Talk about... books. (1)

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The first chapter was never my strongest spot. Don't judge this based on this first one! ~Eko.

"Okay. Who has been stealing the paper from the school?" Our teacher asks, closing the door behind.

Immediately Token, Kyle and I get looked at. I roll my eyes, looking at everyone.

"I didn't do it," Kyle says.

"But that's just, what someone that did it would say," Cartman says.

"Why would I feel the need to steal paper? I'm not a thief," Kyle asks.

Most people turn to Token or me.

"What would I need to steal for?" Token asks.

I roll my eyes, nodding.

"What about you, Kenneth?" The teacher asks.

"What papers got stolen? Toilet?" I ask.

"A lot of different types of paper," the teacher says.

"If you talk about toilet paper, I had an accident. I didn't know I was having unbelievable time shitting," I say.

"Ew, gross," Bebe says.

"I can go into more detail, if you don't believe me," I say.

"Um... no need," the teacher says.

"Are you absolutely sure?" I ask.

"But just normal paper has been disappearing as well," the teacher says.

"Where has it disappeared from?" Wendy asks.

"The printer," the teacher answers.

"Oh. The 'Take, if you need' one?" Stan asks.

"How do you know?" Teacher asks.

"Because the football coach needed quite a lot of paper, told me to get some. Was probably that," Stan says.

Kyle smiles.

"The theatre needed some as well. Sorry, we have to use some to print lines," Kyle says.

"Print lines? Have you chosen a play?"

"Yes we have, we are doing a interpretation of the snow queen," Kyle says.

"What part are you playing?"

"I'm the boy with the frozen heart actually, although I really wanted to be the ice queen, I can't sing well enough to play the part though. I can't sing unless I'm back up and that's, why I got the part, " Kyle says.

"Anyway. Has everyone read their books?" Teacher asks.

I nod, along with everyone else.

"Who would like to come up first?"

Kyle and Wendy immediately rise their hands. Just to fuck with everyones expectations, I rise my hand as well.

"Kenny. What book did you have?"

"13 reasons why. I got left with the last book," I say.

"Alright. Please introduce your book."

I look at the back quickly.

"It's about this boy that knows a girl that has a lot of problems, but the boy won't listen to the girl. Soon the boy gets tapes from a girl called Hannah. The trick is, Hannah is dead, she has been dead for a short while. So, the boy listens to the tapes all together. 13 tapes, 13 reasons for her sudden passing. Anyway. The boy, after listening to the tapes, learns he should listen to the girl he didn't listen to and they talk it over," I say.

I put the book on the teachers desk.

"Would you recommend the book?"

"No, I honestly wouldn't. I hear there is a show of it, but I personally wouldn't go into this. The book isn't that well made against some others and deals with some pretty heavy stuff," I say.

"Alright. Kyle? What book did you have?"

"Matched, the first one," Kyle says.

I sit back down.

"Tell me about this book," the teacher says.

"Well, the main character is a female that lives in an universe, where dying and everything else is controlled. They have this way of seeing peoples 'match', the person they should be together with. The main character gets matched with her best friend, at least at first. When she tries again at a later date, a different face appears. This guys name is Ky, which I found utterly hilarious, when I read this in one day while being incredibly tired. Anyway, Ky and the main character get along and it seems like everything is working out... other than the fact they have to be in secret because society judges their relationship. Then, Ky gets dragged away and the main character goes to save him," Kyle says.


"I haven't read the second part, the library doesn't even have it," Kyle says.

He puts the huge book down on the teachers table.


"Well. I read the cursed child for this, although I think it's not a book, it's a play. And no, it's not a good plan for a play. The wording and the scenes are complete shit," Wendy says.

"Tell me about the story."

