Order 66

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Don't own any art/video/gifs if they show up on here.

Chapter guest: Bino.



Zero smiled at VI Union.

"Seems like you guys had a lot of fun!"


They screamed.

It was pure torture! Pure agony!

They had been dancing in what seemed like forever!

And the worse part!

They felt the urge to throw up but couldn't! They had to suffer the feeling of nausea among the constant spinning!


VI Asia whimpered.

"Yeah, yeah." Zero whimpered. "I'm a horrible being for punishing you with eternal spinning until I say otherwise. Moving on."

"I don't know what they're saying!" Evan smiled. "Spinning is fun!"

"And I'm still the spinning champion!"

'I will never understand why he likes to spin so much.'

The Afton family/friends/missing children thought to themselves.

Evan could spin for days if he could!

'...He really likes that song.'

Grace (FNAF sweatdropped.

Curse the people who played that song in the break room.


Zero clapped his hands.

"Back to our regular broadcast!"

-Union Academy-

"Our home!!"

VI Union cheered in joy!

While RODK and Union stayed silent.

They had a funny feeling they knew what was going to happen.

A place of magnificence, of greatness, of...yeah, you know what?


I'm too lazy to have to repeat it every time we talk about Union.

Ember snorted.

"That was one magnificent 4th wall break."

"Heh." Loremaster nodded. "Short, sweet and to the point."

Union Academy: A place where people go to become heroes. Some of the school alumni include All Might, Eraserhead, Endeavor, Homelander, Stormfront, Hawks...you get the deal.


They shouted.

"Well it's true!"

Aka shouted.

"We don't have time to be going over and over again with the same intro every time!"

Now the academy itself it's a place deserving of recognition. With its state of the art security, to the top notch cafeteria food (because if Union can't even serve quality food then I wouldn't want to go there), state of the art gyms and decorations and gardens and architecture.

"It does have nice features."

Annabeth Chase conceded.

Her fellow siblings and other demigods nodding in agreement. Despite how most Unions are, some of them were rather high tech.

But that was the academy itself. It was glorious.

"OH, YEAH!!"

VI Issei and the others shouted out in agreement.

"...They really are idiots."

Bino deadpanned as he munched on some popcorn.

"The description isn't even talking about them."

He added.



Will screamed in horror!

"When you guys were leaving, I jumped into the portal right before it closed." Bino answered as he continued munching on his popcorn. "You're not getting out of training that easily."

"I already told you I don't want to be one of the damn Unity Kings!"

Will shouted at him.

Why couldn't he understand that he didn't want this?!

"Your father asked me to." Bino reminded him. "He wants to retire, and he chose you because you are the only one worthy of becoming the Unity King of the Void because you are his son."

"And why should I care about what my deadbeat father wants!?."

Will yelled.

"He and my mother abandoned me, leaving me to fend for myself thinking they had died sometime after I was born. Only for him to send you eons later to test me! And he thinks I'm willing to accept after what happened after that?!"

Will yelled.

Bino actually flinched.

Yeah...that wasn't one of his or Kusho proudest moments concerning Will and Echo.

"And if you think I'm going to let my sister take the mantle then you are both crazy!!"

There was no way he was allowing his sister to take their father's place.

She was still recovering after missing for years!

Speaking of which...

Will turned to see Chiyo poking Noctis' face, interested in the annoyed reactions Noctis was giving her.

'...Well, at least she's comfortable and happy.'

Will sweatdropped.

He didn't know if he should be worried or just leave it. After all, just because she was interacting with a boy does not mean that she will magically fall in love with him.

(Because it is possible for a male and female to be FRIENDS and just friends without some hidden motive in it)

Plus, it seemed to be doing her some good being her unwilling therapy bear.

And Ignika seemed amused at his son's reactions.

"How many times do I need to tell you guys that I don't want to succeed him!?" Will shouted. "We might be friends now Bino, but I still haven't forgotten what happened in the past!"

He would never forgive his father for what he had done to him and to mostly Echo on that day.

On his and Echo wedding day!

Bino winced again at that.

While yes, it was simply a test to test his mettle. He did go somewhat overboard in testing him and let his temper get a tad bit explosive.

And Kūsho, Will father, didn't make it any better when he threw Echo into a portal after learning that her ancestor was Rozen Dawn.

...Yeah, Will didn't forget. And his forgiveness was limited. He forgave Bino sure, but his father was still on the fence because it was mainly his fault. He would only forgive his father after Echo forgave him.

...Which still hasn't happened yet. Echo was too busy enjoying making him sweat.

Avalyn, Will mother, was still mad at her husband after all these years.

"You have to understand that you're his son." Bino sighed, ready to go into yet another argument with him. "There is no one else more suited to being the Unity Void King, than you. His own flesh and blood."

"And we both know that you're not going to let Chiyo take on that burden."

"NO. I'm not." Will agreed to that. "But that doesn't mean that I will take it. I am happy with my life now, and the old man needs to respect that. I don't care if he wants to retire, he can look for a successor instead of being lazy and choosing his confused, and unwilling son who didn't know what was going on at the time."

-Back in Will universe-

Kūsho: "GACK!!"

Was in pain after being called lazy.

-Back in our universe.-

"Sorry, man." Bino shrugged, as an ominous aura covered him. "But a job a job."


He got up.

"Back to training!"

He lunged at Will, who screamed!



Only for Zero to bonk Bino on the head, causing him to fall to the ground.


Bino shouted as he hit the ground.


Will sighed a breath of relief.

"Thanks, Zero."

He said.

"Don't thank me yet." Zero deadpanned. "Depending on my mood I might just let him continue the training."


Will meeped at that.

"...And then there's you."

Bino got up as he dusted off the imaginary dust on him.

"A weird oddity." He admitted. "You are an Author God, and yet your powers say otherwise. You're not really on our, the Unity Kings, level. Yet, you're not a normal Author God."

"And then there's the fact that not even I, one of the strongest beings to ever exist, can enter your universe without permission." Here, he had a confused look. "Which should be impossible and yet it's real."


He asked, completely confused.

Zero was a strange being and that didn't just include him. The multiverse that he watched was just as strange as their guardian himself.


Zero just sighed.

"Because this universe is known as a Core Universe."


"I'm sorry." Bino blinked. "But did you just say Core Universe? What is that?"

He's never heard of a core universe before, and he practically knows the existence of every type of universe there is!

Prime Universe! Beta Universe! Multiverse! Omega Universe! You get the picture.

But he's never heard of a Core Universe.

"...Not even you know it?"

Zero was surprised. Out of every deity that existed, he thought Bino would at least know even a small amount of knowledge about it.

"Sorry." Bino shook his head. "But this is honestly the first time I've heard of it."

"...I guess the Outer Gods made good on their promise."

Zero hummed.


"The Outer Gods knew?"

Bino blinked.

"Long story." Zero said. "This is before I met anyone, even my wives. But they one day crashed here, caused a lot of mayhem and some things I don't want to talk about. Did some very weird things and gave the greatest acid trip you will ever get."

"Huh..." He realized something. "That was how I learned of the Core Universe's and that my universe is one of them. But I was able to use the laws and rules of the Core Universe and kick them out. They are still banned from coming here unannounced...except for Cthulhu, he's cool."


"Why just him?"

Malzeraoth asked.



We see a younger Zero and Cthulhu playing DDR.

"You think you can beat me!?"

Cthulhu roared.

"I know it!"

Zero taunted him.

"Ohhh, bring it on whelp!"

Cthulhu shouted as they began dancing even faster with sick moves thrown into the mix.

Doom Slayer and Pneuma sweatdropped as their son squared off against the Eldritch horror.

-End flashback-

"Don't ask..."

Zero just crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he turned away. Bino just sweatdropped as he had read his mind and saw the reason why.

'How come Cthulhu never challenged me to a round of DDR?'

Bino thought to himself. Ohhhh, he was so going to get him back for this.

Cthulhu shivered for some reason.

"But getting back to my story." Zero decided to hurry this along. "Core Universes are similar to Prime Universes. But Core Universes have the power to change their multiverse. You could say that it's like changing the settings on a game. What we change here will change the rules of the multiverse. The rules are different and cannot be challenged by outsiders not native to my multiverse sphere."

"It can grant unimaginable power to any who bathed in the Core Universe energy storms."

"It will weaken/limit residents from another multiverse like Tempest's, Will, or yours." He continued. "Of course, I can alter it as its guardian and release you from the rules. Hence why I'm able to deal with you a little bit easier."

"Because my powers have been limited."

Bino said in surprise.

"Is that even possible?"

"Well..." Zero trailed off. "Even after spending countless eons studying my universe, I don't have all the answers. But considering what had happened in the future, I can say that it is very possible."


"Oi!" Bino said annoyed. "There's no way that he could have successfully killed me!"

"Then why did you die?"

Zero frowned.

"It shouldn't have been possible." Zero added. "And yet, Lord Daraku somehow managed to do the impossible and killed the Unity Kings and those that were just as powerful as them as well as immortal. And added their powers to his. We never did find out how he was able to do that."

"...As much as it grinds at my pride, you do have a point."

Bino grumbled.

He still couldn't believe that Daraku had been able to achieve an impossible feat!

Omni shifted at that because that was his old future self they were talking about.

"Anyways." Zero got back on track. "Basically, Core Universes have a unique barrier that protects them from invaders."

"Unless they managed to get in through a rift in space and time."

Nahida pointed out.

"True." Zero nodded, remembering that unexpected encounter with an agent of the Regime accidentally entering their world.

But he was taken care of easily.

"And there's the fact that even though I call myself an Author God, it never seemed to sit right with me." Zero added. "In all honesty, I've never felt that I was one. I'm not quite like one, yet it's similar to an Author God. Probably why this Tier system of the Omniverse doesn't really affect me as much as it does to others."

"I see, I see." Bino was intrigued. "This explains why I felt different the moment I got here."


Bino smirked.

'Why the hell does he look pleased with this?!'

The Author Gods and Immortals thought to themselves!

"Just when I thought I had you all figured out." Bino smirked. "I barely scratched the surface with you, just like with Will and so many others that I have met."

"...I'm not going to even decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

Zero decided.

He had his own problems to deal with!

"Let's get back to the show."

The majority of the students and faculty...were nothing then the lowest of the low.


VI Union screeched in anger.



They screamed in pain.

"You're excused."

Bino deadpanned.

