Multiple people, multiple ways (30)

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"I really love all of you," Kyle says.

"I know, I know. You won't stop saying it," Kenny says.

I laugh, watching all of them.

"I love you too, Ky, love you too," Stan says.

"Next year is in a minute," I say, looking at the clock.

"I can't believe we got together over a year ago! Holy shit! We didn't pay taxes!" Kenny says.

Kyle laughs.

"Me neither. It felt like a month but ten years at the same time," Kyle says.

"Couldn't say it any better," Stan says.

"Thanks, dude," Kyle says.

They kiss.

"Hands off each other, idiots," Kenny says, smiling just a little wider than the rest of us.

"What do you wanna do next year?" I ask.

"Marry you," Stan says.

"Stan, you can't marry all of us, well, basically you could here. You do know, what I mean," Kenny says.

"I'll figure out a way," Stan says, winking at me.

I can't help my shit eating grin from growing on my face.

"Okay. Revolutions?" Kyle asks.

"To focus more on studying," Stan says.

"To go to the gym," I say.

Kenny seems to think.

"To publish two more books," he finally says, after some second.

"You?" Stan asks Kyle.

"Hm. To focus more on helping you with your school work," Kyle says.

"Says the one going to fucking Harvard, one of the best schools in the US. We don't need help enough for you to need to help us," Stan says.

"You sound like what you told your grandparents, when I met them. 'This is one of my significant others, Kyle, who got into Harvard.'," Kyle says.

"My granny was really clear about one thing, that if I get with someone, they have to be smart enough to beat her a chess and they need to go to a good school," Stan says.

"So you just explained me by telling, which school I'm going to? Wow Stan, I have a personality," Kyle.

"5," Kenny says.

Stan and I look at each other for maybe a second or so.

"For the tax benefits!" I say.

Stan laughs, nodding.

"2," Kyle says.

Both Stan and I get up and face either Kenny or Kyle.

"One," Kenny says.

"Will you marry me?" I ask.

I hear Stan say it, almost as an echo.

"Wait. You mean get married as me getting married with you and Stan with Kyle?" Kenny asks.

"Tax benefits. Remember? We need them real bad, students on average need them more than people in their thirties," Stan says.

"Is tax benefits our always now?" Kenny asks.

"Yes now would you be so kind as to marry me? We won't have a fancy wedding but we'll have fun. You in?" I ask.

Kenny nods and I kiss him.

"And will you Kyle Broflovski, marry me, despite getting the same treatment as everyone else in the fucking room, no matter, what you say?" Stan asks.

"Of course I will, idiot," Kyle says.

They kiss as Kenny and I break away, there is the sound of a loud explosion of fireworks runs all across the room, taking the moment of silence to congratulate us, as if it knew the perfect moment to explode.

"Do you know, what would make this better?" I ask.

"What?" Kenny asks.

"I've never danced with you. Would you like to?" I ask.

"Of course I would," Kenny says.

Kyle smiles and puts his phone on, with a slow song.

"There you go," Kyle says, smiling at us, nodding that we should go.

"Nope," Stan says.

He takes Kyle by the waist.

"You're dancing with me, if they're dancing. I know you're bad, but it's time to learn," Stan says.

"Stan, no, I'm really really bad," Kyle says.

"Oh come on. For me?" Stan asks.

Kyle sighs and takes Stan's shoulder.

"Fine. This ones. Just because you were nice about it," Kyle says.

Kenny smirks at me, nodding.
I take his waist and hand into mine, he puts his other hand onto my shoulder. I start by putting my foot forward, he puts his back. I smile, fastening a little, spinning him around twice, taking two steps left, next forward, then back, forwards, left, spin, another spin, forward, left, back, right, right, spin, forwards, back, spin, forwards, spin, left, spin, forward, back, right, spin, right, left, forward, back, spin, spin, back, forward, left, right, back, spin, back, forward, left, left, right, forward, back, forward, right, left, back, forward, spin, other spin, left left, right, right, back, forward, back, forward, spin, forward, back, left, right, left, right, forward, back, spin and finally, end pose.

"Thanks," Kenny says, smiling up at me.

I smile back at him, keeping my hands in their places.

Damn I love these people. Well. Each their own. Somebody loves one, others love many.

"Aw," Kyle says.

Kyle takes Kenny's hand, kissing him. Stan, in the same operation, kisses me.

"I love you all. Like, a lot," Stan says.

"That like makes it sooo fucking romantic," Kenny says, laughing.

"I don't like talking about my feelings. You know that I'm more into showing love," Stan says.

He kisses Kenny, smiling. Kyle kisses me before standing back.

All around, I guess. That's okay to me.

"So. Wanna fuck?" Kyle asks, laughing.

"It's not me this time! You can't blame me!" Kenny says.

Kyle smiles and winks.

"I mean, maybe," Stan says.

"I don't mind. Kenny?" I ask.

"Of course. I don't really mind," Kenny says.

"I just want to say the best sex joke ever," Kyle says.

"Lets hear it then," Stan says.

"It's not really a sex joke, it just sounds like one. It's basically easy to use in any way," Kenny says.

"What is it?" Stan asks.

"Multiple people, multiple ways," Kyle says.

"How is that a sex joke? Oh, okay. Although that's basically life as well," Stan says.

"That's, why it can be used multiple ways," Kenny says.

"So. What about the fuck?" Kyle asks.

"We are in," Kenny says.




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