Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 2

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I don't own any of the art or video seen here. They belong to their respective creators.


"And we're back!"

Zero announced as he presses play.

Ignoring Union Bakugou shouts that it should be him that they were watching. Not some kids show.

'That kid's show will live longer than you, brat.' Zero mentally thought to himself. 'And unlike you, it will forever be remembered, never forgotten.'

(Just like certain other shows that will probably never die. We'd be dead first before they die.)

*Chatter* *Footsteps*

"Noooo." (M/N) muttered under his breath. Quiet enough for only Tsukuyomi to hear. "This definitely isn't going to draw attention to us. No way that it will."

"You can taste the sarcasm coming off from him."

Raph shook his head, silently laughing.

"...Where exactly are they that he looks mad?"

Loona blinked.

Because why was (M/N) counterpart looking ready to kill the time traveler?

Now, why was (M/N) seemingly pissed?

"Because his life got flip-turned upside down?"

Shinji couldn't help but asked.

Well, after escaping the era of Dinosaurs. Tsukuyomi decided their next stop would be...

...In Ancient Japan.


"...I'm sorry, what now?"

Sirius Black deadpanned.

To be more exact. They were in the year 1671.


"What do you mean, (M/N)?"

Tsukuyomi asked as they walked on the road.

Unaware of the looks of fascination they were getting at their appearances.

...Okay. Now they were starting to get why (M/N) was mad.

"This girl..."

Himeko shook her head.

"We are in 1671." (M/N) quietly hissed at her, reminding her of what she told him of their current location.


Tsukuyomi asked.

"Subtly thy name is not Tsukuyomi."

Aphrodite sweatdropped.

"We stick out like a sore thumb!"

He quietly spoke, ignoring some of the looks they were getting.

"I don't understand."

People sweatdropped.

She tilted her head, confused.

'Are all future people ignorant of the fact that their fashion style might not be appropriate for a certain point in time!?'

"Note to self" Mini Da Vinci muttered to herself. "Input mystic code that will create an illusion so the Masters won't be viewed with suspicion."

(I'm always surprised that whenever they go to a Singularity or Lostbelt that people don't seem to think something is off with their sense of style.)

Ignoring the fact that he too is now a person from the future.

"But at least he knows the meaning of 'blending in' with the population."

Belfast sighed.

"If you don't want to draw attention and possibly have us imprisoned, we need to blend in."

(M/N) sighed as they continued walking to a safe, quiet location.

"All right." (M/N) put his hands on his waist. "Start talking. I want the full story."

Tsukuyomi stared firmly into (M/N) (E/C) eyes.

"Can you feel the love toni-SMACK!"


Katsumi deadpanned.


RODK Kirishima rubbed the area where RODK Bakugou had hit him.

That hurt!

"In your time, this story takes place 50 years into the future."

Tsukuyomi began.

(Before I forget, the timeline is going to be a little bit further ahead due to Endgame happening in this world. And several other events happening as well. And yes, everyone is alive)

'Here comes the lore.'


Alastor and Rosie shouted.

(M/N) thought to himself.

Finally. Some good fucking lore.

"Ohma Zi-O..." Tsukuyomi began explaining as haunting memories started resurfacing again. "The King of time, reigns supreme. Tormenting the people, smothering any remnants of hope for the world."

Tsukuyomi shuddered.

"After our latest battle against him."

"Battle?" Malty shook her head. "That was a one-sided slaughter!"

"I agree." Raphtalia said, before shuddering. "Whoa. That felt weird."

"How surprising."

Frieza sarcastically said.

"No matter what we did, how hard we fought. The results were always the same." She continued as the scene started changing to the future.


'Geiz!' Tsukuyomi shouted to her friend who had a strange look on his face. 'What are you planning?'

'There's no choice.' Geiz admitted, a stony expression on his face. 'To save our future, I will change the past.'

"Yeeeeeaaaah...that's not a good idea."

Tony deadpanned.

"Nope!" "Nada!" "Not in the slightest"

The rest of the Avengers and the Justice League said in unison.

"Geiz, the one who tried to kill you from before, made the choice to change history by killing you so you did not become Zi-O."

"I followed him with the same goal, but with a different approach in stopping you from becoming the Demon King."

"Fat load of good that's going to do."

Homura (SK) deadpanned.

"If anything, they're going to push him to his destiny."

Many people agreed with that statement.

"...There is something that is bothering me though."

RODK Shinsou admitted.

"Really?" Ginny asked. "Like what?"

"Where are WE?"

(Union and the other hero organizations he means)

That question startled people as they realized something.

Where were they in the future?

Because if Yang and her family was there in that world. That meant that they too were most likely there.

...So...where they in this future timeline?

"This still is surreal." (M/N) interrupted. "Are you absolutely SURE that I will become this 'Demon King' that you guys are fighting 50 years into the future?"

"Still doesn't believe it huh?"

Mini Trunks asked.

"You try having someone tell you that you're going to become a tyrant and rule the world with an iron fist and see how you handle it."

Mirai Trunks deadpanned.


Mini Trunks said.

Tsukuyomi proceeded to bring up information on her tablet before she began pointing them out.

"That's kind of creepy." Spoiler said.

"Like Batman level of creepy."

Superman happily added.

Gaining the next level of the infamous Bat Glare.

When she was done, (M/N) reaction?

"What a stalker?"

Kaga (AZ) asked with a bead of sweat on her face.

"That...is seriously off."

(M/N) said as he frowned at the misinformation in his profile.


"What does he mean by that?"


"What do you mean?"

Tsukuyomi asked as a lady brings them their meal.


(M/N) said nothing as he drank/sip his tea.

Ignoring Tsukuyomi poor understanding of the time they were in as she used her tablet to pay for the meal.

