Independence Day Part 5

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Just letting you know that the images here are something I whipped up with NovelAI.



The sounds of footsteps could be heard as Darth Vader strode angrily into the theater with Zero, Tempest, Evolto, Aku and two more individuals right behind him.

"YOU WERE WARNED!" He shouted as he stretched his hand.

(0:00 - 0:15)


Causing (VI) Union Heroes/bullies/teachers to fly into the air and start choking.

"About what would happen if you disobeyed our rules!"

Darth Vader continued as he Force choked them, not even breaking a sweat as the 'heroes' and bullies struggled to escape.

"I will tolerate your insolence no longer." Darth Vader ominously said. "It is time, you learned that every action has consequences. And now, it is your turn to learn of the consequences of your actions."



(VI) bullies could not break free no matter how hard they try. And the more they tried, the tighter his hold got.

Slowly suffocating the life out of them.


Tempest glared as his darker personality started leaking through.

"You really are gluttons for punishment."

He continued.


Zero turned his head to the side, ignoring the 'heroes' pleading looks to be saved.

Instead opting to hold Shadow.

(Finally managed to get an AI pic of him I like)

(Physical form: 1 and 2. True form: 3, 4 and 5)

(Had a hard time trying to pick one out)

(He's usually in his true form)

And Umbrath in his arms.

Qliphoth pouted when Umbrath went to his daddy.

He wasn't amused at having been pulled away from his 'meeting' with Aku.

What happened?



Zero smirked as he cornered Aku king.


Aku blinked as he took a around, before realizing he was beaten. Shrugging, he conceded defeat.

"Good game!"

Aku shook his hand.

Yeah, the 'important meeting' was really a game of chess before they watched the next part.

And also, a test of see if they would heed their warning.

Speaking of which.


Theresa (Arknights) called him through their bond.

"What's up?"

Zero asked as Evolto finished downing the milkshake Tempest made him.

Anakin putting on his helmet and donning his Sith persona once more.

"The idiots, especially the wastes of space perverts, are getting out of hand."

Theresa reported.

"They are trying to bully their way into taking over the theater, while the perverts, especially the fake dragon, are trying to forcibly touch the females even after being rejected, the devils are trying to force people into joining them. And some are trying to physically assault them!"

"And they refuse to learn their lessons even after everyone keeps pulverizing them."

"...Suit up." Zero got up. "It's time we taught some fools a lesson."

They failed the test.

-End flashback-


Cracking sounds could be heard as Darth Vader mercilessly snapped their necks with the Force and dropped them violently.


The bodies all fell down to the ground.

"Worthless worms."

Evolto glared at them, as he quickly strode to his wife and family.

"Are you okay, Lappy?"

Evolto asked his wife in concern.

"I'm fine, Evo." Lappland smiled. "Those fuckers really did not know who they were dealing with."

That's for sure.

The moment that Zero and the others left, the bullies and fake heroes tried to force their ways onto the others.

It failed, miserably.

The others did not take it well and did not hesitate to let them know their feelings on that matter.

The perverts were the worst offenders.

The fake dragon tried to touch and grope so many of the females, especially the taken/married females and milfs and tried to force them into his harem. Thinking that he was unstoppable and untouchable.

Too bad for him it did not end well.

His 'Harem' could not save him as they were effortlessly overpowered by their counterparts.

Akagi and Kaga brutally blasted him the moment he dared to try to assault Amagi.

Ignika gathered all his accumulated wisdom and unleashed a variety of ways to torture them the moment they dared go after his wives.

Evan used his nightmare Animatronics to teach them real fear and to stay away from his big sister-in-law.

Cassidy gave them a short trip to UCN.

The Kaiju Girls let their feelings be noted after Ironwood and several others ordered them to serve them for the good of all.

They weren't stupid.

Ghidorah was particularly incensed at that.

'How dare they to order US around!?'

She thought to herself.

