Christmas In Gotham

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This chapter is brought to you by:

Female Reader

(F/N) = Female Name

I don't own any art shown in this chapter.



Zero clapped his hands together.

While ignoring the badly beaten state of Godzilla after Mothra had finally finished unleashing her wrath upon her perverted as hell best friend.

Poor girl was going to be feeling that for months!

"I was going to continue where we left off, but I decided to show a different world first before continuing on with this current viewing."

Sounds of confusion filled the theater.

"What do you mean by that?"

Sora asked.

Zero simply smiled.

"We're going to take a glance at a different world." He simply said. "Here, only the DC verse exists."

That got the Justice League and their villains' attention.

"This should be good."

Lex Luthor mused.

"Well..." Zero trailed off. "It's going to be short and kind of a slice of life moment, to be honest."


Flash raised an eyebrow.

"So, (M/N) not going to have a traumatic high school life?"


The God and the hosts snickered.

Sending slight chills down their spines.


Ava groaned.

"You'll see."

Zero just smiled.

"...Why do I get the feeling you're trolling us?"

Cain groaned.

Woz silently laughed, resisting the urge to mess with them.

"Oh, by the way." Zero suddenly said. "Sorry for the 'reveals' that are going to happen."


Before they could ask, Zero just pressed play.

-Gotham City-

"Oh, hey!" Nightwing shouted. "It's Gotham!"

"Brilliant observation, Einstein."

Robin deadpanned.

Though, like the rest, he was curious as to how this was going to play out.

At a certain rich boy mansion.

"Oh no."

Wonder Woman groaned.

Why did she have a funny feeling about all this?

"We're going."

A female voice suddenly spoke up.

Startling the audience.

"...Don't tell me it's another conquest."

Superman deadpanned at his friend public life persona.

Batman said nothing but brood.


Talia, Catwoman, and whoever else was interested in Batman/Bruce Wayne groaned.

Another possible rival?

All the while, ignorant of the looks of amusement on Zero and the other faces.

Well, except for certain individuals, but they decided to just watch the scene unfurl.


The male voice startled them.

That did NOT sound like Bruce Wayne/The Batman voice.


Cassandra Cain tilted her head in confusion.

"You got me."

Stephanie Brown just shrugged.

The male voice stubbornly refused.

"We're going."

His companion repeated.



The female empathized her words.


The male just kept saying.


Sora just blinked as he looked at his friends.

"Any idea what that's about?"

"You got me."

Riku just shrugged.

"Never heard those voices before."

Donald quacked.


Goofy just mused.


King Mickey (Poor Mouse. Being the mascot of a now evil, dying company. Thank God Walt is no longer here to witness his company dying in the most horrific way it possibly can. Disney...not how I remembered it when I was a kid.) looked to the DC cast.

"Any ideas, fellas?"

"Nope!" "None whatsoever." "Doesn't sound familiar."

"Yet it feels familiar."

Batman frowned.

The problem was why.

"Why do I feel a sense of annoyance and dread?"

Red Robin groaned.

This was getting weirder and weirder by the second.

'...Isn't that Jason Todd?'

(M/N) thought to himself.

'But who's the chick?'

"I said we ARE GOING."

The female pushed.

"And I said we ARE NOT."

The male pushed back.


Kid Flash shouted.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"You got me."

Superboy shrugged.

"Does the guy have issues with Bruce Wayne?"

Percy Jackson just asked.

"...How should we know?"

Thalia deadpanned.

"We don't even know who these people are to even know what's going on!"

"Oh, yeah..."



(M/N) slowly said.

"Technically speaking, the fiction world of these guys do exist. So, if you actually took a look at the comics/shows you might know."


"...You know who that person is don't you?"

Raven (HI3) questioned in a deadpanned voice.


The incubus nodded.

"Jason Peter Todd."



Now THAT got the Batfamily attention. Even Alfred took a look at the screen.

"Say what?"

Roy Harper just blinked as he stared at the screen.

"Did she just say?"

Starfire blinked.

"She did."

RODK Xenovia nodded.

The female voice grounded out.

"We are going to visit your family that, with the exclusion of Alfred and Barbara, has the constipated emotional range of a teaspoon."


Ron winced.

Remembering when Hermione had called him that on several occasions.

"That's gotta bloody hurt!"

Several people snickered at the jab.

The Batfam looked annoyed at the burn.

While also wondering how this person knows them.

"We are going to say hi to them and spend at least one day as a semi sane/insane family for once."


The Batfam, excluding Alfred of course, shouted out.

"Well...she's not wrong."

Jon sheepishly said.


Damian shouted at his friend betrayal.

"That's for sure."

Colin Wilkes nodded.

"Even you!?"

"We are going to try to spend time with them on Christmas."

"Oh, that explains the snow."

Harley realized, noting that it was snowing at the time.