The poor server 'calmly' walking back inside the restaurant (What would they be called in that time?) while trying not to panic as she took the money that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. After the woman who paid used some sort of magic to make them appear out of thin air.


A majority of the room facepalmed at the girl's ignorance.

"I'm going to give her a pass because her future is a nightmare, and she probably didn't have time to learn about blending in with the inhabitants of the past."

Severus Snape deadpanned in his usual voice.

Though if you listen close enough, you would have heard the pure disbelief in his tone.

"My, my." Merii sweatdropped. "I feel bad for (M/N) if he has to teach them how to 'modernize' themselves with his present."

"Most likely he does."

Mirai Mai sweatdropped as well.

(M/N) nervously chuckled.

'My poor counterpart.'

He thought to himself.

"While it's true that my uncle does dabble in clock work. It's mainly a hobby. He runs a comic book store. The clock stuff is a side job attached to it since people need their clocks repairs and he's quite good at it."

(M/N) started.

Startling Tsukuyomi at that revelation.

'How can that be!?' She thought to herself. 'This information is supposed to be the background of the Ohma King!'

"And I'm semi balanced in my studies. My grades are not that bad, they're quite decent."

(M/N) continued.

"I also attend Union High."

(In this story, Union Academy isn't the only school in existence. They have regular schools as well to promote diversity and equality)

"Union High?"

The headmasters asked in unison.

"In this reality, the headmasters are a lot more open minded about trying to bring about equality between the powered and the powerless."

Zero explained.

"So, they decided to open some schools that have nothing to do with being a hero/huntsman/etc."

"...Can't believe I never thought about doing that before."

RODK Ozpin muttered to himself.

That would have been a good way to try to break down the barriers that had been put up ever since people started being born with some sort of power.

"Big deal!"

Union Bakugou shouted.


THAT was the sound of his bones being crushed to pieces.

"Hey!" Union Issei shouted. "You can't do-SPLURT!"

Blood started gushing out as his head exploded.

"Anyone else?"


"I thought so."

"How can this be?" Tsukuyomi shook her head. "This can't be right."

"Home girl is so confused."

Velvette said as she snickered a bit.


(M/N) voice caught her attention.

"Where are the Justice League, Avengers, and Union in all this?"

Here, the audience leaned forward. Eager for her answer.



Was the sound of everyone faceplanting at her response.

"...This isn't the past that gave rise to the Ohma Zi-O that's rules their world, is it?"

Theresa (HI3) rhetorically asked.


Was all Zero said, basically admitting it.


Husk just said.

Tsukuyomi asked.

'Knew something was wrong.'

(M/N) frowned.

"This is so confusing."

He said.

"Tell me about it."

RODK Akeno sighed in amusement.

"But...you have the watch."



Tsukuyomi frowned, mirroring his expression.


(M/N) asked as a glow suddenly emitted from his right hand.



"How did!?" "I thought he dropped it!" "Stalker watch!"


"How did!?"

(M/N) jumped in shock.

It was the same watch he had found earlier but left it where he found it!

Why is it back now?!

"It's in loooooove with you!"

Happy shouted.


"Idiot Tomcat!"

Carla yelled at her fellow Exceed.


Happy yelled/

"This watch." Tsukuyomi got up and wrapped her hand against his. Holding the watch together. "It will grant you extraordinary power."


Palpatine yelled as he unleashed Force Lightning on Union bullies/perverts for the hell of it!


Their screams of pain were delicious.


(M/N) said nothing as he stared at her with a stoic expression.

"I don't know why the information is wrong." Tsukuyomi admitted. "But it's the truth."

"You WILL become Ohma Zi-O: The World Destroying King of Time."


"There is a major level of doubt there."

AZ Kawakaze deadpanned.

"...I can't say I'm hundred percent convince, but I can give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Just like that?"

Anguirus said.

"Well, he isn't convinced he will become a destroyer of worlds."

Megalon said in a thinking pose.

"But it still begs the question."

"Why is his timeline the one that's linked to a future that's not his?"


No one had an answer to that.

Some had theories. But none that were concrete enough to be voiced out.


Tsukuyomi looked at him with confusion.

"I have always wanted to be King."

(M/N) admitted.

"If this watch can grant me that power, then chances are I would take it."

But then his frown turned deeper.

"But to destroy the world? For what reason would I do that? Maybe if I had a sadistic/darker personality it would be understandable."

"So, basically if he was like (M/N) Black or Sukuna (M/N)."

Bulma said.

"But the me right now? I don't think I could be capable of committing such horrors as you have described."

"Especially when there are things that don't make sense."

Tsukuyomi said nothing as the two decided to take a small walk.

"Is this the start of romance?"

Aphrodite giggled.



"Seriously, Aphrodite?"

Artemis deadpanned.

"Besides the fact that he already has a girlfriend (Though I would bet that he's going to have a harem in the end), he's also busy trying to understand how in grandfather name he would come to be a being so terrifying and ruling the world with an iron fist."

"He has no time to be romancing anyone at the moment!"

"All right, I get it!" Aphrodite shouted, rubbing her head. "But does he get with her as well?"


Zero sweatdropped.

"It seems no matter the universe, him with a harem is inevitable for the most part."


Union Issei and the Forever Alone gang of Union perverts shouted in despair.

"I'm surprised my counterpart is okay with that."

RODK Yang admitted.


Zero and the others said nothing, disturbing them with the unexpected silence.

"...Let's just say your counterpart is kinky and doesn't mind sharing her boyfriend with other girls that like him."

"...I don't want to know."

Yang deadpanned.

Many others agreeing.

'Wonder if I should mention that Geiz also has a couple of girlfriends in the future.'

Zero absentmindedly thought to himself.