The 'heroes' had been taught a lesson in humility (though that wasn't going to stick, sadly) after they talked smack and dared to call them weak for being all about equality.

And that was just the short version of their punishment.

The Gods weren't exactly happy with them either.

All in all, they got a front row seat at Union humiliation.

Paradigms were startled at how...low the new generations have fallen.

Hell! Even the Chaosbringers were visibly disturbed at how messed up they were.

...While loving every moment of their brutal defeat.

"I think I need a shower."

Natalia shuddered trying to rub off the perverts filthy air off of her.

"You and me both."

Ivy could not help but agree.

"How the hell are they even worse than the other ones?"

RODK Sun couldn't help but ask.

They made their Union versions look nice...well for most of them. (VI) Issei was just as bad as Union Issei.

"So..." Embera blinked, looking at the dead sacks that were a bunch of pure idiots. "What do we do with the bodies?"

"They're still our punching bags."

Zero snapped his fingers.


The dead weights breathed as they were brought back to life.

"They're not dying that easily."

He said as the idiots got up.


Zero asked.


Mineta (VI) tried to speak.


Only for Zero to interrupt as he actually doesn't care and sent them flying to their seats.

"...Why are they such idiots?"

Yang (VI) asked sadly.

"Because there isn't a cure for stupidity sadly."

Sapphire sighed.

"Oh, by the way. This is Tempest." He pointed to his senior Author God.

(Tempest68 aka Tempest. New pic though I can't remember which one it was that he chose.)

"And that is Aku."

He pointed to the Master of Evil.

"Oh!" He suddenly said. "And THAT."

He points to Sapphire.

"Is me as a female, basically my genderbent self if I was born a girl."

(Sapphire: Hair down)

(Sapphire with a ponytail)

"And that little bundle of cuteness and joy is their son. Blaze!"

He added as he pointed to his 'nephew'.

(Blaze Creed. Son of Tempest and Sapphire)


Many shouted, especially certain perverts.

"How dare that smoking hot milf not be mine!?"

Issei (VI) shrieked like a bitch as Tempest glared and growled at him.



Issei (VI) screamed as he was burnt to a crisp.


(VI) ORC shouted as Issei (VI) was on the gound whimpering in pain.

"Eyes, hands, and comments off my wife."

Tempest growled.

Tempest is a possessive bastard when it comes to his wives and family. So, pissing him off was a big NO.

"You didn't-!"

"On with the show!"

Zero interrupted (VI) Asia.

Not in the mood to hear her whining over the not so glorious and great savior Issei.

Back in the house in L.A., a small Corgi jumped onto the bed with one of (M/N) shoes.


The Yangs and Ruby(s) shouted out in surprise.

"Why is he with them?!"

RODK Yang asked in confusion.

"And why is he eating one of my shoes?"

(M/N) (HH) asked.

"In that world, your parents had you young." Zero began. "And later Taiyang and Summer had Ruby. Sadly they died in a car accident leaving you the sole guardian of Ruby."


(VI) Yang and (VI) Ruby shouted in shock!

"...Okay." RODK Yang said. "But why is Zwei with them?"

"...Because Ruby keeps trying to attach a rocket on him and send flying into space."

Evolto deadpanned.

He didn't even want to know where Ruby kept getting those rockets.

"...Makes sense." Union Yang admitted. "She did that too as a kid."

"Oh? Yours too, huh?"

RODK Yang blinked.


RODK/Union Ruby shouted in anger.

"And he likes your shoes."

Qliphoth added.

"...That dog is just as weird as Courage."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

(M/N) shouted as he noticed Zwei chewing on his shoe.

"Who's this loser?"

(VI) Weiss asked.

"Yeah!" Bakugou shouted. "And why isn't it me!? Or the Harem King!?"

"Yeah!" (VI) Issei shouted. "It should be us! Not this no name wanna-ACK!"

"Do us all a favor and just shut up."

