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Hello! And welcome to yet another story that this author has decided to write. Apologies to those that are waiting for updates to my other stories, I'm kinda in a recharge cycle for ideas. So, I decided that the best way for me to get my plot juices flowing is to publish a new story.

How that works I don't know myself. But it helps believe it or not.

Before we get on with the story, I just want to say this because I keep forgetting to put it on my other stories.

If we are talking in the comments and I suddenly don't respond for a while, that means I am busy and I am NOT ignoring your comments intentionally.

Usually that means I'm running errands, fell asleep, or working. Usually, it's the last one that is the main cause. Because life sucks when you have to work, but no work, no money. So, again if I don't respond all of a sudden that is generally the reason.

And like in my other Genshin Impact story: PLEASE be respectful of others and if you don't like the story, ships, or that certain ships are not shown here. You are free to leave. As I stated in my other story, I've looked around the internet and there is nothing that confirms certain relationships in Genshin Impact.

Just clearing that up, and hope you like the story.


Bam, boom, crumble

Sounds of a battle could be heard as two figures could be seen flying

(Aether and Lumine)

And dodging red-black cubes from a very powerful figure.

(Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles)

"Damn it!"

Lumine cursed, she had wanted to get Aether and herself out of this war-torn world after witnessing the destruction of that nation.

But they found their path being blocked by this Unknown God of immense power. Not even their own natural born powers, and the powers they've gained throughout their journey was enough to overcome her.

'Does she have some ability that makes her stronger than her opponents!?'

Lumine thought, as she narrowly avoided another cube.

"Why are you doing this!?"

Aether shouted, never in their journey had they been impeded by a God. Usually, they make sure they leave as calmly as possible. The Gods of other worlds deciding that so long as they did not interfere in their world affairs. They were allowed to travel without fear of divine retribution.

This God, however.

"You have been allowed to roam freely, without restrictions, for too long Outlanders."

The SotHP declared, as she emotionlessly swung her arm. Sending a barrage of cubes at the twins.

Aether and Lumine quickly swerved and dodged the oncoming attacks with ease. Nodding to each other, they quickly flew at a distance before hurtling at insane speeds towards the Unknown God sides.


A massive shockwave and explosion could be felt as the realm shook from the collision of powers.

When the dust settled, however the Unknown God could be seen repelling the twin's meteor like attacks with ease.

'Not even that worked!?' The twins thought to themselves. That was one of their strongest moves; fly to a distance, then cover themselves in light hurtling towards their target at break-necking speeds!

And she took it head on with no effort or damage!

'...We're out of our league.' Was the dreadful realization that Lumine came to.

If she could block that with no effort, then that showed just how powerful she was.


A humming, electrical could be heard as Lumine suddenly found herself being consumed by cubes.

"What!?" "Lumine!"

Aether screamed as he watched, helpless, as his sister was being taken from him. Lumine staring at her brother in horror as she was being covered in cubes.

"Let me go!" Lumine shouted, desperately struggling to get out.

The Unknown God staring with no emotion or compassion.

However, unbeknownst to everyone, a massive portal was opening up. Pulsating until it spit out its traveler.


A loud scream could be heard, startling the three at the unexpected intrusion.


The Unknown God question was interrupted as she was suddenly hit on the head by an unexpected colliding force.

(I'm imagining in this scene that when (M/N) hits his head on the Unknown God, her eyes pop out from the impact)

(Like this, the first panel. Found on Pinterest)


The SotHP got out as she unintentionally let the Outlanders go. The twins landing on the platform in shock at what just happened.


A loud sound caught their attention as a large indent could be seen on the ground.

Slowly walking, they stared at the figure inside it.

"...Are you okay?"

Lumine asked, uncertain if the person was still alive.


No response.

"Is he dead?" Aether questioned, picking up a rock and throwing it at him.


Was the sudden response of the individual who leapt up from the hole and began stretching himself.

"*Crack* Ow, damn it! Man, that hurts." The (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed, (S/C) male said, bones cracking back into place.

(The outfit is what he is wearing, just how I kind of imagined him to look. Again, as stated in my other stories, the reader can look like whatever you imagine him to be. Or if you like this version of Meta Knight you can use that as well. Doesn't really matter to me)

CRACK! A loud crack could be heard as the male sighed in relief.

"Much better"

He said, before turning to face the twins. Blinking as he stared at them.

"Huh? Who are you guys?"

He asked the two, who stared back at him.

"That's kinda our question too." Lumine said, staring at the taller male. "But we'll go first I suppose; I'm Lumine and this is my twin brother."

"Hi, I'm Aether." The ponytail, braided teen greeted the older male.

"Aether, Lumine" The male rolled the names off his tongue. "Not bad names. My name is (M/N), nice to meet you."

"Now, do you know where we are?"

That question brought the twins back to reality, as they remembered what had just happened.


And apparently, she was back and pissed.


Chunks of destroyed buildings flew all over the place as the Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles stood before.

Her face, once emotionless, now filled with pure anger.

Lumine and Aether fell into their battle stances, as (M/N) stared in shock at the being before him.


Was the thought running through his head. Before realizing an important fact.

'No. If this was Kiana, she would have been trapping me in her hugs. This must be an alternate version of her!'

Was the new thought running through the male head.