Before their attention got drawn to a crowd of people as two groups were fighting and shouting at each other.

"A rivalry of some sort?"

"Of course."

Some said.

"No matter the year, there will be some kind of conflict."

(M/N) tilted his head.

Caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear the rest of the conversation until Tsukuyomi pushed him forward saying.

"He will fight!"

"Say what?"

"...Wait, what?"

(M/N) said as one of the groups came charging at him.



One of the men shouted as (M/N) ducked and sweep him off his feet.

Punch! Whish!

Before quickly dodging to the left.


Dodging to the right.

Hands clasped together behind his back as he calmly dodged each and every single one of their moves.

"Feel bad for them."

Angel Dust said.

"Kid has a lot more experience than them and can easily play them like a fiddle."

Tsukuyomi frowned as she analyzed the fight as she started walking and thinking to herself.

'The young version of the Demon King behaves differently than expected. He's not attacking with malice and seems to be...having fun with them trying to attack him?'

"Eh, what's new there?"

RODK Issei shrugged.

That was normal.

"Yours does that too?"

Yuki blinked.

"If you don't try triggering his protective instincts than yeah."

RODK Yang and the former bullies winced at that.

Remembering what happened when they tried to do that.

"Damn, he's good."

Ritsuka said in admiration.

"Wonder how badass he'll be as a Kamen Rider."

Zero snickered, as he remembered certain worlds where Ritsuka and Shirou were Kamen riders as well.



Went the men as they tried to jump him, only for (M/N) to bend his back Matrix style.

Causing them to fall into the water. And ending the fight.

"That was all too easy."

Tirpitz said.

"Considering the differences in timelines. I can't say I'm surprised."

"You guys cooled down now?"

The teen asked as the men resurfaced and got out of the water.

"You're good."

One of them said.

It seems they had finally calmed down after flying into the water.

Shaking his hand, they left with a calm atmosphere hanging over their heads.

"Well, that was fun."

(M/N) smiled as the crowd congratulated him.

Tsukuyomi walked up to him and opened her mouth to speak.


"Oh, come on!"

Only for someone to scream, causing them to turn their attention to.

(Kamen Rider Geiz)

"And here comes the first of many Kamen Riders."

Raiden Mei leaned forward in anticipation.

"Don't tell me that's-"

"It's Geiz." Tsukuyomi confirmed, earning a groan at that. "He plans to erase you to ensure that Ohma Zi-O never comes to be."

"Well...kid's got determination and focus, I'll give him that."


She quickly grabbed his arm as they ran to her Time Mazine.

Growling, Geiz replied.

"You think I'm letting you get away again!?"


*Time Mazine!*

"He's persistent I'll give him that."

Vestal (AZ) groaned.

"He certainly has fire that's for sure."

Dumbledore chuckled.

This was the best kind of entertainment one could get.

...That didn't involve giving his students near heart attacks.

(I'm convinced Harry's years in Hogwarts was for the old man entertainment)

Entering the Time Stream, Geiz Time Mazine slammed into Tsukuyomi's.



(M/N) fell to the floor from the impact.

"At least it's not like my experience with the Knight Bus."

Harry shuddered.

If it wasn't for the fact that magic was something that made him happy, he would almost wish that he was normal.

Because the Knight Bus was a nightmare to use!

Growling in annoyance, he got up as he noticed the monitor behind him going berserk.


Only for Geiz to hit harder and send them hurtling out of the Time Stream.


The Time Mazine hit a concrete wall before rolling and flying off somewhere.


(M/N) rolled onto the ground as he was somehow ejected from the cockpit.

(Seriously, did Tsukuyomi ejected Sougo? Or was there an escape vent or something and that's why he fell out?)

"Son of a bitch!"

"Can't say I wouldn't say the same thing if I was in that situation."

RODK Sero chuckled nervously.

"Man, that guy!" (M/N) growled as he got up. "Is this going to be one of those Time Paradoxes where I end up becoming the Demon King because they drive me to insanity!?"


"Where the hell am I!?"

"More like WHEN the hell am I."

Drax said.

(M/N) shouted as he started shivering.

"And why is it snowing?"

"Merry Christmas ya filthy animals."

Angel Dust imitated a certain gangster.


"And a Happy New Year!"

He said as Union Issei and the braindead were in pain as their bodies were riddled with holes.

What? They were about to start speaking bullshit again.

He calmed down as he started looking around.


"Now what!?"

(M/N) shouted as a monster started charging at him.

"Move you idiot!"

Loki shouted.


Piccolo yelled.


(M/N) quickly ducked as he tried punching the monster.


"OW!" (M/N) yelped as he waved his hand in pain. "Ow."


The monster growled at him as (M/N) gave him a glare.

"You want some of this?" He coldly asked. "Then come and get it."


The monster roared as he swung at him, (M/N) ducking as he grabbed a, conveniently placed, pipe and hit the monster in the 'eye'

"Not bad."

Hawkeye said.

"At least he knows how to improvise."

"...I felt that."

Thor said.

The monster roared in anger as it tried to attack him.

Only to suddenly stop as it sensed something.

"I hope that's not its reinforcements."

(M/N) groaned, before hearing.



As two phantom dragons appeared, before taking the form of

(Kamen Rider Build...why the hell am I being reminded of Coca Cola and Pepsi every time I see this guy!?)

(Kamen Rider Cross-Z)

The two yelled as they drop kick the monster into the next century.


...And sending (M/N) rolling on the floor...again.


'Is this going to be a running gag from now on!?'

"Maybe" "Who knows?" "Probably" "With your luck, yeah"

(M/N) thought to himself as he slowly got up.

Catching the two Kamen Riders' attention.

"Are you okay?"

Build asked as he helps the teen get on his feet.