", YOU are going to introduce them to ME."

She started poking his rock-hard chest with one hand.

"Your WIFE."


Batman – no, Bruce Wayne just stared at the screen in shock at what he just heard.

Did she just say!?

"Did she...?"

Nightwing slowly started talking.

"She did."

Oracle nodded.

"But what's their connection to us?"

Duke Thomas wondered.

"Patience, you'll see."

Beerus simply said.

Though a little surprised that they did not make the connection between Jason Todd and Jasmine Todd.

What? Did they think it was a coincidence? Or were they too much in shock to process everything.

"And also, the MOTHER of YOUR SON."


This time, many people shouted.

As the whiners cried that this was not about them.

"Okay, what is going on here!?"

Stephanie shouted.

"What is their connection to us?"

Tim asked.

"I'm going to guess one of them got adopted by Bruce 'I need MOAR kids' Wayne."

Batman gave him a death glare for that.

"Money probably on the girl."

A Green Lantern spoke up.

"Would explain why her husband doesn't want to meet her father."

"...If it was a different male, that would have been a good answer."

Zero just said.

"But no. It's the husband that was adopted by Bruce Wayne."



They shouted.

"But who is he, then!?"

Nightwing shouted.


They gave them a deadpanned look.

"You really haven't figured it out?"







Zero let out a huge sigh as he put a hand on his face.

"For the love of-JASON TODD!!"

He shouted the last part out.

While also pulling up his picture for all to see.

(Jason 'BAMF' Todd)

"Think Batfam think! Who do you know has the same last name!?"

"And does he not remind you of a certain trigger happy somebody!?"



Nightwing shouted in shock.


Barbara looked positively stunned.


Robin shouted.

"This hunk of meat is-!?"

Stephanie was shook.


Cass was just hungry.

"That's her!?" Red Robin shouted in pure shock and horror. "The crazy nutjob of an older sister that hates me!? She's a guy in this world!?"

"Do we have to go over this again?"

Scaramouche groaned.

"Alternate realities, people!" He shouted. "You're not going to be the same gender as you are right now! Some universes, you're born a male, while in other universes, you're born a female!"

"And your sister is not the only one genderbended!"


What did he mean by that?


(M/N) facepalmed.

"You guys are genderbended in other worlds too you idiots!"



They shouted.

"...Is it that hard to believe?"

Naruto sweatdropped.


Percy suddenly shouted.


Zero raised an eyebrow.

"...Does the same hold true for us?"

He asked, pointing to himself and to his friends.


Zero said without hesitation.

"That was quick!"

They shouted.

"Everyone, even those like me and my family, all have female and male counterpart."

"...And I guess in between but let's not go there."

He said.


"Can I see mine?"

Percy suddenly asked.


Everyone else shouted at him!


Percy looked at them.

"I'm just curious!"


Zero shrugged as he opened a hologram and was about to press one.


Only for Union Bakugou to actually falter his thoughts and cause him to press a different entirely.


Zero thought.

He didn't want to press that one because it would make things awkward for some!


Shriekogou shrieked.


Union Issei/Union Mineta/and several other bullies screamed.






The reminder of his harem screamed as he and the others were being brutally crushed an immense gravity pressure.


Zero yelled.

"You just made things awkward for some of the demigods!"


Percy and the others shouted.

"What do you-!?"


They were interrupted as the screen showed a scene on the beach where a nice beach house was at.

"That's a nice place."

Someone said.

"It's a gift from Poseidon to his kid."

Zero said.


The scene continued playing as it soon focused on a couple in swimsuits.



They shouted as they stared at the female.

"That girl looks like Percy, but female!"

Jason Grace shouted in surprise.

"Brilliant deduction there."

Thalia deadpanned as they looked at the girl on the screen.

She did look like her male self but with messy long black hair and sea green eyes. Tan as well and blessed with a generous bust. Thankfully not overly exaggerated.

But while they were super shocked at her appearance. It was the male that grab their attention as well.

"...Who is he?"

Annabeth blinked as the demigods and gods stared at the male.

He had short black hair, a somewhat pale muscular physique with a light tan, and piercing electric blue eyes that radiated danger.

"...He feels familiar."

Jason blinked.

"But from where?"

"The others were confused."

"...They're hot..."

A demigod admitted.

Which was true.

The both of them definitely kept their bodies in shape which they could tell since the girl was in a two piece swimsuit and the boy was wearing swimming trunks.

They could also see some scars on the both of them indicating some of the battles they have fought.

"Who are they?"

Athena asked.


Zero hummed, wondering if he should say something.

Especially after the girl jumped on top of the boy and sent them both tumbling to the ground and in a provocative position with the way the girl was sitting on top of him with a shit eating grin on her face.

The boy also had a taunting smirk on his face as well.