"What gives?!" VI Mineta squealed. "I thought your powers were weakened!"

"Oh, please." Bino rolled his eyes. "They're weakened to the point that Will and the others could take me on and manage to subdue me. But you guys don't even have an ounce of their power or my power. You're too weak."

"Fuck yo-aghhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

"No thanks."

Hypocrites, assholes, scumbags, you name it. They are probably that.

"And more."

Zeref said.

With the so called kings and queens and rulers of the academy. Who almost everyone follows like the blind sheep's they are.

"Bunch of freaking idiots."

Tim Drake groans.

"On that we agree on Drake."

Damian said.

"OH...oh forget it I'll take what I can get."

Tim said causing the others to sweatdrop.

Some of these 'kings' and queens were, but not limited to.

Issei Hyoudou

"Yeah, baby!"

VI Issei bragged.

"The harem king is in the house!"



SC Issei screamed as RODK Akeno violently zapped him.


The Useless ones screamed in concerned.



Before they were violently slammed against the wall.

"Shut up."

Malzeraoth grumbled, annoyed.



The pile of filth screamed.

"Kneel before my greatness!!"

He boasted.


Squidward deadpanned in the most monotonous voice ever.

Cockugou shrieked like a banshee.

"How anyone finds this asshole attractive is beyond me."

Grace (CH) deadpanned.

"Well, it's not like he's ugly."

Irene (KR) said.

"His personality just sucks."

Diego (PR) finished.

VI Bakugou: *SCREECH!!!*

Rias Gremory

VI Rias was too busy groaning in pain.

Sona Sitri

"I'm getting the feeling it's not in a good way."

RODK/Union Sona deadpanned.

"Probably not."

Olga shrugged.


"Of course!"

RODK/Union RWBY groaned.

(I was honestly trying to find a new group of people, but I could not find anyone I felt suited that I didn't mind making evil/a bully. Those that I found, I liked too much to make them assholes)

"Look on the bright side." Sophia spoke up. "At least, YOU guys realized the errors of your way and have changed."

"Yeah." Union Ruby groaned. "It just took seeing the future and learning just how vile our classmates are to have some sense snapped into us."

"Which is more then what can be said for your counterparts."

Evo helpfully inputted.


Seryu Ubiquitous


Tatsumi let out a scream of terror!

"Not her!!"

He shouted.

If she's there, then that means!!

"Uh..." Alice blinked. "Who?"

"A psychopath who brainwashed to the point that she doesn't even realize what real Justice is." Tempest deadpanned. "And follows an even greater psychopath."


"She got help in this world." Zero shrugged, shocked looks at that. "She's still a psychopath but now an adorable one who doesn't go killing innocent people in the name of Justice."

"Basically, like Himiko."

Dabi nodded.


Toga pouted.


Shigaraki loled her.

"Since when can you do that?!"



Tatsumi fainted.


"Wake up, idiot!"

Omni yelled at his twin brother.

"GAH!!" Tatsumi shouted. "I'm up! I'm up!"

Sweatdrops could be seen at that.

'Just how bad was it for him to be so traumatized?'

Many thought to themselves.


"Yes, they exist in that world." Zero deadpanned. "No, they are not bullies. Just a bunch of crazies trying to find their way in life. They hate Union because it is corrupt and after getting a reality check, realized how corrupt the Empire was and how atrocious their actions were. Now, they abhor about any kind of corruption."


Tatsumi squeaked.

(The Trauma is strong in this one.)

(Me: Zip it, Vader)


"And before you ask, yes." He said. "They and (M/N) have a relationship."



VI Issei, VI Mineta and the other pervy bullies screamed in agony!

"How dare he steals my harem!"

VI Issei screeched.

'You have a harem?'

Many thought to themselves again.




VI ORC Screamed as VI Issei was sliced in half.


Zero sheathed his sword.

*Blink* *Blink* *Blink*

"Those are some fast reflexes."

Bino noted.

That was fast, even for his eyes to catch.

These were just some of the kings and queens of the school.

Bino, Ember, Kong, Madness, and the others scoffed at that.

Those weaklings...kings and queens?

They would cower before the true kings and queens.

Drunk on their self superiority and arrogance, (except for Esdeath and Seryu, and certain other people not mentioned) they thought themselves invincible.

"Because we are invincible!"

Slutugou shouted.


"Not even in your dreams, compensating punk."

Will deadpanned.


Bakugou screamed in pain.

Convulsing as his body suddenly started spasming out of control.

They bullied those they viewed as lesser to them, hurt those that didn't possess powers, viciously assaulted their fellow students and sent them to the hospital.

"Fucking hell!"

Chloe yelled as she glared angrily at the scumbags from SC Union.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" She shouted. "I know you're all assholes but to this extent!?"

"Shut your fucking mouth, bitch!!" VI Issei shouted at her. "They should be honored that we even give them the time of-GAHHH!!!"

Hear that?

That's the sound of Tempest brutally ripping the asshole to shreds. Tearing his flesh apart from his body as he mutilated the arrogant male.

"No one says that to Chloe and gets away with it!!"

Tempest roared as he administered a punishment so gruesome that not even gore fans could look at.

It didn't matter if this Chloe was a different one from the one, he married. If you dare to say such things to his wife or her counterparts...be prepared to die a horrible, painfully slow, death.


VI Asia shouted as she tried to help her boss.




VI Asia screamed as a (F/C) Lightsaber impaled her.

"You butt out." Ignika shoved her with the Force.


Causing her to violently hit the wall in pain.


SHe coughed out blood.

"...Arrogant fools."

Zero just stood to the side.

"Know your place."

He gave them a dark glare.

"You are nothing!"

Even trying to do...darker things.


"Why those fucking bastards!!"

Kalpas roared.

"Where do they get off on doing that!?"

"Fuck you, bitch!"

VI Issei screamed, despite being in extreme pain.

"We can do whatever we want!" He yelled. "We're the greatest thing they'll ever get!"

"HAH!!" Kalpas laughed. "You!? The greatest thing to women?! I get more bitches than you ever will!!"

"That's not true!" VI Issei whined like the bitch he is. "I have bitches!"

"The whores don't count." Kevin Kaslana icily said. "And neither does your right hand."



The Author Gods/Unity Kings yelled.

"He got burned by an Ice King!!"

Elysia giggled.

"Kevin certainly not mincing his words."

Eden took a swing of her drink.

"Why should he?"

Godzilla shook her head, frowning.

"After seeing how unrepentant they are. They deserve every bit of hate they can get."


Ghidorah nodded.

The Kaiju Girls and the humans were VERY appalled by just how depraved these otherworlders were. Even after seeing how they acted.

VI Issei deflated as everyone was making fun of him and his inadequacies.

"Don't worry Issei kun." VI Asia smiled at him as she managed to crawl to him. "They don't what they are talking about when you got us."

"Like grandpa said."

Adam Kaslana crossed his arms

"Whores don't count."



HoFi Kiana shouted.

"What?" Adam blinked. "It's true."

"Well-I-that's...God damnit."

HoFI Kiana could not argue about that.

Ignika sweatdropped.

While this was happening, Chiyo began pulling and stretching Noctis cheek. Causing the dark elf/human hybrid to twitch as he tried to get her to stop.

Didn't work as it just made the scene more adorable.

'Blackmail for the future.'

Was Will thought as he took pictures of his twin sister being cute and healing from her trauma.

(You degenerates better not take any of this out of context)

Thankfully, there were those who could stand up against them. Even if it meant being social outcasts.

"Well, that's good."

RODK Weiss sighed,

"At least there are those who aren't afraid to stand up for what's right.

Not that it mattered, Union was corrupt.

"Ain't that the truth."

Ben (FL) grumbled.

He might not have been here as long as the others, but the few worlds he's seen with Union in them was enough to paint them in a bad light. And it wasn't even the school's fault per say since it's just a building. No, it lay with the people running it and tainting the rather beautiful building with their greed.

"You get used to it."

Luke said.

"I don't want to if it means looking at this trainwreck."

From the students abusing their powers to the teachers abusing their power and authority.

"Oh, great!" Superboy grumbled out loud. "Who are the assholes this time?"

Glynda Goodwitch.

"Of course."

Came the deadpan of many unsurprised voices.

No surprise there.

VI Glynda squawked at that.

Always finding faults in certain students studies, ignoring their explanations on certain subjects, ignoring their pleas for help and their defense, when they try to explain their actions when applying self defense against the bullies.


Ben (FL) gave VI Glynda a disgusted look.

"How can you be so heartless?"

"Mind your own business, child." VI Glynda gave him a hateful look. "You are just a nobody who has no right to criticize how I teach."

Ben gritted his teeth at the pure dismissal that Bitchwitch was trying to give him.

"Fuck no, I will not!" He said, startling her. "You are NOT the Glynda I know that acted like a mother to me. You have no power or right to tell me what to do."

"You are nothing more than a stupid bitch who should go sell herself out on the streets. That's all your good for."


"Holy shit!"

Many shouted at that.

VI Glynda and the others stared at him in shock and horror.

"What?" Ben (JJK) looked at them. "Shocked that my counterpart did not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit?"




Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald.

Just a few to mention.

"We'd be here all day if we had to see the list."

Monty deadpanned.


The mentioned assholes shouted out in anger.

"You're excused."

HI3 Himiko showed them the door.

There were also the siscons Sirzechs and Serafall who doted on their younger siblings and spoiled them too much.


Mina Ashido deadpanned.

"No wonder they are nothing more than spoiled brats in certain universes."

"You can't talk to Bucho that way!"

VI Issei yelled as he charged at her (having finally get his halves back together).



And was met with multiple missiles from Enterprise planes as she shot an arrow to his balls.

*High-pitch squeal*

Causing VI Issei to scream like a pig.


He fell to the ground.

"What balls?"

Hornet, Cleveland, and Gavial deadpanned.


Came the shout of the bozos as they rushed to his aid.


Ivan Ooze shut VI Asia mouth up by sealing her mouth with ooze.

"We don't need to hear your stupid whining!"

He growled.

And there were many more corrupted staff members to boot. And sad to say, that many people were ignorant and unaware of the greedy nature of future wannabe heroes and certain heroes running the school.

Until one fateful day...

"Oh?" Bino raised an eyebrow. "This should be interesting."

-Union Cafeteria-

"Man!" Yang Xaio Long shouted out. "Talk about an exhausting lecture. Ms. Goodwitch did not hold back today in combat class!"

