Chapter 7: Mutant Band Bouts

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Cubbonyan: wait what is this recording!? It it my turn? I guess I can do it since we're fighting werewolves right now... Am I the only one? Okay... We don't own Yokai Watch, Trolls and Ed Edd N Eddy... why those two? Are we fighting them in their worlds? Whatever, if they're causing trouble, I'll take them down, no sweat...


Chapter 7: Mutant Band Bouts


Four villages is consistent with four islands, The J-Troll Archipelago, the island country where modern music thrive over the dying old.

A large ship carrying many other miniature creatures was sailing past the forest borders, for some reason, they let them pass through instead of scaring them off the island. The tour guide is explaining to them, "you see folks, these beings were united to scare away the intruders, what we witnessed is a big message to their community, we are not enemies, we are friends who will cooperate and help them with their needs. This country was once known as J-Troll island, but the dragon who act as their string laid three eggs and split the island into four. Those three dragons become the other island's string and over the years the civilians who once lived in Traditional J music are now adapted to J-Rock, J-Pop, and J-Noise music. It's okay folks, the Traditional J dragon is still alive though, but he's having some respiratory issues..."

The dragon is starting to cough badly as the Jodan's father looked sad with the condition that beast is, "son, please reconsider..." he prayed

"Your excellency, we have brought the western leaders here as you requested" the messenger troll

"Send them in, I must prepare" He asked

"Yes sire" he left


The Sleuths and I are forming a list of songs to perform, while they are practicing, I made my move to the target's location. The robot has a taste of titanium and I smelled it coming from above, it is my turn to lure the bot to the city below them

I sent out a flyer to the door, knowing that the people there can see what's happening. "There's an event this weekend? Sweet, I have a weekend break this week! Let's check it out"

"Well I want to see my parents there, I bet they are happy to see you guys coming to the event"

"Is there booze involved?"

"It says robots and people get alcohol at certain areas at the event, including the one within a drawn circle that says highly recommend"

"If that means free beer! I'm coming!" The trio nodded in agreement as they are heading back inside to continue their work

"Perfect! Now let's go back to that band!" I headed back to the group as they left, preparing for the battle of the bands so do speak...


Back in the HQ, Heathenyan is preparing a special potion in his cauldron. "Vilgabbit, I thought you would come here later"

"Heather, what is it that you need for the potion?" He said

"I want 2 milliliters of your blood, I want vampire blood to repel the werewolves so it would be much easier to deal with them." The potion master asked

"I would love to help with your request, but I don't think my blood would help, as you can see me under sunlight, I'm not a full-blooded rabbit vampire. If you want that, I might ask my grandparents, they are willing to donate blood to the warlocks who would use the blood for good." Vilgox explained

"Yeah, but why not your parents?" He argued

"My mom and dad are mortal bunnies, but mom still carries the vampiric gene, which is recessive. When I was a kit, the vampiric gene is dominant but according to genetics, I only drink blood of the cursed Yokai, like Bergie" said Vilgox

"How wise, you found an excuse to bite him on romantic occasions" Heathenyan smirked

"HEATHER!" Vilgox growled

"IM KIDDING! Geez, I wish I was cursed like Dweebamot, and you and I would have this experience!" said Heathenyan

"This is why you and "Dweebamot" are forced into this because your brother and my sister are now married and we needed happy uncles to little Wiccanyan" Vilgox whispered

"... alright. I mean I wasn't happy when you and him were together. I mean, I was actually attracted to you back at the academy, around that time you were hanging out with him, my heart felt deep, and it gets deeper when my mother passed away from giving birth to Paganyan, I felt like it would feel way better if I assaulted him, but I was shocked by his "counterstrike", your fear in me, and how so much pain would inflict on him and his sister. I was a taunter to him, but I gotten too far. I upset you so much, I guess my mom was too, she wanted me to be a good influence to my newborn brother" Heathenyan looked glum when he confessed

"Well she is happy that you are trying now, you offered your blessing to his marriage, and I think she's very proud of you for looking after your brother like she ever did when she looked after you" Vilgox smiled

"Can we have some rotisserie chicken? I know it's one of the foods you can eat" he offered

"It's very kind of you, but I'm not hungry right now" they both smiled as Vilgox called his grandparents for some blood donations


The members of the mutant community are gathering in front of what appears to be a university, there is a sign saying "Mutant Band Bouts"

"Guess this it is, you know what song we're playing?" I asked them the question

"Yep! Endless Possibility!" Ed answered

"A Sonic song, out for its anniversary! Good pick!" Jodan smiled

"Let's do it!" Katie shouted

"I love the opportunistic attitude!" Cress agreed

"Me too!" Dimi did the same as Cress

"Now let's get out there for the band to start!" I announced

"YEAH!" They cheered

"And next up, we have an intriguing band from worlds beyond! Give it up for Bear Kid and The Sleuths!" The host announced as we entered the stage with our pride high Cress and Dimi came up with a red haired man wearing a red jacket looking clueless

"Hey look it's Fry!" The robot called

"You're right, and how is he up there? He never mentioned anything about his band life back in his time" the female cyclops with purple hair sees him too

"But whatever it was, he's gonna steal the show!" He said as the band is starting to play

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The band played as Cress and Dimi controlled Fry's body to play the drums, the beats are slamming hard. Katie played a spare guitar from the extra instruments and played along with the notes, Ed is put out for a while since it's a full band but still acts as a seat for Jodan, who plays the piano as usual. I begin to sing as equal as the man from this song, the voices brought the audience to cheer as I give Jester II to Ed, the hole appeared below me and exited the stage.