"It can't be that shocking to say."

Someone said.

...Ironic that the word shocking was in there...

"The girl's name is Andromeda Persephone Jackson."

He says pointing to the girl.

"Daughter of Poseidon, goes by Persi, and yes is Percy female self."



"That's my female self!?" "Holy Tartarus!" "She's hot!" "GODDAMN!"

"But she's not a Hunter?"

Apollo realized.


Zero shook his head.

"She chose to tackle the prophecy head on when it was learned that she was the one chosen to fulfill it."

"Okay...but who's the guy?"

Nico asked.

"Definitely not Annabeth male self with the black hair and blue eyes."


Oh, boy.

There was no way out of this.

Taking a deep breath, he said.

"That is Tyler Thaddeus Grace."



Thalia and Jason weakly said.

"Son of Zeus and Thalia male self."

Zero finished.



No one could finish as even the Gods were in shock!

"Thalia actually does have a male self!?"

Jason shouted.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

Thalia shouted at her little brother.


Percy was in shock that his female self was with Thalia male self. He was at a loss for words!

"...I want to say I'm surprised."

Annabeth said, shellshocked by how hot her sister figure male self was and how beautiful her boyfriend female self was.

"But in all honesty...I can't say I'm completely surprised."


Percy, Thalia, and their friends looked at her in shock!


"Well, think about it!"

Annabeth said.

"Thalia is one of the few that could match him in combat! She also can keep up with him when he does his crazy battle tactics!"


Percy yelled but was ignored.

"They are quite compatible too!"

Annabeth continued.

"And it would be like the Fates to add more drama between two gods who have an even bigger feud than what Lord Poseidon and Mother have."

"...That's a good point."

Someone said.

"But...we're cousins..."

Percy weakly said, only for Annabeth to give him a look.

"You do realize that just about everyone is practically related to everyone in our world, right?" She rhetorically asked. "Not to mention that the Gods don't have DNA, so we technically are and aren't related to each other."

"For Gods sakes Percy, if we look at things from a logical and scientific perspective. We're technically first cousins twice removed!"

Oh, yeah...

Forgot about that little thing.

"But since the Gods don't have DNA, we're technically not related. Why else would they sleep with each other? The little hoes."


The Gods shouted insulted.

"Though I am surprised that neither of you two have killed each other yet."

Annabeth admitted.

"We're too stubborn to die."

Thalia and Percy simultaneously said.

"Can we turn back to our regular broadcast now?"

Sirzechs asked.

"They are started to get a little feisty."

And it was true. Persi had a mischievous look on her face as she started grinding her body against Thad.

The male demigod groaned before pulling the demigoddess and trapping in a aggressive kiss.

"...Yeah, let's leave those lovebirds alone."

Zero turned off the hologram.

Before turning to the idiots.




They screamed in pain.

"That's for making that awkward for everybody!"

He growled.

"...I'm surprised that Zeus and Poseidon even allowed this to happen."

Aphrodite said as she stared at the two brothers.

"...Well...Zeus is a tiny bit better in that universe."

Zero said.


Zeus shouted.

"For some reason, he's proud of his son charming Poseidon daughter and winning her heart...which wasn't really a competition since the only other person she remotely had a crush on was Luke Castellan and we all know what happened to him."

Hermes flinched at that.

"Also, only Percy and Thalia were genderbended in that world."

Zero added.


Many said.

"But yeah, Poseidon was steaming mad because out of all the people his precious daughter had to choose. It just had to be his idiot brother, and one of his biggest rivals, son."

"No surprise there."

Many said.


Poseidon yelled.

"Let's just get back to the show."

Zero sighed.

Ignoring that the demigods had bright red faces because they had seen an intimate scene between what was perhaps two of the most stubborn demigods genderbent selves about to get it on.

And were slightly jealous because they could see the look of pure happiness on their faces and in their eyes despite what they were about to do.

"But (F/N)!"

Jason whined.

"Why do we need to see them?!"

"Geez, I can tell their relationship is just as bad in their world!"

Flash shook his head.

Batman twitched.

He bemoaned as he stared at his wife.

((F/N) (L/N) aka female (M/N))

(Made with NovelAI)

(Yep! Now, you might be wondering why I put a picture for female reader even though it's a reader story. Basically, to show her figure because that is what they are seeing right now in the theater)

(Main reason is to trigger the Union bullies/perverts because of how hot (M/N) female self is. And that even when he is a girl, they will never have her)


Batman just stared at the introduction.

"You're telling me his wife is?"

"Yep!" Palpatine cackled at the looks of shock and bewilderment on their faces. "That girl is none other than (M/N) (L/N) genderbended into a woman!"


"Woah!" "Didn't see that coming!" "Damn!" "Who knew (M/N) female self was smoking hot!?" "Lucky bastard!"