"Yeah!" "You said it, sister!" "Agreed."

Her teammates nodded in agreement.

"Such a waste of time!"

Bakugou shouted.

"Why do we need to listen to stupid history when it doesn't talk about the glory of hero society!?"

The teen snarled; not liking that Aizawa had them learning about history before quirks and other powers made their appearance.

"Because contrary to popular belief, heroes aren't even worth mentioning."

Amagi smirked.



Homelander got up.

"Heroes are the backbone of society!" He 'lectured'. "Without us, society would be nothing and would collapse in on itself as a whole!"

"Without heroes, there would be nothing but power struggles and incompetency to lead the masses!"

Stormfront also said.

"You wouldn't understand, tho." VI Glynda and VI Tokinada scoffed at them. "You're Gods and immortals. How can you ever possible hope to understand how human society works?"

"...You guys really are a bunch of dumbasses."

Lorem deadpanned.

"Watch your mouth!"

Homelander yelled at her.

"Or I'll 'wash' it for yo-GAH!!"

"Keep your disgusting hands away from my wife."

Zeke coldly said as he burned Homelander face with acid.


Stormfront and the others shouted in shock, before glaring at the demon in anger.


VI Ironwood yelled.


Zeke deadpanned.

"Why you-!!"

"Keep in mind that there are many people here who would love to kill you." Theresa sighed. "And you guys are nothing more than a bunch of children thinking you're all that."

"WE ARE!!"

VI Issei and VI Union shouted.


Shifter corrected them by adding the missing word.


They screamed like a bunch of babies.

"Fucking losers."

Aka groans.


Issei shouted.

"They should be talking about my glory and accomplishments!"

"The day is you die is the day that you will be forever remembered.

Grace (JJK) deadpanned.

"How dare you!?"

VI Issei screamed in anger.

"I dare."

"Indeed, they should. Issei kun."

Rias nodded.

"Maybe I can get my big brother to fix that."

"Yes!" "Please do!" "Issei glory as the greatest Red Dragon Emperor must be immortalized!" "Oh, Issei-kun!"

His 'harem' nodded in agreement.

"OH, YEAH!" VI Issei pumped his fist into the air. "Soon, all the hotties will be mine!!"

"Not if I kill you first."

RODK Issei deadpanned.

God (OW!) really messed up when he created this loathsome version of himself.

"You're just jealous that you don't get bitches!"

VI Issei whined at him, 'gloating' about his 'superiority' over him.

"Again." RODK Issei deadpanned. "Your hand doesn't count."


VI Issei cried as he was, once again -_-, comforted by his 'harem'. Showing how pathetic he was at being unable to handle insults and criticism.

"What a baby."

Mr. Krabs deadpanned.

"Hmph!" Lila Rossi scoffed. "What's the point about learning about history? Bunch of nonsense and doesn't have any place in our society."

"Because we must learn from the mistakes of the past, to prevent them from happening again in the future!"

Master Splinter scolded the unrepentant male.

"Fuck off, you ra-*BAM!!*"


Naoya screamed as he was blasted away by a very powerful strike of the Force.


"Silence, you will be." Yoda gave them a frosty look. "Do nothing, you will. Worthless, you are. Unwanted, unloved, you are. Get no bitches, you don't."


VI Union was destroyed by that.


A new, UNWANTED voice could be heard.


"You have got to be kidding me?!" Evo shouted. "THOSE abominations is here?!"


Many were confused.



"We don't need history to tells us how to fight."


"What...the fuck?"

Raven (TT) just said as she stared at the screen to see...

(Teen Titans Go)


Robin Go cockily said.



Nightwing just stared at the screen in shock.

"Is that supposed to be me?"

"...Do you really want the answer to that?"

Gregory, Cassie, and Cassidy rhetorically asked.

"I feel like I need to wash myself religiously and go to church."

"All you have to do is just beat them up."

Cyborg Go added.

"Pardon my French." Cyborg said. "But what, the actual fuck?"

"Believe me." Tempest groaned. "We know how you feel."

"It is fun to fight!"

Starfire Go cheered.

"That may be true..." Starfire uneasily agreed, a little bit disturbed at her way too happy childish counterpart appearance. "But isn't history there to teach us not to repeat the past mistakes?"

"I feel like dying."

Apollo said.

"You and me both, brother."

Artemis agreed.

Because what the actual fuck? They looked cartoonish, but without the humor.

"And fun to put them losers in their place."


"That one's here too?!"

Tempest shouted.

'Velma' spoke up.

"They need to learn that they are at the bottom of the food chain because they are nothing but homophobic, racists bastards who should kneel to the true superior races."

"I think I need to go to Church."

Loona said.

"Right behind you."

Blitzo agreed as did the others.

"For once, we're in complete agreement, Imp."

Stella (HB) agreed.

Because God! Who the fuck created those abominations!?

(Bleh, can't believe I wrote that. Especially since I don't consider one race to be superior to the others)

The girl 'intelligently' said.

(I'm still of the belief that the Velma show should have been a new generation of Mystery solvers with the Original cast being their mentors)

"Right, Norville?"

She asked the 'Shaggy' of the group.


Norville nodded, but if anyone could see closely. They would see that he was restraining the urge to say otherwise.



Bino blinked.

"That's new."

He said.

"Thought he would have agreed like the omega bitch that whatshername turned him into."

"There's a reason for that in this universe."

Ei simply said.

"...Wait." Charlie blinked. "That's supposed to be Shaggy and Velma!?"

The Princess of Hell screamed as it finally dawned on her.

"Unfortunately." Echo sighed. "And the worse part? Scooby Doo is Scooby Who?"


"They took out the iconic mascot of the series!?" Vaggie yelled. "What the fuck is wrong with these idiots!?"

"A lot."

Woz shook his head in disappointment.

"They whine about race swapping and yet it's perfectly fine to completely change Velma race to something else."

(If I'm being honest, if the show wasn't such a dumpfire I might have been able to ignore that part and actually watched it. But the few clips I've seen really made me disgusted at her personality and attitude)

(No one disrespects my favorite Scooby character (Freddy, just so you know) and gets away with it!)

"That's just called lazy writing." Deadpool just shook his head. "They whine about equality and diversity, but they can't even make something original. And then accuse the fans and viewers of being the problem."

"That's sounds more like a 'her' problem then an 'our' problem."

Skeletor scratched his head.


Skeleton King agreed.

"They refuse to accept their faults and try to push their agenda on others."

He shook his head.

"And they wonder why they get such hate."

"Well at least Scrappy got redeemed once he killed 'Velma'."

Ember said.


"Scrappy killed Velma?!"

"Stupid racist bastards."

Blake growled in anger.

"Refusing to understand their crimes against us."


"Our crimes??"

William Afton raised an eyebrow.

"Bitch please." He scoffed. "Are you that ignorant and conceited to think it's just humans?"

"What do you mean by that!?"

VI Blake yelled angrily at the man dismissal to the Faunus plight.

"If you actually took a look at history, instead of reading your filth." Palpatine cackled. "You'll find that it doesn't matter the skin color or race or being a faunus. Slavery happened left and right! And no more, than by their own people!"


"You're lying!" VI Blake instantly denied. "There's no way that the Faunus would enslave their fellow Faunus!!"

"Talk about being blinded."

Mace Windu scoffed.


She shouted in anger.

"It's like Palpatine said." Zero scoffed. "Slavery was common among nations, especially in ancient times. And especially among their own people. Blacks enslaved by their fellow Blacks. Whites enslaved by their fellow Whites. Asians, African, you get the picture."

"History is not as cut and dry as you think it is to interpret it." He added. "It wasn't as though a nation was free of slavery, it happened in their borders. Especially with Warlords using their defeated enemies as labor once they emerged victorious."

"Also, even today slavery still exists. You just refuse to see it."


VI Blake and several others yelled in denial.

"It's the truth."

Ignika scoffed.

"Slavery happened everywhere, and no one is guiltfree from it." He coolly said. "It's just that one group is the main target for racism and slavery. When in fact..."

"Every race has had is history of enslaving their own people."

His words, cold and cruel, shut them up as tears fell down their faces. Reality crashing in on them.

"Oh, yeah."

Beast Boy cheered.

"I look like an idiot."

Beast Boy just stared.

"At least you're a handsome idiot instead of being a dumbass idiot."

Terra (TT) spoke up.

"Thanks Terra."

Beast Boy said.

"You're welcome 😊."





"...Wait, TERRA?!"

"You know..." Akeno suddenly said. "I wonder what happened to that loser?"

"You mean (M/N)?"

Ruby asked.


Akeno nodded.

"Who cares?!"

Sun scoffed.

"That racist asshole deserves to die!"

"Seriously!?" RODK Sun groaned. "Why am I like this!?"

"Because in most worlds, you're a simp for Blake and follow her words like they were the gospel."

Blake (68) answered.

"...I'm so glad I was just an idiot then." He admitted. "If I was both an idiot and a simp, I would be beyond redemption."

Everyone sweatdropped as former RODK bullies agreed that they were just glad that they were only idiots back then.

They did not want to know.

"Yeah!" "That's right!" "Hmm..."

Were some of the agreements that could be heard.

Now, why did they hate him?


Besides being powerless, (M/N) simply wasn't interested in their stupid agendas and 'rights'. He scoffed at Blake and the other teams pitiful attempts to get him to support their rights.

No surprise there, all they said was that the Faunus and Blacks were oppressed/still oppressed after all these years and that he should be supporting them to make up for the sins of his ancestors.

Which pissed the male off.


It pissed the male off badly at the fact that they were labeling certain races, just because of their skin color, ancestors of being slave owners one time.

Don't they know how hypocritical that was!?


Lucifer frowned.

"This was not what Father wanted from his creations when he created Earth."

People shuffled as the Fallen Angel and King of Hell was furious.

His aura unsettling even the Gods and Kings as well.

They were scared at his angered tone.

"You preach about rights and equality, and yet you try to use such a dirty tactic and try to make me feel guilty into supporting you!" He yelled at them. "And to even accuse my family when you don't even know if that's true!"

"Of course, it's true!" 'Velma shouted. "Every white person ancestor was a slave owner!"

"EXCUSE ME!!?!?!?"

Many in the audience yelled!

The audacity of this bitch!!

That did it.



"Oh, my God."

RODK Kirishima gaped in shock.

"They did it..."

