Chapter: Daikon

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We see a carriage riding down the streets of Outworld as two lines of guards led by Erron Black and Ermac escorting the people inside the carriage. It was Kotal Khan, D'Vorah, and Kano. Khan was ask Kano for a favor in giving the location of Mileena and her crew to take them down. However, they were unaware as Mileena, Tanya, and Rain were looking from the buildings with their Tarkatan soldiers, ready for an ambush.

Soon, it began as Kano tried to kill Kotal, revealing Mileena paid him more to kill him. However, he failed as Kotal was stronger than him. Soon, he finds Mileena and attacks her and Rain. he takes down Rain as he orders Erron Black to kill him. Erron was going to shoot him, until an explosion occurred, killing several Soldiers, Outworld and Tarkartans.

Everyone stops as they see a figure coming through the smoke and fire, before revealing a young man with torn fighting outfit, holding a scythe and his eyes glow purple and having a monkey tail swinging around.

Kotal's eyes widen as he recognized him.

Kotal: Daikon.

Erron: Heard of him?

Kotal: Warned.

A Tarkartan tried to strike him only for his tail to wraps itself around his neck and breaks him. He grabs his Scythe and starts massacring several soldiers with his scythe, blood spraying everywhere.

D'Vorah jumps on him as she stabs him with her spider legs, only for Daikon to cut then and using her to take down more soldiers before tossing her to Erron, taking him down.

Daikon then froze by force as Ermac uses their powers to hold him in place. Ermac tries to crush his bones, but Daikon suddenly vanished in thin air, before appearing behind Ermac, as it turns around and gets blasted down.

Kotal: You should not have come here, Daikon. Not after what did to the Order of the Light.

Daikon: Like I care about Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Khan.

Mileena looks as Kotal and Daikon argued with intrigue. She never heard of Kotal having problems outside of Outworld and this stranger seems to have grudge against Raiden and the Elder Gods.

Mileena: Interesting.

Kotal: You're death is set on you, even without the sacrifice on your soul.

Daikon: Raiden betrayed me in order to save some revenants I do not know or care. And you're a puppet for an Emperor to follow his orders.

Mileena gave a smirk underneath her mask. She's liking this young, monkey tailed warrior.

Kotal: I will not tolerate your insults!

Daikon: Come and fight me!

Soon, they stood in a fighting stance.


Kotal charges at Daikon as he flips away, nailing a kick to the jaw before dashing forward, hitting several strikes at Kotal, sending him flying.

He the flies up and strikes him, sending him down.

Kotal got up as Daikon charges at him. He blocks his strikes and hits several hard strikes. He went for another but Daikon blocks up and fires a blast at Kotal's chest.

Kotal then creates his blade and tries stab Daikon, but he then creates his blade from energy within his body before cutting the blade with ease. Daikon the slashes Kotal and kicks him down.

Kotal then grabs Daikon by the neck, strikes him with electricity, before lifting him up and tosses him away. Kotal jumps went for a stomp but Daikon disappears and reappears behind him as he kicks him away.

Kotal dodges a strike and hits a God ray at him, making him fly back and hit a wall. He then grabs him and brings a sword and stabs him in the chest. Daikon didn't stop as he grabs him by the face and gouges his eyes with his thumbs before hitting a headbutt him. He takes the blade and stabs Kotal on the knee with it.

Daikon then grabs his scythe and transfers his energy into it, making it glow and grow a bigger, hotter, blade. Kotal looks on as he charges at him, only for Daikon strike him with his scythe, giving him deep wounds. He then strikes him away, then appears in front of him, striking him again before appearing above him, slashes him, spins his blade to cut Kotal before striking the Emperor down.

Daikon soon thrusts his scythe before getting dodged by Kahn, but then kicks him and tosses him away, then blasting him.

Kotal gets hit before Daikon appears before him, grabbing his face, clenching it, then blasts him.

Kotal lays down in defeat as Daikon sighs.

Daikon: You are a poor excuse of a Emperor.