Palpatine Force choked him.

"Thank you!"

Many shouted in gratitude.

Even the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance!

And you HAVE TO BE REALLY BAD for the Jedi to thank their arch enemy especially after everything Palpatine has done.

"...Those losers are just jealous that I'm sexier and more manly than them."

(M/N) (HH) deadpanned.

"I get they're trying to compensate."

(M/N) (Ignika) sighed.

"But are they really THAT insecure about being so tiny?"


"Hah!" Ben (JJK) laughed. "That's a good one!"

"He's just trying to impress you."

Blake teased him.


Blake (VI) shouted in pure shock!

What was a counterpart of hers doing in bed with a, for certain, racist human!?

...And why were her breasts so big in comparison to hers!?

Issei (VI) was whining about not being the star of the show and not getting the smoking hot babe/milf being shown on the screen.

RODK Issei smashed his fist into his mouth and shattered his teeth.

Causing the (VI) ORC to cry like a bunch of babies as Asia (VI) healed her 'beloved' Issei (VI).

"Yeah?" (M/N) grumbled, as he got up. "If he wants to impress me, he needs to get a job and leave my shoes alone."

Zwei whined at that.

"Poor Zwei."

Summer shook her head.

"Can't really feel sympathetic." Taiyang shrugged. "Shouldn't be chewing on our shoes."

"And that's the truth."

Qrow drank his alcohol.


RODK Raven Branwen sweatdropped.

With that said, he got out of the bed.


Several girls shouted out.

Only in his boxer he went to the bathroom to relieve himself.

"Well at least the universe is kind enough to give him some privacy."

RODK Kadoc sweatdropped.

"At least he gets some privacy."

(M/N) (HH) deadpanned looking at the girls.

Some unrepentant, some having the audacity to look innocent.


(M/N) (Ignika) looked to HoFi Kiana and Tiamat.

Who smiled cheekily at him.


'I wonder how Olga is doing?'

The Toa of Life thought to himself.

(Here, the screen shows him looking out in the window)

"Unbelievable." He muttered to himself. "Blake!"

"Them neighbors finally moving out! Guess they finally got tired of all these quakes!"

"Why though?!"

Blake (VI) shouted in shock.

"Why not?."

RODK Blake deadpanned.

"Why with some loser who's probably racist against Faunus!?"

She shouted.

"Oh, get over yourself." Union Blake sighed, shocking her. "Turns out, WE were the arrogant, racist ones. Sooner you accept that, sooner you'll become a better person."


He grumbled, flushing the toilet and cleaning his hands before making his way to the kitchen.

Turning on the tv, he listened to the news.

"Well at least the news is on."

Gigan noted.

"Probably the top priority to keep them informed."

Ginny added.

Her wand out as were the other magic users after having to use some pretty nasty hexes and curses at (VI) Union after they tried to make advances on them.

"The Police and Fire Department are asking for everyone to stay off the phone" The news reporter said as it changes to show a map of the affected areas.

"Babe." (M/N) said as he opened the fridge. "There's something on the news about the quake."

"Ain't a quake my good friend."

W shook her head.

Putting down the drink, he grabbed his shirt and put it on.

As Hunter popped his head through the dog door.

"What's up, man?"

(M/N) greeted.

"Hey, (M/N)."

Hunter responded.


Ivy asked.

"Blake son in that world."



(VI) Union verse spat out their drinks.

"She/I have a son!?"

They screamed.

"What are you up to?"

The older male asked.

"Shooting the aliens."

Hunter said, trying to act tough like (M/N) but only resulting in being too cute.

"Too cute!"

"Oh? You're shooting aliens now?" (M/N) laughed as he grabbed the squirt. "Okay, turn around and let me see how well you can shoot."

Hunter giggled as (M/N) helped him steady the toy gun in his hands.


Natalia smiled.

"That's so cute!"

"Heh." Desmond smiled. "It really is."

