Ben 10 [HC - He asks you out]

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note: On a date, not to be his girlfriend. FYI: Drag Racing: An acceleration contest between vehicles.


-Homeboy was shook to the core when he realised that, oh no,

-he had caught feelings for you.

-He thought that he would be pretty experienced with asking girls out on dates since he went out with Julie for a while,

-but when it came down to it, he had no clue where to begin.

-'What does she even like to do,'

-'Smoothies? No no, that's what I like to do, ah crap.'

-Suffice to say, it took him a while to plan it. Hopefully you would say yes.

-When he asked you, it was not the best time.

-You two were fighting this massive beast, and it went something like this:

-"Hey (Y/N)!" *thwack* "Would you like to-" *thwack thwack* "-go out sometime?" *thwack*

-*punch* "Uh, sure. What were you-" *slap slap* "-thinking of?" *kick*

-Afterwards, covered in goo, you two talked about the details.

-He would pick you up at 7pm,

-You heard a motorcycle pull up beside your house

-you two would pick up some fast food,

-"Would you like some fries with that?"

-then you'd go up to the hills nearest Bellwood,

-"You can see the whole city from here!"

-and watch the sunset, fading off the horizon.

-The food was lukewarm by the time you got to eat it, after watching the city lights turn on as the earth light turned off, but it was still good. In truth, you were happy Ben asked you out this evening.

-You had grown very fond of him over the time you had known him, and you were excited that he might reciprocate.



-The next time he saw you at the 24/7, Gothman gave you a flyer.

-It was for a drag race, and right in the corner, you could see he had scribbled his number plate and another set of digits.

-His phone number.

-After inspecting the flyer, you had smirked at him.

-"See you there." He had said, before walking out of the store.

-Of course you turned up,

-You weren't going to chicken out, no way. You knew how to push your motorbike to its limits, and drag racing wasn't completely new to you.

-Pulling up beside his green and black car, you revved up your engine teasingly.

-He rolled down his window and smirked, also revving his engine.

-From behind you, you heard someone counting down.





-Both vehicles accelerated into action, rocketing forward.

-The road was deceivingly twisty, however you and Monster Energy navigated it expertly.

-In the end, you won by a couple of milliseconds, but it was still a win that you definitely were going to claim.

-After you unmounted your bike and took off your helmet, he came up to you,

-"You're not so bad on the bike."

-"You're not so bad in the car,"

-After a long pause, he said:

-"Hey, what's your name anyway? I never did catch it,"

-You smiled, mounting your motorcycle again. It was getting late, and you had promised yourself some Netflix time.

-"It's (Y/N). You?"


-"Well, see ya 'round then, Kevin."

-Then you slipped your helmet on and rode your bike away into the night.


Rook Blonko:

-Rook had no experience with the 'date' customs of Earth, so before he could do anything, he seemed out guidance from the most trustworthy person.

-"So, (Y/N)'s a nice woman," Max said after a long pause.

-"What kind of advice did you want me to give you? You seem to be doing fine so far,"

-"I wish to know the date customs of Earth." Rook replied and Max chuckled.

-Max gave Rook a brief rundown of Earth relationships and dates, however, brief does not mean uninformative.

-Suffice to say that by the end of it, there were some things Rook wished he didn't know.

-But, by the time you were working your shift he had formulated an idea.

-"Good morning (Y/N)," Rook popped his head in through the doorway.

-"Morning Rook," You turned around and he awkwardly walked over to your desk with impeccable posture.

-You were curious and almost intimidated by the time he had marched to right in front of you.

-"Would you like to accompany me on a walk in the park at 3pm? I thought we could feed the pigeons together,"

-"Like, a date?" He smiled warmly at your question,

-"Yes, like a date."

-So at 3pm that very day you cycled to the park and sat on a bench, waiting for Rook to turn up.

-Soon later, you saw him walking towards you carrying a loaf of bread in one hand, and a cardboard tray containing two coffees in the other.

-When you met his eyes, you smiled.

-He almost tripped, your smile was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen.

-He sat down beside you, placing the cups on the bench between you and indicated to a cup.
-Gratefully, you took it and carefully sipped it. Thankfully, it was at the perfect temperature for you to not burn your mouth on.

-"Good afternoon, I hope you like the coffee. I remembered your order from last time."

-"Thank you so much, Rook, that's very kind of you,"

-And it was then when he, unfortunately, opened the bag containing the bread.

-It seemed like all of the birds in the local continent had grain-sensing powers because as soon as the bread was exposed, there was nothing short of a tornado of feathers.

-Rook had pigeons pecking at him from all angles, swarming his upper torso and head like a hive deprived of its honey.

-By the time they dispersed every grain had disappeared, leaving a frazzled Rook with feathers all over him.

-He slowly turned his head to look at you, and you held eye contact

-before you both were laughing uncontrollably without any inhibition.

-Wiping a tear from your eye, you both grinned at each other.

-This would definitely be a memorable date, the first of many.

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