"I'll live."

(M/N) groaned as Cross-Z inspects him for any injuries.

"Thanks for saving me."

He spoke.

"But who are you guys?"

"I'm Kamen Rider Build." The one on left said before powering down.

 "Sento Kiryu"

"And he is my assistant-"

"I'm NOT your assistant!"

"Poor guy."

Cross-Z interrupted him, powering down as well.

"Kamen Rider Cross-Z: Ryuga Banjo."

"(M/N)" The teen spoke. "(M/N) (L/N)"

Before suddenly realizing something.

"Kamen Rider?"

(M/N) blinked.

"What year are we in?"


"I can't believe he went out and said that!"

Tonks shouted through her facepalm.

"Aren't there supposed to be rules for dealing with time!?"

"...You do realize that in the span of a day, he went from being a normal teen with normal problems. To being told he would bring about the end of the world, and now everyone from the future wants to kill him because that's the only solution they have. And it might not even work because of the inconsistencies he has pointed out about himself."

Athena shook her head.

"I think he's just about had it up to here to even care about rules."

The Goddess of Wisdom words seemed to calm them down.

The two Kamen Riders looked at each other in confusion at the weird question.

"November 30, 20XX"

(Again, timeline is bumped a little bit further into the future. Or not, if you want to keep it as original as possible)

The look on (M/N) face was priceless.

"...Say what now?"

Scene changes to (M/N) being brought into a café where he has a blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm.

"Well, at least they were nice enough to give him shelter."

Union Mina said.

Ryuga could be seen drinking straight from a milk carton.


Souji shouted.


Sango deadpanned.

"Don't other people drink that milk too?"

Kikyo tilted her head in confusion at the strange man habit.

"People are weird, sweetheart."

Verosika Mayday shrugged.

"Best not to dwell on it too much."

(M/N) eyes widened as he took a look at the best buy date on the milk carton.

"Unbelievable." He shook his head. "We really are in 20XX"


Sento Kiryu is seen coming out of the...refrigerator?


Sora (Kingdom Hearts) blinked at the rather weird entrance to a possible hideout.

"That's weird, and I've seen some weird things on my journey."

"Yep!" "Can't argue there."

"And I thought the entrance to the Batcave was weird."

Red Robin sweatdropped.


"Attempt to do any such thing and I can assure you that you won't be getting any desserts for a year."

Alfred warned Bruce Wayne the Batman while not even looking in his direction.

More interested in dusting off a large painting, while somehow watching the screen.


Snickers could be heard at how quicky he was shot down.

"...Not going to ask."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"This device that he has." He returned the watch to (M/N). "It's too advanced to have been made with today technology."

"I'd say even though it's been one year to be so advanced, but considering how fast technology grows."

Gohan shrugged.

"It's quite impressive on how fast technology grows."

"So, he really is from the future."

Ryuga realized.

"By just one year."

(M/N) deadpanned as he took the watch back.

"But I have no doubt this came further from the future."

He said, looking at the watch with wonder and apprehension.

Could this watch really make him King?

...While the world ends up paying the price?

"Well, at least he has a good head on his shoulders."

Riser sighed.

A (M/N) on the warpath and can be described as literally a God in human form?

Yeah, let's not go there.

"That girl who came from 50 years into the future." He spoke up. "This probably originated from her time, but then again with how fast technology is these days. It's not a stretch to say that it's not possible for it to have been created sometime next year."

Lost in his thoughts and in the conversation, he didn't hear the door open as Tsukuyomi suddenly appeared and stunned Ryuga.


The audience shouted at the unexpected appearance of the girl from the future appearance. And sudden actions.

"When did she get there?!"

Cleveland shouted.

Dropping to the floor, the sound caught Sento attention as he was the next to be stunned while (M/N) was still talking.

"Seriously, (M/N)!?"

Nora shouted in exasperation.


(M/N) said.

"...Are you a dense motherfucker or something?"

She asked.

"Or something."

(M/N) admitted/shrugged.

"I mean I can't be a motherfucker if I haven't fucked an actual mother."


"What about Carmilla?"

Lie Ren asked.

Pointing to the angelic arms dealer.

"...I'm scared that she's going to fuck me to death, and I'll end up dying a second time."

(M/N) admitted, face red with embarrassment.



That got a good reaction out of Hell!

"Man!" "Didn't think an incubus could be that pure!" "Well, I mean he is both an incubus AND an angel!"

(M/N) face was redder than a Gremory famous red hair as Carmilla chuckled.

"I doubt you will die just from me having my way with you, dear."

Carmilla lifted his head with her hand.

"Would make God little endeavor to helping his granddaughter be for useless if his chosen one were to die like that."


The look in the demon milf eyes were alluring and terrifying.

...What? She's a sexy femme fatale and he's a hormonal teen who's been trying to keep his incubus side under control!

"But this power comes with a warning." (M/N) continued as Ryuga was stunned and Sento shortly followed. "I become something that I'm not."



The sound of Sento body falling to the ground caught his attention as he turned around and saw Tsukuyomi pointing her gun at him.

"About time!"

Quickly he ducked as a laser blast just narrowly hit him.

"Good reflexes."

Ren nodded.

"What the heck!?"



(M/N) was knocked out as he was hit from the back and fell to the ground.


...Because there happened to be a mirror behind him that reflected the shot back.

"...Talk about convenient."

Ghost Rider facepalmed himself at that.

People jumped.

"How long have you been here!?"

"Sorry." Tsukuyomi apologized. "But I can't let you interfere with the past more than necessary."

"While it is understandable." Dr. Strange spoke up. "She and her friend are also doing the same thing regardless of what their intentions are."

"What do you mean by that Magic Man?"

Tony rhetorically asked.

