Mondstadt: City of Wine, Freedom, and Possessed Avenger Class Pigeons

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New chapter out.

Artwork found on Pinterest. Video found on YouTube


"May the Anemo God protect you!"

The young woman voice greeted them, as she landed in front of them.

(Amber 'Outrider of the Knights of Favonius' The girl who everyone loves for her thighs, friendship with Eula, and lighting up torches)

"You four don't seem to be Mondstadt citizens, identify yourselves!"

She ordered, in knight mode.

"Wa-Wait!" Paimon waved her hands frantically at her. "We're not here to cause any trouble!"

"That's what all the troublemakers say"

The Knight said.

(You would know)


Lumine stepped up: "I'm Lumine."

"I'm her twin brother Aether." Aether was next.

"I'm (M/N) and the floating fairy is Paimon"

(M/N) introduced both Paimon and himself.

"(M/N), Lumine, Aether, and Paimon. Those aren't local names."

The girl narrowed her eyes, hands on her hips.

Deadpanning at that response, Lumine bit back.

"Yes, because Monstadt is the ONLY nation in the world. Newsflash genius, we are from another nation traveling all of Teyvat to see what wonders the other nations hold."

(That's their story since Lumine and Aether were never separated in the opening scene.)

Lumine sassily replied, causing the girl to flinch and don a look of embarrassment at that comeback.

"R-Right." She meekly said. "I forgot about that possibility."

"You should probably get some sleep then." Aether spoke up. "Obviously, your lack of sleep is hindering your ability to make sound judgements."

"All you're doing is making false accusations and wasting our time right now. We just want to go to Mondstadt already, for crying out loud."


The random knight felt an arrow piercing her heart at that comment. The last thing she wanted to do was give a bad impression of Monstadt to new visitors.

"Also" (M/N) spoke up this time. "If you don't get enough sleep, then you will always be destined to be short."

"SHORT!?" The girl shouted. "I'll have you know that my height is perfectly acceptable at my age!"

"You're the one who's too frigging tall you handsome jerk!"

"OH? You think I'm handsome?"

(M/N) playfully acted shocked, furthering embarrassing the poor girl.

"That's not what I meant to say, and you know it!"

She shouted, before turning to the floating food.

"And this mascot, what's the deal with it?"

She said, attempting to change the subject.

Lumine, Aether, and (M/N) looked at each other before saying in unison.

"Emergency Food"

"Wha-Hey!" Paimon shouted in protest. "That's even worse than being a mascot!"

Laughing at her misfortunate at being labeled as food, the knight interrupted them once more.

"So, jokes aside, to summarize you guys are traveling partners?"

"Yep!" "That sums it up" "Seems about right" "You got it short stacks."

"Stop calling me short stacks!"

She yelled, before composing herself: "Since we're close to the city, I'll take you there myself."

"Are you sure?" Paimon asked, "Paimon pretty sure you weren't here to introduced yourself to us, which by the way you still haven't told us your name."

"Oh, I guess I didn't." She spoke. "Well, I am Amber. Outrider of the Knights of Favonius!"

(KOF = Knights of Favonius)


The trio asked.

"Oh, Paimon knows this one!" The fairy shouted. "The KOF are basically the working government and are in charge of Mondstadt. They oversee the safety and defense of the nation of Mondstadt."

"Yep!" Amber confirmed "And you're right, I'm actually on a mission to deal with some unwanted monsters that are lingering too close to the city."

"Then why are you talking to us instead of dealing with them?"

Aether asked, confused on why she was wasting her time with them.

"It's along the way, plus there is a dragon that has been seen lurking around, so I want to make sure no gets hurt by it, and I still don't trust you guys yet!""

Amber said, pointing a finger towards them.

'This girl is seriously wound up tight.' Mata Nui commented, having been silently watching the conversation.

'So tightly, that she is bound to snap and wreak havoc from her meltdown.' Ignika observed.

"You do realize that the same could be said for you?"

(M/N) asked her. After all, for they know she could secretly be pretending to be a knight to lure and sell innocent passerbys on the Black Market.

