Rules And Forms (If Necessary)

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I've made this one page book, because I feel that I'll need to have some rules in order to ensure that mutual feeling of respect between me and the others that I'm going to be role playing with. The rules are :

#1 Swearing : I generally allow swearing in my role plays, except if it's really heavy or someone else takes it as a reason to insult me or my OCs or anyone else.

#2 OC's "power level" and taking control of the OCs of others : I'm basically really good at role playing with both more normal OCs and more OP versions of them as well, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING THAT'S HOLY don't and I mean DON'T try to deliberately or accidentally nerf my OCs and try to take control over them. I respect the others a lot as to give them a second chance if they do it accidentally, but if they don't listen and do it again, don't be surprised if I mute you. Also, let's try to have less debates on which OC is stronger or weaker please 😅🙏

#3 Irl life : I have said that to all of you once, but I'll say it twice in case you don't remember it. Don't tag me literally all day, because I have my own personal life outside of Wattpad as well. So if I don't reply to you, it's either because I'm buried 6 feet under math and physics homework, or I'm reading for an exam or I'm writing a new chapter in one of my stories.

#4 Behavior : * sighs * Well, we have all heard about this whenever we're about to role play with others as well, so the rule is that you need to be calm, yet patient and polite with the others who you're role playing with. If someone begins to openly insult me or others I'm reporting and muting them without any second thoughts.

#5 Love interests : I hope that this one out of all will be an easy one to understand. Let's begin by love interests, I'm allowing your OCs to have multiple love interests (a.k.a harem), but I'm not allowing you to have the love interests of my own in your harem or as a love interest. Smut isn't allowed, because I wouldn't want my book or my pms to turn into books for perverted people.The pairings that I'm allowing are :
- OCs X Characters (make sure that they are close in age)
- OC X harem of multiple characters (same age as your OCs, but excluding the ones that are with my OCs and don't try anything to get them with yours or I won't role play)
-OC X OC (my most favorite ones, but your OCs needs to be at the same ages as my own)

#6 Fandoms : I'm a person that has played multiple games and seen multiple franchises and anime in their life, so I have multiple fandoms to choose from and yes, I allow crossovers. Some of my fandoms are :

Anime :

-DragonBall (Z, GT, Super and even non Canon ones such as AF)
-Naruto (Both Shippuden and Boruto)
-Attack on Titan (I allow Titan, human, half Titan and Titan shifter OCs)
-A little bit of JJBA
-Avatar (Both the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra)
-7 Deadly Sins
-Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba)

Franchises :

-Harry Potter
-Lord Of The Rings
-Pirates of the Caribbean
-Star Wars
-Silmarillion (Tolkienverse)

Games :

- League of Legends
-Mobile Legends
-Monster Hunter
-Devil May Cry
-Asura's Wrath
-Dark Souls
-Elden Ring

Wattpad genres :

-G/t (I allow some things such as soft vore in G/t role plays, just in case you want to ask me about it. Some info on this one, I'm really good at playing in the giant and pred roles, somewhat decent at playing as the tiny, but I'm terrible plain and simple at playing the prey.)

#7 Cosmology : All OCs in our RPs, both mine and yours will be having as a quote-on-quote "rp stage" my cosmology, that's in order for both mine and your OCs to be on equal footing since if anything gets more different than this, I'm afraid that the role plays will be on a rp environment too harsh for the both of us.

#8 OCs and form : You can either tag me or write some info about your OC in the comments section of this chapter.

#9 Interactivity and Scenarios : That's the only thing that makes this role play to differ from others. I don't have any certain types of scenarios that you can use or follow, the scenarios are made on the fly by both participants in the role play. My role plays are in the pms, because I wouldn't want anyone to "invade" and ruin the role plays of others. Finally the role plays are in between the author of this book (a.k.a me) and the reader (a.k.a participant if they desire to role play with me) and don't hesitate to ask me about anything you want to know, about me or my OCs, I really enjoy knowing the ones that I'm role playing with.

#10 Have fun : The main thing in a role play is to have fun doing it and I hope that with those rules I'm securing the fan as much for the others as well as for me and not ruining it. So make sure you have a great time!! 😁👍

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