"How dare you interfere in matters that don't concern you!" The Unknown God shouted at him.

(M/N) shook his head, as he stared at Kiana counterpart.

'This is like a what-if universe where Sirin control over her is stronger.' He thought to himself. 'This woman is more of the 'Herrscher of the Void Kiana' then just angry, moody, jaded Kiana.'

-In another universe-


Kiana suddenly sneezed.

"You okay Kiana?" "Idiot Tuna needs to keep her germs to herself."

"I'm fine Mei-senpai and shut up Bronya before I cube you for all eternity."

"(M/N) most likely talking about me."

"...Good point" "Most likely"

"And judging from how I'm feeling, I'm going to have a 'talk' with him."

(I think we all know where that is going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

-Genshin Impact-


'Why do I feel like I need to avoid the walking tuna for a while?'

(M/N) thought to himself, shaking it off as he glared at the God before him.'

"Why are you attacking them?"

He decided the best way to decipher her true intentions was to ask her directly.

"They are a threat and cannot be allowed to leave."

Was all she said.

(That is what I think, since it has not yet been revealed why she even stopped them in the first place. If they were a threat, wouldn't them leaving resolved the issue? There must be another reason why, and hopefully it will be revealed once more regions are released)

'...Why do I feel that is not the complete truth?' (M/N) thought to himself. 'Doesn't matter, she wants to harm them for some nonsense reason.'


A massive sword appeared in his hand. From what the twins could see, it looked like two massive keys joined together, with a sword in the middle.

(The X-Blade from Kingdom Hearts. He's been to many worlds before this one)

Hum, armor appeared over him, with a mask covering his face.

(His battle mode)

For some reason, the Mask unsettled them as it pulsated with power beyond normal comprehension.

"Even so, that is not a reason to attack them!"

With that said, (M/N) activated Sonic Blade. Running at high speeds as he struck true.

"AGh!" SotHP screamed, as (M/N) slashed her with insane speed, power, and precision.

Finishing his speed attack, he quickly jumped in front of her and unleashed a spin attack.

'Thank you Link, for teaching me one of your signature attacks.' (M/N) thought to himself, as he swung his blade to the ground.

The Unknown God having recovered, had flew straight at him determined to finish him off.

Only for the male to swing the X-Blade up, sending her into the air. Grabbing his cape, he moves it forward then threw it back. Transforming the cape into wings giving him the ability to fly straight at her.

Once he was face to face with her, he reverted his wings back into his cape before throwing it at her.


"Behold, my power!" His voice took on a deeper, more menacing tone as darkness suddenly covered everyone.


Before a powerful slash could be heard. And once the darkness cleared, the Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles could be seen hurtling towards the ground.


This time, it was the Unknown God turn to meet the ground in person.


(M/N) landed in front of the flabbergasted twins who had been watching in shock at how easily he defeated her.


"Damn you, human"

The Unknown God growled in anger; her pride wounded at how easily he outclassed her. Her, a GOD!

Growling, she unleashed a wave of cubes at them.

(M/N) eyes widened 'crap!'

Thinking quickly, he erected a barrier blocking the swarm of cubes from devouring them.


Unfortunately, the weight of the cubes and relentless onslaught was quickly breaking the barrier faster than he could maintain it.

"Aether, Lumine!" He shouted, getting the twins attention. "You two need to leave, now!"

With that said, (M/N) quickly chanted a spell as strands of magic erupted from his hand. Wrapping themselves around the twins, as they stared in shock.

"Wait!" – Lumine

"Hold on!" -Aether

"We will meet again!" (M/N) reassured them as they were teleported away from the battlefield.

"Damn you for interfering where you don't belong!"

The SotHP snarled at the loss of the Outlanders.

"Sorry" (M/N) unapologetically said, as a circle appeared beneath him. Transporting him away, his final words being:

"You should have just let them go to the next world, instead of trying to force them to stay here."

"GGrrr" Growling, the Unknown God released a surge of power at the circle.

Fwish, BLAST!

The sudden attack caused the circle to fluctuate and malfunction as an unknown power was mixed into the magic.

Sending the male hurtling towards another location.

"Hah, hah" The Unknown God panted, "I might not have succeeded in my mission, but you won't be leaving Teyvat any time soon."

With that said, the Unknown God returned from where she came.

The one present thought running through her mind at the moment.

'He's cute for a human'

(Oh boy)

And done. Sorry if you were expecting a new chapter to one of my other books, but I've been debating on doing this for a while. As stated in the summary and at the beginning, this is a spin-off/prequel of sorts to my Bionicle x Male Reader x Fate Grand Order book. Another one I plan on doing is an Arknights x Male reader book as well as a Honkai Impact 3rd to explain the connection between (M/N) and Kiana.

And I plan in the future to do a Bionicle Male Reader x Union crossover once I have gotten to where I want on the main Bionicle crossover book.

So, we saved Aether and Lumine from being separated and losing their powers completely. But, due to unknown forces, neither they nor (M/N) can leave Teyvat for the time being.

As to who will lead the Abyss Order since the Twins were never separated. I already have a person in mind, and no it's not Dainsleif.

Hopefully, writing new stories will motivate my brain and body to start writing new chapters for my other stories.

Have a good day/night

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