"Ack!" Amber said, that was a good point he had.

"Plus, you aren't really acting like a welcoming person. You know, with all the suspicions and accusations on people you just met."

"Gack!" Amber grunted, as yet another arrow stabbed her in the gut at her lack of manners.

"You-You're right. That's not appropriate for a knight of Favonius." She spoke, clearing her throat.


"My most profound apologies brave, respectable travelers. I bid you welcome to the Nation of Mondstadt – The Land of Freedom"




"...Okay, even Paimon can tell that is the fakest apology Paimon has ever heard."

The fairy put her hands on her hips as she stared unimpressed at Amber apology.

"Wha- do you have something against the code of conduct as stated in the Knights manual!?"


(M/N), Aether, Lumine:


"That is so embarrassing I don't know what to say."

Lumine sighed, facepalming at the scene in front of her.

"That is so old, it's making me feel young."

Mata Nui deadpanned.


The Ignika deadpanned as well, feeling rather young in comparison to how outdated that instruction manual was.

"Ignoring your manual antiquity (HEY!) can we please get a move on?" (M/N) groaned, "I would like to get to Mondstadt sometime this century thank you very much."

"Yes, please!" Aether begged, he just wanted to start exploring the damn planet! Was that too much to ask?

(Considering what's going to happen, it might be)

"Right!" Amber said, deciding not to piss them off and ruin Mondstadt reputation before they got there. "To the hilichurl camp!"


-Timeskip to Hilichurl campsite-

There have been multiple reports of Hilichurls camping near Mondstadt lately. I came to make sure they did not get too close."

"And this is unusual for these 'hilichurls' to do?"

Aether questioned.

"Oh yeah! By a milestone." Amber confirmed. "They generally stay far out in the wild and away from the populated areas for the most part. Of course, conflict does arise if any passerby is caught in their view. They will wildly attack them, even if they are not a threat."

"For them to be this close to the city, is very concerning."

"So, as a knight it's my job to make sure they don't wreak havoc on the Monstadters!"

"Now, ATTACK!"

With a scream, she unleashed havoc on the poor hilichurls. Skewering them with arrows.


The startled hilichurls leapt into action, charging at the group who quickly split.

"Strike down!" Aether yelled as he infused his sword with the power of Anemo and light. Causing a massive beam to annihilate his foes.

"Begone with the wind!" Lumine shouted as she unleashed her elemental burst. An enormous tornado sucking up the hilichurls and sending spinning inside the vortex.


Her hands glowing with light as she a beam straight at the tornado.

"Prism collapse!" She shouted, as the vortex started to collapse on itself as it exploded in a ray of brilliance.

"Triple kick!"

(M/N) shouted as he launched a series of three kicks at a Mitachurl with a shield. His kicks destroying the wooden shield with no problem, as the Mitachurl was sent flying.


The air around (M/N) hand forming a swirling vortex as the outclassed monster was sucked in closer to the male.


Before unleashing a stream of electricity into the mini vortex. Electrocuting the poor monster into ashes, leaving nothing behind.

-Meanwhile in Inazuma and wherever a certain Harbinger is-


"Bless you Raiden Shogun! Are you ill?"

"I am fine, Kujou Sara."

"Jeez Siggy, getting a cold?"

"Can it, Tortellini"

-Back to Mondstadt-

"Go go Baron Bunny!"

Amber shouted, throwing a mini dancing plush version of her at the remaining monsters.

The hilichurls stared confused until the BB did this.


Exploding into a glorious inferno, burning the enemies to nothing.

"Whew! What a workout!" Amber wiped the sweat from her hair. "And you guys aren't all too shabby yourselves!"

'If we got our asses kicked by a bunch of small fries, we would be ashamed to return home.'

Was the, surprising synchronized, thought of the World travelers.

"Anyways, that's actually the last of the hilichurl campsites. So, let go to Mondstadt!"


Was the, yet again synchronized, thought of the four as the group left for the city.