(M/N) was in shock as he stared at his female self.

Both shocked at seeing a female version of himself and proud that he was still hot no matter the gender.


Oh, great.

The perverts/bullies of Union were shitting tears of blood at the smoking hot female version of (M/N).

"Unfair!" Union Whosei cried (like a bitch) at the sight before him. "It should be me that loser female self should be with! It should MY child that bitch is carrying!"


His harem of idiots shouted in agreement.

"How dare his female self not be with him!?"

Union Xenovia shouted.

'Because she has something called self respect and love.'

Many thought to themselves.

Honestly! They would have to have gone through a dramatic change if (F/N) were to even look at them!

"Those boobs are asking to be groped."

Union Mineta screamed in anger.

(M/N) twitched.

As did the females.

"She needs a REAL man to show her, her place!"

Union Bakuwho screamed in anger.


You're a real man?

And those were only some of the degrading comments being made. Some of the other Union bullies/perverts were quiet as they stared in jealously at the screen.

'Lucky bastard!'

They thought to themselves.

( least they were smart not to hurl insults and repulsive comments. Unlike the bigger idiots)


Who ended up getting annihilated like the pieces of filth they are.


Soon the vocal vermin were annihilated by a surge of concentrated blasts striking them down.


Lute and Vaggie deadpanned.

How the hell did any version of (M/N) and (F/N) survive with dealing with them?

"Because it is Christmas." (F/N) began. "And they are still your family, so it wouldn't hurt to spend a normal day with them!"

"Actually, it would."

Percy quipped as he looked at the Gods.

"Oh, come on!"

They shouted as the other demigods agreed.


Jason saw through that bullshit. Because it's Christmas, hah! Like he was going to believe that excuse.

"Isn't that usually the reason why?"

Chiro blinked.

"Kid probably did something stupid and now (M/N) female self is taking revenge for whatever it is."

Sparx offered.

"...I wonder if it's saying something that I 100% agree with you on your statement, Sparx."

Gibson deadpanned.

"...Yeah." Sparx grunted. "That's kind of creepy for you to agree with me, no matter what the topic is."


The Monkey team just sighed at how stubborn the two can be.

'Like oil and water.'

A majority of the room thought to themselves.

If that was the case, then wouldn't they go visit (F/N) parents?

"Oh." Cain and Ava said. "So, we ARE alive in this universe."

"For once."

Chiharu sweatdropped.

Gospel just laughed.

Everyone was just silent.

(Cricket chirping)

Talk about awkward.

'Oh, right' Jason remembered. 'Because they want more grandkids.'


"...That sounds about right."

Cain quietly admitted.

"Speaking of which." Ava turned to Yuki. "When are we getting grandkids?"

"M-Mrs. (L/N)!!"

Yuji face turned very red at the straightforward question.

"What?" She said. "We're not getting any younger, you know?"


Yuki squeaked as her friends and Sukuna laughed.

(M/N) resisted the urge to laugh as well.

"Same goes for you, since you are alternate of our son."

Cain smirked in his direction.

...Ah, fuck.

The girls, that were interested in him, were giving him a look that suggested that they would gladly help with that.

"Sucks to be them."

Kiana said.


"We already know what happens in our future."

Kiana deadpanned.


Cecelia and Siegfried sweatdropped.

"Well..." (F/N) amended. "As normal as one can be when your adoptive father dresses up and moonlights as a freaking Bat at night. Your older adopted brother is a circus nutjob."

Nightwing: "Hey!"

Cue snickering from friends and family.

"Your adopted younger brother is trying to emulate your dad and becoming a cold ass bitch."

Red Robin: "Hey! That's not true!"

Stephanie/Spoiler: "Actually, it is."

Red Robin: "Oh, come on!"

Those that knew him snickered.

"The biological son is a demon spawned from hell."

Robin: "Damn Straight!"

Jon: "Of course, you would take that as a compliment."

He said in a deadpanned voice.

"He wouldn't be Damian if he didn't."

Colin sweatdropped.

"One of your adopted sisters can kill you in your sleep and the other likes to throw bricks at people."

Cass and Stephanie: *Evil snickering*


People moved away from them.

"The original Batgirl, who is also the almighty Oracle, is just done with life."

Barbara: "She's not wrong."

"Your butler, the true God, who is the only that can strike true fear into the Bat Family. And someone who you somehow was able to keep in the dark about your 'activities'."

"Why does that sound off?"

Neville asked.

"Because she is referring to their intimate moments."

Sirius simply said.


Was all the poor teen could say as his face turned red at the implications.

As did his fellow schoolmates.

Ah, youth.

Can be so innocent at times.

"And you." She poked him again, while adjusting the strap that held their son. "Are the infamous Red Hood who strikes fear into Gotham and tries to kill his family on an almost daily basis whenever their paths cross."

