A Baking hot situation (10)

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"Okay. Are we all baking everything together or-?" I ask.

"I don't know, how to bake to be completely honest with you," Kenny says.

"So. Who is the best baker out of us?" I ask.

All of them look at me.

"Okay, Kenny, you're going to be my arm strength," I say.

Kenny laughs.

"Fuck off. We are doing something and they are doing something. Which one of you is the better baker?" I ask.

Stan rises his hand.

"Okay. Butters, are you good at baking?" I ask.

"Yeah, I am," he says.

"Okay. You two can bake different things and help each other, Kenny is with me," I say.

Kenny nods.

"So. How was yesterday? I mean to ask, but forgot," he says.

"It was okay, I guess. I mean, fine, more than that. It was really cool," I say.

"Awesome!" He says.

"What about you and Stan? I heard that Butters couldn't come," I say.

"Pretty good. Although Stan is way geekier than I knew," Kenny says.

"He told you about his dream of building a robot that could act like a human, didn't he?" I ask.

"No, but he was geeking out over robots," Kenny says.

"You spend the night, right?" I ask.

"Yeah," Kenny says.

"He insisted that he needed a book from the library at like five in the afternoon," Stan says.

"Which book?" I ask.

"Well. You know that I like to learn languages? I found a book about the Philippines and thought that it would be really fucking cool to speak the language. I had to get it yesterday, okay," Kenny says.

"And you call me a nerd," I say.

"298 minus 229?" Kenny asks.

"69... why?" I ask.

Suddenly it clicks.

"Bastard!" I say.

I hit him with the nearest object, AKA, a frying pan.

"A pan being hit by a pan," Stan says, shaking his head.

"Pan abuse!" Kenny says.

I put the flying pan down.

"So. We needed scones. Stan? You up for it?" I ask.

Stan nods, taking the paper of ingredients.

"Leo. Can you make the cookies?" I ask.

"You mean biscuits?" Stan asks.

"Yes, Stan," I say.

"On it," Butters says.

As if it wasn't funny enough, he takes butter from the fridge.

"What are we doing?" Kenny asks.

"First of all, you came here last, you haven't washed your hands. Second of all, I thought to give you the little task. That's the base for a pie I made. Could you cut small pies out of it and put everything in them? Your things are on the left counter. You know, where the bathroom is," I say.

"Okay," Kenny says.

He leaves to wash his hands and I put the cake bases I made yesterday at home into the oven.

"Why is it always me? This is getting annoying," Butters says.

I look back to see Stan holding him from under the arms.

"You shouldn't fall, Butter. What if I wasn't there to catch you?" Stan asks.

He smirks at Butters before letting him go. Smirking actually kinda suits him.

"What the fuck happened?" I ask.

"Well, basically, he almost hit his head on this corner," Stan says, tapping a corner.

"And could have hurt his head. Nothing that interesting," Stan says.

"Your rose is dying by the way," Kenny says, smirking.

"Well roses die, just like everything else. Deal with it," I say.

"What rose?" Stan asks.

"Oh yeah, you used the kitchen sink. Basically, yesterday, I got, along with all the other theatre kids, a rose. Although because the teachers forgot to take care of their roses, almost like they forgot to take care of us, it was half dead, when I got it. I gave it back, apparently they put it in the bathroom and immediately I told Kenny about it because I found it hilarious " I say.

"Yeah, Wendy mentioned it. Somebody had a panic attack, right?" Butters asks.

"But Craig was with Tweek, why would he get one?" Stan asks.

"Yeah, people say it was Tweek," I say.

"Why did he have one?" Kenny asks.

"Oh. Did I not mention? We have been practicing this short play, twenty minutes, which we got to preform. It was... nice. I messed up one of my lines though. And Bebe fell on her face," I say.

"I heard you had a stuttering fit before," Butters says.

"Me? Oooh. No, I wasn't stuttering, I tried to remember my lines, and forgot one word so I kept repeating the word before it to figure out, which one it was. But yeah, umm... Anyway, we were doing a comedy, so, everyone thought it was meant, when we failed. Still incredibly embarrassing," I say,

"Ohh, okay," Butters says.