-Mondstadt Bridge-


"Hey! What are you doing? Your scaring the pigeons away!"

A young boy shouted at the group as the birds flew away.

"Huh? Oh, sorry kid." (M/N) apologized "But you would have to be ninja for them not to fly away."

He said, patting the young boy on the head. Ignoring his protests.

"Besides" Aether spoke, "They'll be back eventually."

"Yeah, but what if one day they won't?" The young boy, Timmie, Amber said, bowed his head down.

Before they could say anything: "Just like daddy."

...Crickets chirping.

"Well, this has gotten awkward."

Mata Nui uncomfortably spoke.

"Come on Timmie, chin up" Lumine tried to reassure the young boy. "Even if one day they don't come back, you can rest assure that there will be more pigeons that will want to be your friend."

"Yeah!" Aether agreed "The fact that you feed the pigeons show that you are a good person in their view."

"I mean, there's one right now watching us!"

He said, pointing at the pigeon at the entrance to Mondstadt staring at them.

"...Um, that's a weird pigeon." Timmie said, a little unnerved at how human the pigeon was staring at them.

"...Is it just me, or is that bird glaring at us with murderous intent?"

Amber uneasily spoke, as a dark aura enveloped the bird.


"Guys, stay back!" (M/N) shouted, sensing the bloodthirst of the slain souls of pigeons converging into the scarred eyed pigeon.

"Something not right!"


The pigeon held in its hand, a massive buster sword.

'How the hell is it holding that!?'

The group, sans (M/N), stared in shock at the pigeon insane strength.

"Despair humans" The pigeon evil, dark voice that had no business being on a pigeon said: "For today is the day I avenge my fallen brethren and destroy all of humanity!"


"Try it"

(M/N) responded as the two stare at each other.

An uneasy silence fell, then the two lunged at each other.


Striking their blades against the other sword as a massive explosion took place.


-Sometime later-








"Welcome to Mondstadt?" Amber tried to shake off the awkwardness in the air after witnessing that terrifying battle that took out half of the bridge.

They needed Albedo to come back from Dragonspire to fix the bridge as quickly as possible!

"Soooo, this is Mondstadt" Paimon said.

"Yep! The land of wine, songs, and Freedom" Amber cheerfully said.

"The inhabitants certainly don't look happy though."

Lumine noted, staring at the low level of spirit the people of Mondstadt had.

"That because of Stormterror." Amber said. "The dragon that has been terrorizing Mondstadt lately."

She clarified, seeing the confused expressions on their faces.

"You don't seem to be that worried though." Aether commented.

"That's because we have Jean to thanks."

"...Your grateful to a pair of pants?"

(M/N) asked, seemingly confused but actually already knows that she's referring to a person.

"No! Jean isn't a pant, even though technically that is true, Jean is the Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius."

Amber explained.

"Basically, the head honcho?"

Lumine cut to the chase.

"Yep! And with her by our side, leading the charge even Stormterror will be no match for her!"

'...Why is this Jean fellow reminding me of Gil's legend?'

(M/N) thought to himself.

"So, this Jean is the backbone of Mondstadt safety?"

Aether asked, a frown appearing on his face. That did not sound normal.

"Yes" Amber seemed to be quite energetic when talking about the Acting Grandmaster. "She handles the day-to-day affairs, paperwork, commissions, taxes, and a list of other things."

"Without her, we would be doomed."

"Talk about ungrateful"

(M/N) voice obliterated Amber happiness with that statement.


She asked confused.

Sighing, (M/N) elaborated.

"From what you are saying, basically she is the pillar that supports all of Mondstadt. Meaning that she handles almost everything concerning Mondstadt. That's not a good thing."


"What happens if Jean were to suddenly be incapacitated? Or if she were to die in battle?"

"Jean wouldn't-"

"Yes, she would" (M/N) interrupted her. "I have seen such scenarios happed on my journey. Countries fallen into ruin because they put all work onto one sole person – their leader. And when that leader dies/perishes from something, the people unintentionally destroy themselves. Because they are so reliant on their leader to their, sometimes, ridiculous workload they are left overwhelmed at how much their leader had done for them."