RODK Shoto mouth hang open.

"They actually ticked him off bad enough that he used violent force."

"But we've seen him do that."

Rachel was confused.

"But only on those that threw the first punch." Belfast explained. "We've never seen him hit a civilian before or hit anyone who couldn't fight back."

"We've only seen him hit bullies and the like when they attacked him."

Zara answered.


Philip quickly got it.

(M/N) was not some sort of asshole that hurt people for the hell of it. Usually there's a reason for it.

"Bitch deserves it."

Christina scoffed.

"She should have never accused the boy family of that when she doesn't even know them."

She knew that discrimination was still strong, her poor nephew being a good example of being discriminated against. But she would never have accused somebody of doing that when she didn't even know them!

She was better than that!

'Velma stared in shock as she laid on the ground, one hand to the bruise forming on her cheek.


"You deserve it!"

Lily yelled, surprising her aunt and brother with that boldness.

But it was true.

She did deserve it.

She yelled.

"You stupid bitch." (M/N) growled. "You want equality? Then I'll treat you just like I would treat a fellow male."

"You're not supposed to do that!!"

Blake screamed.

"This girl an idiot."

Raph said.

"A major one, dude!"

Mikey agreed.


(M/N) glared at her.

"You don't tell me what to do."

With that said, he left.

"The level of self entitlement from this bitch."

Uvos said.

VI Blake hissed at the villain with hate but did nothing as he could easily kill her.

That...was the beginning of the bullying.

He was constantly harassed, being beaten up because of them being cowards and not fighting him one on one, false accusations, attempted murder.

"The hell!?" Gudako shouted in shock. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"None of your business, brat!"

Homelander shouted.

"My foot in your ass says otherwise!"

Not just from them, but from others like Team CRDL (which was ironic considering they bullied the faunus and yet they were friends with them), Sona and the bitches, hell! Even some of the headmasters and staff made his life a living hell!


Maria Traydor growled.


Cliff crossed his arms, unamused.

"They truly fail to comprehend their pitiful existence."

Beerus scoffed.

"He deserves it!"

VI Issei shouted.

"He is a threat to our greatness!"

Limpogou shouted.


VI bullies shouted out in agreement with several staff members nodding their heads at that.

Gaining looks of disgust at that.

"To think that such scum could really exist."

Creed Marrow shook his head.

It was taking all of his willpower to not unleash his horrors upon them.

But he could take that.

What he couldn't take...was what the Devils did next.


"What did you do?"

Batman growled.


That was a good question.

What did they do in that world?

One day, when he came back home. He saw, to his horror, his parents hanging off the ground.


"Oh fuck!!"

Blaze shouted out in shock!

Which was an accurate description to many people thoughts and feelings.

"What did those fucking devils do!?"

Olga Marie shouted out in anger and shock.

"Those bastards!" Loremaster shouted in shock, even she was appalled at what they did. "They went that far!? They make certain Hell residents look cute!"

There was a letter stating they couldn't take the pressure of having a powerless, racist son and took their own lives.


"What the fuck?"

RODK Yang and Lisa (JJK) simultaneously said.

(M/N) was in shock, and he broke. He cried for weeks on end after discovering their suicide. Though the police covered it up as a murder due to the parents being friends with the Chief of Police and several other high rank officials that went to school with them.

They didn't believe, even for a second, that (M/N) parents would be ashamed of him.

And they were right.


"WHAT." Cain grounded out. "DID. THEY. DO??"

Many people shuddered from the older (L/N) male aura, even his counterpart shook under it.

'He's mad!!'

They thought to themselves as Cursed Energy began emitting from him in waves.

The truth came in the form of Katerea Leviathan.



Serafall shouted out in surprise!

Last she knew, Katerea was busy trying to kill her and take back her title!

The Devil had been gravely wounded after fighting Azazel, how she survived was a mystery.

(Azazel is an incompetent buffoon in this world)


Azazel winced.

(M/N) had run into her by complete accident and helped her recover from her wounds. Of course, this had put the Devil in an uncomfortable position since she now had a debt to him. She was understandably surprised that he didn't accept her body as his reward.


The perverts of SC Union roared in fury.

Only stating that he was doing what a decent human being should do...ignoring the fact that she was trying to destroy the world. But hey, he didn't know at that time.

"That ungrateful loser!!"

VI Issei screamed.

"If that was me, I would be having fun with her body for days!"

VI Mineta cried tears of blood.


Bino deadpanned.

Seriously, Zero has a patience that could beat a saint!

Katerea was really confused and intrigued by the boy. And so when she heard about (M/N) parents death, she quickly came to his side. And after talking with the police, she agreed to check the body for any kind of alteration.

Turns out...they didn't do it of their own free will.


"Don't tell me."

Taeho frowned.

Katerea found traces of devil magic in them, their signatures?

Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan.


"You bastards!"

Ava yelled as she blasted them (VI versions) with Curse Energy.

"Now, you've gone too far!"

Yuki growled, as Sukuna glared at them.

Gojo Satoru smile had fallen, and you could practically feel the look he was giving you through the blindfold.

Yuki fellow classmates and upper classmates were ready to kill.

Irene (VI) gave them a look of disgust as her powers were starting to spiral out of control.

(M/N) (HH) gave them pure looks of hate and death as he couldn't believe how low any version of Union could go. Sure his used him as a sacrifice but it backfired on them greatly.

"How can they be so cruel?"

Carmilla wanted to stab them with her sharp and deadly shoes.

"Thou wishes he knew."

Zestial said, his smiled strained as he looked murderous.

"OHO!" Alastor cackled. "I think a hunting trip is in order!"

Apparently, they wanted to 'teach' (M/N) a lesson about respecting his betters and tried to make his parents death a suicide with a letter basically condemning him for being a freak.

Their only saving grace?

Was that, that was all they did. Only hypnotizing them to hang themselves and nothing more.

"Well!" Ava growled. "That's a relief."


VI Issei yelled, infuriated that he didn't get to add that smoking hot milf into his harem.

But they did something else that was horrible.

"Oh, great. What!?"

Videl shouted out in annoyance.

What could they have possibly done now!?

A third life was lost.


"They didn't..."

Evo eyes widened as a dark aura surrounded him.

Turns out, that (M/N) mom was pregnant, and they were going to be welcoming a new addition to the family.

But now...it wasn't going to happen.


"You fucking bastards!"

Artemis, Katsumi, and RODK Yang yelled as they lunged at SC Union, as well as others.

The sounds of pain and suffering could not be described.

(M/N) broke and disappeared after that.

Many in Union cheered, but were silenced by those that did not find it happy to laugh about his parents and sibling deaths. Especially Esdeath and Seryu who were in love with him.

"They're dead."

Tatsumi shook his head.

Remembering how monstrous those two were.

"Who cares about him!?" Issei laughed like a donkey. "He's gone and out of our lives for good! And if we see him again..."

"We'll help him see his family."

Cardin laughed.

And soon the others joined.

"Fucking assholes."

Ben (FL) growled.

"Spoiled brats."

Luke grumbled.

"I'm curious." Malzeraoth smiled. "Just what is their karma in this world?"

"You'll see."

Zero smirked.

Confusing and scaring them.

But soon their laughter ended.





The sound of a building nearby exploded into pieces as the ground shook from the violent shockwave.

"AHH!!" "What the fuck!?" "What's happening!?" "Are we under attack!?"


Soon, more buildings exploded.


"We are under attacked!"

The intercom blared to life.

"Those who can fight, prepare for combat!"

"What's going on, here?"

Loona asked.


Screams of terror could be heard as people could be seen running through the streets. Desperate to get away from their attackers.


As massive beams of energy pummeled the buildings all over Union City, and not just there. But also, the rest of the world.

"Who has the kind of power to be able to lead simultaneous attacks?"

Someone asked,

"Who dares to attack Union!?"

Homelander roared in anger.


Diego says.


Ethan joins.


Taeho agreed.


Grace said.


The Chaosbringers said.


"OKAY!!" Homelander screams. "I get it!!!"

"What the fucking hell!?"

Bakugou screamed in anger.

"Who's the dead villain that did this!?"


"Well, maybe if you dumbasses looked up."

A new girl spoke up.



Naruto and the Naruto cast shouted out in shock.

"That's...me!?" Naruto shouted. "As a girl!?"

"Why are you so surprised 😑?" Zero asked. "You got that stupid Sexy no Jutsu thing. You shouldn't be surprised, especially after learning how you could have been in another world."

"...Good point."

Naruto sweatdropped.

"What did you say!?"

Issei yelled, glaring at the ungrateful bitch who refused to join his harem.

"Glad she has brains."

Tsunade said.

"Unlike her counterpart here."


Naruto yelled at the drunken Sanin.

His friends laughing at him.

"You deaf, douchebag?" Naruko 'asked'. "Look up, and you'll see the answer."

Growling, they did.

And their faces turned pale as they saw.

(Star Destroyers)

"Those are!?"

The Star Wars cast shouted out in fear.

"So..." Anakin mused. "It's going to be that kind of universe."

"What the fuck are those!?"

Kiba Inuzuka shouted out in shock.


The ships stopped attacking for a moment as a loud voice boomed over the speakers.

"Citizens of Earth!" The voice of Admiral Piett could be heard. "In the name of the Galactic Empire and his Excellency, the Emperor, we have come with an offer you can't refuse!"

"Surrender and join the Galactic Empire and we shall be merciful. Refuse, and we'll shall add this planet by force!"

People can be heard muttering on the streets at that.

"The choice is yours." A new voice spoke out.


Grand Admiral Thrawn now spoke up.

"But I advise you to willingly surrender." He diplomatically said. "Against the forces we have assembled for this planet, you truly stand no chance."



Thrawn blinked.

"What is ligma?"

"He still doesn't know?" Anakin blinked. "Huh, guess he's more innocent than I thought."

"Not anymore now, it seems."

Palpatine cackled.

"Ligma balls you asshole!!"

Bakugou screeched.

"You villains think you can beat me!? ME!?!? The future #1 hero!? For that, you will die!!"

"YEAH!!" "That's right!!" "Fucking bastards!" "Go to hell!"

"Villainous scum!!"

All Might and the other heroes showed up.

"For daring to attack us, you will be brought to justice!!"


VI Union shouted out in agreement.


"You don't need to be a genius to know how fucked they are."

Bino deadpanned.


Zero just drank his strawberry milkshake in silence.