Kotal struggles to get up as Daikon goes to kill but then gets tackled down. He pushes the assailants and sees it was Ferra and Torr.

Ferra: Monkey boy will not kill Emperor! Ferra/Torr will rip Monkey Man!

Daikon growls as he eyes glow violet. Soon, he yells as he fires a devastating blast from his mouth towards them as Torr shields Ferra.

The smoke clears as Torr looks severely damaged as he collapses.

Ferra: Torr! *she looks at Daikon and yells in anger*

Ferra charges at Daikon who caught her effortlessly and lifts her up and slams her down, knocking her out. Daikon then sees Torr charging at him. Daikon kicks him down before grabbing his scythe stabs into Torr's head. He then turns and rips Torr's head off.

Daikon pushes the body away before grabbing the head of Torr. He grabs a spear and jams it into the blade. Daikon brings the spear mounted head up and roars a human yet beastly roar.


The Outworld Guard stepped back in fear as Daikon stare at them. One tried to attack him, but gets disintegrated. Daikon turns and sees Mileena firing them with an amulet at the guards.

Daikon frowns before ignoring this and disappears taking Torr's head as a trophy. Mileena watches him vanish and smirks.

Mileena: A perfect warrior. He will be mine.

Soon, Mileena was close to kill Kotal but Ermac and D'Vorah stopped her and the use of the amulet weakened her, so Rain helped her escape.

However, everyone was unsettled when Daikon arrived and tore everyone apart, nearly killed Kotal Kahn, and killed Torr and took his head as a trophy.

Erron: That guy... he was something.

Kotal: He's a danger to all the realms, Black. A warrior born out a meteor, as Raiden spoke of him. He grows stronger in each fight and learns quickly.

Ermac: is this why he was set to be sacrificed?

Kotal: Yes. His power alone can save several revenants. An honorable task, yet he never was eager to lay down his life.

Erron: So he defeated Raiden?

Kotal: ... Yes.

D'Vorah: A mortal defeating an Elder God? Unbelievable.

*much later*

Back in Earthrealm, a team of Cassie Cage, daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, Kung Jin, cousin to Kung Lao, Jacqui Briggs, daughter of Jax Briggs, and Takeda, son of Kenshi, were sent to Outworld to find allies once they learn of Mileena possessing the amulet that belonged to Shinnok. As they arrive, they saw the damage and deaths and learned about a warrior that came out of nowhere and just killed a lot of soldiers, including a strong brute like Torr.

So they set out to find him, thinking he would be an ally.

*in the woods.*

In the woods they look around and saw so many skulls and heads of so many victims, including warning signs, telling them to keep off.

Takeda: This seems like someone has this place as their home.

Jacqui: Most likely that warrior.

Kung Jin: Yep. *points* That confirms it.

They turn and see Torr's head on a Spear in the middle of the walkway, as it to scare anyone that tries to trespass.

Cassie: Wow. That is sure a flex if I ever seen one.

Jacqui: Yeah. Scary how someone can take down that thing after fighting Kotal Kahn.

Kung Jin: Yeah. It's quite a revelation.

Takeda: Are we sure we should find him? It's clear we're not wanted here.

Jacqui: I agree. We know what damaged he can do. I think we should leave.

Cassie: Don't worry. I'm sure if we approach peaceful, we don't-

Kung Jin: Look out!

Everyone ducks as this energy slash passes over them, cutting through trees with ease. Trees comes down as they move away. They all stood up before a young man appears and charges at them.

Takeda throws his whip at him as Daikon caught it, wraps around around his forearm and pulls Takeda towards him and uses him as a blunt weapon at Kung Jin and Jacqui. Cassie then fires several bullets at him before leaping over him and uses her nightstick to choke him. Daikon gags a bit until he wraps his tail around her waist and throws her away before Jacqui charges and punches him in the face with her gauntlets.

Kung Jin fires several arrows at him as they try to subdue him. Daikon takes each attack as his body starts to glow. Cassie stops as she realizes what's going to happen.

Cassie: Take cover-

Everyone was sent flying by this pulse attack. The land on the ground as Daikon approaches Cassie, drawing a blade out with from his energy. He points his blade at her and glares down at her.

