Chapter 12: Our Own Wart (Part 1)

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Cubbonyan: Another Amphibia chapter! I'm excited for season 3 coming on October!

Jack: good thing too, I guess we have more time than your brother, think of it as a recovery trip for your developmental crisis!

Cubbonyan: that's right! This holds a mystery, like how did we transformed into creatures from Amphibia?

Malos: who knows, but who cares! I'm a newt! -swims in a river-

Cubbonyan: I better get him then... Jack, do the intro...

Jack: oh okay! Umm... Cubbonyan and his parents do not own Yokai Watch, Trolls, Ed Edd n Eddy, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Amphibia!

Cubbonyan: I don't know if it's our Artist's fault or Braly's, he might've changed it after adding the Earth and more human-like Artists will likely scare the other residents here, and it's war their into... until then... we'll sign off! Forgot! Zayachu15 is in this! But in her newt form!


Chapter 12: Our Own Wart (Part 1)


The medium sided snail slowly drags the cart with friends in the back, and the rider is no more than a blue-white caterpillar and walked passed the fountain with two girls sitting on the edge, Jack asked, "excuse me girls, do you have recommendations for where we should eat?" He asked the small blue frog with a frog skull shirt, "ummm... I am totally new here... I'm just meeting my pen pal"

"I know, there's a gnatcho stand nearby, it is delicious" The purple newt with a magenta purple hijab answered

"Thanks" Jack thanked them

"Nice meeting you Jack!" The frog thanked him back

"How do you know my name?" Jack asked

"I don't know, but I feel like I knew you somehow..." She confessed

"Oh then... okay" Jack went back in the cart as they've headed to a nacho stand for a snack

"That was close Newt Zaytun..." she sighed

"How did you know he's a Amphibiasona version of Jack Cobbler, Frog Bearly?" The newt asked her friend, Frog Bearly

"He is wearing the same sweater like the original, but I don't know what the other one is, he's as bulky as Pricilla..." Frog Bearly explained

"You're right, I have no clue what they're doing here in Amphibia, right before the king will launch an attack on October" Newt Zaytun agreed

"But whatever they are here for, we cannot be the witnesses, let's go back to the hotel" Frog Bearly said as they head back to their home, "sure"


a magic portal opened and revealed the familiar two characters, "It would be easy to find Malos in this place, he might be the only one human here!" said Mythra

"I still can't believe he would do this on his own will... but it's impossible without his full powers and without a Artist" Rex sighed, "Should we do that instead of our break?" He looked at her strangely as she did the same thing

"Is it me or are you getting smaller?" Mythra was shocked to see that her Driver was shorter than his usual height, "and why are you blue all of the sudden?"

"Am I dead again, aren't I?" Rex gasped, "why do you have a tail?"

"This is a bad day after not wearing my revealing clothes during Smash! This is a disadvantage for us Rex, Malos can fit right into this crowd of monsters" Mythra gasped as she retreats

"Come on Mythra, we need to grow accustomed to this change, if we did find Malos here, he won't know what hit him" a fly came across him and his tongue launched to it and eats it, "What?"

"Let's go back for our team and explain our plan..." said Mythra


Malos reads a map of the best sites of Newtopia and eats his last cheese-covered gnatcho chip, "These are good! Let's go to the arcade next! Then the Beetle burger place! The outdoor malls"

"You have a huge sense of travel compared to mine, I rarely think of anything special and new to go to" said Cubbonyan

"It's been the same for me for 500 years, lack of new fun things, just more ways to lose more land..." Malos sighed, "Even my friends are trying to find things new within our ride... Like board games, movies, video games, and abridged our brats adventures when we're cooped up inside, without thinking of leaving Alrest"

"Did you ask your father to ease your internal suffering?" Cubbonyan asked

"I tried, but he doesn't have the power to twist the fate like you do... One thing that worries me is that when the brat gets back, he would notice me missing and I'll be punished for abandoning their salvation to save the world" The big newt looked glum at the side

"How about I take you to arcade and outdoor mall? I'll let you buy souvenirs before leaving here" Cubbonyan suggested, "Are you with me Jack?"

"Sure do!" Jack agreed

"Halt! You caterpillar! You're under arrest for trespassing Newtopia illegally!" A newt guard among with the rest pointed the spears at them

"Well you're right, I didn't come through the main gates, which this rule might be established for magic users." Cubbonyan confessed

"Cubbonyan? What do we do?" Jack asked him

"Run!!!" they kicked the ride to fast, "Come on Glaze!"

"They're getting away!" the chase was on as newt guards ran after Glaze, the newly named snail, was going on her best speed.

"Let's hide in the arcade, go on!" Cubbonyan frees the boys

"What about you Cubbonyan?" Jack asked

"Go on without me! You guys are innocent enough to be spared by the King!" Cubbonyan begged, "If it borrows anything, they will capture the cat"

"I hear him over here!" the guards heard him nearby, "You're developed enough to continue on without me!"