"I had a friend who was once a ruler of a prosperous nation. When I first met her, she was a tyrant, sure she provided for her people, but her arrogance was only matched by the fact she could back it up. It wasn't until she lost a friend close to her that she changed into a wise ruler."

"When that happened, she took on a load of work from her people. The result from that? She overworked herself to death and died falling asleep from work overload."

"The moral of this story: Lighten her workload and help her with minor tasks that can be relegated to the rest of the knights."

(Poor Jean, I mentioned this in my other GI Fic, but she is overworking herself like Caster Gilgamesh. And from what I've seen in the game, the people of Mondstadt are rather reliant on her for nonsense that could easily be done by them or by another knight)

...Well, what can she say to that? It was obvious that (M/N) brought up a good point. And when she really thinks about it, she realized that some of the situation could easily be resolved by another knight, or even the civilian posting that commission!

Lost cat? They could have the city looking for it. Fruit? Send someone who is fast to get it. Taxes? Do your own taxes you lazy little- whoops! That's not the kind of thoughts a proper knight should have.

"I'll bring that up with Jean and Lisa."

She said: "For now, I want to give you three a gift."

"Hey!" Paimon shouted, "Why doesn't Paimon get a gift?"

"Oh, well..." Amber trailed off. "It's because this gift is technically useless for you. But I'll make it up by inviting you to Good Hunter and serving you up some of Mondstadt Famous Sticky Honey Roast."

"OOhh, Sticky Honey Roast! Sounds delicious!"

Paimon cheered as she was placated with the offer of food.

"Now then my friends!" Amber shouted, "Let us head to the city High Ground!"


'Did Obi Wan reincarnate himself into a girl in this world?'

(M/N) thought, before shaking that scary thought out of his head. A reincarnation of his old friend: Obi Wan Kenobi? The world wasn't ready for that kind of badassery.

After a somewhat short walk, they reached the center of the city where a massive statue of the God of Anemo stood.


(M/N) thought to himself, staring at the statue of his friend.

"We're here!" Amber announced.

"(M/N), Lumine, Aether. Here are the welcome gifts I promised you."


She presented them:

"Wind Gliders! A staple of Mondstadt culture. With these babies you can feel the winds of Barbatos guide you into the sky."

"Here, try them on and see how they feel."

While Aether and Lumine attached them to their backs, (M/N) simply put it away into Hammerspace.

(I remember reading some old fanfics a long time that did this trope. Hammerspace basically being inventory, or Gilgamesh Gates of Babylon.)

"I'll pass for now." (M/N) said. "But thanks for the gift."

"*Pout* Jerk" Amber said, pouting at his refusal to fly.

(He can fly without the need of wing gliders my good friend)

"*Chuckle* Ready you two?"


"Then begin!"

-A little while later-

"They're having fun."

(M/N) noted watching the twins and Paimon flying through the air.

"You can join them if you want." Amber tried to coax him into flying.

"Eh, think I'll pass for now" (M/N) flipped his hair so that he could see better.

His expression taking on a serious tone as he senses something.

"Something is wrong."

Before Amber could ask him what he meant, the skies darkened.


The roar of a dragon could be heard as Mondstadt was suddenly assaulted by massive wind currents enveloping the city.


Twisters could be seen forming around the center as people ran for cover.


The dragon roar could be heard as a massive beast made itself known.

Stormterror has returned to wreak havoc upon Mondstadt and its people.

Done. How annoying that when I finally get the motivation, energy, and ideas for new chapters it's when I'm about to head back to university. Anyways, we've met Amber, have a new feathery foe, and Stormterror is coming to town.

How will our heroes deal with this situation?

By beating it up of course.

But, even after the threat is over there are still enemies lurking in the shadows. A mysterious organization, an order that seeks extinguish the light of the Seven Nations, and a dark threat that threatens to consume everything.

Our heroes have their work cut out for them.

See you guys in another chapter!

Have a good day/night

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