Exams Part 3

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(Hope you guys like the art. Now, why would I put this in this month? Well, I don't believe in NNN because it does nothing for me. I gain nothing from it if I did decide to go along with this stupid meme or whatever it is)

(I see nothing in it for me, so you guys get sexy pictures. Mainly because until I'm sure Wattpad isn't going to delete my account for writing lemons, I'm going to have to be cautious about writing any more lemons in the future)

Here you go!

As always, unless stated, I don't own the art. They belong to their respective creators.


At long last, the day of the exams had arrived.

Many Valkyries/in training were bustling with excitement, apprehension, and worry as today would decide their fates for the future.

Will they pass and ascend to a higher rank?

Or will they fail and be forced to take remedial courses to boost their grades?

For a certain Toa, it mattered little to him. It only served as a way to pass the time and keep an eye out on Kiana and the gang.

Speaking of which...

"AHH!!" Kiana screamed. "It's here! The exams are finally here!"

The day she dreaded the most had finally arrived!

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

She repeatedly screamed.

"Your darn right you are if you don't shut up!"

(M/N) patience was all dried up as he snapped at her.

"Screw you, (M/N)!"

She shouted back.

"Why would I want to screw a shrimp like you?!"


While the two continued yelling.

"Bronya thinks those two should just kiss already."

Bronya deadpanned as she ate her breakfast.


Mei just sweatdropped at that as (M/N) picked Kiana up.

"This bitch empty! YEET!!"

And threw her into the bathroom.


Kiana screamed as she flew into the bathroom, the door closing as she did so.


While random crashing sounds could be heard.



"That girl!" (M/N) muttered to himself. "What is up with her?"

How was it that she was able to break through his barriers so easily and make him express his emotions more vividly?

It has been some time since (M/N) had accidentally fell into Kiana dream adventure. Interestingly enough, whenever the mysterious entity decided to 'visit' Kiana, (M/N) would wound up entering her dream.

It was an interesting occurrence since whenever she dreamed normally, aka no antagonistic voice in her head trying to lead her into despair, (M/N) did not end up getting pulled into her dreams. Only when the strange voice showed.

'Speaking of said voice.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

'What is she scheming?'

The first time they met the Voice, she was playing with Kiana. Leading her up and down with half truths and promises. But after that...

She started becoming more cruel in her entertainment. Using those Kiana cared deeply for to mess with her mind and try to manipulate her into joining her.

(M/N) ended putting a halt to her schemes whenever she tried them, due to somehow being dragged into Kiana dreams. Strangely enough, the Voice never tried using a fake image of him to try to lead Kiana astray. Though the Voice admitted that for some reason, she was unable to create a false version of him.

(M/N) chalked it up to his powers protecting him.

The Voice was both amused and infuriated that (M/N) kept interfering with her plans to wrestle control of Kiana body from her.

"She's just stressed."

Mei simply said, bringing back to reality.

"Stupid more like it."

(M/N) deadpanned as he sat down.

"Bronya agrees."

Bronya nodded as crashing sounds continued to be heard from the bathroom.



"...Okay, either I threw her harder than I expected." (M/N) stared at the door. "Or cartoon physics are being applied here for the sake of comedy."

"Comedy for who though?"

Mei asked out loud.

"Who knows?"

(Evo can be seen knocked out because he can't shut up)

(M/N) shrugged as he ate his breakfast.


After everyone ate and got ready (and a little bit of Kiana trying to kill (M/N) for yeeting her, but failing), they all headed to their classes to prepare for their exams.

"Hello." Theresa spoke up through the mic. "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3..."

*Metallic whine*

"Okay, good." Theresa nodded. "All right you sad sacks of bitches that dare call yourselves warriors!"


(The fuck!?)


"All right everyone." Theresa spoke up. "The exam is about to begin. Prepare for a trial of pain, suffering, and despair..."

Shudders went through a majority of the students' spines.

"For our combat trials, they will be single round competitions. All Valkyries and Einherjars will be divided into pairs."

Murmurs could be heard at that.

"The purpose of this test is not to win." Theresa continued. "Win or lose, it doesn't matter. What we will be grading is not whether or not you win. But from how well you perform in combat. The graders will be taking careful notes of your combat prowess, your ability to utilize your skills, your expertise with your weapons, your ability to use the environment to your advantage, your capability of reading your opponents and so on and so on."