Once out of sight, Ed followed the guitar's instructions, 'follow me as you follow your heart'. The arms given Ed a quick tutorial of playing a guitar solo and the robot was astounded by his performance, "Look at that guy go! I'm telling you Leela, I've seen that guy from somewhere and it's not from Toonami!"

One minute as they stared at the stage, I LITERALLY bit his shiny metal ass as quickly as the mouse, with my guitar not in my possession, this is average speed. With certain howls approaching from two minutes away, I returned to the stage with a new string in hand, it is as shiny as diamonds, as hard as it is on the Mohs scale, it symbolized strength!

"Drop that smile 'cause you're beating again! NO, This is where my journey begins!" I played it with the new string attached in the edgy tone, "You're losing speed, you're losing your flow. Where is that piece of power you'll never know! Let it out, it's inside you! Better all stand back 'cause i'm coming through!"

The blast from the guitar blown everyone away as the loud sound ruptures the ground as it shakes, "that was loud! I'm glad I nullified the volume and pain features on my wrist thing, honestly I would've been deaf right now"

"I don't want to remind how I made you deaf again, It made me lose my ass to robot devil" He touched it's butt and looked shocked, "oh no!"

"HOWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLL" a cry shouted through the crowd as furry beast occupy the sewers

"WEREWOLVES!!! THE WEREWOLVES ARE ATTACKING!!!" all mutants begin to panic as a Fictioner whistle has been blown, harming everyone's ears.

"May I have your attention please, for the order of Bearfulwrote, you are no longer taking orders from your head president. Only the Nonfictioners you will follow! And furthermore-" The main werewolf said as one raised their robot hand, "Yes?"

"Are you the dogs who bite my arse?" He said

"What?" the wolf said

"LETS GET HIM!!!!!" everyone tackled him and the wolves as they tried to fight back

I looked at the battle scene and shouted, "uhh Just as I planed!"

"what about the Juneteenth's fireworks plan?" Jodan asked in defense

"JUST AS I PLANNED! We need a diversion and they showed up unexpectedly so we must leave right now!" I told him

"I'm following your commands your Bearlyness, Kuma no Ko!" Ed replied

"That's right! Now that I got the string of bending strength, it's time for the next destination to perform our next concert! We head to the endless sea of clouds and perform on the lands of beasts." I explained

"Is this about Smallfoot? 'Cause they're totally absent for Space Jam 2" Katie answered

"No, but remember what the Bear Witch said, "Fullrest"" Ed answered

"Alrest" Jodan corrected him

"She needs you to seek the artificial blade with the most Development" Cress explained

"Whichever part picked would be the same as any part" Dimi added

"For starters, does anyone know which one carries the most development?" I asked them

"No" Ed answered

"Not really" Katie added

"Not played enough on the Switch" said Jodan

"It's gonna be a hard one... let's start by searching the factories and scrapyards for them and later we invade ships to see if any one of the blade bots contain that much Development" I explained, "With the first string in hand, I will see if any of them are the right ones or not, now we head to SS Soundless!" I inflated the tube we used from the last river ride, and set up the boat to ride at the destination. "All aboard!" all jumped in with all equipment in hand as they immediately left Sewer City toward the large glowing tree surrounded by land beasts and heavy ocean-like clouds


"Presenting the excellency!" a troll bowed to respect the royal presence

The eight colored trolls bowed at Jodan's father's appearance, "Eight? I was expecting seven of you. However we do accept newlywed kings and queens here. Anyway, I am Co-Prime Minister Joonetsu"

"You seemed awfully open-minded about it, like my dad" The gray rock troll spoke to him

"I am a father of many kind hearts, the caretaker of the aging dragon, the figure to my people. I have a request I have to say to you leaders, I want to find my runaway son, the boy Traditional J troll named Jodan" Joonetsu explained, "It is come to my attention that you've met him at some point"

"it is true, we do met him at a concert" The pink troll replied

"But he told us a different story, he clearly said that you've exiled him for being an pariah to your country" the centaur cowgirl troll said

"What a wise way to fool the leaders of the western world, he clearly said that, meaning that he'll never come back here and face the sins of everyone falling to him if the dragon died along with the music powers, I know how you lot have experienced your strings have been broken, but the dragons are a symbol of peace and prosperity in The J-Troll Archipelago, I can't live with that guilt. Please, by the order of the Traditional J Trolls, you must bring him back home!" He bowed at them

"Don't worry your excellency, we can retrieve him and change his mind about it" they left with a single wink at him, making Joonetsu believe that they can help him realize the wrongdoings he's making

(Chapter End!)

Chapter 8 Preview and Announcement!

???: Happy Fourth of July! Sorry updates are slow right now, and we have news! Our creator has quit her full time job as she seeks a new part time job and continue with school to achieve her dream

Cubbonyan: I think you mean her dream as an artist, which involves studio art!

Lyn: guys! Her major is to become an art therapist, but who says she ain't talented, she makes cute art but wants to share with someone else who has mental problems and help them explore it

???: well! I guess we're together again Huh?

Cubbonyan: I can assume they think we're friends now, but I want to read what's next in this story!

Lyn: me too, we're getting to a new set of chapters that take place in another world!

Cubbonyan: we promise character development for the Yokaisonas you know! So get ready!

???: we're ready for what's next!

???, Cubbonyan, and Lyn: Next time on Multidimensional Surge 5: Rise of the Rocking Bear!...

Chapter 8: Cloudy w/ a Chance of Titans

Cubbonyan: Vote and comment!

Lyn: see you soon!

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