" Bearin added

"Shin has gain some ICD for temporary possession resistance, in the meantime we gotta be prepared for the attack soon." I declared

"Our entire class is after us... I'm pretty sure we're dead other than possessed" Karma admitted

"I'm sure Korosensei would somehow avoid getting infected..." Nagisa stuttered

"Oh he can't, even if the virus is slow compare to Mach 20, they have quick brains to make them possessed. They can be hidden in clothing, small spaces, and hide in foods to get to their wanted host" Cubbonyan read more info about the virus.

"That pretty much makes sense, since our teacher is a sweet tooth" Nagisa looked at his old notes about their tentacled teacher

"We gotta get out of here quickly!" Bearin cried

"Alright, I have a way to slow them down... but it's not enough..." I figured

"How about you copy and paste it?" Bearin suggested

"That's a great idea! Bear-Claw Scythe! Tablet!" I revealed a digital drawing tablet out of my vest, and began setting up the stage.

I tap on the sweets we have and press copy, moved toward the entrance of the school, paste the exact same things 30 times, and every one copy is worth a hundred pastries. I have some exquisite taste that the sweets are far from good for them to stay put.

"Oh my god! CANT RESIST!!!" Both tentacle boys and other human bears maw on the delicacies from Old Springdale

"The sweet pile won't last long, we better move!" I announced

"Right! Nagisa, May I ask you something?" Karma asked him

"What is it?" Nagisa responded

"I want you to go with the other three guys, I have to deal with the class alone." Karma declared

"What?! No! I don't know what they're going to do with you?!" The blue-haired protagonist said to the boy

"I don't care about what punishment they've given me, it's better than being humiliated and detention" said Karma

"Karma..." Nagisa muttered

"I know if anyone would defeat someone as scary as Mr. Takaoka, it would be you" Karma smiled as he gives him a touching kiss on the lips

Without a second thought, the boy cried as the top student rushes toward the group of his comrades as the start trying to immobilize him, and a small virus grasp onto his head.

The virus spiritually went inside him and began turning himself into a predator that is in Soramaru's control.

"GRRRRRR!!!!" Karma looked ferocious as he was crying in pain, seeing the despair in his boyfriend's eyes

"I'm sorry you all are suffering from this..." Nagisa cried in heavy flows of tears, Bearin doesn't want him to be extremely hurt by this...

"Is the portal made already Onii-san?" Bearin asked

"Not yet, deciding on which world we should go to find your brothers, Beargamot and Vilgox" Cubbonyan draws in a detailed circle for all four to fit

Bearin looked at her pen and looked at her new friend's blade...

"Bearin, can I ask you a favor?" said Nagisa with his head down

"Yeah, what's your request?" Bearin replied

"Would you turn me into a yokai?" he asked

Bearin widen her eyes in response to his favor. She looked at the pen again and set it to "kill n'draw", causing her pen to became a sparkling aegis sword, "are you sure you wanted for me to do this?"

"I don't want myself to be suffering like my friends... my boyfriend has cried after he was transformed... I don't want them to hunt me down as me, but they will not attack me is I'm not myself..." Nagisa sighed

"If that's your wish, then I'm glad to grant you the pain of a target's end..." Bearin swings her sword towards her neck and decapitated him, Shin and I are shocked by the kill of one nyan that is made by the person's wish.

My friend is scared of seeing someone died like this makes him gag and vomit at the sight of the sliced nape, bones, and a colossal amount of blood...

I hate to admit it, but I feel sickening by the thought of killing a character that are friends with someone alive...

Bearin cried as she claimed the soul of Shiota Nagisa, so she left last while we went forward, leaving behind a pathway back with her saddening tears...

(Chapter End)


Cubbonyan: Do you ever feel sad about how OK KO ended?

Bearin: no why?

Cubbonyan: I just thought about how it ended recently and mom didn't caught up on the entire show... other than a crossover special!

Bearin: well I guess it's time for me to rewatch the entire show with a new friend!

Cubbonyan: Who is this new friend?

Bearin: I'll surprise you when we began binging the series!

Cubbonyan: Okay then...


Chapter 3: Spray it, Beargamot!

Bearin: See you soon!

Cubbonyan: Remember to vote and comment!

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