"Try not to disappoint us."

She finished.

"Wow." (M/N) deadpanned sarcastically. "Such an awe-inspiring and riveting speech there, midget."

"Shut up, (M/N)!"

Theresa shouted at where he was standing, somehow hearing what he said over the loud chatter of the other students.

"I'm just saying."

(M/N) shrugged.

Theresa twitched, knowing that her normal methods of intimidation don't work on him.

Himeko sighed as the other teachers and graders sweatdropped at the interactions.

Who knew there was somebody who could be that bold?

"Also!" Theresa suddenly shouted. "We have two special guests here today."

"From HQ, we have Rita Rossweisse..."

(Rita Rossweisse)

"Our auditor, attending the exams this year."

"Well, hello there."

Rita did a curtsy bow to the crowd.

Causing many people (boys and girls alike) to blush at the beautiful maid's beauty and grace. While some of the other girls were jealous because she was taking the boys' attention.

(M/N) crossed his arms, unfazed and simply uncaring.

She was beautiful, he'll give her that.

Kiana suddenly felt mad for some reason.


But he was no fool, he could sense it.

Rita Rossweisse was not what she appeared to be.

'She might give the appearance of an Ara Ara Onee-san that will happily 'serve' you.' He thought to himself. 'But she's dangerous no doubt, and heaven help whoever she decides to target.'

Though it might end up being heaven for her prey if she caught them.

'Something about her puts me on edge.'

He thought calmly to himself.

'Unlike that fool and her entourage of weaklings, this lady is on a whole other level.'

"And for our second guest." Theresa continued on. "We have the Captain of Hyperion, and also the youngest thus far to become a Captain commanding Valkyries, Captain Blaze Zephyr!"

(Blaze Zephyr, Captain of the Hyperion. Name because I could not think of anything better and that he is technically in a way us, since we're the Captain)

Now that got everyone attention at the famous Captain of the battleship Hyperion.

"Hello there."

Blaze smiled.

(M/N) resisted the urge to shout, 'General Kenobi!'

"I must say that it's quite an honor to see the future defenders of Earth prepare for their future."

The captain voice, while deep, was filled with warmth and kindness.

Which was saying due to having to deal with some high maintenance Valkyries that did not want to go to the infirmary.

'Seriously, it's just a check up.' The Captain thought to himself. 'Not like they're going to die if they want.'

What he was oblivious to was the fact that the Valkyries didn't want to go wasn't because they hated going to the infirmary. It was just that the Valkyrie that was charge of the medical field tended to be a little bit...through in their work and liked poking them with needles.

"I must agree with the Captain." Rita spoke up. "It is an honor to watch over the exams of the newest batch of Valkyries and Einherjars. May you all shine for a brighter future."

"Yes." Theresa said. "So, do your best and try not to screw up."

"This means you, Kiana."

She pointed a finger at said girl.

"What?!" Kiana shouted as she put her hands on her waist. "I have never screwed up!"

"Don't make me have a flashback."

Theresa squinted her eyes as the scene changed.


"AHH!!" Kiana screamed. "The kitchen is on fire!"


Mei shouted as she grabbed the fire extinguisher.

"I was just trying to boil water!"

"How did you manage to burn down the kitchen from that!?"

"I don't know!"

"Idiotka is an IDIOT!"

Bronya shouted as she grabbed a second fire extinguisher to put out the flames.

-Scene change-

"What a great day!"

Kiana smiled.

"The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the evil Himeko vanquished."


Said woman screamed as she appeared from out of nowhere!


Kiana screamed as she fell down from her perch and somehow set a massive stone ball off its center and caused it to roll down the street.

*Cue terrified screams*

-New Scene-

"How the (Quack) (Dolphin chirp) (Seal barking) can she fuck up on a test that badly!?"

Theresa screamed as she stared at one of Kiana tests, the answers were fucking ludicrous!

"Come now, Theresa." Himeko tried to soothe the enraged woman anger. "I'm sure it's not that bad?"

"If you really thought so, then you would be phrasing that as a question!"

Theresa retorted.