"And also, all around bad boy who takes what he wants."

"I didn't see you trying to get away from when I told you up front that you're going to be my girlfriend and there was nothing you could about it!"


(M/N) blinked.

"(F/N) has a thing for bad boys who are upfront about their intentions with her."

Ei explained.

Jason argued.

"In fact, you barely resisted my courting!"

"...Something tells me this 'courting' is not meant in the traditional way."

RODK Issei just said.

"You and me both."

RODK Rias agreed.

"By the way." She added. "I'm surprised at how well you're taking this."

"Does (M/N) female self not interest you?"



RODK Issei blushed as he took another look at (F/N).

"...I'm not going to lie." He admitted. "(M/N) female self is hot as hell!"

He shouted that last part out.

'...I don't whether or not to feel like that's a compliment.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

Because even though this version of Issei was chill as heck and an actual bro. He unfortunately had a lot of negative experience with the Issei from his world so it was hard not to give out a snappy remark at him.

It was easier with the other one because he was a douchebag and reminded him more of the Hyoudou in his world.

"But for some reason." He continued. "I feel that if a version of me and a female version of him got together. It would be less of a sexual type of romance and more of a...comfortable, close type? I don't know how to describe it."

He admitted.

"But in a way, she would be like one of the guys. But a girl, ya know. A hot tomboy that can kick ass and would rather play arcade games than be one of those cliques kind of girls that we see at school."


Raynare blinked.

"That's an interesting view you have."

"Believe me." RODK Issei said. "I feel that if I dated (F/N), it would be more of supporting each other and having each other backs."


Union Rias just blinked.

While ignoring the idiots screaming in the background.

"And on another note." She realized something. "You do realize that they more or less just outed who the Bat Family identities are."


Here they turned to the Bat Fam who said nothing.

And the villains reactions?

"Oh, we already knew."



Batman just stared at them.

"It wasn't that hard, Brucie!" Harley nodded her head. "We just needed to think: who has trauma, who has reason to protect Gotham, who is so desperate for a family that he adopts almost any random kid on the streets!"

"...And you guys figured this all out?"

"Wasn't that hard to be honest."

Poison Ivy sweatdropped.

"You probably should have invested in a voice modifier for the times you do speak. I mean, if we watch the news and hear your Bruce Wayne voice, it probably wouldn't be that hard to put two and two together. Only those that would have a hard time thinking that Bruce Wayne of all people is the Batman would not believe it."


"Besides!" The Joker shouted. "The whole reason is to beat BATMAN, not some rich boy! Wouldn't make it as sweet as defeating Batman would."

"Unless you're like Stark and already revealed your identity to the world. Then it would be double sweet!"

He got them there.

"Here's a pic."

Zero said showing:

(Found on Pinterest)

"...Looks like her degree isn't all for show."

Peter Parker said.


Harley shouted, a little offended at that remark.

"That's because you're a suave, smooth sexy bastard!"

(F/N) retorted.

(Son/N) giggling as his parents argued.




"What's the catch?"

Nel said.

"There has to be another reason for this."

"...This is because I came home covered in blood, isn't it?"

He deduced the actual reason.

"...You can't be serious."

Fu Hua deadpanned.

"There it is."

Nel muttered.

"Do you know how hard it is to clean up blood stains?" (F/N) growled. Her (E/C) eyes looking into Jason blue eyes. "I can't count how much bleach I want through to clean out the bloodstains on your clothes and on the floor!"

"That'll do it."

Alfred sighed.

"Why can't any of you take into consideration how hard it is to clean blood off your clothes?"



Albel sighed.

"I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry ain't getting rid of those bloodstains."

Chichi groaned.

Remembering how much time and effort it took to wash out the blood and clean Goku outfits.

Others groaned as well as they remembered having to clean up blood at one point in their lives.

Jason shouted.

"Well, to bad!" (F/N) shouted. "Because we're already here!"

"She's good."

Maki smirked.

"She tricked him into getting too the front door."



Went the doorbell as (F/N) pressed it.

"I like her."

Artemis (PJO) nodded her head in approval.

"Girl knows how to hold her own in a fight."

"Wha-when did-how?"

Jason was stunned. When did they get to the front door!? Last he checked they were at the front of the mansion gates!

"The power of distraction."

Implacable said.

Step, Step.


Came the voice of one Alfred Pennyworth as he opened the door.

"How may I help-Master Jason!"

Alfred formal tone took on a hint of shock as he realized that the wayward son was standing in front of the mansion.

"...Hey, Alfred." Jason uneasily greeted. "Been a while."

"...Indeed, it has, Master Jason."

Alfred nodded his head.

"That's Alfred for you." Stephanie smiled. "Always quick on the rebound."

"Comes with dealing with traumatized children dressing up as vigilantes at night."

Alfred deadpanned.

