You're What? (Princess Cookie x Knight Cookie) ❤️

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Welcome to my new Drabble! I hope you guys like it!

CW: Mentions of pregnancy, proceed at your own risk.

Characters Featured: Princess Cookie and Knight Cookie


Princess Cookie sighs as she looks at a nearby clock. She had been waiting for Knight Cookie, her loyal knight and husband, to come home for a while now. She had found out she was pregnant after taking some pregnancy tests due to her showing symptoms of pregnancy, and she wanted to tell Knight.

Princess didn't know how to tell Knight the news, but she had some ideas in her mind. Eventually her head jolts to look over at the door of her bedroom, seeing her husband walking into the room, causing the pink haired princess to smile brightly and rush over to him excitedly and jumping into his arms, shocking the poor man and causing him to stumble slightly.

"KNIGHT COOKIE!" Princess shouts excitedly. "P-Princess Cookie, what's going on?!" Knight asks nervously. "I have something I need to tell you!" Princess says, causing Knight to tilt his head in confusion.

"What is it?" Knight asks. "I'M PREGNANT!" Princess shouts happily, causing Knight to have a look of surprise on his face at this news. "P-pregnant?!" Knight asks, to which his wife nods. Knight tears up slightly and hugs Princess close to him.

"We're going to be parents!" Knight says, trying so hard not to cry tears of joy. "Awww, Knight, don't cry!" Princess says teasingly with a laugh, though she now had a few tears in her eyes as well. "I'm just so happy we're starting a family together," Knight replies happily, hugging his wife.

I hope you guys enjoyed this Drabble! Have an amazing day/night!

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