"Where is she, anyways?"

Himeko wondered.

Somewhere in St. Freya.

"Are you sure this is safe?"

A Valkyrie in training asked the girl.

"Completely!" Kiana smiled. "This is guaranteed to bring down the house!"

"Let's hope it won't literally bring it down."

Someone else said.

"You worried too much!"

Kiana laughed as she cut the rope, triggering her little prank.

Screams of surprise could be heard as people got pranked.

"AH!!" "What the!?" "AAUUGGGHHHHHHHHH!"

"See!" Kiana proudly said. "Nothing to worry about!"



"What was that?"

Someone nervously said.

"Probably nothing."

Kiana shrugged.


"Umm..." An Einherjar in training slowly said. "The walls are beginning to crack."

True to his words, it seemed like the walls were beginning to crack...as was the rest of the building.



Somehow, the entire school suddenly fell down. Leaving only rubble behind as everyone just stared in shock at the fact that the prank literally destroyed the school and that they were unharmed.


(Uncle Max: TIMON!!)

Minus Kiana once Theresa landed on the ground and got her hands on her.

-Flashback ends-

"All right." Kiana looked to the side. "Point taken."


"The fuck?"

(M/N) just gave her a WTF look.

'The hell wrong with her?'

He thought to himself.

"All right!" Theresa shouted. "Let the exams begin!"

-Round 1-

"EHH!?" Kiana shouted. "Mei-senpai is my opponent!?"

"Indeed, I am."

Mei nodded.

"So, prepare yourself for I will show you no mercy."


Kiana cried.

"Please go easy on me, Mei!"

"Nope!" Mei shook her head. "That would be cheating. Now come! It's time to get serious!"

With that said, she charged straight at her!


Kiana quickly dodged Mei strike as the swordswoman quickly gained momentum and struck true.


Kiana managed to block her.



Only for Mei to kick her in the stomach.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten the basics, already!"

Mei shouted as she crouched, before leaping in a burst of power.


Slamming her sword into the ground as Kiana had quickly avoided the deadly strike.


Kiana started shooting before launching her special skill: Comet Fall.

"URGH!" Mei grunted as she was pushed back, unexpectedly. "Not bad Kiana, you're doing way better than what I was expecting."

"If it's Mei-senpai, then of course I'm going to fight with all my might."

Kiana smiled.

"And also-HEY!" She suddenly realized something. "What do you mean 'then I expected'!?"

"But don't think that's going to decide the ending of this battle!"

Mei lunged at her, completely disregarding her question.


-With (M/N)-


(M/N) stared at his fellow male classmates.

"You ready?"


They all said.

Now you might be wondering what's going on?

Well, to put it in simple terms. (M/N) decided that it would be easier for the Einherjars in training to test their skills against him.

The strongest male in their school. A title that annoyed him, but unfortunately, he could see why they gave him such a title.

So, deciding that if they could last at least a minute against him. That would be the deciding factor of their assessment.

Of course, his fellow males weren't all too keen on getting their asses kicked.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

...His words sent more chills down their bodies rather than be comforting.


(M/N) withdraw a...hilt that was missing the blade?


One of the graders blinked in confusion.

"What's he going to do with a hilt?"

They started talking in confusion.


Only for energy to well up and take form.

To reveal...


A blade that he obtained from another universe after fighting in a war against the being known as Nightmare/eNeMeE (wonder why they changed his name in the dub) and was also known as Meta Knight during his short stay.

(M/N) marveled at the fact that he managed to resist the urge to turn King Dedede into lunch.

"Let us begin!"

(M/N) shouted as he leapt right at them.


"Look out!" "Woah!" "So fast!" "HORY SHEET!"

The Einherjars shouted in terror as (M/N) started unleashing a flurry of attacks.

His new sword might not be as long as the other sword he used, but that just made it worse!

"Steady yourself."

He scolded one of them.

"Keep your feet balanced evenly."

He said as he kicked one of them.


The poor guy said.


"Don't make yourself obvious when attacking."

(M/N) blocked an attack from behind as he quickly twisted his body and jumped into the air. Avoiding a pincer attack as he landed behind his first attacker.



Before launching a powerful roundhouse kick, sending the poor male flying into his classmates.