"Get back to work, lazy ass'," I say.

"I was already working," Stan says.

"We're going to yours after, right?" I ask.

"Yup," Stan says.

"It sure is nice that we can use the schools home economics classroom," Butters says.

"Butters, it's because they would have needed to pay us the ingredients, if we weren't," I say.

"Why can't we get payed for this?" Stan asks.

"Because the school takes this as 'offered help'. With good luck, this might increase the 'want to learn' number, which is important for getting into good schools, so, I don't really mind," I say.

"Is getting into a good school all you care about?" Kenny asks.

"I like to show that I'm good at something," I say.

"Well good luck," Kenny says.

"I don't need luck. If I have the needed grades for it, I'll get sponsored," I say.

I take the cake bases out of the oven.

"Butters. Wanna swap? I can't do a pretty cake for the life of me," I say.

"On it," Butters says.

We swap sides and I continue with his cookies.

"These are almost ready," Kenny says.

"Scones been in the oven for 5 minutes," Stan says.

"You all reporting progress to me?" I ask.

"Of course. You are the boss here," Stan says.

Kenny nods and I sigh.

"Stan, start working on the next ones. Kenny, would you please be so kind to take the ingredients for this from the fridge?" I ask, giving Kenny a paper.

"Why do you ask him, but order me around?" Stan asks.

"Do you mind being ordered around?" I ask.

"Well not really," Stan says.

"That's enough of a reason," i say.

He sighs.

"These are vegan by the way. Just saying," Stan says.

"I know, that's the idea. I searched them, of course I  know," I say.

"On with the second ones," Stan says.

"Is this good?" Butters asks.

"That's fabulous," I say.

He puts in its place.

"There are ready for oven," I say, giving him his cookies. Which he puts in the oven.

"Okay. First thing's ready. Lets go," I say.

"How many more?" Stan asks.

"Seven or eight, we'll have a lot of people," I say.

"I mean, there were 29 pies and I have the other one left, that equals," Kenny starts.

"58," I say.

"Put I have some left over. For maybe three or four," Kenny says.

"From both put together or from one?" I ask.

"From one and for four more," Kenny says.

"66. Who calls the devil?" I ask.

All of the others laugh.

"I have a funny wife, eh?" Kenny asks.

"Fuck you and your whole family," I say.

"Don't fuck my family. You can only fuck the three of us," Kenny says.

I roll my eyes.

"I thought I was your wife? Am I not allowed to fuck myself? I didn't know you were against it!" I say.

"You're bipolar as fuck," Kenny says.

"I heard bi! I'm here, Kyle's not bi, I am," Butters says.

"So you don't like non-binary? I'm offended," I say.

"Non binary is fine. I mean, If you have a penis or vagina, I'm down," Butters says.

"Who corrupted him?" I ask.

"I'm just saying. I don't care about the sex someone identifies as, I just don't want to have sexual relationships with someone that has neither a penis or a vagina or has both. I don't care about pronouns, but I don't identify as pan or poly either, I don't identify as anything other than bi, but if someone doesn't want to be called the word for the person that has a vagina or a penis between their legs, I don't mind at all, they're still a person," Butters says.

"That's the best thing I've ever heard," Stan says.

"I mean, I just identify with the label of bi," Butters says.

The timer screams, literally, screams and Stan gets the scones out.

"Didn't burn," he says.

"How many?" I ask.

"35," he says.

"Okay, but them into the bag and into the fridge," I say.

Stan nods, starting on it.

"What sexuality are you?" Stan asks, as if as an off hand comment towards me.

"Oh fuck. I like to just say I'm gay and be done with it, I lean towards men, but I am actually what you'd call poly. I just like cock more than vagina though. Panromantic, romantically I can be with anyone," I say.

"I guess my label would be Demi, but i just prefer to keep it non-labelled because I've ones gone out of the lines of demisexuality," Stan says.

"Everybody has a different sexuality," Butters says.

"Sure does, Leo," I say.

"But all you technically would fuck me," Kenny says.

"Sure. Let's all fuck Kenny," Stan says.

"It was a joke by the way," he adds.


I have a plan, I promise. Just, stand me for a couple of more chapters.


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