Snickers were heard at the Bat Family expense.

"Is the old man and rest home?"

Jason awkwardly asked.

"Yes, Master Jason."

Alfred nodded.

"We weren't expecting you to come, since you have ignored our invites to spend Christmas with us."

"Well, pull up three extra chairs then."

Jason just said.

"Or maybe a dozen if I have to beat them up for getting near us."

"Possessive, isn't he."

Merii just said.

"If he's anything like Jasmine." Nightwing shook his head. "He's going to have anger issues that can explode like a volcano."

"That's for sure."

Tim grumbled.

"Three?" Alfred blinked, before he realized that Jason was not alone. "Oh! My apologizes Miss."

"My, my. You're starting to slip Alfred."

Catwoman chuckled.

Alfred bowed to the unexpected guests.

"Forgive this old man for being rude to your person."

"Always the professional."

"It's okay." (F/N) smiled. "So, your Alfred Pennyworth. Jason has told me all about you."

"I'm (F/N) (L/N)...well I think the more accurate title would be (F/N) Todd."

"...Pardon me?" Alfred blinked. "But did you just say?"

Smiling, (F/N) held up her hand revealing her wedding ring.

"Yep!" She confirmed. "I'm this bad boy wife."

"Oh my."

Alfred blinked.

He did not expect that.

"And that's saying something."

Ohma Zi-o smirked underneath his helmet.

"For Alfred, of all people, to not be aware of such an important event happening in one of his young charges life."

"Tt!" Damian scoffed. "I'm surprised that he was able to keep it a secret from Pennyworth."

"Makes me wonder if our Todd is keeping secrets that no one in the family is aware of."

The looks on Zero and the hosts faces said it all.

"...We better learn those secrets."

Batman deadpanned.

What was Jasmine hiding from them?

(RODK Adam Taurus shivered for some reason)

"And the mother of his son, (Son/N)."

She happily lifted her son up to Alfred eye level.

The black hair, (E/C) eyed, baby boy just smiling and giggling at the flabbergasted expression of the Almighty Butler.







Union Denki nervously said.

Many people silently agreeing with him.

"...We will have a talk later about keeping something as important as this a secret."

"He's dead."

Shinso said.

"Deader than dead."

Mei Hatsume agreed.

Was all Alfred said as he invited them in.

"Come." He said. "Let us go to the living room and warm up there."

"Master Bruce and the others should already be there."

Nodding, they all headed towards the living room.

"Alfred, who was at the door?"

Bruce Wayne asked as he noticed the butler's presence.

"Some very unexpected and very important guests, Master Bruce."

Was all Alfred said as Bruce got up from the couch.

"Who?" Bruce groaned.

"Poor old Bruce."

Tony shook his head.

"Shut up, Stark."

Batman said.

He made sure that for today, there would be no interruptions!

"I swear...if it's Clark or someone else from the Justice League."


The Justice League said.

"Well I do want to spend time with my family!"

Bruce said.

He grumbled.

"Well." A very unexpected voice spoke up. "If I knew that the JL coming to your house uninvited causes you aneurysms, I would have joined them ages ago."

"You can feel the love here."

"Isn't that the norm for sons and fathers to have that kind of relationship?"

Miguel O'Hara asked.

"Well...not always."

Clatter! Clang!

Were the sounds of items falling to the ground as everyone turned to the source to see...


Dick yells of happiness broke the silence as he jumped at his little brother in an attempt to hug him.

"Here we go again."


Only for Jason to dodge the hug and have Dick kissing the wall.

"Of course."

Nightwing grumbled.

"No matter what gender he is in those worlds, I'll never get to hug them that easily."

Barbara just patted his back in comfort.

Though the smile of amusement said otherwise.

"Jason!" "I can't believe you're here!" "Hi..." "Tt! So, you finally come out of the sewer you came from."

"What was that Demon Spawn?"

Jason got out his guns.

"Where does he keep them?"

Kiana stared in disbelief.

"He just pulled them from out of nowhere!"

"Gun space."

Zero and the others said.

"Just like you."


Kiana opened her mouth.


Only to close as she realized that they had a point.

"Tt!" Damian scoffed. "Bring it on, Todd!"

"With plea-OW!"

Jason sentence was cut off as (F/N) hit him.

"How the heck did she reach his head?"

A demigod asked.

"She's small!"

"Seriously, Jason?!" (F/N) yelled. "Can you please try not to kill your family members for one day?"


Many people said in unison.


Jason shouted out.

Twitching, (F/N) said.


With that she put (Son/N) into his arms.

"How about now?!"



The Bat Fam could only watch in shock and confusion at the scene before them.

Who was the girl? And why did she shove a baby into his arms?

...And why did Jason suddenly go stiff as the baby giggled and raised his arms.

"That's gotta be a confusing scene for anyone out of the loop."