Daikon: What business do you have coming to my territory?

Cassie grunts as she looks up at Daikon.

Cassie: Only... to ask you for your help.

Daikon: *confuse* Help? Why?

Soon, Takeda spoke.

Takeda: Mileena's trying to get back into power by Kotal Kahn. And she's using an amulet from an Elder God to aid her.

Jacqui: Yeah. So we came here to warn Kahn and gains some allies.

Daikon frowns as he makes his blade disappear.

Kung Jin: We have heard of your feats and that's why we came here to seek your aid.

Daikon: Then, you're just wasting your time. *he turns* I have no desire to be involve in such petty nonsense. I wish to be alone, and nothing else. So, it's unfortunate to disappoint you, but I will not aid you.

Takeda: So you're's just gonna let Mileena take over?

Daikon: If she desires to attack me, then yes. IF she doesn't, then no. It is not my concern for the people of Outworld going through one ruler to another.

Jacqui: So why did you attack the Tarkatans and Kotal's soldiers?

Daikon: I wanted a challenge. And facing Kahn was a must as to show I will not accept the fate Raiden put me in.

Cassie: Wait, what fate?

Daikon: ... To be a sacrifice in order to restore several revenants.

The group were shocked. They knew Raiden was a strict and competent God, but to willingly sacrifice this young man? Unbelievable. They soon stood up as Daikon continues his tale.

Daikon: I trusted him and he betrayed me. So I killed half of the Order of the Light and fought Raiden. It was a tough battle, but I managed to defeat him before I fled to Outworld. And I lived here ever since.

Takeda: Woah. Sorry to hear that.

Daikon nods.

Daikon: Judging by your looks, I can tell you are not from Outworld.

Jacqui: Yes. We come from Earthrealm.

Daikon: I see. Haven't heard of that Realm in years.

Kung Jin: You use to live there.

Daikon: Yes, until my mentor disappeared and Raiden bringing me out then I escaped to Outworld.

Takeda: And who was your mentor?

Daikon: ... Hanzo Hasashi. Or you might known him as Scorpion.

Takeda: Hanzo? You were trained in the Shirai Ryu?

Daikon: You know about them?

Takeda: Yes. I was an apprentice to Hanzo before.

Daikon: I see. A pleasure meeting another one trained in Shirai Ryu.

Cassie: Alright, enough of the brother talk. We got business to do. So are you with us or not?

Daikon thinks about it.

Daikon: I still do not know. However, you intrigue me so I will make a decision. Once I made it, I will find you and tell you.

Cassie: Good. Glad we got this sorted out.

Daikon: Yes. Apologies for the attack. My name is Daikon. Yours?

Cassie: Cassie Cage. *winks*

Kung Jin; Kung Jin.

Jacqui: Jacqui Briggs.

Takeda: Takeda.

Daikon: A pleasure. Now, make your way back. Also.

Daikon creates a barrier for them.

Daikon: This will prevent any creatures appearing attacking you as he leave this area. We will meet again soon.

Cassie: Thanks. See you soon, Kon.

Daikon: *confused* Kon?

Cassie: What? It'll be like a nickname.

Daikon: I see. Earthrealm Customs from you are going to be a difficult time to adjust.

Cassie: No problem. See ya. Let's go.

Soon, the four leave while they wave at him. Daikon bows to them before walking off. Jacqui then stops as she turns to him.

Jacqui: Hey.

Daikon stops and turns to her as the others did.

Jacqui: Is there a reason why you have a tail?

Daikon: ...I don't know. Master Hanzo told me I was born from a meteor from the sky and he found me in a field in a crater. Nothing else.

Jacqui nods as everyone walks off. Daikon watches them and continues on his way. However, the amulet they mentioned belonging to Shinnok was what's in his mind.

Daikon: I must inform Fujin about this. Hopefully he can answer my questions.

How's the chapter?

What do you think of Daikon?

As for the Harem:

Jacqui Briggs

and Mileena. 

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