Star Wars was nothing to laugh at. Canon, Legends, in between.

You're fucked.

Plain and Simple.

"...Ensign Vanto was right." Thrawn muttered to himself. "It really is a dumb joke."

(This comic)

"That's for sure."

Padme gave her husband an annoyed look.

Anakin just chuckled.

Thrawn mentally deadpanned.

No wonder he didn't want to tell him.

"Very well." He spoke into the intercom. "You have made your decision. We shall take this planet by force."

"You can die trying!!"

Issei screamed as he activated Balance Breaker and turned himself into a mecha dragon that flew into the air.

"Take this!!"

He blasted the Star Destroyer with a powerful blast of energy.


"Direct hit!"

Weiss shouted.

"He did it!!"

Asia cheered.

"OH, yeah! Baby!"

Issei bragged.

"The Harem King wins once more!!"

"Ever heard the saying: 'It isn't over until it's over?'"

Kaga rhetorically asked.



Issei gloating soon turned to pain as a powerful laser beam blasted him back to the ground.

"No surprise there."

Taeho groaned, while his Eldritch counterpart just chuckled.



The ORC screamed as they rushed to his aid.


Issei gasped as he looked in horror to the sky. The others following his gaze to see...

The Star Destroyer not even hit.

"Someone as weak as you would never be able to dent it even a tiny little bit."

Spyro shook his head.


The sound of a ship hovering down could be heard as smaller ships landed.


Revealing countless Storm Troopers who began walking out.


And began shooting.


Eraserhead screamed as he fell to the ground, dead.


"That was fast."

Aizawa said, trying his best to keep his composure up.

"Your quirk is useless against them." Nahida explained. "Not to mention that lasers move at the speed of light. Normally, you would have been able to dodge them. But you were too in shock at what was happening at the moment."

"...That makes sense."

He said.

"And trust me." Zero spoke up. "Your death is quick in comparison to how several others are going to die."




Present Mic and Midnight shouted in horror, before turning to the Storm Troopers.

"You bastards!"

PM yelled as he screamed.



The STs yelled as they were blasted back.

"That's the power of Sound."

Ignika shuddered.

Remembering that one time he had tangled with Kohrak-Kal.

Soon an all out war was being fought as both sides began sustaining heavy losses.




A cloaked figure could be seen watching Earth from above in space.

*Step* *Step*

"My Apprentice."

People jumped.

"Darth Vader!?"


The Apprentice turned and bowed to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

"Why do you stand here?" Darth Vader asked. "Did you not request to come to this world to wreak your revenge against those that have wronged you?"

"Is that not why you have chosen here, now that your training is complete?"


"Wait, hold on!"

Ahsoka Tano shouted.

"I thought there were only two Sith at a time!?"

The Jedi were in deep thought at that.

"In many timelines, that is true."

Zero nodded.

"In this timeline, however." He added. "Palpatine decided to do things a little bit differently. After observing the Rule of Two, he decided to try to bring back the Old Sith Order. But in his own way."


"So, you're saying..."

Mace Windu trailed off.

"That the Sith has more members now?" Zero said. "Yes."



"Do you still have hesitation?"

Darth Vader stared at him.

"...Anger, hate, sorrow..." The Apprentice spoke quietly. "These negative emotions fuel our powers over the Dark Side of the Force."


The Dark Lord of the Sith nodded at that.

"But I could never let go of those that I cared for."

He softly said.

"That is why the Emperor considers you both a threat and an ally." Darth Vader stated. "But we both know you don't care about the Galaxy as a whole, so long as you have jurisdiction over Earth and revenge on those that wrong you."

"And who is this loser supposed to be!?"

VI Issei screamed.


Many people thought to themselves.

It was rather obvious on who the male is.

Considering who they have been watching thus far.

"That is what you made clear to us the day we found you here on this low leveled planet."

"WHAT!?" Stormfront yelled. "How dare he calls low level!!"

"It's the truth." Donny smirked. "Compared to their technology, yours is even lower than the Atari console."

The hero was practically fuming at that insult.

"Remember what it means to be a Sith."


"Yes, Master."

The Apprentice nodded as his lightsaber came to life.

"Your hatred, your anger." Darth Vader spoke up. "Channel these emotions into the Force and lay waste..."


This time, Darth Vader own lightsaber ignited.

"...To all who dare oppose us."

"As you command, Lord Vader."

The Apprentice nodded, his gaze serious under his cloak and armor.

"Good." Darth Vader nodded in approval. "Now go, Lord Chimichanga."




Henry Lazarus shouted out in shock, as did his friends and others.


(Deadpool: Merp!)

"Of course."

TeriTeri deadpanned.

"Only he would so brazenly mess with the universe."

"Hey!" Deadpool shouted. "Chimichangas rule!!"



"Now go, Darth Khych."

(Used a Random Sith Generator because I couldn't think of one)

Darth Vader commanded.

"And let us show them the true power of the Force."

Darth Khych nodded as they boarded Lord Vader personal Shuttle and left the Devastator behind.

"They are so fucked."

Cassidy said.


Evo shouted.




Evo shouted as he was literally set on fire.

Don't ask how he's feeling pain, he just is for comedy reasons.

"...Moving on."

-Back on Earth-

"Take this!"

All Might shouted as he landed a devastating blow and sending countless Storm Troopers into the air.

"This is the so called invasion?"

Homelander began laughing like an egotistical maniac.

"HAH!" He mockingly shouted. "Your element of surprise is pitiful!"


He said as he snapped a Storm Trooper neck.


All Might looked furious at that.

"There was no reason to kill that person!"

"Wrong, All Might." Stormfront spoke up. "There was every reason to kill that weakling. After all, we have to make an example to future space invaders if they dare to try to conquer our world."

"I might find All Might to be naïve." Endeavor shook his head. "But at least he is not heartless like you guys are."

"Shut the fuck up!" Stormfront yelled. "Mind your own business, you softhearted fool!!"

"Better soft, than to be a heartless murderer."

He shot back.

"Still doesn't change the fact that, that was a person underneath that helmet!"

Midnight snarled, clutching her side.


"What happened?!"

Midnight shouted in shock.

"You narrowly avoided being blasted."

Leo answered, before shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, PM wasn't so lucky and got taken down moments before we came back to this scene."


PM swore.

"Look on the bright side." Raph suddenly said. "You became a high priority to eliminate because of how powerful and dangerous your quirk is. The moment you had to stop to take a quick breather, they all took the opportunity to kill you even if it killed them."

"That's playing dirty!"

Union Iida shouted.

"In war..." Ignika frowned. "The enemy will utilize any opening they can get."

"They took it." Spyro nodded. "And killed him to get him out of the picture."

"Him and so many others."

Mikey shook his head.


"So, what?" Stormfront shook her head, chuckling. "They are the enemies. They don't deserve our pity."

"How arrogant."

Darth Vader voice silence the battlefield.

"Who's there!?"

Bakugou shouted.

"Show yourself, you villain!"

Glynda Goodwitch shouted.


Vader simply said.

"Look up to your doom."

They did so, just to see a shuttle touching down.


As soon as it landed, the door opened to reveal Darth Vader and Darth Khych.

"Greetings, 'heroes' of Earth." Lord Vader coolly said. "I am Darth Vader. Dark Lord of the Sith."

"And this is my Apprentice, Darth Khych."

"I'd say nice to meet you." Darth Khych calmly spoke. "But it would be a lie concerning most of you."

"The hell your problem!?"

"You want a list?"

Vincent asked.

Yang shouted.

"We don't even know you!!"

"You will."

Khych smirked underneath his mask.

"Good one."

"We'll give you one last warning." He said. "Surrender, and we'll make your death as swift as possible."

"If not, then you will die a painful death."

"Screw you, asshole!" Issei flipped him the middle finger. "I can't die here! I haven't become the harem king yet!"

"Yeah!" Bakugou shouted. "And I still haven't become the #1 hero yet!"

"I must have the boobies!"

Mineta drooled.

Others were shouting as well, saying that they can't die because they haven't accomplished their dreams.

"Not even in your wildest dreams."

Malty deadpanned.

"And if you haven't noticed."

'Velma' spoke up, pushing glasses upward.

"We have you surrounded."

It was...semi true.

While they were talking, the forces of Heaven, Hell, the Grigori, Huntsman, heroes, and many others had them boxed in.

"You are surrounded!" General Ironwood shouted. "Surrender or feel the might of the Atlas Kingdom technology!"

"You mean that pitiful tech that I easily hacked?"

Arthur Watts cockily said.

"Which was pointless in the end because of Adam betrayal?"

Asuka pointed out, wiping the smug look off his face.



The two were quiet.


"All I am surrounded by is fear..."

Darth Vader ignited his lightsaber.

"And dead men."


Darth Khych ignited his lightsaber.


Before the two jumped and charged at the startled army.





Many people screamed as team CRDL heads rolled to the ground.

"Holy shit!"

"Pathetic." Darth Khych cold dark voice sent chills down their spines. "They never were going to amount to anything anyways."

"That's cold."

Winter shivered.

"Colder than Weiss." Whitley shuddered. "That's for sure."



Scarlet yelled as he charged at him.

"Scarlet no!"

His team shouted as Scarlet used his semblance to fly into the air.

"What an idiot."

Hermione shook her head.



Scarlet shooting at him with Hook and Darling.


Darth Khych boredly blocked it with his lightsaber.

"Saw that coming."

Lucia and Leia deadpanned.


He said.

"You can't do any better?"

"No." Ben (FL) drawled. "He can't."

"Jeez." RODK Scarlet deadpanned. "Do I want to know what my counterpart did to you back in your world?"

"Probably not."

Ben (FL) shook his head.

"With us, he can!"


Roman deadpanned.

"Truly, it is."

Kurogiri nodded in agreement.

Ruby yelled as she used her semblance to get close to him.


Slightly startled by how fast she has become, he did not have time to block her attack.

"Take this!"

She shouted as she swung Crescent Rose at him.


"You lucked out."

The gunscythe managed to knock his helmet.



Before she was violently thrown into a wall by the Force.

"That's gotta hurt."


Yang yelled as she and the team rushed to her.

"Are you okay?"

Weiss asked.

"I'm fine." She groaned. "But what abo...ut...hu-HUH?!"

Her eyes opened wide as she saw Darth Khych without his helmet on.


Ruby voice of shock and terror filled the air as it somehow carried throughout the battlefield. Causing many people to stop.