Better they explain to those ignorant of the consequences of Time Travel.

"They could very well set forth the events that will happen in the future."

Wong spoke up this time.

"They could very well turn this into a self-fulfilling prophecy."

Those that understood full well just how dangerous prophecies were flinched at that.

There's nothing worse than creating the monster you swore to prevent from ever coming into existence.

"You know uncle?"

(M/N) voice spoke out as he and Stan Lee were eating at the table.

"He's okay?!"

Clarisse shouted in shock.

The daughter of Ares was sure he was going to be killed!

"What's up sport?"

The elderly gentlemen asked.

"I had a rather weird, yet vivid dream."


"He thought it was a dream?"

Sakura Matou asked in confusion.

"Tsukuyomi tried to cover up any evidence of what had happened in order to prevent any opportunity for Ohma Zi-O birth."


"This is going to blow up in their faces big time."

Shinji Matou facepalmed.

The others agreeing.

"This girl came from the future and told me of what I would become. Told me that in fifty years I would become the King of Time."

"Hey!" Stan Lee shouted. "That could actually work as a new series for a new character!"

"Of course."

Palpatine cackled.

Why weren't any of them surprised at that reaction?

"But your expression does not show signs of joy." His uncle noted. "You seem to be conflicted about this dream, why?"

"She told me: That I would become the lowest of the low, the worst Demon King to ever exist."

"Demon King?" Stan blinked. "What an interesting title. I can honestly see it now: The Demon King who protected humanity."

"...Needs some work."

(M/N) admitted.


The audience fell down at the weird conversation.

"These two."

Black Widow deadpanned.

"That's not the kind of King I want to be if that's my future."

(M/N) admitted.

"Let me tell you something, kid."

Stan Lee got up and walked to the front of the store, leaving behind a newspaper showing several missing teens' pictures.

They did not know why, but they felt a rather ominous chill go down their spines at the sight of the newspaper.

"Power comes in many forms. Just as the wielders do." He began. "Some wonderful, some mediocre, some just passing by the woodworks. But in the end, it's still just a power. The intent of the wielder is what matters the most, for they are the ones who decide how to use their powers."

"Maybe it's true that you will become a Demon King in the future that will bring about ruin. But it's also true that you can be a Demon King that protects the innocents."

"The future after all, is not set in stone and you should not let your opportunities pass you by. Otherwise, you might leave to regret it."

Stan Lee lectured his great nephew.

*Scratch* *Scratch*

In the audience, the Midoriyas, Peter Parker, and other inspired guests could be seen writing something in their notebooks.

The bullies/perverts were busy screaming through their very own Ooze mask as nobody wanted to hear them boasting about their greatness when it wasn't even relevant to the story.

Interestingly enough, Union Yang wasn't among them and was actually silent for once.

'Is she starting to understand?'

RODK Yang stared at her contemplative counterpart.

'...I don't get it.'

Union Yang thought to herself.

'What is so great about him that draws people to him?' She thought. 'He's just a nobody, even if he's this dead evil king or whatever. But his friends chose to fight with him despite him being their enemy. They would rather fight with him, then against him.'


Was the question she couldn't answer.

(Not going to lie, before Yang underwent a drastic personality change in Volume 4 or was it 5? Can't remember. She was one of my favorites)

"After all." He grabbed an old clock he had lying around. "You can turn the hands on a clock back and forth, even stop it."

"But life is sadly not like that."

"It never is."

"All we can do is continue marching forward until our time is up."

"Time comes for all...as does death."

"But remember this."

"With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility."

Here, Peter Parker jumped at those words.

He felt a connection with that phrase, but he couldn't understand why.

And others felt the impact those words had on them.

(M/N) kept replaying his great uncle's words as he took a walk down the streets.

'If that dream wasn't a dream..., should I take the chance and become Kamen Rider Zi-O?'

"Just don't overwork us with paperload, man."

Grim said.

The teen thought to himself.

Because ultimately, the choice to become the Demon King was his in the end.

Not because he was told that it was his destiny, not because of some stupid prophecy which he wasn't sure held merit due to the irregularities he found.

Not because he wanted to be King.

'Even if I do become this, Demon King. That doesn't mean I have to be one who destroys.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'I can be one who protects.'


Batman nodded in approval.

"He's not letting visitors from the future cloud his judgement."

"The future is always in motion."

Dr. Fate spoke up.

"It is pure arrogance that only one future is set in stone. That is a human concept. It's even possible that he will not become what they fear he will."

"We'll see."

Mothra hummed.

"It all comes down to his choices. Choices that he will make now and there."



Union Jaune shouted, having jumped from his seat in shock.

Screams of terror snapped the teen out of his thoughts as he saw people running away from something.


As well as several heroes being thrown around like ragdolls.

"You got to be bloody kidding me!"

Ron shouted in disbelief.

"...These guys suck..."

Loona just said.


The heroes felt that.

Among them was Best Jeanist, Kamui Woods. Midnight, Mt. Lady, and several other heroes/students from Union.

"You got to be joking me."

(M/N) facepalmed, before turning to the villain.

Only for his eyes to widen as he saw.

(Another Build)

"What the hell is that!?"

Katsuragi (SK) shouted in shock.

(She hasn't kept up with Kamen Riders due to training and being a weirdo with Asuka and the others, that's why she's shocked at the monster)

"An attempt by a group to create their own Demon King."

Gudao simply said.


(M/N) shouted out in shock as he saw what looked to be a monster version of Kamen Rider Build.

"What the hell's going on!?"

"You got me."

Lucifer (HH) shrugged.

Though intrigued at the monster on the screen.

'Maybe I should invest in creating my own version of Kamen Riders.'

'...He's got that look again.'