"ACK!" "WTF!?" "OUCH!"


They weren't bad, (M/N) mused. Just inexperienced when fighting against powerful opponents like himself.



(M/N) said as he quickly wrapped himself in his cape and disappeared.


Right when another opponent tried his luck.

"Where'd he-!?"



The man shouted as he was hit from behind.

"Too slow."

(M/N) coolly said.

"Then tried this on for size!"

A group charged at him from all sides.

"Let's see if you can dodge this!"

One of them shouted.

"...Much to learn, you all do."

(M/N) smirked.

As soon as they got close.




For as soon as they got close to him, he made his move.

In a flurry of sword strikes, he enveloped himself in what looked like a fiery tornado. Which was actually the result of him spinning and swinging his sword in precise accuracy in launching an all out assault.


The einherjars groaned as they fell to the ground.

"Don't get too comfy." (M/N) smirked. "We're not done just yet."

"Only fifty more seconds to go."


'That lasted only ten seconds!?!?'

The poor souls thought to themselves.

"Don't worry." (M/N) smiled. "This will only hurt a lot!"

With that said, he charged once more at his poor classmates.


Who quickly got up and defended themselves as much as they could.

-With the graders-


One of them said.

"He's certainly a force to be reckoned with."


Was the consensus among them.

"How has he stayed hidden for all this time?"

One of them asked.

"He's on a whole other level!"

That was the strange part. Why haven't they heard anything earlier about a swordsman of his caliber?

"My, my." Rita mused with a smile on her face. "This year has certainly got some interesting surprises."


Theresa did not trust her one bit. Sussy maid is sus.

'Besides, she called me as cute as a baby!'

Yeah, Theresa did not like that.

"He's incredibly skilled." Captain mused, arms crossed as he watched the fight...or one sided training match as it looked more like he was teaching them than testing them. "I can see how he is the talk of the school."

"...How long has it been?"

One of them suddenly asked.

"Let's see." Himeko looked.


"Thirty seconds!?"

She shouted in shock!

"It's only been thirty seconds since the fight started!?"



One of them said.

"I think they earned the right to move to the next level, don't you think?"

She asked her fellow graders.

"Oh, yeah!" "Most definitely!" "They're managing to stay on their feet against a vastly superior opponent!"

They all agreed as Rita seemed to be deep in thought.


The Captain staring at her with confusion in his eyes.

'Just what is this crazy woman up to now?'

He thought to himself.

He knew how dangerous and cunning the beautiful woman was, probably second to her nutjob of a boss, Otto Apokalypse, the Overseer of Schicksal, and knew that she was up to something.

How could he be so sure?

...Well, let's just say he wasn't a virgin for a good reason.


The alarm went off signaling that a minute had passed.

"The Combat exam for the Einherjars has ended!"

Theresa shouted, causing (M/N) to stop mid swing. Hming, he sheathed his sword and started walking away to the benches.

All the while, the medical team on standby helped the, currently in pain, Einherjars get up to their feet and lead them to the makeshift medbay for treatment.

"...Even holding back he's a vicious bastard."

Himeko sweatdropped.

"Well, they fought admirably against a dangerous foe like (M/N)." She said. "The fact that they managed to work well together to at least hold out till the minute ended shows that they have potential."

"And possible trauma." Captain sweatdropped. "They're going to have nightmares for the rest of their lives now."

"...Annnnnnnnnnnd there's that too."

Himeko nodded.

"At the very least they're not going to lose any ranking this time around."

The graders sweatdropping as well.

"Now it's just time for the Valkyries to finish up."

Theresa looked to the Valkyries side.

-After the rounds-

"Well done, everyone!" Theresa clapped her hands. "You all perform superbly today!"

"...For once."

She deadpanned.


Kiana shouted, knowing she was one of the people she was directing that jab to.

"Let us go to the final rounds." She said. "But before that, is there anything you two want to say?"

She asked Rita and Blaze.

"I'm good."

Blaze shrugged.

"I would like to spar with one of your students in a combat round."

Rita smiled.

"Huh?" Theresa blinked. "You...want to spar with them?"

"Just sharing a couple of moves." Rita smiled mysteriously. "You have quite some intriguing students that I would like to spar with. But alas, I only have enough time for one today."

