Chapter 8

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  I came back to the doodleverse to find Ink gone, and nowhere to be found.


  Suddenly, the world around me shifted into a black covered castle, I heard shouting behind me, as someone knocked me over.

  "Classic Josie, whatareyoudoingherewhydoIfeelamassi-veamountofdreamenergycomingfromyo-u," The voice of my dreamtale self blurted out from above me

  "Get off and i'll tell you."

  "Well, it is possible your a copy of you, made by Nightmare to distract me."

  "I would be attacking you by that word at this point," I reply in annoyance

  "Guess that would be true."

  She got off me, and I got up after her. That's when I realized she was wearing something different. (Pic at top, its bad)

  "Oh, you noticed," she said, "at least you don't see the other thing I'm hiding with magic (imma let you all know, its nightmare's crown, you can see it in the picture)," she mumbled the last part so I couldn't hear.

  I told her my dream, she stopped dead in her tracks, "You ok," I boop her nose.

  "Y-yeah, I'm fine, just realized, we are still in nightmare's castle."


~AND CLIFFHANGER, sorry, got lazy, didn't want to do something big, and YES, they are coming like this now, everyone changes, by readers~

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