Sophia Esteed just shook her head.

"And it seems that (M/N) is still a sassy, stubborn person despite the genderbend."

Maria Traydor just mused in amusement at that.

"You know it!"

(M/N) smirked.

"Damn it, (F/N)!" Jason swore. "You know that's playing dirty!"

"Gets that from you, ya know?"

Cain said to Ava.

Ava just smiled.

"Well, suck it up." (F/N) growled. "You're too tall for me to hit on the head (Note: She hit his back), or to pull your ear!"

"Oh, she hit his back."

That made sense.

'Curse me for being short!'

"Sorry, can't help you there."

Ava and Cain said.

It was just the luck of the draw and she drew the short stick.

(F/N) mentally growled to herself.

"At least your average height."

RODK Mineta deadpanned.

"I'm literally three feet and six and a half inches!"

Several people who had...height issues also shared their despair.

"...And I thought my height was bad." Theresa (HI3) muttered to herself. "At least I'm 4'7."

At least she could take solace in the fact that she was taller than Mineta. For however much that was worth.

Cain and Ava just silently laughed at their alternate daughter dilemma.

Seems she got the short end of the stick in this family.

"Uh..." Dick spoke up, having just noticed the new person. "Who are you?"

"...And how much did you hear?"

Bruce asked.

Concern that they might have unintentionally exposed themselves to an unknown individual.



"...You want to tell them, or should I?"

(F/N) asked.

"Not that it's any of your business." Jason glared at his family. "But..."

He pulled (F/N) closer to him with his free arm. Causing the girl to yelp as she was pressed against her husband hard side.

'Stupid muscles!' (F/N) pouted to herself as she unintentionally rubbed her face against abs...and inhaling his cologne.

'He smells always.'

(F/N) mentally grumbled to herself.

Well, at least he takes his hygiene seriously.

"That's good."

Percy muttered.

Remembering the worst father figure he had that smelled like he crawled out of the sewers.

"This is (F/N)." He introduced her.

"My wife."


Dick looked at him in shock.

As though trying to see if he was telling a funny joke.

"Doubt it."

The look on his and his wife's faces said otherwise. Especially, when they showed their wedding bands. Revealing that yes, they are married.


Barbara just stared, perplexed at the second boy wonder admission.

How the hell did they miss that?

"You'd be surprised at how easy it can be to hide things from even the most shrewd individuals."

Laxus said.

"And this." He lifted his son for them to see. "Is (Son/N), our son."


"3, 2, 1..."

Dumbledore counted down.



Was the expected reaction as the Bat family was in complete shock and disbelief at what was just said.

Tim: "Your son!?"

Damian: "What woman is crazy enough to marry you and have a child with you!?"

"Wow." Jon sweatdropped. "You really don't believe him when he said he has a family."

"If he's anything like Todd then you damn know well why I won't believe it!"

Stephanie: "You kept this from us!?"

Cass: "...Little nephew."

"And of course, Cass takes it in stride."


Doing the SpongeBob meme.

Barbara: "...Okay, seriously. How the hell did we miss this!?"

"Well...not as though he was being obvious about it."

Jellal said.


Obi-Wan nodded.

"He was much more subtly and cunning than Anakin was."


Anakin shouted.

"I so did keep my marriage to Padme a secret!"

"...I've practically known it from the beginning."

Obi-Wan deadpanned.


Anakin said.

"I knew about it." Obi-Wan said. "Out of respect for you I never said anything about it."


"I knew to a certain extent too, Skyguy."

Ahsoka said.


"You too!?"

Anakin shouted in shock.

"You aren't exactly a master of subtly, Skyguy."

Ahsoka said.

"Who else knew?!"

Anakin shouted.

The 501st Legion raised their hands.


Anakin shouted as Count Dooku, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, and Plo Koon also raised their hands unnoticed.

"Our secrecy was foolproof!"




"Yo-You have a son?" He said in disbelief. "You have a family?"

He couldn't deny that he felt hurt that Jason had kept this a secret from him.

Did he really hate him that much that he wouldn't even let them know that he was married? Much less have a child?

Was he that vengeful towards them that he would purposely keep them out of his life...and replace them with his own family?


Midnight flinched at the Batman personal thoughts being broadcasted for all to see.

"Me thinks, that you guys need to settle this without the Bat side being involved."

She said.

"Good luck with that."

Superman, Wonder Woman, Tony, and everyone else that knows them said.

"Yes, what of it?"

Jason snappishly asked.



Only for (F/N) to hit his an area where he was still sore from.

"Don't be such a jerk, Jason!" (F/N) admonished her husband. "I get that you two have issues, but man! Put them aside for once!"

"I don't expect the two of you to make up after what has happened. And it might be asking too much for you two to let go of the past. But, come on!"

