Hugs | Pevensie Siblings

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Peter's hugs are strong but gentle. He would hold you close to his chest, maybe burying his face in your hair or running a hand through it. He would let you decide when to let go, and wouldn't mind hugging for a good minute or so. Whatever you need, he'll provide. His hugs are definitely the most comforting, and he has a way of making you feel safe in his arms. When he needs a hug, his arms would be around your waist and face buried in your neck. His grip would be tighter but not painful, and he'd hold you until he felt better (to your comfort level, of course).


Edmund's hugs would be more on the playful side. Whether you were a guy, girl, etc., he'd lift you up and spin you around before giving you a tight squeeze. He'd probably accompany the hug with a hair ruffle or a kiss to the top of your head. The length of the hug would depend on what you needed it for. If it was for comfort, he'd let you choose when to let go, if it was because he was excited to see you it would be very short but then quickly followed with other forms of affection, and if he needed comfort, he wouldn't really show it but would linger for a moment, squeezing you a bit tighter than normal before letting go. Sometimes he'll give you lazy side hugs, or loop an arm around your shoulders and kiss your cheek, pulling you to his side.


Lucy would throw her arms around your neck (if she could reach it) and she would press a kiss to your cheek as she hugged you. Like Peter, she has very strong but gentle hugs, even when she was younger. When she was older and a bit bolder, she'd probably squeeze you tightly for a moment before surprising you with tickles, especially if you were upset (unless you told her not to). She would surprise you with hugs at random times, hugging you from behind or in the middle of a conversation. When hugging from behind, she'd loop her arms loosely around your waist and nuzzle her face into your back.


Susan is shyer when it comes to hugs when it isn't one of her siblings. If it was her first time hugging you, she'd be very stiff an awkward at first. As she grows more comfortable, her hugs would become more comfortable and often be accompanied by a gentle squeeze or a kiss to the nose. If she felt like an older sister to you, she'd hug you fiercely, not letting go for a long time, especially if you were in need of comfort. Susan would never initiate a hug unless she thought it was necessary, but if you ever initiated a hug she'd stop everything she was doing to give you a tight, loving embrace.

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