"What makes this even more wholesome is that he's being a father to a kid that's not even his."

Taeho smiled.

"His cheeks are squishy."

Skadi noted as she looked at Hunter.

"I want to eat them."


"His cheeks are not food, Skadi."

Malty sweatdropped sweatdropped.

Ignoring the looks of shock at how civilized she is.

"Come on, Zwei. Let's get you something to eat."

Blake voice suddenly interrupted them as (M/N) let Hunter go off to play somewhere.

As (M/N) gave Blake a good morning kiss.

"MMM, hey, oi, oi, watch out!"

Blake giggled at (M/N) silliness.

'If Blake or the others saw this, they are definitely going to be expecting to do that to them!'

Tempest thought to himself.

...Didn't sound so bad though.

Oh wait...

'Sapphire watching this.' He thought to himself. 'Oh, wait...I do this to her all the time.'

Never mind.

"Watch it now!"

(M/N) chuckled as he started walking.

"I'm going to get the paper."


Scene changes to (M/N) walking outside.

"He's going to hit..."

Zuikaku started talking.



"Too late."

Zuikaku finished.

(M/N) shouted as his foot hit Hunter play bike.

"Why can't kids put their stuff away?"

Sapphire sighed in amusement.

Blaze giggled while Tempest just laughed.

Even though he has had his fair share of hitting his kids toys.

...Some which resulted in him falling down the stairs in a comical fashion.

"Really got to tell Hunter to put his toys away."

"Doubt that's going to make a difference."

Evolto shook his head.

Remembering the times his son had left his toys out for him to trip on.

(M/N) deadpanned as he got to the sidewalk and picked up the newspaper.

Unfurling it, he began reading.

"Jesus H. Christ riding a skateboard while on top of Arceus!"

Fire shouted.

"Is he seriously not seeing it!?"


"...Why does that sound like a reference to something?"

Ruby (VI) blinked.

"Probably is." Melty shrugged.

"Considering the multiverse."

But as he started reading, he paused as he noticed something a little bit off.

"I'm going to chalk it up to that he's still not 100% awake to realize what is going on."

Nico deadpanned.


Percy agreed.

Slowly turning his head to the right, he could see people panicking and throwing stuff into their cars.

"Haven't seen that much since I killed the Missing Children."

William noted with amusement.


He thought to himself as he heard someone shouting to hurry.

Slowly turning his head to the left, he could see the same thing happening. People throwing stuff into their cars, looking forward and taking pictures.

'A couple of neighbors is one thing.' The male thought to himself. 'But the whole block?'

"Yeah, that's when you know something is wrong."

Kawaki deadpanned.

Something wasn't right.

"No shit, Sherlock."

Roxy and Monty deadpanned.


Sherlock Holmes asked.

*WHIR!!* *WHIR!!*

Hearing the sound of a helicopter flying overhead, he quickly looked up.

"How the hell is he missing this!?"

Nova shouted in disbelief.

Following the helicopter path, his gaze finally fell onto the City Destroyer flying around the city.

"What the fuck is that!?"

Bakugou (VI) shouted.

"A dangerous threat."

Amagi simply said.

"Oh, please!" FakeSei scoffed. "I could take that down in one hit!"

The others agreed with him.


Evolto asked as Zero looked into the many alternate timelines.

"...Wow." Zero blinked. "It's amazing."

Here (VI) bullies/heroes puffed their chests in arrogance.

"...At how pathetically easy they took over your planet."


Before shattering their false of pride and superiority.


They shouted out in anger.

"It's true." Zero nodded his head. "Your counterparts lost to them. And the kicker? They were the weakest version of all the Harvester versions! You lost to them even with their shields down and them vulnerable!"


Zero and the others laughed.

"Oh, this is hilarious!" He said. "Even with all your powers, you lost to the weakest versions of them possible!"

As he and the others laughed, the screen continued playing.

His mouth opening in shock as he lowered the paper.