"And who will our lucky student be?"

Theresa asked.

"How about our hotshot Einherjar in training?"


'What?!/I knew she was up to something!'

Theresa and the Captain thought to themselves.

"Just a friendly spar."

Rita smiled.


Theresa stammered.

"I accept."

(M/N) agreed.

"That was quick!"

"Well then..."

Rita smiled as she withdraws her personal weapon, Path to Acheron: Kindred.

"Shall we dance?"



(M/N) coolly said as he held yet a new weapon in hand.


"What a strange blade." "It looks so...normal compared to his other weapons." "Is it just me or is the blade reversed?"

"Oh?" Rita raised an eyebrow. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a Sakabatō?"

"You guessed correctly."

(M/N) saw no reason to lie.

"Curious." Rita mused. "That looks to be a genuine Sakabatō from ancient times, unlike any that might be made today. A sword not infused with Honkai, yet can cut them down?"

"As long as it works."

(M/N) deflected any attempts of probing him for information.

"Now then."


"The air around them has shifted."

Mei shivered.

"Bronya detects a tense atmosphere between them."

Bronya said.

"Anyone can tell."

Kiana deadpanned.

It was obvious from how they tensed that this was not going to be a normal fight.

"Their auras are incredible."

Fu Hua analyzed.

"Who knows how this fight is going to go?"


The two just stared at each other, neither one making a move as leaves started flying into the skies, carried by the wind.

As one fell to the ground.



They made their moves.


The two struck and a shockwave occurred as a result of their weapons colliding and making contact.



Kiana shouted as the impact could be felt.

"This is insane!"


Mei shouted as several students had been knocked off their feet.

The sound of metal grinding against metal could be heard as suddenly...



(M/N) disappeared without warning.

'Where did he go?' Rita calmly and quickly scan the area. 'To move at such speed while in a standstill is no easy feat.'



She realized as she swung her scythe upwards.



Sending an even more powerful shockwave from that attack.

"What the hell!?"

Theresa shouted as the two released the standstill by jumping back.

Once (M/N) was a good distance away, he fell into his stance.

"...Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū"

(M/N) calmly said as he unleashed a burst of speed running towards Rita.


Regaining her bearings, she quickly sped towards him as well.


'Are they crazy!?'

The crowd thought to themselves at the seemingly reckless moves the two combatants were displaying.

As soon as they got close, (M/N) struck.


(M/N) blade aimed straight for her neck!



However, in a show of power, Rita blocked the attack with the tip of her scythe.


This move completely caught (M/N) off guard as not many could see the blow coming let alone block it.

Taking advantage of his stunned state, Rita quickly activated her Quick Time Event (QTE) and proceeded to unleash a flurry of strikes.


Causing (M/N) to be on the defensive, his movements slightly sluggish as he felt some kind of restriction placed on him.


The sounds of metal hitting against metal could be heard as the two were taking the fight to the next level.



The resulting blast that came with the two blades colliding forced the two to jump back a good distance from each other.



(M/N) wordlessly put a hand on his cheek before taking a look at it.


He said, as if mesmerized by the red liquid that was falling his face.


"She...she managed to wound him!?"

Kiana was in pure shock!

From the moment he showed up, (M/N) was thought of to be invincible because no one in the school was able to actually hurt him or draw blood from him.

To show that he could be hurt...Rita was obviously not your average Valkyrie/maid.

"Such skill."

Mei shook.

The longer she watched the battle rage on, the more she could feel the gap between their swordsmanship.

"Bronya will commit this to memory."

Was all the girl said as a trail of sweat could be seen on her face.

While the students were watching a battle of a lifetime.

"What is Rita planning?"

Theresa frowned.

She could not make heads or tails out of the maid strange request.


A blast of energy could heard as (M/N) unleashed a series of energy strikes.


Only for Rita to slice the blasts apart with her Honkai infused weapon, before elegantly doing a series of footwork before appearing in front of him.



The two once again clashed.

"Beats me."

Blaze shrugged.

"That woman is an enigma and honestly more terrifying than Otto."

"You're just saying that because she stole your virginity."

Himeko said.

"At least I'm not a virgin unlike you."

