Chapter 5

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"Hi" a voice came from behind me that sounded like mine, but more of a pervert "I heard you were the original. I bet you don't like to fuck, but that's ok."

"Did I have to contact EVERYONE," Outer said with a big sigh.

"Oh Outer, you know I would be rude to not inform anyone about this special occasion" the other said sounding like the PERVERT SHE IS.

"Lust wtf," Outer says cringing.

"Soooooo, this one is from lusttale I presume," I ask/say.

"Yeah," Outer says right before we hear a loud crashing sound from the other side of the pocket universe.

"Owwww," they say, probably confused and/or are just extremely hurt.

"Are you ok," I ask

"What do you think, I fell out of the sky, only luckly to be where I wanted," she says, when she turned to look at me, I saw she looked like me except half her jacket was white, and she had two different eyes, one a star, and one a moon. "Sorry, forgot to introduce myself, I'm dreamtale Josie, you can call me dream, or nightmare, just not in front of the Sanses."

"that is understandable," I reply, "Though, you said Sanses, not Sans."

"Oh, my designated universe is dreamtale, there are two Sanses, Dream and Nightmare."

"Well, Nightmare sounds fun," I say sarcastically.

Me and Dreamtale kept talking as more versions came in and greeted me. My favorite that came in was Abysstale Josie, she looks allot more different then most of us, long deep blue coat and darker underclothing. After I talked with Abyss, she said that she is an alternate version of Dark Gaia who is supposed to be evil, but made this form to show she isn't that bad. I thought that was cool. She also said she has no idea where the alternate version of Light Gaia is, or even if they took a girl form or not. Well, Outer made a stage for every time we find a new alternate version of me, so we could introduce ourselves to the other versions. Nope! I am not excited. So, I had a plan to not really introduce myself like they expect. I'M DOING IT FROM GOOGLE SLIDES!!!!! \(^v^)/!!! My thing went well, they all appreciated my laziness, yay me, it wasn't too lazy, but its better than talking. So we just freaking partied the day out for no reason, and I loved it, watching them dance, not actually doing it, I just hung out at the snack table, drinking cherry punch, courtesy of Fell, my favorite too. All these alternates are cool, except for a few, the most unsettling one is Dust, I saw her at the back of the stage creepily watching us, and smileing, again, creepily. I made friends with Dreamtale, Abysstale, and Fell (Fell Sans is called Red in this series). Fell brought some eggnog just because, I think one of the crazy versions of me, spiked it, because Fell said she didn't put anything in it, but she said that after Outer passed out, It was funny and dumb. Bad thing everyone but Dream had some, even me, so all of us were drunk. We also met Swap Pip, which is probably more NOT lazy in my designated universe. Also, we all passed out after twenty minutes.

Author's Note!!!
Hey! Second note! Original Pip, by the way, is going to be introduced in book two, and cool thing, there will be a (not gory) detailed fight next chapter, YAY! We do need action. So, hope you like the story, and goodbye.

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