"But what about your brother?" Malos asked

"A Yokaisona will lie defeated in pride, even if he didn't complete his task" Cubbonyan answered, "Take care of Glaze for me!"

he unlocked the doors of the arcade and hid them inside, "En garde!" The daubers on his paws glow up into swords and fights against the newts

"Cubbonyan!" Jack and Malos gasped as the eldest of the Bear Kids fight with his new magic art utensils

"Took him long enough, and I thought he would get caught just like Nia!" Frog Bearly said in a dark, yet closed arcade rolling hard balls at the holes

"It's you, the frog girl from earlier!" Jack recognized her from before

"It's odd that you've referenced that scene, but you said the differences perfectly" Malos mentioned

"You're right, Malos! I forgot Tora rescued them after that part, so you're totally correct! I don't want this to be similar to the original and I am saying spoilers already, what's wrong with you, Frog Bearly!?" Frog Bearly yelled

"Frog Bearly?" Jack repeated

"Yeah, my master made me as her Amphibiasona, originally there were plenty of human Artists here, but the amphibians here are already terrified and the Creator here have to ease them with the newly acquired froggy forms if they need to prepare themselves for season 3." She answered

"That explains the newt forms..." Malos replied

"That's right! Every human or humanoid outside of Anne's Earth will end up as a frog, toad, or newt, it is fun anyway, because any Amphibia fan like Zaytun and SodaDog and I would love to have these forms, I'm suited to be fit as a frog!" Frog Bearly said happily

"Do you know anything about the guards, within the castle Frog Bearly?" Jack asked

"If this is similar to what I've seen in Pyra's memories, you're going to rescue Cubbonyan, right?" Malos asked

"I don't want to be stuck in this world without Cubbonyan, he and I are long-time friends" Jack explained, "You in?"

"Count me in! I am dying for action!" Malos smirked

"You need these then!" She handed them swords and one looked to be a glowing blue and one that is purple

"Sweet! You coming Frog Bearly?" Malos asked her to join

"Sorry, I'm only here to experience Season three in this world! So I can't take part in such dangers. All I have to say is... Good Luck!" She blessed them

"Goodbye, Frog version of Bearlywrote" Jack said as they left the arcade

"Time to waste more coppers on games!" Frog Bearly smiled as she played the games.


"King Andrias! We've captured a Nonfictioner who trespassed Newtopia!" A newt guard, acts as temporary captain, said to the giant salamander king

"Captain, you've seen to forget the important history that is lost in over a thousand years... along with the box, the presence of villains appearing harms the heart of Amphibia, I know I'm supposed to be evil right now, but I can't be that way all the time, it would harm my work I have planned for The Plantars once my robot army would cross from the other side. I told you to reprehend the Bad Guy!" King Andrias explained

"We did your majesty! We caught the Nonfictioner!" the guard answered

"No! I only want you to capture the big amphibian with an Amethyst crystal on his chest!" King Andrias replied

"Uhh... Sire... as your chosen replacement for General Yunnan, I don't know what the color Amethyst is..." the guard confessed


"OH!!! PURPLE!!! I remember now!" The guard gasped

"Get back to work, release the Nonfictioner, and capture the villain this time! If you see the heroes from another world, summon them here at once. I like to speak with them" He ordered him to capture the real villain this time

"YES SIRE!" the guard left as the king sighed,"Why do I feel like someone has done this before to one idiot..."


"You see, this is why we need you four! It's a mission to get Malos back here, If Father told me to bring him home, I will!" Mythra cursed as she went back to this world as a white gold newt, and switched over to Pyra, who appeared to be a red frog, "for all of you, I want to repay you a great feast later when this is over"

"That would be great after being done with the work, I am not suited to be a toad! As far as The Zekeinator knows, Toads aren't very attractive!" Zeke yelled as his lightning Blade Pandoria entered in a toad's appearance as well

"Well I found you attractive!" She smirked

"Thank you Pandy, you're always welcome!" He thanked her

"We must ask the residents for clues" Brighid came as a blue newt, "it would appeared that this city was highly influenced with Nonfictional culture, I have to write this down" she pulled out her diary and written down details of Newtopia

"It is fascinating to look at, but we have an important mission on hand Brighid" Morag entered wearing her imperial uniform and became a newt with mahogany skin

"We must get going and ask everyone some questions" Rex explained, "we don't know where he's heading next"

"Excuse me, but are you here for the villain in black armor?" A newt guard asked the gang, "I believe our king wants to ask you some questions?"

(To be continued!)

Chapter 13 Preview!

Cubbonyan: Hey guys! I'm back alone! But not for long! I am at the factory right now and that frog guy posted do not allowed signs of the frog who is in the human world right now. And I want you to know that the next chapter is a two parter for Our Own Wart! I noticed Malos and Jack have learned a thing about the laws of this world now according to the frog version of my mom, but still I got my friends some development growth!

Cubbonyan: next time on Multidimensional Surge 5: Rise of the Rocking Bear...

Chapter 13: Our Own Wart (Part 2)

Cubbonyan: remember to vote and comment! See you soon!

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