Fem!Leonardo [Male!Reader] [TMNT] [HC]

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Height Headcanon

Female!Leonardo x Male!Reader TMNT

requested: PastelColoredZarkon

Genderbent!Leonardo finds creative ways to give her tall boyfriend affection.


- (Y/N) was tall.

- Very tall.

- By now he was sick of all the people that would ask him his height or if he played basketball.

- Whenever a stranger came up to him his answer was like a mechanical reflex.

- "(Yes/No) I (do/don't) play basketball, yes the weather is nice up here."

- Him and Leo were both at least a foot and a half different, and she wasn't the shortest teenage mutant ninja turtle in the world!

- It was a running gag for him to put his arm on her head or shoulder when standing side by side, much to her annoyance.

- "Feeling kind of short down here!"

- "Leo, that's because you are."

- When their relationship was starting out they had not anticipated how much the height difference would affect them,

- but boy it certainly made things a lot harder.

- Leo held the most aggravation with it, though most of the time tried to keep her composure when attempting (and failing) to kiss him.

- Cue struggling noises and lots on standing on tiptoes.

- Eventually she tired of the embarrassing exchange and tried to come up with new ways to make giving (Y/N) affection a bit easier.

- At first, she sought out Donnie's help. Out of all the sisters, Donnie surely would have the best idea, right?

- Wrong.

- Donnie's idea ended with (Y/N) choked by blankets on the floor surrounded by frayed, sparking wires.

- Next was Mikey. Surely she was more in touch with her emotional expression than the others, and though Leo was apprehensive about taking any advice from her, it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

- Mikey suggested wearing high shoes, like heels.

- This actually would've been a good idea if Leo had actually worn shoes before, let alone heels.

- She tried out the idea while (Y/N) was walking into the lair.

- "Hey ba— Woah, are those... shoes?"

- "Yeah, I just thoUGHT—" Within 3 steps she had tripped. Luckily (Y/N) caught her in time but it did nothing to ease her humiliation.

- Another unsuccessful idea.

- When she finally dragged herself and her swollen ankle into Splinter's tea room she wasn't surprised to not get a straight response.

- "The monkey does not make the tree bow down to it, it uses its own strengths to make the climb," Splinter had said, sipping her green tea.

- "But Master—"

- "...The grass grows up the mountain..."

- Leo was grateful for the wisdom, though it was long-winded and not quite what she was wanting.

- 16 minutes into the poetic lecture Raph walked past the open door and paused;

- "Why don't ya just lie down or somethin'?"

- Cuddling!

- Of course, Leo, who was incredulous at the epiphany, thought. Why didn't I think of that before!

- To say she was surprised that Raphael, who she hadn't asked due to her gruff exterior, had come up with a decent idea for her dilemma was an understatement. 

- When (Y/N) came back to the lair, Leo greeted him with a hug before pulling him to her room.

- There were no dirty intentions: Leo just wasn't incredibly comfortable with being affectionate on the couch, especially for everyone else to see.

- "Let's cuddle." She said, lying down on her perfectly-made bed. He climbed in beside her and she immediately wrapped her arms around him, planting a kiss on the top of his head.

- "We should do this more often," He mumbled as Leo played with his hair.

- "Agreed."

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