"The Joker's dead-"


The Batman Rouge Gallery shouted in shock at that.

"Yeah, about that."

Zero sweatdropped.

"What most people don't know about (F/N) is that she's a master hacker. Some time into their relationship, she hacked into the system and found where the Joker was located. Then, after she told him to not drag it out, Jason went after him and killed him."


That dark word sent shivers down their spines.

"Well..." Joker blinked. "That was unexpected, yet perhaps not."

"-and with that, your biggest trauma and obstacle is gone for good."

"Let's just enjoy this little gathering of the Bat family for once, okay?"


Jason grumbled.

"...I approve."

Bruce said.

"...Can't say I'm surprised."

The rest of the Bat Fam sweatdropped.

For (F/N) to be able to soothe her husband's rage without fear of accidentally being hurt.

She definitely fits in with the Batfam.

As for Bruce.

"You know who we are?"

He was stunned but thinking about it. She would probably have to know if she was dating and then marrying Jason.

"You suck at keeping a low profile."

"So, basically like Anakin failed attempt at keeping his marriage a secret."

Palpatine cackled.

"Oh, haha!"

Anakin sarcastically said.

(F/N) deadpanned.

"Only an idiot wouldn't be able to tell the difference."

"...That's a lot of idiots."

Ezra said.


Dick and Tim winced at that burn.

"But anyways."

She changed the topic.

"I'm (F/N) Todd nee (L/N). Nice to meet Jason family."

She introduced herself.

"Of course, I already know you guys."

Smiling, she grabbed (Son/N) from Jason and held him up front.

"And this little guy is your grandson."

Jason grumbled in the background, only to be ignored.

Bruce just stared into the boy (E/C) eyes as (Son/N) stared curiously into his grandpa eyes.

"...May I hold him?"

Bruce hesitantly asked.

"Wow." Clark blinked in surprise. "Don't think I've ever seen Bruce this awkward before."

The JL agreed.

Said man grumbled.


(F/N) turned to her angry bird of a husband, who just looked her in the eye.


"Angry bird."

Nightwing laughed.


A brief moment was passed between them.



"Fine." Jason grumbled. "But drop him, and you all are fucking dead."

"Master Jason!" Alfred admonished the man. "Such crude language is most inappropriate for a young child to be learning of! Especially since said child is your son!"

"That's even worse."

Yatsuhashi Daichi sweatdropped.

"Since it is his kid he'll probably teach him to speak like a gangster."

"Not on my watch."

Alfred said.

While Alfred lectured the man, (F/N) handed (Son/N) to Bruce.

Who stared awkwardly at the baby, who just smiled and waved.

"...Hey." Bruce softly said. "Guess I'm your grandpa now, huh?"

(Son/N) just giggled.


Dick shouted.

"Don't hog the baby all to yourself! I want to hold my nephew!"

"Hey, wait a-!"

Jason shouted.

Only for (F/N) to get on a chair and pull him into a kiss.

Shutting him up as he melted into it.


Aphrodite, her kids, and the romantics all squealed at the scene before them.

"Well...that's one way to shut someone up."

Ritsuka sweatdropped.

Taking this opportunity, Dick scooped (Son/N) into his arms as he started making silly expressions at him.

"Aren't you just a sweet little thing!?"

"Not like your daddy, that's for sure."

"He's just asking for a death wish!"

Vox said.

"Tt, Grayson!"

Damian shouted.

"Share him with us!"

The others agree.

Time flew by as the family got acquainted with each other and bonds were made/reforged.

Stories were passed, hot chocolate was savored, Alfred holding (Son/N) for a short while before putting him into a crib he had brought out in case (Son/N) needed his nap time.

(F/N) smiled, as she leaned into her husband's side.

She could tell, despite his rough, gruff exterior, that he was happy to be with both sides of his family. And that he wouldn't trade them for the world.

Truly it was a Christmas miracle.

"And that ends that."

Zero smiled.


He asked.


Roy Harper whistled.

"I can't believe that a counterpart of Jasmine was able to find happiness."

This got several people talking.

"Yeah." "Agreed" "Friend Red Hood has given us a nephew."

"When are you going to get married, Nightwing?"


"What did happen after that reunion?"

Alfred asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Well..." Zero chuckled. "Your counterpart, more or less, forced them to move into the Manor. To ensure that (Son/N) had a healthier environment, all the while ensuring that Jason could no longer avoid his family."

"Damian still believes (F/N) could do better than marrying his older brother yet seems to enjoy being (Son/N) uncle."

"Actually, he's the favorite uncle of the family."


"Aw man!"

"That sucks!"

"And aunt?"

Stephanie asked.


"Ah." "Makes sense" "A little surprising."

Zero and the others sweatdropped at how easily they accepted Cass being the favorite aunt.

"Onto the next viewing!"


Have a good day/night!

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