"Babe!" Blake ran to the shocked male. "Do you want some of this coffee?"

"Definitely would have pounded that pussy back in my womanizing days."

Ben (JJK) admitted with no shame.

"No surprise."

Grace (JJK) deadpanned.

"Excuse me?!"

Blake (VI) screeched in shock at the lewd comment.

"Who even are YOU?!"

She and the others asked.

"Your superiors that's for sure."


(M/N) said nothing.

"He's been looking at it for hours now."

Lorem 'stated'.

"It must be beautiful."


"...Not bad on quoting a meme, sister."

Merii sweatdropped.

"Could work on the execution a little better."


Blake asked again, before turning to see what he was looking at.

"How can they not see it?"

Thalia just said in surprise.

"It's actually quite easy when you're not fully paying attention."

Diego (SRC) said as he stretched.

"Eh...good point."

She admitted.

Because surprisingly it IS quite easy not to notice something that obvious.

Letting out a silent gasp as she stared in shock as well.

(It's a miracle she didn't drop the cup of coffee)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Hunter shouted cutely as he 'blasted' the aliens.

"Now if only it could have LITERALLY blasted them out of existence."

Cain just sighed.

-New York-

We can see Hazel running down the stairs as fast as he could.

"How the hell is he not making any miniquakes with how big and heavy his body is?"

Loona asked.

"Just because I'm pure muscles doesn't mean that my footsteps are heavy and make the ground move."

Hazel deadpanned.


Loona said.

Quickly getting to the main room as the tv continued reporting.

"Pentagon officials are warning that more ships have just arrived..."

"Oh, boy."

Christina gulped.

"This isn't good."

"That's for sure."

Vestal (AZ) shook her head.

"I'm still surprised that they didn't catch on until it was too late."

Peter Parker admitted.

"It is very surprising at how weird we humans can handle a strange situation like this."

Kirishima admitted.

"Over the capitals of India, England, and Germany...bringing an estimate of up to 10 and 15 of these city size spacecrafts."

"Oy vey."

"I know ma, just try to stay calm!"

Tyrian voice grabbed Hazel attention as he looked at him, before saying.

"...Is he seriously hiding underneath a desk?"

Stormfront scoffed.



And got zapped because she's a Nazi bitch and no one likes that part about her.


Homelander and the others shouted.



They got burned.

(Note: the ones that got burned were the asshole ones)

"Tell her to grab her stuff and get out of town."

Hazel said.

"Why?" Tyrian asked. "What happened?"

"Just do it!"

Hazel shouted as he started heading for his bike.

"There's a surprise."

Homura (SK) said.

"The employee yelling at his boss to move it."

"Happens more than you think."

Tempest said.

"Oh, ma!" Tyrian shouted. "Grab your stuff and head to Aunt Esther!"

Twitching at what his mother was saying on the other line, he shouted.

"Don't argue with me, just go!"

"Let's see if she'll head his advice."

Slamming the phone down, he raced to Hazel.

"Hazel! Why did I just sent my mother to Georgia!?"

Hazel unlocked his bike as he started moving.

"He's definitely rushing."

"Hazel!" Tyrian shouted. "Talk to me!"

"Did you hear me tell that the signal in the satellite feed is slowly recycling down to extinction?"


Tyrian said.

"Not really."

Tyrian admitted as Hazel looked at him.

"It's a countdown."


"Oh, crap!" Mei Hatsume shouted. "It really is a code!"

"Not good!"

Iida shouted out in fear.

"No." Evolto shivered as he remembered that universe. "It's not."

"Especially when they are allied with the worst people you could imagine."

Those words shook them to the core.

Hazel simply stated as he started moving.

"A countdown?" Tyrian muttered, before running to him. "Wait! A countdown to what, Hazel!"


Stain simply said.

"Okay." Hazel tried to keep things as brief as possible. "It's like in chess. First you strategically position your pieces and when the timing's right, you strike."