"GAH!" Himeko doubled over. "Why you!"

"Oh, get a room!"

Theresa screamed.

"Fuck off, tiny!"

They shouted back at her.


...Let's leave that alone for now.

Back to the fight.

"Blades of fury!"

(M/N) yelled as he swung a powered blade straight at Rita, unleashing a series of consecutive strikes.


Rita grunted as she was barely able to defend herself.

Getting her bearings back, she started repelling him and pushing him back.

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū

(M/N) jumped into the air and prepared a midswing strike.

Ryūtsui Shōsen, (Dragon Hammer-Soaring Flash)!

Flying down, he swung his blade.



And forced Rita back several feet as she clenched her side.

Blood dripping as the impact of the backlash of that attack hit more than just her scythe.

Smiling, she said.

"Not bad." She complimented her opponent. "It's been a while since I fought someone as strong as you...well besides the Honkai Beasts but that's not important."


(M/N) coolly said as he wiped the blood off his face, healing his wound.

"I can't remember how long it's been since someone actually made me bleed."

"You're no ordinary warrior."

(M/N) said as he gets into his stance.

"As such...the games end here."


Suddenly, the entire aura was filled with Killing Intent as (M/N) gave Rita a serious glare.


The students were barely able to stand as (M/N) KI nearly sent them to their knees.

"What a monster!"

Kiana shouted as she was able to stay on her own two feet.

"How could he have this kind of power!?"


The voice in her head was silent as she watched the fight through Kiana eyes.

"He's no ordinary human." The 3rd Herrscher muttered in Mei head. "He might very well be on the level of us, Herrschers."

'...That's a terrifying thought.'

Mei thought to herself.

"My, my."

Rita smiled as she was soon surrounded by Honkai energy.


"It would seem that the games end here." She smiled. "Very well, I was getting a little tried of the kiddie play."



The students screamed in shock.

Rita simply smiled as she was soon enveloped in Honkai energy as part of her Ultimate.

"Shall we dance?"

She smiled.



(M/N) feet dug into the earth as he spoke.

"...Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū..."

Rita prepared herself.

The winds whistled as the two did not move, not willing to give the other an advantage.

"...Ryūsōsen (Dragon Nest Flash)!!"

(M/N) suddenly shouted as he disappeared.



Quickly, Rita sensed his location and quickly turned.


Soon the two were in a dance of flurry, steel clashing as the two fought in the final setting.

(M/N) sword speed was insane and even Rita could feel the pressure as she blocked and tried to strike him down. Only for (M/N) to block with his own attack.

However (M/N) had anticipated Rita reactions and saw an opening.


He thought to himself.

Soon, his sword started glowing with energy as he shouted.

"Dragon Moon Dance!"

Sending a wave of energy orbs straight at her!



The training arena was totaled and once the dust cleared, it was nothing more than an empty plain for all to see.






The students shouted as (M/N) panted, sweat could be seen on his face.


The sound of clapping could be heard as an unexpected voice spoke out.

"That was truly incredible."


"That voice!"

Theresa shouted in disbelief as she turned to face.

(Otto Apocalypse)

"I must say." Otto smiled. "I've never seen anyone besides Durandal give Miss Rita a run for her money."

"Ah, Sir."

Rita smiled as she bowed.

"I thought you had urgent matters that needed your attention?"

"I figure I could put them on hold for now."

Otto shrugged, a smirk on his face as he crossed his arms.

"And I'm glad I did."

He said.

"That was quite a spectacular show, and I must say young man, I'm impressed."


(M/N) simply said.

There was something weird about him, but nothing that screamed 'I'm an enemy!' to him.

(Evo can once again be seen knocked out)

"So, you are (M/N)." Otto continued smiling. "It's nice to meet the rising star that is on the verge of giving little Theresa an aneurysm."

"Shut up, grandpa!"

Theresa shouted as her face turned red from embarrassment.

Blaze and Himeko sweatdropped.

"And nice to see you too, Captain."

Otto nodded to Blaze.

"Hope the Hyperion crew hasn't been giving you any trouble?"

"Besides trying to seduce me because they are sexually frustrated?"

Blaze sarcastically asked.

"They're fine."

Otto chuckled.