Charlie, Lilith, and several members of Hell thought to themselves.

That was never a good sign.

Especially when you got the Devil diagnosed with depression.




(M/N) shouted in shock, seeing his schoolmate in the monster grip.


(M/N) shouted, getting the monster's attention.

"That idiot is going to get himself killed!"

RODK Weiss shouted in fear and exasperation.

Why was it that (M/N) was always a reckless person in every universe!?

"Let him go!"

(M/N) NO!"

Tokiwa managed to shout out as said male charged.


Another Build shouted as he swung his arm.


Only for (M/N) to duck underneath him and jump kick him in the chest.


Another Build roared in anger as he quickly sent him flying.


(M/N) shouted as he flew several feet in the air.

"Fly like an eagle"


"Not now!"


Nightwing pouted.


And to the ground.

"Saw that coming."

(M/N) groaned as he got up.

*Roll* *Clink!*

Suddenly, a noise caught his attention as he looked and saw.


The watch again.

"Stalker watch!!"

"That wasn't a dream!?"

(M/N) shouted as he grabbed the watch that would awaken his fate.

Getting up slowly, he wondered.

"I can become King?"

"Still on that, huh?"

Gilgamesh shook his head.

"I wonder if we still exist in that world? Maybe the me there can give him the knowledge he needs to become one."

There's a terrifying thought.

That many in the Fate series shuddered.

Hell! Those that didn't know him shuddered in fear.

That was a real nightmare waiting to happen!

His questions went unanswered as he heard the monster growl once more.

"Questions later! Help now!"

He said as he grabbed Another Build arm, stopping from trying to absorb Tokiwa.

Growling in frustration, the monster let him go as he tried to pry (M/N) from him.

Grunting, (M/N) let go as he got into a fighting stance.

"Well at least he knows how to fight. The main character in Zi-O didn't at the beginning."

Roaring, the monster charged at him.

Swinging an arm.




(M/N) shouted as he blocked the arm, followed up by a roundhouse kick that seemed to get the monster to stumble back a bit.


The battle crazed heroes/fighters shouted out.

"Give him hell!"

"Kick his ass!"

(M/N) jumped and spun as Another Build tried to knock him to the ground.


(M/N) shouted as he kicked the monster before dodging and reaching his back. Kicking the monster forward and causing Another Build to fall to the ground.

"Kicking ass and taking names."

Mantis and Drax said.

"Oh, NOW you know the correct way to say that!"

Star lord and Iron Man shouted.

Roaring in anger, Another Build tried to absorb him having decided that he was a good match for him.


(M/N) shouted as he threw a trash can lid at the monster, halting the monster's attempt at absorbing.

'Not good!'

(M/N) thought to himself, panting as he tried to stop the monster rampage.


Quickly grabbing Another Build hand, preventing the monster from grabbing him.


(M/N) grunted as he tried to stop Another Build from immobilizing him.

The theater tensed as Ava and Cain looked at the screen worriedly.



Suddenly, Tsukuyomi appeared on the scene. Blasting Another Build as the monster now focused his attention on her.

"Okay seriously. Where the hell does she keep coming from?"

Union Jaune asked.

"She's like one of those unexpected help that just appears when the plot calls for it."

People shrugged because seriously.

Where the heck has she been?

Throwing basketballs at her as she blasted them away as well as trying to blast the monster as well.

Swiftly dodging an attack from Another Build, her attention turns to (M/N).

Her eyes widening at the sight of the watch in his hand.

"Throw that away, now!"

"Poor girl."

Maria Calavera shook her head.

"She's trying so hard to stop him from becoming king when it's starting to become all for naught."

"Especially since it's becoming clear that their two histories don't match up at all."

Racheal Dare frowned.

"So, most likely he isn't going to become a tyrant."

"I hope not!"

Percy shouted.

"Kronos and Gaia were bad enough! I don't want to try my luck against someone who can possess the powers of his predecessors on top of his own original powers!"

Many demigods shuddered at that.

Monsters and mythological bad guys? They'll take that.

A human who is basically omnipotent and unstoppable?

Yeah...they like living thank you very much!

She frantically shouted, blasting Another Build as she walked to him.

"Don't say ridiculous things like 'you want to be king!'"

"Of the Pirates?"

Jr. asked.


She quickly dodged another attack as she resumed blasting the monster.


(M/N) was silent for a moment.

Before he began speaking.

"But what if that is what I want?"

He asked.

"To become King, to protect the innocents, to let them be happy."

"After all."

Zero smirked.

"Being a king doesn't just mean being a ruler. Being a king means protecting your subjects. Giving them the happiness that you can provide. Understanding them."

He shot that remark at FSN Saber who twitched.

"A king protects his people and understand them on an equal level."

Su added.

"If being the Demon King means being able to do that, then that is my choice!"

"Well said."

"It's that man again!"

RODK Kiba shouted in shock.

The Mysterious Figure from before appeared next to him.

"We must have you become King."

Kicking the monster back, Tsukuyomi turned to them and saw to her shock.

"Woz?" Her shocked expression said it all. "What are you doing here?"

"Zi-O power is the greatest of all time." Woz explained, removing his hood. "If you use that power, the past, present, and future will be yours to wield."

(Woz. Son of Lowkey!)

(It's LOKI!!)

(Okay, okay. Sheesh, Loki! Can't take a little joke!)

"That's a little scary."

Seele said.

"It's awesome."

(M/N) shrugged.

"But that much power over time? Even I can't say for sure I wouldn't abuse it for the hell of time traveling."

"As long as you're not screwing the timeline over."

The Ancient One said.

Turning to the past version of his future king.

"...But to do that, I must become the lowest of the low." (M/N) frowned. "The worst Demon King, right?"