"Well, the great Harry Potter had kids, which include Albus Severus Potter, the boy is the stupidest name ever. Anyway, Albus goes to Hogwarts, gets into Slytherin. The first three years are barely mentioned, so I forgot, what happened. Anyway, summer before fourth year Albus hears his dad talking about the last time turner. Then there is Cedric the Hufflepuffs father from the first series, who says that Harry should stop Cedric from dying for whatever the fuck his reasons are. Anyway, Albus and his friend he met at some point, Scorpius, decide to go save Cedric after the biggest plot convenience told them to. They jump off the Hogwarts train and then starts the feeling that Scorpius and Albus totally should have been together. So, they get the time turner and go into Hogwarts because apparently they can just walk into Hogwarts grounds without anyone seeing it. Yeah, anyway. They have met up with the 'Totally not evil person' who is also known as the biggest plot convenience ever. Anyway, Scorpius and Albus go back in time and disarm Cedric. Doesn't work, Cedric is still dead. Next they make Cedric embarrassed, which results in Cedric the HUFFLEPUFF, remember that part, HUFFLEPUFF, in becoming a death eater and fucking everything up by killing someone. Well, Scorpius fixes this and then the 'Not evil' bitch turns out to be evil and then they get teleported back in time. If I talk about this shit one more minute, I just might make everyone lose brain cells," Wendy says.

She puts the book down as well.

"Um... Stan?"

"Hm? Oh. The book I read. Simon vs. the Homo sapiens agenda," Stan says.

"Why did you read that? Are you gay?" Cartman asks.

"Actually I prefer not being labelled, thank you," Stan says.

"Anyway. Simon is a high schooler, who is a closeted homosexual-," Stan starts.

Most of the class, including me, start snickering.

"Please let him tell us about the book," Kyle says.

"Thanks, Dude. Anyway, Simon chats with this guy called 'Blue', who is also not straight. Simon loves him, his emails get discovered, he is forced to come out and basically that's it. It's all that it is. To be honest, this is, at least in my opinion, the best book I've read all year," Stan says.

He puts the book down.

"Oh. The class is about to end. Pages 119 to 124 and exercises 3 and 4."

"Poetry?" Bebe lets out, fascinated look in her eyes.

"Alright class. PE is in the yard today, have fun."

I get my books, walking out of the classroom. Kyle and Stan right behind me.

"So. What do you need the paper for?" Stan asks.

"Yeah. I mean, it's fine covering for you, but I'd like to know that I'm not somehow a part of something illegal," Kyle says.

"You're not, I promise. For the most part, it goes into writing," I say.

"I guess," Kyle says.

"Do you actually need paper for lines?" I ask.

"No, we've had lines for like 3 months," Kyle says.

"I still don't see, what you'd need toilet paper for," Stan says.

"For reasons," i say.

"You two coming over today?" Kyle asks.

"I have football," Stan says.

"Shit. Does it end at the normal time? I mean, I have science. I can wait for you," Kyle says.

"3 pm, like always," Stan says.

"If science ends... yeah, I should be okay. I can try out lines for the hour," Kyle says.

"I'm coming too," I say.

"Wouldn't doubt it," Kyle says.

Butters runs over to us, stopping just in time to run into Stan but not make them fall over.

"Leo! Mine today. Right?" Kyle asks.

"Sure. Do we wait for Ken and Stan or are they not coming?" Butters asks.

"We're coming, Butterfly. Certainly," I say.

I know that i probably look like I just won the lottery for dirty joke material.

"Oh please no," Stan whispers, with an annoyed face.

"You knew, what you signed up for," I say.

"Oh could death just release me," Stan says.

"Release? I can release something," I say.

I hear Kyle laughing.

"What do you mean?" Butters asks.

Kyle's eyes go from amused to terrified within 5 seconds, along with his whole face.

"Oh nothing, you don't need to understand. It's better for you," Stan says.

Kyle nods.

"We were talking about sex," I say.


He blushes a bring pink.

"Fuck you, Kenny. I told you to keep him as innocent as possible," Stan says.

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