(PJO) Brason - Caught

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Requested by  (Lilith, my older WP sister)

They're very ooc and this is extremely short and honestly bad, but I'm not the best at writing Brason so I think I deserve an A for effort

Jason smiled at Brick. "I love you. Never forget that." He cradled it in his arms.

Brick didn't say anything. It never did. But Jason understood. 

"No, I haven't told Piper yet," Jason admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm trying to work up the courage."

Brick stayed silent.

"I know, she needs to know soon. I'm just not sure what to say, y'know? How do I explain I fell out of love with her?" Jason's forehead had a crease in it.

Brick didn't move.

"You're right," Jason said. "That's a problem for another day."

He raised Brick to his lips and kissed it gently.

Piper burst into the room, her beautiful face twisted into a scowl. "Jason! How could you cheat on me?"

She paused for a moment when she saw Brick. "With...a brick? Did I mishear something?"

"Were you eavesdropping?" Jason asked, outraged.

"...no. But, for your information, I'm breaking up with you."

She whirled around and closed the door, leaving a confused Jason alone with Brick.

"Well," Jason said after a moment, "that was easier than expected. I'm free! I can date you with no consequences, Brick!"

Brick still didn't talk, but Jason didn't mind. He knew what true love felt like, and that was when he was with it, not some daughter of Aphrodite.

Both him and Brick understood that.

Wth even is this-

As I've already stated, I'm terrible at writing Brason and put literally no description or effort into this, but shh

Word count: 270 


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