"What did she say?"

"No way." "It's really him!" "Why's he back?"

"How sloppy of me."

(M/N) scoffed.

"To think that you of all people could get one over me is such a disgrace to my training."

"...He did that on purpose, didn't he?"

Omni deadpanned.

"Yep." "No doubt about it." "Without a doubt."

His family nodded in agreement.

He intentionally let her knock his helmet off.

"How embarrassing."

He continued.


Naruko shouted out in shock.

Was it really him!?

"My, my." Kushina looked amused. "Seems like my daughter has a crush on him as well."

"How surprising."

Minato deadpanned.

It really wasn't all that surprising.


"For goodness sakes!" Bino shouted as he smacked VI Issei with a baseball bat. "Shut the fuck up, fool!"

'Naruko, stay on your guard!'

Kurama warned his host.

"What do you mean, Kyubi?"

Naruko asked.

'This isn't the (M/N) we know!' Kurama shouted. 'He's different. More powerful, more dangerous! And this power, this power is nothing that I've ever dealt with!'

"How is this possible!?"

Yang interrupted the mental conversation between Naruko and the Fox.

"You should be dead!!" She shouted. "You should have died from the grief of being a horrible son!!"


Ben (FL) twitched.

'So this is what Yang could have been like if she became a bully.'

He thought to himself.

"And furthermore! How dare you come ba-GACK!!"

Yang sentence cut out as she started choking and grabbing at her throat.


Some of the more vindictive members of the audience hissed in happiness.

While others were pissed.


Ruby and the others yelled in shock and worry.

"I find your lack of intelligence...disturbing."

(M/N) coldly used the Force to strangle her.

"No surprise, I suppose." He added. "You did trade brains for boobs."

"That's for sure."

Joshua deadpanned.


"...Which aren't even that great."



"Oh, no he didn't!"

Millie sassily said.

"OH, yes he did!"

Blitzo cackled like the mad imp he is.

"This is a record, we're in agreement TWICE."

Stella smirked.

"You son of a bitch!!"

Kiba Yuuto shouted as he activated his Sacred Gear and charged at him with Sword of Betrayer in his hands.



RODK Kiba facepalmed himself at his counterpart idiocy.

He swung his sword at an unfazed (M/N).

...Who boredly clenched his fist again.

"ACK!!!" Kiba screamed as he found himself floating in the air.


The ORC shouted in worry.


(M/N) coldly said as he sent the devil flying into a building.


The building collapsing on itself as a result of the impact.



Several people screamed as they charged at him.


They roared.

"...So, sad."

(M/N) sighed.

"So, SAD!!?!?!?!"

VI Issei shrieked.

"That bastard should be groveling in fear and begging for mercy!!"

"YEAH!" "That's right!" "How dare he disrespect his superiors!!"



"Shut. Up."

Palpatine coldly said.

He wanted to see how this want.

While this was happening.



Came the scream of Neito Monoma,


Who was stupid to ignore his teachers orders to stay out of the fight and tried to copy his ability.

Keyword: Try.

"Of course."

Class 1-B deadpanned.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

Union Monoma shouted.

"You know quite well what that means."

Luke deadpanned.

"Why you-!"


"Shut up."

Tonks hit the brat on the head.


He ended up having his arms sliced off.


Monoma cried as he stared at his now stubbed arms in horror.

"Pathetic." Darth Vader coldly said. "To think that there could be such a stupid individual reckless enough to try to fight an enemy head on with no plan. How you survived, is a miracle."


Many said.

With that said, he raised his hand.


And proceeded to Force Choke him.



Neito Monoma body hit the ground as life faded from his eyes.


A villain shouted as Union Monoma looked in horror at his counterpart death.

"Saw that coming."

RODK Monoma shook his head.

Was he the only sane version here?


Vlad King shouted at the death of one of his students.

"You monster!!"

"Tell me something, I don't know."

Anakin deadpanned.


"Rhetorical question, Padme."

"I know."

"Monster?" Darth Vader repeated. "I have been called that countless times, and yet there is irony in that statement coming from this school."

"Shut your mouth, you bastard!!"

Glynda screamed as she activated her Semblance and trapped him.

"As if that's going to do anything."

W shook her head at the woman foolishness.

"You shut your mouth!"

VI Glynda threatened her.

"Make me."

W challenged her.


Darth Vader effortlessly broke the entrapment and smirked behind his helmet at the shocked look on her face.

"How pathetic."

Ohma Zi-O shook his head.

"Very sad."

"Did you actually think that cheap, pale imitation of the Force could hold me down?"

He mockingly asked.

"She's fucked."

"THIS is how you trap someone."

With that said, Glynda soon found herself trapped and unable to move as she frantically tried to grasp for air.

"That is enough!"

All Might shouted as he lunged forward.

"United States of Smash!!"

He roared as he flew right at him.

"Annnnnnnnnnnnd, he just left himself wide open."

Chiro shook his head.

"So, sad."

Skeleton King just mockingly said, shaking his head.

"You will pay for corrupting young (M/N)!!"

"More like unlocking his true potential!"

Skeletor cackled.

He yelled as he got close to him.

(They heard the conversation between (M/N) and the students)

"...Corrupting him?"

Darth Vader asked as suddenly...


All Might found himself stuck in a chokehold.

"All I did was help him find the power he always had." Darth Vader coolly said. "I've never corrupted him, as you accused me of doing."

"He was weak, destroyed, broken because of YOUR PRECIOUS HERO SOCIETY!!!"

"That's for sure."

Ignika gave VI Union a cold look.

"Going about, strutting your feathers, preaching about the greatness of hero society. But when things don't go your way, you blame that same society."

"Fuck off, you cuck!"

VI Issei screamed.

"You'll be singing a different tune when your wives are my-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

VI Issei screamed in agony as Ignika brutally tortured him.

"A weakling like you couldn't even beat a watermelon."

Ignika coldly said.

Here Darth Vader roared in anger!

Sith were not supposed to feel love, but in the short time that (M/N) was with them. He somehow managed to worm his way into their dark, power-hungry, hate fueled, hearts.

They saw him as a son (Darth Vader because he doesn't know his kids survived) and grandson (Palpatine. Because let's face it. They made Rey somewhat of a Mary Sue with how easily she was able to do certain things despite being a novice at the time).

Which is why, things were a little bit...personal for them in dealing with Earth.

"That's a lie!"

All Might shouted in denial!

"...You really are naïve like (M/N) said you are."

Darth Vader shook his head.

"Doesn't matter."

He threw All Might to the side.


"You are not my target, even though you were useless in helping, you tried to be a good teacher."

Darth Vader coolly said.

"Which is why he asked to spare you if possible." He continued. "But if you insist on continuing to fight me, I won't hold back."

"...I'm scared now of a compassionate Darth Vader."

Kiana sweatdropped.


Several others agreed.

"There's no way you can beat us all!"

An angel arrogantly said.

"Yeah!" A devil shouted. "Look around you!"

The camera pans to show Darth Vader surrounded by denizens of Heaven, the Grigori, and Hell.

"There's no way you can defeat us!"

A fallen angel gloated.

"Hmmm." Darth Vader paused. "This seems fair...for me."



The angel/devil/fallen angel that had spoken were suddenly pulled towards him.



Before Vader killed them.


Screams could be heard as apparently; they were all called Kenny.

"Oh, my god they killed Kenny(s)!!"

Alice shouted.

"You bastards!"

Rachel yelled.

"Come, Supernatural!" Darth Vader voice boomed. "Let us see, who will rule. And who will serve!"

"Nice battle quote."

Shredder complimented.

"Thank you."

With that said, the two sides charged at each other.

-Back with our protagonist-



Sun screamed as he hit the wall.



Before coughing as (M/N) lightsaber pierced his heart.

"Who's the weakling now, bitch?"

(M/N) cruelly mocked him.

Before slicing his side open to remove his weapon, as Sun stopped moving. Dead.


Blake yelled in terror.

"You bastard!!"

She cried as she lunged at him!


Her team yelled as (M/N) silently raised his hands.


And zapped her with Force Lightning.


Blake screamed in pain as she fell to the ground, twitching.

"Damn you!"

Issei screamed.

"How dare you do that to a future member of my harem!!"

"To even have a member, you need to have a harem."

RODK Xenovia deadpanned.

"I do!"

VI Issei screamed in anger.

"How many times do you need to be told?" She sighed. "The whores and your hand do not count."


Issei charged at him.


Only to hit an invisible wall, causing him to fly back.



(M/N) sighed.


Only to turn his head to see Naruko flying at him with a Rasenshuriken in her hand.

"Take this!!"



"HEY!!" VI Issei complained. "Why she the one that scares him the most!?"

"Because she's one of the few that could hurt him."

Akagi deadpanned.

"Unlike you, tiny."



A massive explosion filled the air from the collision of two powers.

"Did she...do it?"

Seryu asked.

She was torn between wanting to fight and staying out of it because of who their opponent was.

"It's too soon to make a clear judgement."

Esdeath observed.

She too did not know whether or not to fight.

Because...could they fight against someone they have deeply fallen for?


VI Mineta shouted.

"He's not the one that deserves you!!" He screamed. "I am!!"



"Zip it, midget guy!!"

Monty stomped on the piece of grape repeatedly.

...Or should they fight on his side?


VI Union screamed in anger and disbelief!

While others were not shock that they would rather fight with the love of their life, than against him.

Plus. Union was corrupt, why should they stay in another corrupt organization? They made that mistake once, blindly following the Empire. They're not making the same mistake again.

'Did...did it work?'

Naruko thought to herself.

'Stay on your guard, Naruko.'

Kurama warned her.

"Not bad."




Grabbing her, he pushed her against the wall.


Naruko moaned as her body hit the concrete building her in pain.

"That feisty, reckless attitude is one of the reasons I fell in love with you."


"Didn't see that coming!"

Echo shouted out in surprise.

"Which...surprisingly we should have."

She said.

"Wouldn't be a (M/N) if he wasn't that bold in fighting against his enemies."

Tempest snickered.



Naruko blushed.

It was a good thing there was a massive dust cloud surrounding them as they talked.

Lifting her chin with his hand, her blue eyes stared deeply into his (E/C) eyes.

"Wait..." Ezra blinked. "They're not yellow?"

The Jedi blinked as they realized that his eyes were not the standard yellow that identified a Sith.