The RODK Spear Hero slowly realized.

"See?" Hazel pointed to the tv. "Their positioning themselves all over the world using this one signal to synchronize their efforts. And in exactly 6 hours, the signal's gonna disappear and the countdown is going to be over."

"Oh, dear."

Alfred said.

"And then what?"

Tyrian asked, the suspense was killing him!

"Oh, the irony."

Diego shook his head scaring Tyrian.


Hazel said.


"Again, not that checkmate."

RODK Ruby sighed.


The two said.

"We really need to change that name."

RODK Yang sighed.

Tyrian eyes widened as he now understood.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"Oh, I gotta call my brother!"


Tyrian blinked.

"I'd better call my housekeeper."


Was the response from the crowd.

"I have a housekeeper?"

Tyrian blinked.

"I gotta call my lawyer!"

"You have a lawyer?"

Aponia blinked.

"Guess so."

Tyrian shrugged.

His panicked expression turned dead suddenly.


Vanessa blinked.

"Ah, forget my lawyer."

"How surprising."

He quickly changed his mind.

"No love for lawyers!"

Vanny giggled.

Scaring Gregory and Crystal as they hugged (F/N) and Michael.

'...Damn you, William/dad!'

Vanessa, (F/N), and Michael mentally shouted.

Vanessa was pretty sura that no amount of therapy was going to make her sister sane, again!

Grabbing the phone as the multiscreen behind them show one singular picture.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States."

President Ozma took the stand.

"My fellow Americans." Ozma began as Hazel and Tyrian looked at the screen in surprise. "An historic and unprecedented event has occurred."

Scene changes to the White House.

"The question of whether or not we're alone in the universe...has been answered."

"Too bad it was the wrong type of visitors!"

Ralph shouted.

Side eyeing Shredder.

Said villain said nothing, but inwardly smirked.

"I wonder." Ch'en hummed. "Would we be strong enough to fight them if they ever come into our world?"

'Nice to see some things never change.'

Ignika sweatdrop.

"Although it's understandable that many of feel hesitation or fear...we must attempt to reserve judgement."

"Even though what's going to happen later is going to rack him with guilt." Dabi shook his head. "It sadly was the better option. If they had attacked first, then things would have really been bad for him. They would have blamed him for angering their visitors."

Yeah. He's seen the movie too.

"Isn't that the truth?"

Irene (VI) sighed.

Others secretly agreed with them.

Except for the idiots like Homelander.

"We can just take them out when they first appear!" The conceited hero scoffed. "They will fall to Union power!"

"Yeah!" "That's right!"

His friends and (VI) Union nodded and cheered in agreement.

"...No wonder they lose."

RODK Endeavor facepalmed.

"They are fucking idiots."

Inuyasha stated.

"The biggest ones we'll ever see."

Sango agreed.

While Ozma continued speaking, Cinder watched until a colleague of hers walks up to her with a phone.

"Here it comes."

Evolto snickered.

Scaring everyone except those that saw the movie.

Whispering, he gave her the phone.

"He says he's your husband."



Cinder blinked.

"Who on earth married you?"

Emerald asked.

"Let's see."

Was all Cinder said.

"Oh, God..."

Cinder whispered in horror.

"Oh, boy..."

Smiling, she took the phone and spoke into it.


She smiled.

"You got to leave the White House."

Hazel said as the scene changes back to his workplace.



Everyone screamed as they now found out WHO Hazel was married to before.

"Surprise Motherfuckers!"

Deadpool yelled.

"Haze-Haze here married Cinder puffs in that universe!"


Cinder shouted.

Hazel was still in shock that he was married to Cinder in that world.


Went the screams of the perverts.

While everyone else was having a panic attack at the thought of those two being married to anyone!

Tempest was laughing his ass off!

'Oh, me!' He thought to himself. 'I remember that reaction when I first saw that world!'

Evolto was dying of laughter.