"Then don't!" Tsukuyomi shouted as she frantically tried to keep the monster at bay. "Don't become the Demon King!"


(M/N) frowned as he weighed his choices.

'If I don't, their future is saved...but would it really be?'

"And there's the crux of the matter."

Welt Yang (HI3 version just to remind you) frowned.

"Their history doesn't connect to his. It's missing some very important factors in it."

'After all, some things don't make sense, and there are people missing that should be there in the future! Even if I'm almighty, heroes like Batman and Iron Man should have left some sort of report about my future self for future resistance fighters to continue!'

"That's for sure."

Those that knew them agreed.

'Even Gods are not invincible! Just harder to defeat!'


Hades monotonously said.

His fellow Gods and Goddesses agreeing.

'But if I do, I'll become the Demon King!'

'What can I...'

'With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.'

"And his mind is made up."

Kallen said.

"The choice has been made. And a new path has opened up."

King Mickey said.

His uncle's words suddenly repeated them in his mind.


"I've decided..."

He spoke with finality.

"If accepting this power means to be the Demon King, I accept!"

Woz smiled at that.

"However..." He continued. "I won't be the Demon King that has devastated the future. I won't be the lowest, the worst Demon King to ever exist."

"Well, that'll throw them for a loop."

"I will become the Demon King this world needs. A Demon King that protects!"


Woz shocked expression said it all.

As well as Tsukuyomi's at his declaration.

And the audience too was shocked.

"He intends to defy the Destiny written out for him and carve out his own path to walk on."

Hestia murmured in amazement.

"That's humans for you."

Murata Himeko shrugged.

"We will walk on the paths; we have chosen for ourselves."

"Not the path that someone dictates we should take."


'Walk our own paths.'

Tallulah thought to herself.

Was there possibly another path that could be taken to gain equality for the Infected?


The watch began flashing and glowing as it accepted (M/N) resolve, recognizing him as its master. When the light show died down, the watch was activated.

"Such power."

(M/N) could feel the aura of power emitting from the watch.

*Step* *Step*

"Here, my Demon King."

Woz kneeled down, presenting him with the Kamen Rider belt.

"Not going to lie, thought he was going to betray him after hearing his decree."

Gavial hummed, amazed at the man loyalty despite (M/N) intentions.

"That is probably one of his good points."

Scaramouche sweatdropped at that.

"Even though he still intends on turning him into the Demon King of the Future-nya!"

Akashi added in.

"His loyalty is genuine."

(M/N) wordlessly took the belt.

"You know how to use it."

Woz spoke.

Staring at the belt for a second, he placed it around his waist.

*Ziku Driver!*

A voice shouted out from somewhere, as it automatically wrapped itself around him.

Letting his instincts guide, he shot out his arm and rotated the rim.


Could be heard as the outer rim locked into place, activating the watch.

Before he placed it to the right side of the belt holder (What are they called?), activating the transformation sequence as a massive clock appeared behind him.

Slowly positioning himself into a pose as the clock started ticking.



He shouted as spun the belt and the clock spun back to twelve!

Rider Time! Kamen Rider!

The hands went opposite directions, showing a mask, as the belt powered-up.

A burst of power exploded as the clock burst before wrapping him up in a bubble.


(Kamen Rider Zi-O)

His belt showing the year 20XX.

Tsukuyomi can only stare as she pondered the ramifications of her failure to stop the rise of Ohma Zi-O.


"Oh, great! Another Kotomine!"

Rin Tohsaka grumbled.

Kotomine chuckled menacingly.

"Inheriting the power of all the Riders!"

(M/N) took a look at his new form in shock and amazement.

"Transcending space and time to rule the past and the future!"

"The King of Time!"

"His name shall be: Kamen Rider Zi-O!"

"Truly the moment of the birth!"

'Stop making me out to be some megalomaniac villain trying to rule the world!'

(M/N) mentally shouted.

"But you are!"

Toga shouted.

"No, that's our (M/N)."

Gojo Satoru said.

"...Good point."

(Union (M/N): ACHOO!!)


Tsukuyomi stared in defeat.

"This power..."

(M/N) clenched his fist.

"Time to finish you off!"

With that said, he charged at Another Build.

*Clang! BAM!*

Blocking an attack, he overpowered Another Build and slammed his fist into his chest.

"Now the battlefield has changed!"

*Bzzt! Hum!*

Another Build flew from the impact of the blow.

Landing several feet away.

"Not good being on the end of that now, is it!?"

(M/N) taunted the beast.

"He really has a death wish."

Beast Boy shook his head.

"Like you and Cyborg aren't the same?"

Raven (TT) deadpanned.


The two shouted in pain and betrayal at that.

Growling, the monster charged at him.

(M/N) quickly dodged an attempt to grab him and slam him the ground. Soon punches and kicks were being thrown as neither side gave up. Ducking from a swing, (M/N) landed another punch to the monster.


Sending the beast stumbling, growling as it tried to strike him down.

'I'm glad I practice martial arts!'

(M/N) thought to himself as he kept up with Another Build assault. Blocking, dodging, and countering with his own punches as he slowly pushed him back.

"Remind me not to get on his bad side."

17 said.


While this was happening, Woz left. Pleased with his work in awakening the Demon King, knowing that he would win.

Because (M/N) is King.

"Nah, it's because he's got plot armor."

RODK Issei shrugged.


Before getting hit on the head with a coconut.


Nobara sweatdropped.

"I think it's more of that he's a badass, though."

Growling, the monster suddenly sent a basketball at him.


(M/N) stumbled at the impact of the energy ball hitting his head.

Taking advantage of this, the monster sent several more at him.



(M/N) shouted as he was sent flying to the ground.

"Oh no!" RODK Ruby shouted, watching (M/N) get beaten back.