"They're normal?"

That was a surprise.

"My, my." He smirked. "Shouting my name already? When we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet?"



She said.

(M/N) smirked.

"It's no fun being alone." He said. "I've always wanted to be with someone, but thanks to those assholes I didn't dare because I knew they would harass them or do something worse."

Here he frowned.

"And considering the hand they had in killing my parents, I no longer doubt them capable of murder."


"They did what!?"

She (and Esdeath and Seryu because they had a radio on them. Don't ask why) shouted at that.

Quickly explaining to her the truth behind his parents death, Naruko was furious.

"Those bastards!"

She shouted.

"My thoughts exactly."

(M/N) nodded.

"So, what do you say?" He asked. "Do you accept being mine?"

Naruko blushed at the thought of (M/N) pounding her into the bedsheets and carrying his child. She knew, she just knew that he was caging her like this to show off his muscular frame.

And she was liking it.



"Ah, shut up!"

"On one condition." Naruko smiled mischievously.

"Ohh?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "And that would be?"

"I'm not the only that likes you, you know?" Naruko said. "If you're willing to accept certain multiple lovers then I don't mind."

"You mean like Esdeath and Seryu?"

(M/N) asked.

"But of course."

Naruko smiled.

"Sure." (M/N) smirked. "The more, the merrier!"


VI Union perverts/bullies screamed.

"Because you just fail at life."

Master Eraqus made a quick cameo just to say that.


Esdeath and Seryu smiled.

They made their decision.

"RIAS!!" "SONA!!"

Their smiles quickly dropped as the siscons of the Underworld made their appearance.

"We are here!"

They shouted.

"Great!" Rias said. "Now, (M/N) stands no chance!"


RODK/Union Sirzechs deadpanned.

"Major doubt."

Geiz groaned.

"The biggest of them."

Tsukuyomi agreed.


Woz enthusiastically agreed.



They shouted as the dust cloud suddenly settled to reveal (M/N) and Naruko glaring at them.

"Well, well, well." (M/N) glared. "Look at what the devil cat dragged in."


"You're here?!"

They shouted.

"Yes." (M/N) glared at them with hatred. "And I'm going to make you suffer like you've never suffer before."

"You!" Serafall glared. "This is why your parents killed themselves! They knew you were nothing more than a villain!"

"Says the one who helped killed them!"

Christina angrily shouted at the screen.


Those that were not in the know shouted out in shock and horror.

(M/N) parents killed themselves!?

"Funny, you should mention that." (M/N) smile was cold and full of hate. "When you're the ones who hypnotized them into killing themselves!"

"YEEEESS!!" Evo evilly said. "Let the whole world know the truth! Let them suffer!"


*Thunder crashes in the background*


"They did what!?"

Many people shouted in horror.

The Devil Kings killed two innocent people!?

"Well..." Serafall sweatdropped. "Considering how we are in public, I can't blame them for being shock at the truth about what we have done in the past."

Said Devils faces were pale as the blood ran away from their faces.

"Stop stealing my thing." Orochimaru growled. "Maybe I should have that trademarked."

"How did you!?"

"From me, of course."

Katerea appeared from out of nowhere with a couple of packages in hand.


Serafall shouted in shock at the former Leviathan appearance.

"Hello, faker." Katerea sneered. "I see you still continue to dress up like a jailbait child."


"Hey!" Serafall shouted. "I do not dress up like jail bait!!"


No one had the guts to say anything about that.

"Oh, fuck you guys!!"

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Supposed to be, being the key sentence here."

Atago giggled.

Serafall shouted.

"I should be." Katerea admitted. "But Azazel was so pathetic that he didn't even bothered to see if he needed to finish the job and I managed to escape. (M/N) found me and healed me back to life, leaving me in debt with him. I cleared it when (M/N) parents died, and their friends did not believe that they would commit suicide."

"It would have to be a very strong change for that to be true."

"So, I checked them for signs of manipulation. And what did I find??"

Here, her expression turned even more hateful.

"I find both of your magics on them!!!" She roared. "For devils who preached about having changed you sure don't act the part!!"

"I hate two faced bastards like those."

Silverash grumbled.

"Always trying to act smart and savvy."



Kaminari Denki, Mina Ashido, Izuku and several others shouted at the devils and the bullies.

"Well, at least we aren't idiots over there."

Kaminari just sighed.

"How could you do such a thing!"

"He needed to be taught respect!"

Xenovia shouted.

"And why we are his superiors!"

"Uh-huh." Roxy and Loona sarcastically said. "And how that going for you?"


The bullies shouted in agreement.


Skadi shook her head.

"Hmph!" (M/N) scoffed. "You know the saying: 'An eye for an eye?'"


"What did he do?"

Flash asked in curiosity.

Knowing that phrase quite well.



Weiss said.

"What about it?"

"Let's just say, I've paid a visit to several locations in the underworld."


"He didn't!?"

Katerea smirked as she tossed...a head to the ground.



Sirzechs shouted in shock as he stared at his wife's severed head.


Percy shouted out in shock.

That was unexpected!!"

"What did you expect?"

Bucky Barnes looked at him.

"Did you expect (M/N) to NTR Sirzechs by stealing and breaking his wife? Our (M/N) isn't like that. He finds such things to be disgusting and immoral."


Many were quiet at that.

"Plus, if he did that he would be no better than them."

Good point.

"We'll be keeping this one."

(M/N) pointed to the unconscious Millicas in Katerea arm.


"Well...at least I know my son will be safe."

RODK Sirzechs sighed a breath of relief.

"How can you say that?!" VI Sirzechs shouted. "He's in the hands of a monster! How's he going to be safe!?"

"Because (M/N) is not that cruel to kill a child."

RODK Overhaul answered.

"Sure, if the child a brat he won't hesitate to discipline them." He stated. "But he abhors killing children."

"And he's never been the type to hate someone just because of their parents."

Yumi (SK) added.


"Let my son go!!"

Sirzechs demanded!

"Why should I?" (M/N) scoffed. "I'd be a far better father than you, teaching him to actually be kind to those weaker than him."


Mr. Freeze winced.

"That's colder than my ice."

"And definitely not turn out like you."


Joker laughed.

"That burns even hotter than Zuko father!!"



Ben(FL) looked confused.

As did the Todoroki siblings.

They thought they were going to hear a reference about Shota burn.

"Why you!"

"Let me go!"

The woman that was in Katerea other arm shouted.

"How dare you do this to me!" She shouted. "Let me go you racist prejudice bitch!"

"Why do I feel the desire to kill this bitch?"

Talia Al Ghul asked.

"I'm finding myself wondering the same thing, daughter."

Ra's Al Ghul wondered.

"Augh, fine!" Katerea deadpanned. "Don't want to deal with you anyways."

With that said, she threw the bitch to the ground. Revealing...Mindy Kailing?


Obviously, from that reaction, they didn't like her.

"Do you know who I am!?"

She shouted at them.

"Dead meat."

"A dead bitch."

(M/N) coldly said.

"Excuse me!?"

She shouted.

"Time for you to pay for your crimes."

"What crimes?!"


Lappy chuckled maliciously.

"You know quite well of your sins, woman."

Their bloodthirsty looks were scaring everyone.

"Of disrespecting and defiling Scooby Doo with your bigoted prejudice and hatred!"

"It is the true representation of Velma and Scooby Doo!!"

She shouted her last words as (M/N) used the Force to manipulate her surroundings.


She screamed as she was violently torn apart in a mini Force Storm. Killing her.


Vincent shouted.


"Yet, well deserved."

Alfred and Mr. Popo said in unison.

(No, I do not wish her dead. I don't like her, but this was needed for the next part)


'Velma' screamed.


What will happen to her show!?!?

"Hopefully, will burn down and never come back."

William deadpanned.

"Unlike me, who will always come back."

"You're sadly a better alternative than THAT."

Fritz (one of the Missing Children) spoke up at that.


Norville looked in disbelief.

"She's dead...haha." He started laughing. "HAHAHAHA!!"


"Why is he laughing?!"

Evo shouted out in confusion!

This was unexpected even for him!

"She's dead! I'm free!"



"I obey no one this universe now!"

Shredder got Stockman vibes from that.


With that said, he violently punched 'Velma' in the face.


"Norville!!" She screamed in pain and agony. "Why!?"

"Because he can."

Gregory whispers menacingly.

"Why!?" Norville shouted. "Did Scream 2 had a plot!?"


That was random.


'Velma' shouted.

"Oh, please." Raven Go rolled her eyes. "It was just bad casting is all."

She said as she flexed her leg for the horn dog, Beast Boy Go.

"Someone, please kill me."

Raven (TT) stared in horror and embarrassment at her counterpart actions.

And why was BB Go going crazy for her legs?! The Titans and others have seen her legs!

Nothing different about them when compared to other people legs!


Lightning crashed as Norville went Ultra Instinct!


"Okay, how the fuck can he go Ultra Instinct!?"

Will shouted.

"Patience." Jafar spoke up as he looked at an hourglass with sand falling. "The answer will come up shortly."


"Since when can you do that!?"

Starfire Go shouted.

"FOOLS!!" Norville shouted as thunder crashed. "I am Norville from another universe, where me and my friends are the new generation of Mystery Inc. Solvers. Trained in the ways by our great mentors, the Original Mystery Inc.!"



Was the appropriate reaction to that response.

"He's from another universe!?"

"His mentor is Shaggy himself!?"

"Holy shit!"

"That's a better plot than that 'show'!"



They shouted.

"Yes!" Norville smirked. "I was trained in the ways of omnipotent by the Great Shaggy. But alas, I was tricked by that woman one day when she somehow got into my universe! She used a contract that sealed off my powers and made me weak and a bitch!"

"Is that her power?"

RODK Ruby blinked.

"To be able to control someone with a contract for as long as she lives?"

"If my mentor and the others saw this atrocity, they would be at a loss for words."

"Like, man!" A new voice spoke out. "I'm already at a loss for words!"




It can't be!

They turned their heads to see!

Ultra Instinct Shaggy.

"And man, am I unhappy." Shaggy smiled. "No one does that to my student and most importantly, no one disrespect my friends and myself and gets away with it!"

"So, 'VEEEEEEEEEEELMA'" He smiled. "Prepare to taste reality!"

With that said, Mentor and Student proceeded to beat 'Velma' into oblivion.