"This isn't the time to be having this same old discussion!" Cinder whispered.

"You don't understand." Hazel said. "You got to leave Washington."

"In case you haven't noticed we are in a little bit of a crisis!"

"Oh, he knows."

Jackal (HI3) said.

"He's probably the only one who knows their true intentions."

"Well, he probably should have explained that first instead of trying to get his ex to leave as soon as possible."

Elysia pointed out.

She heatedly whispered.

"Cinder, they're communicating with a hidden signal" Hazel rapidly said. "They're going to attack!"

"You are just being paranoid!"

"Nothing wrong with a little bit of a healthy dose of paranoia."

Michael pointed out.

"...You would know wouldn't you, Mike?"

Grace (FNAF) deadpanned at her husband.

She whispered a little too loudly as she was shushed by a fellow co-worker.


Cinder sweatdropped.

"It's not paranoia!" Hazel spoke a little too loudly. "The embedding is very subtle. It's probably been overlooked..."


Went the sound of the phone tone as Cinder hung up.

"Well...that's one way to shut someone up."

Sheffield (AZ) mused, amused.

Sighing, Hazel put the phone down as Tyrian got up.

Hazel looked at him.

"Tyrian, what are you still doing here? Promise me, you'll get out of town."

"Okay." Tyrian said.


Tyrian nodded as he prepared to leave.

"Poor guy."

Evolto and Tempest shook their heads sadly.

Knowing what his fate was in that world.

Tyrian gulped even louder.

"My staff and I will remain at the White House." President Ozma said. "As we attempt to establish communications with our alien visitors."

"Well at least he's trying to do something."

Hazel quickly moved as he knew what he needed to do.

"Get laid?"

Sougo asked.



"Seriously, Sougo?"

Geiz sighed.

How did they become friends again?

"If you feel compelled to leave these cities." Ozma said. "Please do so, in an orderly fashion."


Hornet and Cleveland sweatdropped.

All over New York, you can see people running and screaming like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.

"Don't need to be a genius to see that coming."

Harry Potter deadpanned.

"Indeed, Mr. Potter."

Severus Snape nodded his head in agreement.

Not even caring that he was actually agreeing with Harry.

"How surprising."

Sirius sarcastically said.


Adam (HH) added.

"Of course, they're not going to 'calmly' leave in an orderly fashion. It's not as though Alien Spaceships come every day and are a common occurrence."

"Of course, they'll leave in a peaceful and calm manner."

The levels of sarcasm in the theater were staggering.

Hazel could be seen biking as he repeatedly shouted.

"Okay, look out! Look out!"

As he headed off somewhere.

"And we're stopping right there for now!"

Zero paused.


Many people shouted out in disappointment.


Lorem shouted as she held Gospel.

"Because there's something WE need to do."

Zero said as he and the others turned their attention to (VI) Union.

"You haven't been here for even one viewing and already you managed to piss us off so badly."

"I guess you really do want an ass kicking like never before."

"You think you can scare us!?" Homelander shouted. "Scare ME?!"

"We are the great heroes of the world!" He arrogantly boasted. "We are the saviors of Earth and we can do what we want!!"

"Even with GODS!"


Zero started chuckling.


He laughed full out.


Zero smirked as the theater started having an ominous feel to it.

"I guess we should show you our dark sides."

With that said, they're appearances seemed to have shifted and distorted into more ominous and bloodthirsty forms.

"Hope you're ready for DEATH."

Was all that Zero said as they lunged at (VI) Union.


Who screamed in pain and agony as they were shown true pain and suffering.

Zero and Tempest friends' reactions (minus Seraphim and Demo cause they already know) when they learn of their kids and who their mothers are.

And Zero and Tempest face when their friends react like that.


Yeah. Surprise to see female Zero aka Sapphire?

Or the fact that an alternate female version of himself is married to Tempest and has a kid with him?



Have a good day/night.

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