"Don't worry." RODK Mineta said. "If this is anything like the series, he'll win."

"Doesn't make it any less terrifying though."

Cliffheart spoke up.


Grunting, (M/N) slowly got up. Before noticing his belt glowing.


Zikan Girade!

A large sword appeared in front of him.

"Well...that's convenient."

Orga said.

"...Just roll with it, (M/N)"

(M/N) just said as he grabbed the sword and pressed a button.


The sword began glowing with power as (M/N) began swatting the basketballs away, even slicing some as well.

Using his quick reaction time, he sliced another basketball away before swiftly landing a blow against Another Build.


The monster roared as he flew to the ground.


(M/N) panted, sweat on his face behind the mask as he stared at sword.

"Grnn..." Growling, the monster summoned yet another basketball.

"Did this monster absorb a bunch of basketballs or something?"

Jumping into the air, he began pouring power into the ball.

(M/N) head turned to the monster, before grabbing the watch and placing it into the slot in the sword.

Zi-O Girigiri Slash!

Came the attack name as (M/N) jumped into the air straight at him.

Roaring, the monster charged at him, Throwing the enormous ball of energy at him.


Only for (M/N) to slice both the ball and the Monster with his sword.


The monster screamed as he fell to the ground and exploded!

"And of course, what superhero verse isn't complete with explosions?"



The audience shouted in surprise.

Not having expected that kind of aftermath.



Hitting the ground was not the monster, but

...One of the missing teens?


Came the shouts from those who did not know the series.

"The monster was a human!?"

Javelin (AZ) shouted in shock.

"Yes." Ei confirmed. "It will be explained later, but he was transformed into a monster in exchange for not having his life cut short."


"What do you mean by-"

"You'll see."

Nahida simply said as the screen continued.

"Dang it!"


(M/N) shouted in shock and awe.

Swinging the sword in several movements.

But unfortunately, life was not yet through with him.

"In the end, you couldn't change history."

A voice called to Tsukuyomi who stopped walking to (M/N) and turning her head to the source of the voice.



Thor gulped.

They forgot about him.

"Not good."

Videl gulped as well.

"Rest in peace other me."

(M/N) prayed.

Geiz walked past Tsukuyomi as he stopped in front of (M/N) who turned to face him.

"Why did you become the Demon King!?"

He 'calmly' asked.


Harry deadpanned.

"He calmly asked. Just like Professor Dumbledore."

Suddenly the screen changed.


(Hope you got a laugh out of that)



Was the reaction of many.

"...Did that really happen?"

Hermione nervously asked her friend.

"To an extent."

Harry admitted.

"He didn't try to torture me or kill me."



The HP cast moved far away from Dumbledore.

Who happily opened another Lemon Drop and popped it into his mouth.

"...I am having a terrifying image of Zeus doing something like that."

Poseidon deadpanned.


Hades said.


Disney Zeus spoke up.

"I'm somehow imaging Hades doing something like that."


Disney Hades calmly roared in flames at that.


"...Because it's the path that I choose."

His words stunned the male.

"Then again...perhaps since the time I was born. I had decided."

"Since he was born?"

Charlie blinked.

"That's kind of a stretch don't you think?"


Megumi Fushiguro said.

Those words struck a chord in him as he remembered something Ohma Zi-O had said.


RODK Ruby said.

"It is impossible for you to defeat me."


"Are we going to find out what he was going to say!?"

Peter Parker shouted out excitedly.

"Do you understand why?"

Geiz could be seen glaring at him.

"Because I was born...to be king."

"Ohhhh" Queen Caesar winced. "That's not good."

"He triggered a bad response from him."

"He's fucked and not in a good way."

"I see." Geiz said, seeing Ohma Zi-O overlapping Kamen Rider Zi-O. In that case..."

The overlapping images disappeared as Zi-O was left.

"Then I have no choice. All I can do is end your path here and now."


(M/N) took a step back as he could feel the other male killing intent directed at him.



Geiz then transformed into Kamen Rider Geiz.

Tsukuyomi was conflicted on what to do, as Geiz activated a device.


Placing it into the other slot, he spun it around.

Armor Time!

Suddenly he was encased with armor.

"Oh, come on!"

Shippo shouted.

"How is that fair!?"

"Because it's not supposed to be fair."

Hermione sighed.

Neville and Luna agreeing with her.

"Kaigan Ghost!"

He shouted.

"Here I come, Ohma Zi-O!"

"He-Hey!" (M/N) shouted. "Let's calm down here!"


Boruto raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't think I would see a world where (M/N) was scared."

"Considering that he's fighting against someone more experienced in being a Kamen Rider, I'd say his concerns are justified."

Mitsuki simply said.

"Good point."

"Prepare yourself!"

Geiz shouted as he charged at him.

"Damn it!"

(M/N) shouted as Geiz sent his ghosts at him.



"Hey!" "What the!?" "What gives!?"

Several people complained as the screen paused.

"Well just take a small break here."

Zero smirked.

"What's going to happen to (M/N)?"

Megumi asked.

"He'll survive, he's the main character in this story."


"When will the rest of us get involved?"

Sam Wilson asked.


"Are they going to try to keep killing him?"

Ironwood asked.

"It'll take some time before they accept that he won't become Ohma Zi-O."

He answered. "You can't just erase years of trauma just because his past self is different from his future self."

"These inconsistencies." Elysium spoke up. "Is this the result of several worlds somehow being connected in some way?"

"It'll be explained more."

Zero said.

"For now, catch a breather. Need to go make sure the Multiverse isn't collapsing due to some psychotic organization trying to take over the multiverse."

...Why did that sound oddly specific?


With that said, Zero went off to go deal with handling his duties for a while.


Have a good day/night!

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