Kevin Levin [Ben 10]

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title: First Date

Kevin Levin x Reader
Ben 10

requested: Polli2123, hope you like it!


The three knocks on the door startled (Y/N), who had been rubbing on lip balm.

'Drat, it's that time already?'

She quickly slipped into the human shoes she had picked for the occasion and opened the door cautiously. On the doorstep Kevin was waiting, arms folded as he looked around the neighbourhood.

"Hey, ready for our date?" He asked gruffly. She nodded her head and stepped onto the street. Kevin's car waited with its engine on, growling ever so slightly as he slid into the driver's seat. (Y/N) assumed that she was supposed to sit in the passenger's seat after an awkward moment of standing outside the car and sat down in the front seat, taking care to click herself in.

"So... Have you heard of Plato's Plate before? I figured it'd be a good place to eat at to get some of Earth's culture and all that," He said after some silence.

"Sounds great," (Y/N) replied, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. She found clothes unnecessary and uncomfortable, however, when in human form on Earth it was deemed unacceptable to be without them. So, she bore the burden without any complaint.

The rest of the drive was silent, save for the chugging of the engine and traffic sounds. When they pulled up to the diner (Y/N) unbuckled herself only once the car had fully stopped, whereas Kevin didn't even wear his seat belt at all for the whole journey.

Walking into the diner was an experience in itself for (Y/N), probably one of her most memorable early memories of her time on Earth.

The air was thick with the smell of grease and old oil, as well as a faint smell of vanilla air freshener which had been installed in the attempt to mask the other odours, however, it only added to the aggression of the smells. There were waitresses yelling order numbers at the top of their lungs despite the diner being almost empty, and a hush of random parts of conversations from the other two groups in the restaurant. (Y/N) was surprised to see the number of bugs and grime on the tiled floor, thinking that since it was a food service they'd practise good hygiene.

As Kevin registered their booking (Y/N) tried not to look around the restaurant, just in case she saw yet another issue with the establishment. After he had finished, Kevin led her to a table by the windows; seemingly the cleanest. Kevin then leaned back in his seat, making himself very comfortable as he stared at (Y/N) quizzically.

"You don't talk much, do you?" He spoke after some silence and she shook her head. "What about, telepathy? Anodites can do that right?"

"Yes," Her voice said in his mind. Kevin smiled slightly at her voice, which so far he had only heard four times since when they first met.

"So what did you want to order?" He slid a menu across the table.

"There are multiple choices?" (Y/N) looked at him quizzically but he just unfolded his menu. She copied this action and her eyes widened when she saw the selection.

Upon studying the menu for 7 minutes she decided to go for the one at the very beginning; a seemingly good place to start. How bad could milkshake and fries be?

A waitress came over to the booth and began to recite something that she had obviously had to say many times. (Y/N) was shocked by her attire: a cheap-looking toga with plastic olive branches forming a crown on her greasy hair, 'I thought we were in the 21st century?' she thought. Kevin chuckled and she realised that the link was still functioning.

"Welcome to Plato's Plate, may I take your order?" The poorly dressed waitress droned. (Y/N) recited the dish in her head over and over while Kevin placed his order, but was still wildly unprepared for when both the woman and Kevin were looking at her expectantly.

"Uh..." Her mouth ran dry and hung open for a second as she gathered herself. "...a milkshake and fries please."

"Huh?" The waitress frowned and moved closer to (Y/N) as she had barely whispered.

"A milkshake and fries please,"

"Sorry hun, you'll have to speak up."

"A Milkshake And Fries Please!" Her voice was loud enough to make everybody's head in the diner turn and as she felt their heavy gaze her face bloomed red.

Kevin raised his eyebrows at the waitress, who had since scuttled away to the kitchen.

"You'd think for customer service she'd have better ears," He scoffed through the mind-link. (Y/N) didn't reply and sat there processing her embarrassment quietly. Kevin sensed her thought train and stopped talking, even though he wanted to comfort her and make sure she felt okay.

The next 20 minutes in waiting were speckled with light conversation through the mind-link, nothing deep but Kevin did find out that her favourite colour was (F/C) and she wished she was born on Earth, with its many fascinating colours and people.

By the time the food was coming out of the kitchen a comfortable silence sat at the table with them, and only when the food was placed on the table did Kevin speak.

"Didn't you say 'Milkshake' and fries?" He glanced at her plate which was very obviously without milkshake, and very with steak. The waitress was walking away when Kevin called out "Oi, this isn't what we ordered!"

"N-no it's not a problem, I don't mind," (Y/N) stammered, wishing to avoid the extra attention and conflict. "Meat is good!"

"Could you get a milkshake for the lady? Classic?" He ignored (Y/N)'s assurances that it was fine and continued to make a scene, set on getting his companion's order right. The waitress nodded her head and went back into the kitchen.

"You didn't have to do that, I was content." (Y/N) whispered through her fingers which covered her blush.

"I wanted to, besides, you did say your order three times and she still got it wrong." Kevin was secretly pleased that she hadn't used the link to talk; her voice sounded more natural to his ears than to his mind.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have stuck up for myself otherwise." She smiled faintly. The waitress then came back and carelessly put the milkshake on the table so that a little slopped over the side. When (Y/N) saw Kevin begin to speak she gave him a look that said 'please don't' and he closed his mouth, raising his arms in surrender.


The green car pulled up outside the building and the pair got out, one heading for the door and the other waiting on the footpath. (Y/N) padded up the steps to her home before pausing on the last step.

"Thanks for tonight, we should do it again sometime."

This comment shocked Kevin because though he really liked this girl, he got the impression she wasn't into him through her quiet demeanour.

She then quickly pecked him on the cheek before darting inside, leaving no time for him to speak.

And for the first time in ages, Kevin blushed.

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