'Okay, how can you smile so much?'

(M/N) sweatdropped.

Wishing Mata Nui and Ignika would wake the fuck up already to input some words of wisdom.

"Well, young Einherjar."

Otto smiled at him.

"I look forward to hearing what you accomplish."

With that said, he and Rita proceeded to walk away.


(M/N) deadpanned.


Kiana voice caught his attention as said girl along with Mei and Bronya walked to him.

"That was crazy!"

Kiana shouted at him.

"Are you fucking crazy!?"

She asked him.


(M/N) said nothing as he started walking away.

"I need a bath."

He said.


Kiana shouted at him.

"We're not done here!"

"(M/N) get back here!"

Mei shouted.

"We still need to yell at you."

Bronya added in her monotone voice.



Theresa caught the remaining students attention.

"Since the training grounds are the gone grounds now, we can skip the combat simulation part."

"Everyone go get some rest!"

"Yes, Principal Theresa!"

The students shouted as they left.


Theresa shouted.

"Damn you, Rita! Damn you, Grandpa! And damn you, (M/N)!!"

While Theresa was having a meltdown as Blaze, Himeko, and the other graders just watched. Rita and Otto...

"Forgive me, Sir."

Rita spoke to Otto.

"I wasn't able to test the subject that you initially assigned me to."

"It's fine, Rita."

Otto waved her off.

"While it is unfortunate that we were unable to witness her progress firsthand, my sources indicate that she has been making progress. And it seems that she has begun to awaken inside her."

"Hm." Rita pondered at that. "HER awakening, and that girl, Bronya afflictions. I believe there is a connection between the two. Namely, the Selene."

"Ah, yes." Otto nodded. "The Selene. Now what could Anti-Entropy be up to, I wonder?"

Rita could only shrug at that as she continued her report.

"If I had to wager a guess." She said. "I would assume that they have been influenced by the energy emitted by the Selene's power drives. And maybe (M/N) strange appearance."

"Hmm." Otto mused. "There is no report of him ever existing in any database. It's like he just appeared out of thin air. Maybe a construct of some sort?"

"Then it must be a very advanced lifeform." Rita hummed. "He bleeds like a human."

"Unless he was purposely kept off the grid." Otto brought up another point. "It could be that he belongs to some very remote part of the world that we have no data on."

"Even then, his power is no joke." Rita frowned. "How could he have been kept hidden for so long, and why now did he choose to appear?"

"Maybe fate is working their magic here."

Otto smirked.

"In any case, I'm satisfied with the results."

Otto said.

"Hmm, that battleship is quite strange."

Rita suddenly said.


Otto raised an eyebrow.

"The engine that powers it is not normal." She stated. "It is a strange one to be sure."

"Oh, well." She said. "My mission here is complete and things are shaping up to be interesting."

"...Try not to give into your succubus nature and jump the Captain, again." Otto deadpanned. "After you banged him, the other Valkyries under his command want a piece of him too. You guys weren't exactly quiet, you know."

"All part of my plan." Rita smiled. "Can't find out what I'm doing if he's distracted."

'Poor Captain.' Otto mentally thought to himself. 'Rita definitely wants him, even going so far as to create a harem for him.'

'...And people say I'm crazy.'

He thought to himself.

Why was he doing this again?

...Oh, right.


"Very well." Otto spoke up. "It's time we head back."

"As you wish."

Rita bowed, before looking at a distance to where the dorms are.

"Observation log: Subject 105-K423."

"I'm hungry!"

Kiana shouted.

"The food will be ready soon."

Mei simply said.


"Zip it."

(M/N) and Bronya deadpanned in unison.

"Subject has made significant improvements in the field of combat."

Rita continued.

"However." She added to Otto amusement. "Subject requires further observation to ascertain the persona replication progression rate."

"Of course, Overseer."

She turned to face her boss.

"At this point in time, your plan can move to a more...practical phase."


Otto smirked as the two looked at the school.

"Everything is going as planned."


I seriously have no idea where I went with this.


I wasn't even planning on introducing Otto in this chapter but for some reason, I felt like bringing him in already.

The fight with Rita didn't go as I wanted it to. Just couldn't get the fight scene in my mind right.

Have a good day/night!

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