('Velma' faces before and during her beatdown)

"Suffer you fake bitch!" Pepper Potts, out of all people, laughed at the screen. "Suffer like you've never suffered before!"


Tony just stared at his wife in shock.

She really hated it more than she admitted!


"Now, then." (M/N) turned to them. "Perhaps, we should finish this."

"You're outnumbered, loser!!"

Bakugou screamed.

"How are you going to win!?!"

"Will of the Force, he will win."

Yoda answered.

"True evil, he is not." He continued. "Monster he is not. Protect those from monsters, he does."


(M/N) pointed.

"Looks like a majority of you have lost the will to fight."

It was true. After hearing what they did to (M/N) parents, many were disgusted at them and horrified at what they had done.

"And thus, they lost their support."

Omni (B/N) crossed his arms in amusement.

"They deserve it."

Omni (S/N) scoffed at the screen.

"You can leave." (M/N) said. "I'm not that far gone into my hate to kill those actually innocent in all this."

Many left.


Homelander, Stormfront, and Princess Luna shouted as they landed.

"You will be punished after we put this villain to justice!!"


Nick Fury deadpanned.

"Major doubt."

Mace Windu agreed.

Angering Homelander and Stormfront.

"How dare you, you n-GAH!!"

Stormfront began choking on air as Mace Windu held her in a stranglehold.

"Go ahead." He encouraged her. "Finish what you were saying, my combat style is usually in between the lines of the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. So, no one will come to your aid for this little dabble into the Dark."

She choked as Homelander was busy sizzling on the ground after Captain Marvel blasted him.


(M/N) coldly said.

"The ones who will be punished, are you."

"Silence, villain!"

Stormfront ordered.

"You will soon learn your place!!"

"We should have never let you in!!"

Makima yelled.

"And I care why?"

Ignika deadpanned.

"Excuse you!?"

VI Makima shouted.

"You're not even the least bit threatening."

Ignika deadpanned.

"I don't kneel tow to weaklings."

"And you should have gotten fucked up by Zein."


Vanguardians and others laughed at that.

The woman left fuming in anger at that.

'Who's Zein?'

Some thought to themselves wondering who Zein is.

Esdeath coldly said.

"Excuse me!?"

She screamed as Esdeath and Seryu joined (M/N), Naruko, and Katerea side.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Issei screamed as his future harem was leaving him. "Come back here and obey your harem king!!"

"Oh, shut up!"



Issei screamed as a sharp piece of ice impaled him.



His harem screamed.

"Our hearts belong to (M/N)."

Seryu scoffed at them.

"He accepted us for who we are." Esdeath continued off Seryu sentence. "He never forced us to change just because we realized the errors of our ways. He helped us adapt and accepted everything about us, from our ruthless hearts and twisted personalities."

"And that was all he needed to help them come to terms with how they were in the past."

Amagi stated.

"He doesn't need a fancy power to steal our hearts." Katerea smirked, implying that she too had fallen for him. "His kind heart and warm personality is enough to make even the coldest heart of ice melt."

"Then what about Weiss?"

"What about her?"

Ben asked.


Ruby asked.


Said girl did not want (M/N) attention on her.

Neptune growled at that.

"Oh, shut up you wuss."

Ben (FL) scoffed.

"Excuse me!?"

VI Neptune screamed.

"You are afraid of water, when ironically your name is a freaking God of the Sea!"

"She has a heart of spite, not ice."

"She lives on more spite than my mother did."

Sirius Black grumbled to himself.

Esdeath scoffed.


Weiss shouted.


"Naruko." (M/N) spoke. "Take Millicas somewhere safe and away from this battle. It's not going to be pretty."


Naruko grabbed Millicas from Katerea and leapt away.

"It's amazing at how easily he can win a woman heart."

Aphrodite smirked.

"Something you sad lumps of waste can't ever hope to compete."

She chuckled evilly at VI Union.




Sirzechs shouted in fear as he tried to give chase.

Keyword: TRY.

But (M/N) has learned many things about the Dark Side of the Force. One of them being able to channel his rage and increase his power.

And another?



Was to unleash an ability he liked to call Force swing, where he stored Force energy into his blade and then released it into a mighty swing.

Many were thrown into buildings as some were killed from impact.

"Such power."

Salem and Raven Branwen stared in awe and horror.

"The power of the Force is beyond anything you can ever hope to imagine."

Darth Vader aka Anakin Skywalker (Remember, he can switch personas when needed) stated.

"Not even your superweapons can ever come close to matching the Force. They are insignificant next to the power of the Force."


Issei shouted as Asia was bisected in the middle.

"Bye-bye, retarded simp!"

Shifter Sans cackled at the death of yet another dumbass.


He cried as he charged at him.

As did several others who charged in all directions.

"They are such idiots."


Issei screamed as he launched his attack along with the others.

"They really are idiots."

(M/N) shook his head as he extended his hands gathering power through the Dark Side.

Just as they got close.


A powerful blast of Force Energy blasted them.


What was that?!

"That was a Force Blast."



The 'heroes' screamed in pain as they were sent flying.

"Is that all you got?"

(M/N) asked.

"Get up!"

He ordered as he forced them up.

"Time for you to finally pay for your sins."

With that the screen turned dark.

"Aw, come on!!"

Velvet (HH) complained.

"I wanted to see more!"

"Sorry." Zero shrugged. "We're out of time."

"What happened afterwards?"

Batman asked.

"Obviously, (M/N) and his group won." Zero said. "The so-called heroes suffered a punishment worse than death as did the bullies that survived. They lost their prestige as (M/N) and Darth Vader effortlessly conquered that world."

"Darth Vader would soon leave that world to (M/N) and his trusted men to rule under the Galactic Empire name."

Ei continued.

"Despite now being the unquestioned Ruler." Theresa spoke up. "He ruled fairly and justly, making him a very beloved figure."

"And his children from his wives, yes wives." Amagi smirked at the look of pain on SC Issei and others. "Would soon take over in ruling his empire, Earth I mean, while he could finally live his life in peace."

"Fucking bullshit!"

Homelander screamed.

"How can we lose to such a pathetic weakling!?"

"The power of the Force is not something that non-Force Sensitives can understand."

Palpatine cackled.

"Fuck you, you wrinkly decrepit old man!!"

Homelander angrily screamed.




Stormfront and several others shouted.



They screamed in pain!

"Shut up."

Zero coldly said.

"You have no power here, your reputation is worthless in our eyes, you are not even worth a moment breath to worry about."

"You are nothing than a bunch of children that need to learn about how your actions have consequences."



"Do shut up."

Chiyo growled.

Annoyed that their off tone screeching attempt at singing was distracting her from enjoying playing with Noctis face.

...Not to mention that hers and others enhanced hearing were suffering from them.

"Heh." Bino smirked. "Well, as fun as this has been...time for training Will!"


"Again with this?" Zero sighed. "And HOW, may I ask are you going to convince to say yes while your still here?"

"Simple." Bino smirked. "The best way how."

Grabbing something from his pockets, he held them out.

"If you let me train them." He said as he gave Echo and Ei some coupons for free stuff at the Omniversal Mall and for other things like karaoke. "You can get an unlimited supply of these babies."

While Echo seemed to be in thought (much to Will horror). Ei on the other hand.


"Really -_-?" Ei gave Bino an unimpressed look. "That was really your best attempt at bribery? Lame."

Zero other wives were unimpressed as well.

"...Strange." Bino blinked. "That usually works."

"And so does this!"

Zero shouted as he pulled a lever.


Revealing a portal underneath where he was standing.

"Huh." Bino just stood in midair as he looked down. "I knew it was coming and yet I still let it happened."




He shouted as he fell into the portal, screaming...

"I'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk...WITH INTEREST!"


Zero shut the door as the screen goes black.

Omake: Behind the scenes for this chapter.

"I'm Zero!"

Zero shouted.

"I'm Bino!"

Bino cheered.

"And we're here to explain a bit in depth about this chapter!"

The two shouted.

"Now, you might be wondering why I'm here in this chapter." Bino said. "Simply, because my real life self commented in the previous chapter and Zero real life self just had to add something to it in this chap."

"The lore about the Core Universe is real in my real life self books." Zero explained. "It's also one of the reasons why only the Outer Gods were aware and not even the Unity Kings besides Tempest due to...interesting circumstances was aware."

"Why did we not know anyways?"

Bino asked.

"Because as explained in an earlier chapter." Zero started. "Core Universes are incredibly powerful and dangerous. If someone can survive being immersed in the energy storms, they gain unimaginable power. And what's even worse is that they can always go back and become stronger if they chose to."

"Even to match beings like me?"

Bino asked.

"Oh, yeeeah." Zero nodded. "There's a reason why I never revealed myself to you, Comix, or the others. If the Regime and other criminal organizations were to learn of the existence of Core Universes, they would stop at nothing to obtain the power sleeping inside them. Even though I mentioned the barriers that can block even you, Bino, there are other ways to bypass them as in the beginning of the author GI react book when an agent of the Regime somehow got in."

Bino: "What happened to him, anyways?"

"Nothing much." Zero shrugged. "He tried to take Nahida hostage and didn't even realize that Nahida implanted a seed into his leg. The seed grew quickly and twisted him into a grotesque piece of art as his life force was drained and he became plant food."

"...Wow." Bino blinked. "You must be very proud of her."

"I am." Zero nodded. "I'm proud of all my kids, even if they are destructive little gremlins."

"I know the feeling." Bino chuckled. "But was that really the only reason I was brought here for this chapter?"

"...Heh." Zero chuckled. "The main reason is because the author was having so much trouble trying to get this freaking chapter going that he needed a starting point. He's still not happy with he's ending this, but he's tired and can't think of anything else at the moment."

Bino: "Is that why he's no longer doing requests like he used to in the original version of this book?"

"Yep!" Zero popped his mouth. "It became too time consuming and he can't think of anything for them. He can barely think of anything for his own oneshots much less requests."

"And he's tired of being bothered about it when he's trying to focus on his other books. He wants to focus on them before he loses motivation. Can't tell you how many times he was so close to updating his Godzilla books only for the requests to get in his way."

"So..." Bino chuckled. "Author lazy and dead, decides to use a cheap method of doing a chapter by bringing in people for the hell of it."

Zero: "Yep!"


Me: "Stop calling me out!! (►__◄)"

I shouted angrily at the two!

Zero and Bino: "ƩO_O"

The End!


Have a good day/night!

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